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05:00 - 15:0015:00 - 19:00

Hello Good Morning
@Abhi Hello
@Mike hi
in Android Discussion, 14 mins ago, by RobinHood
Is it possible to open activity over activity?
in Android Discussion, 12 mins ago, by RobinHood
Means activity A is visible and over that in 1/4 portion I want to display activity B.
ya dude @RobinHood
instead of wrap_content use something 200dip
like that
so we can use that
@anuja Gm
@Mike How?
40 secs ago, by Mike
instead of wrap_content use something 200dip
But while calling activity B, activity A is invisible.
@kjt15 welcome
then use popup for that
@mobilemagic welcome
hi guys, very good morning
this is my first chat in stack overflow and i must tell u guys i am a great fan of stack overflow.....u all guys are doing a gr8 job....
Thanks and Always Welcome
@RobinHood Getting or not.?
guys i hav a doubt abt android storage for my current working proj??
@Abhi Where are you .?
@mobilemagic ya ask
@Mike here
Hi all... I have a timer task which will execute in every 10 secs, can i register a broadcast receiver for Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED within that timer task, Is that a good policy?
@RobinHood how are you?
Fine, thanks.
in our proj we hav to do licencing of our product,so we hav stored d licence details in Shared Preferences. While doing so our product is working fine,but in every android device there is an option of "clear data" and if its clicked our licence details get deleted and we hav to again insert the licence details. So is der any way of storage in android where once registered the licencing is done for ever.
@Abhi right now when ever we change the activity the if comes left to right my question is that i want to change that one .?
can i change .?
if yes then how .?
@AndroidTechMe Hello
@Mike : what's up bro ?
Fine as usual work going on
say you
nothing new . . .
want any help ?
@mobilemagic Nice question yar
+1 for that
ya @AndroidTechMe
1 min ago, by Mike
@Abhi right now when ever we change the activity the if comes left to right my question is that i want to change that one .?
can i change .?
if yes then how .?
@mobilemagic not perfect but you can stored that in database and you can use that license details
how can i help you @Mike
you know any way to change the activity style
nup dude
it's default
@mike database means using sql lite??? or is der a way of disabling the "Clear Data" button of the device???
@Mike dont know buddy
ok @Abhi
@mobilemagic yes
for diesabling
any one know to store Document in database
use asset
@Mike i have to to download from net and than store and after some time than again update have any idea for this
ok i will try using sql lite....but is der a way of disabling the "Clear Data" button of the device by adding some properties in manifest file in order to disable it???
for that i also do some rnd dude @mobilemagic
ok btw thnks for evry help u hav provided....keep up d good work
Q: How to disable the Clear Data button in Application info of Manage appliaction

NeoI am working on android 2.2, In a Application tab of android manifest provide the option of "Allow clear data" to set true or false. But after setting it to False, my application can't disable the button of Clear data in application info of Manage application. I am facing this problem when applic...

@anuja hi
@mobilemagic solved .?
@mike im going thru d post and i try to implement it d way the hav said in d post.......thnks bro.
Always Welcome
@Rj welocome Room Owner
@Mike Thank you mike
how are you?
Always Welcome
Fine you Say
How's your project is going on .?@Rj
@Mike going good
Nice then
@good afternoon
@Mike: I need help
I knw how to give the sliding effect...but doing some mistake for slide down
@anuja ya
good after noon
@anuja Hi
@anuja have your problem been resolved, with expandable list
@jitendrasharma: no
u did not send me the file
can u plz do the needful
@anuja actually, I cant do
@jitendrasharma: y
@anuja I can post all my code to some blog, but as I am working in a company, due to policies, I cant
@jitendrasharma Nice one
@jitendrasharma: yeah fine can u do that
@anuja ya tell me
14 mins ago, by anuja
I knw how to give the sliding effect...but doing some mistake for slide down
@all: got it
the sliding one
@anuja may I know what is problem
@JAaVA Welcome
@jitendra a is for android
@anuja you are getting null pointer may I know what is null there array, array[index] , or editFName
@JAaVA no, its for anuja
@anuja HI Anuja
@anuja R u from PIET ?
@jitendrasharma: I solved the problem of null pointer
did a blunder
@iDroid: who r u
@All Where are you all guys
@JoshHinman Hi
Q: Transparent layout in Android?

DavidI am developing one android application which use transparent activity.. I used the following link as reference but my problem is when i set background color as black i am not able see previous. i need transparent like this . Thanks in Advance...

@Mike I want mike!
Answer is already define
@RobinHood: it is fine
Please answer my Question stackoverflow.com/questions/8800775/…
@anuja Hello
@jitendrasharma In my Eclipse only method which available is only openOrCreateDatabase (String path, SQLiteDatabase.CursorFactory factory, null) when i am at mcontext.
@JAaVA did you check by debugging what is null there on the statement
@jitendrasharma please wait i am checking.
@jitendrasharma its showing something like this Context as-----> com.MyFirstApp.login@44f43080
@JAaVA override DBHelper Class and also onCreate method
set context value to there in onCreate method
@BabuThangavel Welcome
@JAaVA have you tested using helper
@Mike: yeah
Anyone know how to add a child layout (LinearLayout) to the parent (RelativeLayout) programmatically without XML?
@Paul whats problem you facing in it?
@Paul: Have u posted any such question? If yes plz drop the link
@Rj havent posted it.
@Paul ok but whats your problem where are you stuck?
I'm trying to add 3 linearlayouts to my parent (relativelayout) just like XML, but in all java
@Rj I can get the parent to show with my buttons, but dont know how to link a child layout to the parent
RelativeLayout rl = new RelativeLayout(this);
LinearLayout ll = new LinearLayout(this);
this is the simplest form and basic idea about that
Ill try that
@jitendrasharma my previous error is solved the data is get inserted in database and when i try to login to then comparing the stored credentials in database with user entered one causes the problem. Message shown in DDMS is (get field slot from row 0 col -1 failed) when used cursor c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(un); method
hi jaava
@JAaVA then there must be un value different from all the columns
@R.j. hi
@Rj the block which causes the problem is as                                                                                                                         try

		   Cursor c = db.rawQuery("SELECT u_name, u_pwd FROM " + table_name + " WHERE u_name = '"+ un + "' AND u_pwd ='"+ pwd + "'", null);

		      if(c == null)
				 System.out.println("No Records");
@JAaVA Dont Paste code here
Delete it
@JAaVA and you are using this un as column name to get username, please check carefully what you are supplying in create table statement
use Pastebin.com for that
@Mike OKay got it.
@jitendrasharma yeah checking..........
@Rj Didnt work. My second linear layout either didnt show, or its right under my first, within my relative layout. I was trying to do "rLO.addView(btnLO); rLo.addView(btnLO2). (rLO is the parent "relative," while the other two are children "linearlayout")
I even changed the gravity so that btnLO will be to the left and btnLO2 will be to the right, but btnLO2 isnt registering
@Paul: U need to make use addRule method..
@Paul: u need to specify that second linearlayout is below the first layout
@JAaVA problem solved?
*anuja Ill try that
yes anuja is right.@Paul when you use relativelayout you need to give rules(where you want to show its child,this is for dynamic only)
@Rj Nice one Darling
@R.j. yeah
@Mike How do you do?
@Paul visit this one it will help you nerdee.blogspot.com/2010/06/…
fine fine fine @RobinHood
@Rj ok
@Mike did you work with pdf reader?
@Selva Hello
@RobinHood no Yar
hello @Selva
@Mike did u work with fragment?
@Rj Worked on that @Selva
@Rj i need to develop tablet app
@Selva no i did not
@Rj not fair
@Selva ask me
@JAaVA have you checked column names
@Mike in that i want use fragment,i need to split two parts in the screen,left side product name,right side product details.that is which product was clicked that product details will shown in right side
@jitendrasharma yes i wrote wrong column names and after correcting i got loged in it worked. thanks.....
@MichelFoucault hi Mike
@Mike how to use fragment in my app?
@jitendrasharma but now i want to make transition to view profile page after succesful login which will display the profile of user who currently logged in.
how do I get picasa pictures from built-in gallery with an intent? Help me, please.
@Selva Which error you get .?
Q: Retrieve Picasa Image for Upload from Gallery

dbaughI am working on an activity and associated tasks that allow users to select an image to use as their profile picture from the Gallery. Once the selection is made the image is uploaded to a web server via its API. I have this working regular images from the gallery. However, if the image select...

@Mike no.i didn't do.now i want what is fragment and how to use.is it correct way to do?
@Selva Thanks, but I have used this code. The temp file is empty.
Q: Looking for wrong fragment class with Android compatibility library

Peter vdLI am trying to inflate a layout containing a Fragment using the backwards compatibility package and SDK level 10. I took the jar file and placed it in the libs folder of my project. I extended FragmentActivity. It all works perfectly when I run at API level 11 on an XLarge screen device. When I...

@Mike Thanks,I will try this..
Always Welcome
But no need for Thanks
@Mike Thanks, but I have used this code. The temp file is empty.
@MichelFoucault cAN YOU ASK QUESTION ON sO .?
No more idea on that dude
Anyone there??
can someone tell me how can i show loading progress bar at the middle of my page loaded in webview???
Hey mike you there??
@MichelFoucault: I dont knw much... but have u tried putting something in the temp fiel
put a condition for temp file to check whether its empty or not
and check wht does it print
Hi Robin hood you there??
<-- Screaming like Charlie Brown when he's irritated
@anuja I have tried it. If I open it and convert in Bitmap object, it is empty
@MichelFoucault: Wht is the actual form of the image you have... that you r converting in the bitmao
@Mike good one
@Rj Thanks
@Rj the site you gave me didnt help. What exactly does the addRule mimic/do? I compiled ok, but dont quite grasp it
in relative layout all things work with ids
you will use rules like left of right of,below ,above etc.
@Mike hi mike
If you will not add rules then all views will be drawn at upper left corner(in relative only)
@Paul Please see, in relative layout all the components position are relative to each other, if you dont specify their relationship all of they would aligned at default position, means overlapping each other, programmatically we define relation between views by adding rules to LayoutParams
Okie Dokie
@Paul Meaning of Dokie .?
@andriodmurali ya dude
@Mike can u please tell me how can i show loading progress at the middle of my page loaded in webview???
murali what you want?
@anuja Form? It is a picasa photo, It is Jpeg pictures
@MichelFoucault: Are you converting it properly??
@Rj loading progress at the middle of my page loaded in webview???
page loading in webview taking time?
@Rj I want to show that loading circle animation thing on webview is it possible??
you can show one progress dialog until your webview does not load
hey all
hi @MikeIsrael
@MichelFoucault welcome back
@anuja I open the photo in this way: FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(path);
Bitmap imageBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(fis);
imageBitmap = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(imageBitmap, width, height, false);
@andriodmurali why don't you use relative view and place an imageview over the webview?
Can u try this:
@MikeIsrael am doing the same thing. but i have some blank space to place my webview in it..Instead of showing the blank space i can show the loading circle in tat space rite??
String encodedImage = Base64.encode(byteArrayImage, Base64.DEFAULT);
Bitmap bm = BitmapFactory.decodeFile("/path/to/image.jpg");
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
bm.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, baos); //bm is the bitmap object
byte[] b = baos.toByteArray();
@Rj @anuja Thanks Rj and anuja!!! I finally got my two linearlayouts to display on both sides of the screen in a relative layout programmatically! Yay! ^_^
@Paul: oh dtzz g8
keep up the good wrk
@Paul always welcome
@anjua Thank i will try.
Hello @anuja
@andriodmurali I don't totally understand the last comment. What I do in a similar situation is I have an imageview overlapping the webview and make visible at the begining of the activity with a spinner, then make invisible when done with my activity
actually instead of an imageview you could use a spinner also
Q: Set Notification Sound from Assets folder

DharmendraI am attaching the sound files in the assets folder for play sound in the notification but I am not able to play sound from the assets folder. I have setting page from which user can set the sound for the notification and also user can play sound. This part is completed. I am able to play sound ...

I think
@Rj: hiee
@MikeIsrael can u please suggest a good link to explain the spinner impleentation
keep good work @anuja
Spinner @andriodmurali
@RobinHood: Is it a compulsion for you to put ur files in assets folder
Suppose, If I not keep in assert folder then where I?
@MikeIsrael Bt i have to implement progress bar(loading circle) at the center of webpage how can i ???
@anuja sdcard is not private space for your application
@andriodmurali make more efforts and try to search first and at last you are not getting then in that case asks here.
@andriodmurali start progressbar it will be always in centre of your layout,when webpage loads dismiss it
@anuja but assets folder is private to application package, or more specifically, it shares same space application is installed
@jitendrasharma: yeah but itzz not working... from assets
dtz y I told him to try from sdcard
atleast we'll come to knw...dt itzz possible or not possible to load from assests and set it as ringtone
C... the developer site has shown an example with sdcard
@all Good Bye
good bye @MichelFoucault
@MichelFoucault: did u get ur problem solved??
@MichelFoucault okay
@MichelFoucault: ok... bye
@andriodmurali sorry had some work, just search google you'll find tons of examples
@MikeIsrael ok thanks for spending time with my question
@andriodmurali no problem, if you have an issue finding examples let me know
@MikeIsrael ok mike
2 hours later…
Where are all.?
hey @Mike
@Rj hi
how are you
@MikeIsrael hi
hey @Abhi
you ever use a bar code reader in one of your apps?
@MikeIsrael bye time to leave
@MikeIsrael Hi
hey @Mike you ever use a barcode scanner in an app?
A: How to create barcode scanner (Android)?

MikeThe ZXing project provides a standalone barcode reader application which — via Android's intent mechanism — can be called by other applications who wish to integrate barcode scanning. The easiest way to do this is to call the ZXing SCAN Intent from your application, like this: public Button.OnC...

see my ans
oh amazing, did you require them to install the app?
ah man, I need it embedded, but thanks
if you like then +1
its not what I need though
then what you need .?
@Nima Welcome
@Venky Darling Welcome
yeah darling tell me
fine .?@Venky
yeah fine
@Nima Where are you form .?
How are you android geeks doing?
Hungary right @Nima
no it's wrong @Venky
Say truth yar
Yeah great thanks , how do you do @Nima
heeeeeeee LOL
How did you know?? :o
Cool mate
@Venky Kya Yar ,.?
Form this one
hmm , right
HA ha he
She is form India
I am having one Darling in the same name in Hungary so i guessed..LOL
India , then false info ah?
Just now @Abhi Darling went
Guys do you know how to get a specific row from a JSon Object?
@Nima Where are you from?
ha ha he
I keep getting confused
@Nima Ignored all things
What confusion?
and ask your
A: Adding data row dynamically

VenkyFirst of all create one Table Layout in your XML file like this : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent" android...

Check it @Mike
@Nima tell
@Nima which place is this .?
Thats called the heroes square
Really Nice dear
hmm is it? I don't know
ya @Venky
Oh okay
Why mate?
Okay bye Darling...PMCC
For sleeping
Hmm great work..Enjoy..
Ok dear
lets meet 2morrow
Sure bye
Venky have you ever worked with google APIs in android?
Yeah worked
05:00 - 15:0015:00 - 19:00

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