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12:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

Hello @Shubhank
How's your Friday?
i dont know much javascript/html/css
so just trying to grasp that.
oh okay
how is your weekend going to be ? :D
prototyping is important for javacript
good i hope!
maybe my app will be approved!
already submitted ?
8 days ago
do you much css ?
not really
i know it, but i'm not very good
okay. no problem
I only used it with a web class i took a few years ago
there are lots of free css downloads
yup.. its totally diff from mobile development.
So i guess i will fail a lot :D
mobile is much more fun
Hi Dehli
did you work with parse before?
I've used it in a few of my apps
When you used objectId, what did the log say?
that good, so any ideas about how can i use relational queries when there is a pointer key
I thought objectId would work
what's the log say when you put that?
Error: invalid field name: quizPlayed.objectId
is the name of the column quizPlayed?
yup double checked now, it is
I've never used the dot notation before
One option that I know would work is creating a column with a string value
of the objectId
and then on save, you could set it to be the string
but that's not clean
i'll keep researching
[quizQuery whereKey:@"string" matchesKey:@"string" inQuery:resultsQuery]; //works
"Dot notation is supported with includeKey only."
as of 2 years ago
[quizQuery whereKey:@"object" matchesKey:@"pointer.objectId" inQuery:resultsQuery]; //doesnt work
not sure if it's been updated
i included quizPlayed key too
hold on
i think i found something
PFQuery *quizQuery = [PFQuery queryWithClassName:@"Quiz"];
PFQuery *resultsQuery = [PFQuery queryWithClassName:@"Results"];
[resultsQuery includeKey:@"quizPlayed"];
[resultsQuery whereKey:@"objectId" matchesQuery:quizQuery];
Let me think about that
let me know what it says :)
PFQuery *quizQuery = [PFQuery queryWithClassName:@"Quiz"];
PFQuery *resultsQuery = [PFQuery queryWithClassName:@"Results"];
[resultsQuery includeKey:@"quizPlayed"];
[resultsQuery whereKey:@"quizPlayed" matchesQuery:quizQuery];
also try that :P
tried first one, its just gives me all quiz objects in quiz table
haha, yeah
i realized that objectId shouldn't be the key
Also hello @AvinashRaj
yeah i tried second one too
same result
@Dehli Hi..
are you trying to find all the quizzes that have results?
i have only one result, so it should give me only one
PFQuery *quizQuery = [PFQuery queryWithClassName:@"Quiz"];
PFQuery *resultsQuery = [PFQuery queryWithClassName:@"Results"];
[resultsQuery includeKey:@"quizPlayed"];
[quizQuery whereKey:@"objectId" matchesQuery:resultsQuery];
i found that same one as well
i think that will work!
(i hope)
Error: bad type for $inQuery (Code: 102, Version: 1.2.18)
it's because we're comparing a string to an object
but i think this is the right approach
yes, string to string works, but string to pointer doesnt
and i don't understand what he tried explain in that link
but he says it can be done
i need to find the parse documentation
thanks :)
[quizQuery whereKey:@"objectId" matchesKey:@"quizPlayed.objectId" inQuery:resultsQuery];
maybe that?
we tried that
PFQuery *quizQuery = [PFQuery queryWithClassName:@"Quiz"];
PFQuery *resultsQuery = [PFQuery queryWithClassName:@"Results"];
[resultsQuery includeKey:@"quizPlayed"];
[quizQuery whereKey:@"objectId" matchesKey:@"quizPlayed.objectId" inQuery:resultsQuery];
like that?
Error: invalid field name: quizPlayed.objectId (Code: 105, Version: 1.2.18)
is there anyway you can look at the results of resultsQuery?
like find the objects of result query
comment out the last row
and then look at what the column names are
i'm not sure what include names those columns as
Returns the relation object associated with the given key
@param key The key that the relation is associated with.
- (PFRelation *)relationForKey:(NSString *)key;
some how i think answer involves this mehtod
PFQuery *resultsQuery = [PFQuery queryWithClassName:@"Results"];
[resultsQuery includeKey:@"quizPlayed"];
//Look at the results
can you run that?
i'll look into relationForKey
but this the solution i already have that solution, download all results and get all quiz ids and then get quiz objects for that quiz ids
but i just want to see the column headers
you're not going to execute that query
that's just for me to know what the columns are called
since quizPlayed.objectId isn't working
these are the column names
(lldb) po [ob allKeys]
<__NSArrayI 0x112f11fd0>(
room topic changed to Parse.com: A room for Parse developers.(parse.com/docs) [parse.com]
oops, didn't mean to save the changes
maybe do this
PFQuery *quizQuery = [PFQuery queryWithClassName:@"Quiz"];
PFQuery *resultsQuery = [PFQuery queryWithClassName:@"Results"];
[resultsQuery includeKey:@"quizPlayed.objectId"];
[quizQuery whereKey:@"objectId" matchesKey:@"quizPlayed.objectId" inQuery:resultsQuery];
room topic changed to Parse.com: A room for Parse developers.parse.com/docs) [parse.com]
room topic changed to Parse.com: A room for Parse developers. parse.com/docs [parse.com]
room topic changed to Parse.com: A room for Parse developers. [parse.com]
I feel like that has to work
me too, but it didn't :(
what did it say?
Error: invalid field name: quizPlayed.objectId
I thought the includeKey would make it so it's part of the query
would you execute resultsQuery again
PFQuery *quizQuery = [PFQuery queryWithClassName:@"Quiz"];
PFQuery *resultsQuery = [PFQuery queryWithClassName:@"Results"];
[resultsQuery includeKey:@"quizPlayed"];
[resultsQuery includeKey:@"quizPlayed.objectId"];
[quizQuery whereKey:@"objectId" matchesKey:@"quizPlayed.objectId" inQuery:resultsQuery];
Maybe you have to include the actual object, and then you can include it's member
Have you guys tried - (void)whereKey:(NSString *)key matchesQuery:(PFQuery *)query
i think
without "matchesKey"
[quizQuery whereKey:@"quizPlayed" matchesQuery:resultsQuery];
yeah (if you scroll up a bit you'll see it)
I think that's the one you want to use. "Add a constraint that requires that a key’s value matches a PFQuery constraint. This only works where the key’s values are PFObjects or arrays of PFObjects."
Yes I see it, but you use "objectId" as the key parameter
it should be "quizPlayed"
yeah, i realized my mistake right afterwards
and underneath it is that
or is that something different from what you're saying
hmm, no i think you tried it on resultsQuery, not quizQuery
hope you're right!
From what I understood, you want to get a set of "Quiz" objects, where the key "quizPlayed" is constrained by the resultsQuery
that's correct
Ok so the query object on which to call whereKey:matchesQuery: is the quizQuery
That makes sense
ok let me try
but what exactly should the constraints on the resultsQuery be?
all the results i think
Wait. I think I misunderstood the original question.
@user431791 can you explain again what exactly you want returned?
PFQuery *quizQuery = [PFQuery queryWithClassName:@"Quiz"];
PFQuery *resultsQuery = [PFQuery queryWithClassName:@"Results"];
[quizQuery findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock:^(NSArray *objects, NSError *error) {
//0 objects
Did this not work?
PFQuery *quizQuery = [PFQuery queryWithClassName:@"Quiz"];
PFQuery *resultsQuery = [PFQuery queryWithClassName:@"Results"];
[resultsQuery includeKey:@"quizPlayed"];
[resultsQuery includeKey:@"quizPlayed.objectId"];
[quizQuery whereKey:@"objectId" matchesKey:@"quizPlayed.objectId" inQuery:resultsQuery];
Also Tom was talking about trying to use the matchesQuery instead
btw quizPlayed is the column name is results contains quiz pointer
quizPlayed is a column in Results table?
Error: invalid field name: quizPlayed.objectId
that's a different ball game
hehe yeah
ok so let's get this straight
You want all quiz objects from the results table?
describe to me what kinds of things you want to end up with :D
i. I have all quizzes in quiz table
2. i have all results ins results table, along with this, there is a key called quizPlayed which is a pointer
now i want quizzes that are only present in the quizPlayed column
in that case I think you were on the right track
give me a minute
with the includeKey?
it didn't work
i know
i was asking if he said that was the right track, or if he was talking about something else
PFQuery *quizQuery = [PFQuery queryWithClassName:@"Quiz"];
PFQuery *resultsQuery = [PFQuery queryWithClassName:@"Results"];

[quizQuery whereKey:"objectId" matchesKey:"quizPlayed.objectId" inQuery:resultsQuery];
did y'all try that?
again, I think the culprit is the dot notation
includeKey is supposed to work with dot notation
read what hector said
includeKey is for fetching i thought
When you run this:

PFQuery *resultsQuery = [PFQuery queryWithClassName:@"Results"];
[resultsQuery includeKey:@"quizPlayed"];
[resultsQuery includeKey:@"quizPlayed.objectId"];
isn't it used like that?
Error: invalid field name: quizPlayed.objectId
even with just that?
let me study the example from the parse question
the reason it works in that example is that the pointer is reversed
that is. they have a pointer from the class for the outer query, to the class for the inner query
i.e. a pointer in Quiz to an object in Results
I think ...
Does it make sense?
I understand what you're saying.
and they have an inner query (e.g. a query on Results), that limits the outer query
we have have a pointer in the other direction
I think there's an easier solution
i am confused, can you explain that in quiz and results terms
The example had a pointer from Quiz to Result
you have a pointer from Result to Quiz
so I don't think it's very easy to construct a Quiz query like this
but this should solve your problem at least:

PFQuery *resultsQuery = [PFQuery queryWithClassName:@"Results"];
sorry I'm mixing javascript
no probs
PFQuery *resultsQuery = [PFQuery queryWithClassName:@"Results"];
[resultsQuery include:"quizPlayed"];
[resultsQuery selectKeys:"quizPlayed"];
but this will give me results with quizObjects in them
now use resultsQuery and call findObjectsInBackground on it
you will get an array of Result objects, but with only the Quiz object included on the "quizPlayed" field
say, if i want other way round, want quizzes that are not in results "quizPlayed"
Wouldn't that result in duplicates?
you can map that to an array of Quiz objects if you want
ah, there could be multiple results for a single Quiz?
I'm not sure :P
Just thinking out loud
but that's an easier way to go
I think if you want anything fancier than that you'd have to start dealing with Relations
alternatively, keep an array of results as a field on quiz
i don't mind dealing with relations
I have never dealt with them myself, so I don't know if I'll be of much help...
Well does it matter to you if you get the same quiz twice?
you could always clear duplicates client side
hope i will meet this hector ramos guy
but with scalability that will be bad
PFQuery *resultsQuery = [PFQuery queryWithClassName:@"Results"];
[resultsQuery includeKey:@"quizPlayed"];
[resultsQuery findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock:^(NSArray *objects, NSError *error) {
if (!error) {
PFObject *result = [results objectAtIndex:0];
NSLog(@"results[0].quizPlayed: %@", [result objectForKey:@"quizPlayed]]);

else {
// Log details of the failure
NSLog(@"Error: %@ %@", error, [error userInfo]);
2 hours later…
Hello :)
just ate lunch
my app is in review
i hope it's approved!
cool. Good luck.
Did you used auto layout in it ?
I think
I just used storyboards
submitted from xcode 6 ?
written in swift
wow , full app in swift.
I am quite far from that :D
did you tested on the new iPhone 6 simulators
and screenshots on all the devices
my only worry is that it's an image app
i gave the ability to report photos
but i still worry
my worry is i didnt used autolayout and now things are breaking in the new phones.
i gave the ability to report photos too , it went through a logn time ago
i have no login
it's completely anonymous
but you can still get banned
I wanted to make the app very easy to use
we'll see what apple says
did you made the design for your app yourself ?
after work
i've been working on it since beta 1 of xcode 6
and then when swift was officially released, i submitted my app
pretty good planning i must say :D
Thanks! I used a burndown to time all my tasks
I could still work on it some more, but I wanted to get it on the store and then release updates
I used parse GeoLocations in queries the other day to deliver messages to users in certain geographic zones
Im currently thinking of how to include receiver restrictions, such that a user can control who can send them a message based on geographical l location
right, i remember
but i don't exactly understand
you want people to only allow people within 5 miles to send them a message?
well some distance the user chooses
Lets say that someone is sending a message who is 50 feet away
I only want to receive messages that are 10 feet away
Im thinking of several approaches, one way is to send push notifications
the other is to have a user constantly connect to parse for updates, but Im not sure that I could do that in a background task
and have the app update as well
when will they receive messages?
only when they open the app?
the ideal is that its in real time
pseudo real time is fine as well
but at least have some form of notifying the user when they get a new message, or a message appropriate to their location.
why don't you have the app auto update location
that's allowed
it does
Can I piggyback on the update location to a parse and than have cloud code make a push notification?
i'm not sure :/
i'd assume so
but my app doesn't update location in the background
i feel like it would have to, because what good will it be if it can't execute code when your location changes
in iOS 8, do I need to have a Required Background Modes property within the target info?
or does the coreLocation delegate method take care of that
you need to have a background mode
give me a minute to find it
look into that
cool, I have already set that one up
still thinking about how to implement the geo receiving restrictions
give each user a current location column
and a limitation column
send the push to only the users that have a current location within the set distance
from the push location
thats how I perform the push now. As for the limitation column, since you can only have one associated GeoPoint within a single entry, that wouldnt be a PFGeoPoint
and Im thinking I might have to query all of those users to then get their restrictions
wait what?
why wouldn't it be a distance?
a number
representing the distance in kilometers
no, no it would be a distance in number
so why do you need two geopoints?
I wouldn't
oh, i misread
what concerns me more is how to get those restrictions.
so what's wrong with doing it that way?
hmmm, well lets walk through the code
first you perform a query on the users within the location
PFQuery *userQuery =[PFQuery queryWithClassName:[PFUser user].parseClassName];
[userQuery whereKey:@"currentLocation" nearGeoPoint:messageLocation withinMiles:setPushRange];
that gives you everyone who is within the range
now, as for the restrictions
the only thing I can think of now is to go through that list of eligable people
and in sudo cod for (person in eligibleList) if distanceFrom(sender, person) < restriction add them to recipientsArray.
then match the userId's from recipientsArray to instellations and push to those devices
I dont want to perform a ton of downloading on the client side though, so Im starting to think cloud code could work for this
yeah, cloud code is good
i use it a bit
could something like this even be setup in cloud code? I haven't used Parse cloud code before
i send all my pushes from cloud code
what parameters can be passed and sent up to a cloud function?
anything, haha
really? I can send a massive image to a cloud function?
k, I will look into cloud code after lunch and read up on the guide.
it's useful
havent worked with JS before, but I imagine I wont have much trouble with it
nah, it's very easy
1 hour later…
good catch
the objectForKey?
Thanks :)
yeah, totally didn't see that
Yeah, it's easy to overlook little things
Yet it still didn't work
I think he needs to fetch the user object
Yes that would make sense
I thought AppDelegate would fetch the current user though
I don't think that currentUser would have all the fields populated
on login though?
I thought when you did pfuser login
it would populate the fields
maybe not though
i'm not sure
can't find anything definitive about it in the docs
but it looks like you have to somtimes in javascript
that makes it seem like you just need to use objectForKey
alright, i have to head out for a bit
Have a good weekend! :)
I got a question, how do I pass in a geoPoint from an iOS app into cloud code
will this code work: var userLocation = Parse.Params.geoPoint;
12:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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