Hi evrybody.... i hav a query to ask. How can i move a seekbar on a button click incrementing by 0.25 i.e i have created two buttons + for increase and - for decrease.Is it possible??
@Abhi excuse me... but i'm seeing that in emulator my Google account is created, but in market place there's written that no mobile devices are linked to my account
@Abhi now, if i look at emulator, in Account & Sync i see google account, but Sync is OFF
it's a new feature, non supported by older version
@LOKESHKV @RobinHood I need your help. Maybe its a simple question: i implemented C2DM push notification all by emulator and creating a simple web service, deployed in Jboss, that makes initial handshake and, then when all is ok, push message. All in localhost. Ok, now, When i try to send a message in push, msg arrives, but no notification like popup or similar is shown. Do i have to implement it or exists a kind of default popup which has to be shown?
@LOKESHKV @RobinHood Webservice sends a simple string message which my AppReceiver grabs. The only thing i do is a wakeUp call (despite this call, if phone emulator is in lock state, standby i mean, nothing happens. So, i dont know how verify if wake call is go ahead)
My mobile phone is running the Application , if I capture the image using my mobile by my own image capture application and I have to store that image into some server
@Rj how to append a new string to xml downloaded from internet what i mean to say is that xml file is having some data then i need to add a string or write a string to it
Define textview in your xml in which your internet data will be there Get textview id in your java file String textview.gettext().toString()+"Your desired data";