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04:00 - 13:0013:00 - 14:00

@All Good Morning
@Mike gm
@user642953 What's going on .?
@Mike busy with app
with which app ?
@jitendrasharma Hello
Nice one
Gm Guys
can anyone tell me how to update ADT plugins ?
i m nt able to update same
Help > Check for update @Richa
@AndroidTechMe Hello Dude
@Mike : good morning
i m getting error
The operation cannot be completed.
@AndroidTechMe VGM
while checking updates
In task Manager close adb.exe
@HiMing Welcome
bt its not opened dear
@Mike Hi
@Richa have you looked into task manager
error is shown
update ur ADT plugin to
@all Hi all
bt i cant able to update
ok, then either download new adt plugin or update through eclipse-> about-> install new software
@jitendrasharma: can u give me the url freom which i can update plugin
@Richa either in eclipse eclipse-> about-> install new software-> add site->https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/eclipse/
i have already added it
@jitendrasharma Nice Link
@Mike thanks you
Always Welcome
Gm @RobinHood
@Abhi hELLO
@Richa got link?
@Mike hi
@all how to get image from one screen to another screen?.
@JAaVA use intent to pass the bitmap
Good Morning all
@jitendrasharma i have used gallery view to show all images on devices and now when user clicks on any image then that image should be changed as his/her photo like one in FB.
@JAaVA Ok, use onItemClickListener on GridView and use Facebook Graph api to upload a picture
@Richa welcome
@Piraba welcome
@All Where are you .?
i m here
i m also here
Nice Thaks
too bored today
@Richa why .?
@Mike: Kite Festival is there in my company today
we are going to celebrate at 4PM
hi @all
So Nice
@Richa Kite Festival is boaring to you?
@SeshuVinay Hello
it is surprising
@jitendrasharma: we are having fun
@Richa ok, actually I like this festival very much
but my company is not organizing such an activity
my com. is too good
so had to wait untill 14th
always celebrate every fest
@Richa where r u working?
cant revel here
@Richa anyway enjoy
i will
hey guys
any 1 here with 2+ xp in android?
we r looking for a senior developers
@SeshuVinay yes
@SeshuVinay location?
@SeshuVinay one of my friend is living there in Hyderabad
and having 2 yrs exp in android
any1 can send their resume to [email protected]
@SeshuVinay Hey dude, Gud mrnig
@Ramakrishna gud mrng
How are you?
fine bro
Good do u have skype or gmail id
@SeshuVinay you there?
Can someone tell me why am getting this error "Market Billing Service could not be bound." and "BillingHelper not fully instantiated" im doing in-app example tat was given this link:stackoverflow.com/questions/8401489/…
Q: Transparent layout in Android?

DavidI am developing one android application which use transparent activity.. I used the following link as reference but my problem is when i set background color as black i am not able see previous. i need transparent like this . Thanks in Advance...

@Ramakrishna seshuvinay is my skype id
I want transparent like this, but I am not able to get behind the screen is not visible as in the question, I am getting black screen.@Mike @Richa
@Mike I want Mike!
@SeshuVinay Okay request sent Accept me
@RobinHood: have u tried the solution given by ppl ?
Yes, but getting black instead black transparent.
have u tried #55000000 as color code ?
Q: How to create Transparent Activity in Android?

UMARI want to create a transparent Activity on top of another activity. How can I achieve this?

check it
may help u
Yes already checked.
This for fully transparency and I want semi.
I think this is for transparent :- #00000000 making change in this like #F0000000 or #0F000000 may affect like it but i did not try this
good morning
@JAaVA hello gm
where is mike?
@Rj mike is on the way.........
where is he?
ok please edit your message now
@Rj delete not allowed now
@All. Please help, i need a suggestion.

I am going to keep a button in my app. Which must lock the camera. The camera(hardware) must not to be used by any of the other camera applications. It should only unlock wen i press unlock button in my app.

and also a small doubt wat does "camera.lock(); I need to develop it for 2.1 platform
1 message moved to Haskell
@Rj agar samaj aa gaya ho ki kaise kar na he..to Wahan "OK" to likh sakte ho..I was waiting for your reply there.
@Frankenstein maine likha mate
haann dekha
First time so it took some time :-) thank you
but where you moved?
you made mistake I thing
i can move it to any of room right?
you should make one more Room bin of Android Developer
and move your messages to there
otherwise the room owner of Haskell may complain
Ohh i just entered room name randomly and sent it
now what to do?
go to that room and write one message to owners that sorry for inconvinience ..you made a mistake by mistake..and sorry
maafi patra bhej diya maine
thank you
5 mins ago, by Frankenstein
you should make one more Room bin of Android Developer
@Frankenstein Why .?
@Mike he was replying me
@kanchan @HarshTrivedi Welcome
@Mike: thnks
@kanchan@harsh welcome
@kanchan Always Welcome
@Mike: i have one problem...
working on custom flow layout in android...
it is working fine...
but as soon as i add custom flow layout in scroll view....it stop displaying some content....
any idea...?
Which error it shows .?
@Mike: it is not showing any error but it does not display some content...
Which types of content you use ,.?
as soon as add custom flow? what is this mean how you add view?dynamically?
@Rj: i m putting TextView dynamically....
you are aware that scroll view may only have one child right?
yeah....i m taking care of it...
in my application scroll view is having one child that is flow layout
you should create one linearlayout in that you should create dynamic textviews and adding all textviews to linearlayout and after all you should add linearlayout to scrollview
flow layout -> your custom layout?
but i don't want linear layout....i want something like flow layout in jaya
is flow layout any widget in android?
creating a custom layout...
then you must creating custom one
yes thats what I mean
@Mike @Rj any idea about moving image
Drag and Drop .
@Mike no
page curl?
@user642953 then What .,?
but on click event of button i want to move my image left and right
left to right?(by default its right to left)
ohh you are asking about image
abe yar image move karni he
yes about image
but whats your functionality?yes it is possible
use surfaceview for that
hey @Rj @Mike
@MikeIsrael hi
leave it i dont think will be usefule
@Rj hello, i do have question.. image which is shown in gallery view, i want that image be set as the user current profile picture in view_profile.xml(one Activity) when user presses save image button on display_image.xml(second Activity)
@JAaVA activity that you are using to opening gallery you need to override method onActivityResult for that
@MikeIsrael Hello
@user642953 solved problem
@Mike hey
how are you
@Rj my ImagePicker class extends Activity. In my ImagePicker i've used setadapter method of gallery and called setOnItemClickListener. setadapter method passes the context of another class imageadapter which extends baseadapter. In baseadapter there are four methods that must be overridden in getview methods images are shown and returned as ImageView. If this is not sufficient then let show you through code (pastebin.com) ask me to have it.........
@Abhi Fine
so you want to select image from your own custom listview(gridview) not from gallery @JAaVA
@Rj Refer to this u'll get idea what i've done developer.android.com/resources/tutorials/views/…
hmm open your activity from where you open this gallery class
@Mike :( no
friends does any one how to compare Edit-Text value with String in android
@Rj get on skype or gtalk
Welcome @Sachin
@All Hi
@Matt hi
Can someone just have a quick look at something for me :)
@Rj button on which i click to call image_picker class is another class view_profile class so on this i have to write onActivityResult method is it?..
@Mike @Abhi @Richa hi
onActivityResult is method corresponding to activity. and like onCreate its also part of activity
you need to read about this method at developer.android
@Rj so what i told you is correct...........
I've got a EditText box which users can input names and then I want the names to save into the Array playerList and then that array to populate my ListView If you look at my code here pastebin.com/77EkHxYZ you can see it works fine with the string employees But if i change to playerList nothing shows in the ListView? Can someone have a look see if it is saving the EditText to the array correctly
@SeshuVinay hello
@SeshuVinay hi
@JAaVA you are always correct
@Mike no no
thumbs up
Anyone wanna look at that code ^ :)
@user642953 What you exeat want .?
@Rj argh!...
Q: Populate ListView with Dynamic Array

MattI have a EditText box so a user can input names and then click the Add button and the name saves to the array playerList and clears the box so another name can be added. I also have a ListView on the same Activity which will then be populated by the names in the Array playerList. The problem is ...

@jitendrasharma But it not working
@SachinDalvi what is not working?
I have in my application a spinner, with more than 1000 product names, I would like when the user types any letter the spinner analysis shows the products that begin with that letter. Any idea how to do this? or any other suggestions? ... Thanks in advance ...
hi every one
@sups please ask your problem
how can i send email from my app
@Anilgupta Hello
@mike-i askd,how to do it
without using android inbuilt emailing
and i want to use java mail for it
@jitendrasharma editText.getText().toString().equals("stringToBeCompared"); this code not working
@Mike-do u knw how to do it
hi @mike without using android inbuilt emailing
and i want to use java mail for it
@sups you can use autocomplete textview for it
@sups Add Id of all product and the shown it
@JAaVA Nice one Keep it up
@JAaVA-spinner and auto complete u want to say?
startActivity(Intent.createChooser(intent, "Send Email"));@Anilgupta
Use this one
@JAaVA-i got wat u want to say,like contacts u r suggesting to put auto complete textview at top and down spinner but i dnt want tat.in side how u get those a-z listing and selecting tat u get reuslt
can it b posible to do
ne idea?
@JAaVA-thnx i wil
@sups spinner is group radiobtn like in which you have any fixed set of values and it's not editable at all. While in autocomplete textview it is editable and it suggests any possible match if it finds one.. Try to google this you will find plenty of example
@JAaVA @jitendrasharma-i really apprciate ur answeres.but the thng is i dont want tat autocomplete textbox.in phone in contacts at left side how u get those a-z listing of alphabates and selecting tat u get reusltcan it b posible to do
@sups Please see I am not giving you link for autoCompleteTextView
its filter customization
for an adapter
@jitendrasharma ya agree with you
@user642953 Welcome
Hello every one
I am getting a stuck
when I run my app then all the data will come and from the webservice and it will insert into the data base like country state city..this type..it is background service
after that when i am doing login then it will check and verify the user againg I am calling the webservice and
get the data of all table and need to insert it into the local db
I am getting all the nodes and also it is working till 6-7 tables
@kzaurk Welcome
but after it when I am taking the another nodes then it is giving the error
and my app will closed forcly
so have u any solutions for it
A: I am getting this error in andorid

GuillaumeA VerifyError means that Android cannot find something your com.MinngApp.Registration refers to. It may be related to a wrong build target (some class that exists only in a later version of the Android SDK). We need more details to know exactly what the error is. The cause exception from the L...

ththis is the link of my question
but I am not getting the solution
can anyone tell me the solution
@jitendrasharma-i saw it and i run app.tat is fine but th e thng is i m havin 2 spinners on same page and on the top of each spinner i can t put search box
tats the reason i was askng for phoe contact like
method to do so
@sups please refine your question more specifically so we can get you solution......
@user1061793 Check the Answer
@JAaVA-:( ok.here it go.i have 2 spinners on my same page .each having more thn 100 items,which i m fetchng from database by using custom adapter and cursor and all.now the problem is when i want to choose any item in the spineer whose name is starting with letter s i have to keep on scrolling i dont want that.putting search box on each spinner is not the option as it wont look good 2 search boxes on 1 page.
tats y i want to implement same strtergy like as follows
can u c those letters a b c d ...wen u click on b all names ob b wil come
verticle line i m talkng
@JAaVA-u r getng ?
@sups use autocomplete textview to suggest any available options and then use intent method putextra to pass the selected option and by another intent from spinner side to deliver the selected content. i think this would the solution.......
thanks for replying @mike
But i have seen this already
if somting is there which is not supported to the
then why 6-7 tables nodes will insert
in correct way
@JAaVA-i searched ,i got on net tat using section index & abs listview this functionality which i was askng can b dne but,with spinner is there ne way out?
@sups if you didnt find any thing like section index & etc....... for spinner then there may be not anything like this for spinner till now in android....
@JAaVA-:) :) :) :
ok ok.still thnx ton for ur help
i wil think of smethng
@sups welcome
@sups there is a alphabetical index i have seen
in android, let me search
@jitendrasharma-it is there on listview
i knw this much only
Q: Avoiding Blank Screen when it Raised from Intent in Android

ŠpĸI've an application it raises my application from service. In that service, i've display my Activity using Intent. It works perfectly. But, when i go back the activity finished itself also. But, one blank screen is remaining there? How can i avoid this blank screen. I need my application's Activi...

@sups section indexer
and alphabeticalIndex
but its for listview
@jitendrasharma-hmm :(
@evryone: hello
@sups but in reference, it is not specified that these are only for list, these are for adapter
so we can implement it on spinner also, I think
have you tried to create a custom adapter and set that adapter to your spinner
@jitendrasharma-my adapter for spiner is custom adapet with textview and 1 image
@jitendrasharma-sorry for typo mistakes i mean 2 textviews nd 1 imageview
then you just need to implement SectionIndexer
and implement required method in your adapter
ok let me try
@SPK No iead for that i also faced this problem
@Mike Okay
Hii Mike
I have an another doubt
that is I am gatting a view
this is a imagebutton
on this image button so many text which is hardcoaded and there having some values
which is come from tjhe database dynamically
so if I will not get this textvalue then I am hiding the imagebutton
so Image button is hide but this text are not hide
what is the solution for that
For that which ever you want to hide then get that item id and make visibility.gone
if you want to hide Button then like this
Button mf_btn_back = (Button)findViewById(R.id.mf_btn_back);
Same like That
I am also doing like that
button is hide
but there is textview over that button
it is showing with empty valves
this is not hide
then use transparent background on button
so it automatically hide
this is image button
can it will hide
i have used it but not working
setbackgroundcolor transparent
I have done this
but it is also not working
then get one transparent image and set on button bg
that is working
@user1061793 Working .?
Would i stand on Road ?@user1061793
can u send me some sample
for this
how to implement
why u would satnd on road??
I am not saying Mike@
try this one
@Mike @RobinHood @Rj all room happy pongal in advance, enjoy the vacation bye all
04:00 - 13:0013:00 - 14:00

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