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03:00 - 14:0014:00 - 15:00

Hello Guys
Good Morning
Have A Happy Week
@DamienAyers Hi
ya @Mike
thanks for coming
any time
also i do some rnd in chat module
so what are you do now ?
Live Project
what's def ?
Same like foursquare
in that what to do ?
You ever use foursquare Application
@John Welcome
@SeshuVinay Gm Yar
where r @Abhi @Ramakrishna ?
I dont know
but come very early
@AndroidTechMe Getting
nup dude
1st time i heard
I am developing an android project in which i need to play .avi,.mkv,.mov,.mp4 etc format videos.I think android doesn't support these formats.
you have Android Device .?
please help
not now
@John : android support .mp4
sorry except that
Refer this one
Android support this all format
@SeshuVinay Hello
Getting dude .?
Q: importing phonebook contacts to application with checkboxes eachrow

VijayaHow can I import contacts from phone book to my android appplication with a cheackbox on each row. Further I want to move those contacts to databse... As in this screen shot..can any one help?

Help Me
what about .avi,divx,and .mov files
Same like this one
@John Which fix format you want .?
@mike i need to play .avi files in my project...please help
Q: How to play .avi video with android 2.2 sdk in java?

fmsI'm very new to android jdk, anyone knows how to play .avi in it?

@Mike no idea dude
@mike :(
@mike ok dude thanks for your time
hi all
@Mike importing contacts is your question?
ya tell me if you know
Q: Android VideoView cant play .avi

GrookI have written simple code like this: VideoView v = (VideoView) findViewById(R.id.videoView); MediaController mc = new MediaController(this); mc.setAnchorView(v); mc.setMediaPlayer(v); v.setMediaController(mc); v.setVideoPath("/sdcard/media/video/1.avi"); v.start(); My problem is with this cod...

@Abhi Any Idea .?
hmmm @Mike
Tell me please
@arnp Welcome
@Mike thank you mike
Sure @mike
@Abhi Hello
hi Mike! Fancy meeting you here!
I found out how to add regular buttons on my GLSurfaceView
Anyone know how to create an ImageButton programmatically with an image showing? I can get the gray box for the ImageButton to show, but no image...
hello anyone?
hey, do you know how to program an image button programmatically? I got the box for the button to show, but I can't seem to figure out how to get the image to show on top of it
i can't getting your question
@Mike ok, here is my code for the image button:
final ImageButton i1 = new ImageButton(this);
That code allows me to display an image button on the screen, but the "icon" still wont show. I only see a gray box for the image button.
hi Venky. Do you know about programming image buttons without XML?
anyone knows how to program an imagebutton without XML?
hi evry1
m facing a problem with expandablelistview
has anyone tried with onChildClickListener
@Paul i think icon name conflict
please change then name of icon and check
@Mike I found the solution. the code is good. I just had to clean and rebuild... lol
@Mike: have u tried with expandablelistview
@anuja What problem you face .?
Q: onChildClickListener not responding in ExapandableListView

anujaWhy is the Log not getting printed? The log for all the others is working but not for child. The log for the text view does appear but when I make use of edit text, it does not work. Why so? Where am I going wrong? ExpandableListView expListView; expListView = getExpandableListView(); expLis...

@Mike: dis is my question.. Can u plz go through it for once
@Mike: Expandable list view works perfectly when text view is used. It enters the onChildClickListener...
see answer
@Mike: But the moment I use edit text box. it cannot enter the onChildClickListerner.... I am not able to understand, y it does so
@Mike: ok lemme check
@Mike: Nope itzz not working
@Mike: itzz not getting in the touchevent ACTION_DOWN
@Mike: there has to be some way
dont ping in same question please
@jitendrasharma: hi
I have edited my question
can i see your code
yes, I have edited my solution
@jitendrasharma Nice answer
@jitendrasharma: I'll go thru it
is it working or not
@jitendrasharma: local in the sense??
@jitendrasharma: u mean...I should not go for findViewById??
@anuja local I as I declared
please see the TextView txtFName = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(R.id.txtFname);
@jitendrasharma: jus a min...I am checking
@jitendrasharma: nope...values are getting swapped
@Mike: wer do I send u the code
on my email
ok jus a min....
@Mike: I dropped you the code
Please check
@anuja Hey it takes some time i have to go in meeting when i come back as soon as possible i solve your answer
Can u do me a favour??
@Mike: jus ping me..when u get back...please
@anuja Hi Anuja
@jitendrasharma: hie
wer u able to solve the problem
can u jus help me out with my simple question......
@anuja actually I cant test code
yes please let me know
if I use textView, it gets into onChildClickListener, but wen I use edit text, it does not
mike: told me..... Its something to do with the EditText (perhaps its consuming the event or its not registering as a click
because textview is not getting event from list item
And I do get his point.....but how to go for it, is a question.....
whereas in case of edittext, event is distributed to list
sorry, editText
but text view is also in the list along with the edit text
What I am not Getting, why do you need to implement touch listener for editText
because itss not getting in the method, onChildClickListener
its the method of ExpandableListView
if I keep text view in this method, it prints the log
but not for edit text
May I send u the code as well
if you can, i could test as well
but send it on [email protected]
please let me know, when you have noted the address
@jitendrasharma: i have sent u the code
@Mike: thnx...will look into it
@anuja got it, and looking into it.
@Mike: this is not what m looking for
It does not have expandable listview
What is error please tell me last time
i check in your code
there is no error
wait..i'll explain
hi @Mike
@jitendrasharma: did u find the solution
any solution from your side
@anuja not yet, but your problem is not as easy as I have thought
@anuja you have mix of two problems one is editText, and another is listView getView Property
@jitendrasharma: jus plz keep on tryin...
m doin the same thing
@anuja ok
please confirm one thing
is it necessary to display virtual keyboard, because it again calls getChildView method
@Mike status?
If I say no, den is der ny solution
@RobinHood Where.?
hey all
@MikeIsrael ya
hey @Mike, does anyone know how I can fix this issue, I need to run an infinite loop from a service where I turn call requestLocationUpdates and removeUpdates over and over again, but I keep running into issues, either with not using Looper, or for some reason the updates don't fire
Has anyone here work with Samsung Galaxy Tab?
@SPK no dude but ask your question
@MikeIsrael if you are at same place then what to do .?
No lat and long. change in that case .?
yeah don't care about that I have something that takes care of that
the issue is I am running in the emulator and sending gps and the changeLocation is not called
when I run the same thing from a service or activity it is though
so it isn't my location class
it is something in running it from an thread with a loop
I am running in the emulator and sending gps and the changeLocation is not called ??

for that you have to manually pass the lat and long.
So please check in the device .?
@SPK Tell me your question
What layout will it choose from XML layouts like (layout or layout-large or layout-xlarge)
Q: Android : App support for multiple tablet screen resolutions

Vinayak.BI just ran my Android application on Galaxy Tab Emulator, where the design looks distracted. Now my worry is how to make the app fit perfectly on all the Tablet Screens. Since I came acrosss diffrent screen resolutions for Android Tablets. For example: Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 3G - 10.1 inches,...

@Mike yeah of course I am sending lat and long via DDMS, and I know it works because it works when I call it from the activity and not the thread
@iDroidExplorer Hello Welcome
Can i see your logcat .?@MikeIsrael
yeah wht
ok dude getting what you want ?
@a I solved your issue
but not so efficient yet
because its just a workaround
ok.... can u send me the file
@jitendrasharma: or brief me
ok, just edited solution
@jitendrasharma: ok
@jitendrasharma: wer did u do it....
I did not get the notification
m not able to c it either
@jitendrasharma: u der
@anuja check now
in your question
@jitendrasharma: thnx for ur time...
m checkin it
@Mike sorry was away for a bit, I have been through a few different versions of the app trying to get it to work
the issue I get when I run a loop in the thread is
java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't create handler inside thread that has not called Looper.prepare()
when I add the Looper.prepare(), Looper.Loop() it removes the error but still no calls to the update
@anuja you are welcome
@jitendrasharma nice one
+1 for you
@Mike thanks mike
hey welcome Venky
after long time
very busy@Venky
Yeah bit busy man
How are you?
very fine
hmm cool
@MikeIsrael How to stop stream playing .?
which method you use for call
@jitendrasharma: r u gettin any null pointer exception??
Hello all... I was wondering, can I force to keep screen awake while an third party application is on focus ?
@jitendrasharma: can u jus do me a favor... if it is fine wid u
plzz... send me back the edited file...
u have my email address
@anuja ok, it is fine
but can you tell me on which line you are getting null pointer exception
in getChildView
@Alin Hi
on Focus means .?
@jitendrasharma: jus ping me..after droppin me the mail
@anuja ok
meanwhile can you check what is null there editText or array
@Venky: can u help me
m fed up nw
Yeah tell me mate
@Venky on the pitch now
came to bat
@Abhi @Venky Very Happy Mood Anything Special .?
yeah you came to solve the question na? i am saying that you came to bat, in cricket commentry type
Nothing Darlings!!!
Ha ha ha ha
A: onChildClickListener not responding in ExapandableListView

jitendra sharmapublic class TryTestActivity extends ExpandableListActivity { ExpandableListAdapter mAdapter; @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); String[] titles = {"A","B","C"}; String[] fruits = {"a1","a2"}; ...

Hmm yeah @Abhi is my Darling
ha ha he
@Venky lol
@venky can u help me with this question
Haven't used Expandable list, lemme try mate
Kya Abhi Vanky is angry mood with you
Not Ready to Make fun
@anuja see this link pastebin.com/hXF4XUDM, worked for me
@Venky never get angry on me @Mike
Why should i get angry with my Darling @Mike
that you know
@Abhi: this is with text view...can u do me a favor.... try it with edit text view
In the getChildView() try replacing text view with edit text view
it wont work.... it wont get into onChildClickListener
@Venky Hello
try it
@Venky: Hi
@Abhi: could you find any solution]
@anuja abhi is very busy guys
@Pinki Hello
@Mike: Hi
@anuja not tried with EditTexts dude
oh ok....
@Abhi try for me
@MikeIsrael there.?
Hey sorry got distracted
ok so basically now isntead of turning the updates on and off over and over again I just turn them on when the service starts
how u doin?
you find current location in application .?
yeah that wasn't the problem
then refresh the page at certain time so you can't do like to make loop infinite time
the pboelm was I basically wanted a thread in a service that wakes up every ten minutes or so and turns ont he updates listens for a minute then turns them off
but i dont get why you use thread service
you also get locatin lat and long
remaining use of that
@MikeIsrael: There is no need for thread
in order to receive updates
I need it to loop though @anuja
I can't put that in the main service thread or it will block, from what I can tell
@Mike I need a service that runs in thebackground periodically checking the users location for a special feature in the app
wht r u exactly looking for
I need a service that turns on location updates evert 30 minutes or so, listens for a few minutes then turns it off
if u have GPS facility on, den it will check the users location..... we have a method requestLocationUpdates
Please anyone answer this question stackoverflow.com/questions/8789260/…
dt thing is possible with the method requestLocationUpdate.....
@anuja yeah I know the problem is I wanted to also call removeUpdates() so as not to drain the battery
@anuja Can you please answer this question stackoverflow.com/questions/8789260/…
and then recall requestLocatioUpdate later
but that is how I fixed it in the meantime
But service is as such goin to drain the battery
service is not actually a good option....
is there another option to have something run in the background even when the app is not running @anuja?
Eclipse not updating my SDKs list .. please help
@Mike thanks yeah I have gone over, they don't use looping threads so much though int heir examples
@anuja and @Mike thanks for the suggestions I kind of solved it by just leaving the updates running as long as the service is alive, so the thread can access the most current data
I will try and play around with the update frequency to save on battery
or maybe just go into the Android battery selling business :)
I just bought two more online
fine...else...lemme knw... I have an app on the market.... and it is all abt gps...and tracking locations
try and figure it out... else lemme knw
Please listen to me also
@AyushPateria what's your question?
Q: Eclipse not updating android sdk list

Ayush PateriaOkay I want to upgrade my Android SDK from 2.2 to 4.0.3. So, I downloaded the Android SDK 4.0.3 using direct link http://dl-ssl.google.com/android/repository/android-15_r01.zip, and then extracted in my Android\android-sdk\platforms directly. When I open my SDK manager through eclipse it fails ...

@anuja, thanks so much, do you do anything with location when the application is not running?
@MikeIsrael It would be great help if you can help me
@AyushPateria why can't you update through the eclipse plugin?
I like offline versions, as they can be used afterwards on other computers without downloading
But it is recognized by the native SDK manager
I am guessing there is a copy of the directory or something
yeah...if the gps is on....den it will track users location..... and his distance from the saved location
I want to tell u one more thing
u dont have to call remove updates evrytime
try searching for other copies of the previous android os
@anuja yeah I don't have to, but it would save battery because then won't use the gps
once u have specified the parameters in the request location update(), then the gps will be available for that time only
say eg. u wanna turn on gps for 5 mins. and turn it of. So u will provide relevant parametrs in the request update method...
@anuja, I actually saw a few threads on stackoverflow that say that isn't true, the time parameter isn't strictly followed, I tested it myself and found I could trigger events different from the time parameter, but that is what I am going to use now beacuse I can't find another option
Now after 5 mins... gps will stop
oh ok
@anuja i think your meeting is going on
03:00 - 14:0014:00 - 15:00

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