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12:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

pass it as JSON
then in cloud code, for example:
var userLocation = new Parse.GeoPoint(request.params.userlocation);
in ios, send the lat and lon as parameters to cloud function
@{ @"latitude": lat, @"longitude": lon }
if you want to receive it as "geoPoint"

@{ @"geoPoint": @{ @"latitude": lat, @"longitude": lon } }
geoPoint -> userlocation, whatever you prefer
not sure if you can pass the geopoint object directly, but you can try
@{ @"geoPoint": aGeoPointObject }
I imagine that a geoPoint has a .latitude, .Longitutde property to them
which I could pass into the params argument of the PFCloud function call
@{ @"geoPoint": @{ @"latitude": geopoint.latitude, @"longitude": geopoint.longitude } }
is // also for comenting in JS?
what do you mostly develop with?
Is it possible to overwrite the PFGeoPoint class and have it do custom calculations on distance? As in instead of measuring in miles it will measure difference by feet?
12:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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