You asked about internet connectivity, so I assume you are interested in more than just the Wi-Fi connection. Calling Radio.deactivateWAFs(RadioInfo.WAF_WLAN); will only disable Wi-Fi.
A better implementation would probably first check which radios are on, and then turn those radios off. When ...
I have an Activity class with a Gallery widget and some more widgets. That class extends Activity. Now I want to stop fling attribute which is in Gallery.
Is there any Listener interface or something like that which I can get help to stop Flinging of the Gallery when I need.
@R.J Please Attached USB and access SD card of Device.Where will get Blackberry Folder . inside it u will get Document folder . In Document folder copy all code files and unplug device.
I am trying to make a button with a selector my button can have the following states:
Pressed/Not Pressed
According to the states mentioned above. I need to manipulate the button's:
Text color
background image
The button starts off my being disabled so it should have the...
@R.J when u signing apps that time u got new Screen in which u can see ur project class files are signing with Blackberry server . in This screen u can see different button like change Password,Revoke,cancel etc
I am working in an android application and I want to set an activity as transparent. For that I have set android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar" in the manifest. It works fine in 2.2 but it does not work for 2.3 and some other devices.
Wll i applied for one a week ago and my google wallet order is at Google recived your order despite the fact they've taken the money and my registration is STILL processing