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A: Xcode 6 iOS 8 UIImage imageNamed from bundle issue

Deepak On iOS 4 and later, if the file is in PNG format, it is not necessary to specify the .PNG filename extension. Prior to iOS 4, you must specify the filename extension. So the answer is you have to specify the filename extension for all JPEG. If this not solve your problem, Try this Inst...

I have edited my code to get same name image from 3 different folder.
deepak i try with your code but its not work for me
sumit, what is the tree structure of your folders?
hello can you sure that you get image by [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/iphone4/%@", [[NSBundle mainBundle] resourcePath], @"1.png"];
sumit, i am sure.
its simple the make the string plz check that you get image on that path or not check i uplopad some image first image my tree structure and second image show file inside the ipa.when there was only one image how can you get three image..plz explain
i told you that you need to drag that folder that have same name images in different folder.
if you need, i can share my sample project with you..
I saw your image.... it seems wrong because when you drag your folder into your project you did not select "Create folder references".
have a look on this image.
let me know if you still have any issue?
if this help... i will pleased if you upvote my question.
2 hours later…
Before iOS8,I use the PrivateFrameworks SpringBoardServices monitoring the App running in foreground
but its not working any ios8
any one please help me to work it out

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