« first day (284 days earlier)   

Q: storing Geopoints into Parse.com

EggzI am trying to store my location into the parse.com database, but i have having an issue doing so. First of all, I can't store anything into the database I believe it is returning null or something so. Not quite sure whats the behavior. Can someone guide me in the right direction? double...

2 hours later…
Q: Retrieve all data from the current User in Parse - iOS

Pet Shop BoysI'm trying to retrieve data from the current User's row and display it in their profile. (Data such as firstName, lastName, email, postalCode etc - Which are all in separate columns). I can retrieve all the data by using: PFUser *currentUser = [PFUser currentUser]; if (currentUser != nil) {...

Q: Is there any way to custom Parse pushtype?

howerkneaI am using Parse for push.But I wanna custom the pushtype.Because I do not want to use gcm as the push type.But i find in the parse doc that,the pushtype is only readable.So,Is there any way that i can forbid the gcm pushtype?

Q: error when import json file in parse.com

user3608926I have a json file and I want import it into parse.com but when it import successful I can not open file Image. then I export, image url in json file export changed. thanks for help. import file: { "HasChildrent": false, "HasIcon": true, "Image": { ...

Q: Parse social signup error on android

Mohamed Sherif Noureldinokay i am working on user registration using Parse social i am creating a user with what the user has inputted but the problem that it says to me that save failed public void createuser(View view) { EditText email_field = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.email); EditText pass_field = (Edi...

1 hour later…
Q: Creating a new user in database

EggzI am having an issue creating a new user with parse.com.. My code seems correct but for some reason whenever i enter a new user, it does not register.. Can someone help me with this issue? final EditText newuser = (EditText) this.findViewById(R.id.newuser); final EditText newuserpassword...

1 hour later…
Q: PHP code wont post to parse.com on google app engine

Trolley_TheifMy php file posts fine when I run the file in terminal. However, when I upload the file to Google App Engine, it does not post anything. When I run the file on my localhost as a server I get the following error: Fatal error: Call to undefined function Parse\curl_init() in /Users/WhiteHeave...

Q: Parse Relation [Error]: can't add a non-pointer to a relation (Code: 111, Version: 1.7.5)

Joshua HartI have a jobs app that enables users to view jobs. Jobs is a class in my Parse backend. I want to create a Favorites tab where user can mark certain jobs. I've created a Relations Column in my User Class referring it to my Jobs class. However, I have ran into this when the user taps to make t...

Q: Displaying Annotations on MKMapKit by taking data from Parse

Trip PhillipsSo I am trying create annotations using the users current location. Before I connected my App to Parse I could save the info to the NSUserDefaults and it worked perfectly. Now that I'm using Parse I'm having trouble figuring out how to call the coordinates I saved in Parse in one view controller ...

2 hours later…
Q: Storing images from [UIImage] array to Parse

Josh O'ConnorI have an UIImage array, images, which is declared as var images = [UIImage]() I currently have pictures stored in there, and when I output it using the println() function, I get [<UIImage: 0x195dc810>, <UIImage: 0x195da3e0>, <UIImage: 0x1950ab50>] I was wondering how I could upload these ...

Q: Why am I receiving PFObjects in my query that I filtered out through use of a whereKey?

B KI don't want PFObjects that my the current user's username as the completed field. So I use a whereKey that should filter those objects out, but I still get them. Why? var requestsQuery = PFQuery(className: "Requests") requestsQuery.whereKey("status", equalTo: "transit") requestsQuery.wh...

Q: State of [PFUser currentUser] not persisted across main application and iOS Today extension

kentohI've enabled local data sharing between my Parse application and iOS Today Extension following the official documentation here, making the necessary initialization calls in both the AppDelegate of my app and the viewDidLoad method of my extension, with the right key chains and app groups. In the...

Q: Parse Facebook Log In not performing callback on iphone 4s

FdoThis is a strange problem. I've debugged this on iphones 4s, 5s, 6 and 6plus and the conclusion I'm getting to is that something goes wrong on the callback for Parse's facebook log in but only in iphone 4s. PFFacebookUtils.logInInBackgroundWithReadPermissions(["public_profile", "email", "user_fr...

Q: edit parse user information when logged in as other user in android

Himanshu Srivastava I am using parse.com in my android application.when i visit other user's profile , i am able to follow that user but when i follow him value in following column of current logged in user's object is updated ,but at the same time the user's value whom i followed is not updated it gives 06...

2 hours later…
Q: XCode 6.3.2 - Can't get location via MapKit

biggreentreeI'm rebuilding an app from Xcode 6.2 to 6.3.2 In my info.plist I set NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription with a string message, and Privacy - Location Usage Description with another string message. I switched on capabilites/maps I switched on capabilites/background modes/location updates Impor...

Q: Impact of Xcode build options "Enable bitcode" Yes/No

luk2302Yesterday I recognized a ton of warnings regarding the parse.com library: URGENT: all bitcode will be dropped because '[path]/Parse.framework/Parse(PFAnalytics.o)' was built without bitcode. You must rebuild it with bitcode enabled (Xcode setting ENABLE_BITCODE), obtain an updated library fr...

Q: Push notification from app using Parse Sdk

Aashish NagarI am sending push notification to a specific user using parse sdk? Problem is , if receiver user's app is running at the time of sending the notification then it is working fine , but if receiver app is not running at the time of sending push notification, it does not receive any push badge or a...

3 hours later…
Q: Parse and swift relational query

RJHI have the following Parse backend for a fantasy football style app: Class: _Users standard columns Class: Leagues objectID leagueName (String) chairman (pointer to _User who created the league) Class: LeagueMembers objectID memberID (pointer to _User) leagueID (pointer to _Leagues objectId) ...

Q: Trouble subscribing PFInstallation to unique channel

winslow dibonaHey all Im having some trouble trying to subscribe users (the PFInstallation associated with the user) to channels using parse. I am trying to subscribe each user to their own unique channel so that custom notifications can be sent to them. I have the following code PFInstallation *currentInst...

Q: Parse Logout 401 unauthorized using REST api

MagusSo, I'm trying to delete a Session object at Parse using the logout method calling the REST api. Here is my code: logout:function(data){ return $http.post('https://api.parse.com/1/logout',{ headers: { 'X-Parse-Application-Id': PARSE_CREDENTIALS....

Q: '!=' is no a prefix unary operator (SWIFT)

user3281659Having and issue with Swift and Parse, Following a tutorial online which has been updated to Swift1.2 but i am getting errors the tutorial is not. And nothing on the forums, or other issues. Have been able to find and fix a few minor issues thanks to here and other students. but this one has me s...

Q: Parse Local Data Store to replace Core Data?

Josue EspinosaI just found out about Parse's Local Data Store and it looks like a SQL database that handles online/offline syncing. I'm writing an application for a client who wants something similar to the contacts app. Contacts can be added/edited offline, or added on a different device, and they all need t...

« first day (284 days earlier)