last day (387 days later) » 
09:00 - 14:0014:00 - 16:00

Hello And welcome
Thank you mike
to All...
@mike have u checked it
ya just checking
welcome @Praveena
@AamirPathan wait..
@Mike:Thank you mike
Hello mates
@Praveena aa room lo evvado edho antunadu chudandi okasari
@Abhi what you wrote??
@Abhi:emitanta vadi gola
emo koncham ekkuava matladuthunadu
mee kosam
@Rj :)
@Abhi:light le
@Praveena chusara asalu message?
nakey kopam vachindhi
@Abhi:sodile vadileyandi
sare ley @Praveena
Hey guys plese maintain proper language
and proper behaviour...
@Abhi:ee yera ki ide last chaing abhi
@Praveena why so holidays aa?
@Abhi: hmm repati nundi ranu
@Praveena ayyo one week undara :(
@Richa hi
@Praveena aithey happy new year mali chepadam avadhu kada
@mike any solution?
@Abhi:wish you the same,
:) thank you @Praveena
@Praveena @Abhi @AamirPathan @Rj @Richa Most welcome to my Room

now one request to maintain room Atmosphere net and clean >>

please make this room as Favorite

Thanks to all
Ya @AamirPathan Please wait. yar..
@Richa Where Are you.?
@Mike: okay
@AamirPathan in your application you want to make on Button click u want to update your database..?
@Hardik4560 Welcome Hello
@mike no i am fetching values from database and it's working in emulator...but not in device
in Which device you testing.?
@Mike Hi
@AamirPathan Which device ?
lg cookie
@Mike You a professional android developer or student ?
@Hardik4560 Just A Stupid Common Man that Want to Change the World Using Code..
Prof. Developer..
@Mike Yup i guess by your comment
@Mike Where are you from ? India ?
@AamirPathan then Why You Use two sqlite database in Asset Folder
Hi can some one tell me how can i intigrate xml files into html, im developing applkication in android
@Hardik4560 Ya
only consider tt.sqlite
another was of no use
@Mike Mumbai ?
@AamirPathan what is your problem?
my app is not runnig in device
Heaven of Earth ..@Hardik4560
not running in which manner?what is the issue?
@andriod_murali its easy . If you are a Java Deceloper you can use xslt to do it. This can help you.
@Mike Great
i have simple database application and i have put databas in asset folder...and ddms and working fine in emulator but when i run in device than shows me error that:table not exits
what is the path you gave of that table in your code?
@Rj wait
@Rj here is my database adapter class
@Merlin Hey,
@Rj in line:102 i am fetching values of fname and lname
@ShivKumarGanesh Currently im using webview concept its not working tooo
@Rj it's 108 not 102
@AamirPathan Try this File dbFile = getDatabasePath(MY_DB_NAME);
And see what you get
@ShivKumarGanesh I have followed the steps given in the…. bt imn unable to run says" the application unexpectedly closed try later"
@Rosalie squad aa?
@RobinHood ... please do not ping me cross room ... Thankyou
@Hardik4560 ok
@AamirPathan why you giving databse name as
@Rj it's not name it's path
@RobinHood hi
@Abhi no.... someone gave me invitation to this room
@AndrewJBrehm Hello.
@Rosalie was that me ?
Ok now when you bebugg your application in device at which line you get this error?
@Rosalie I send You Invitation to YOu..
@Hardik4560 no thats mike
@Mike ya
@Rosalie Ok
Some friends and I are thinking about writing a game for Android based on Unity3D. Anyone have any experience, good or bad, with Unity3D (and Android)?
You Know Open GLES .?
do not know about unity3d and opengles
@Rosalie ok i thought it is inspection :)
@Abhi no
@Hardik4560 can u tell me where to put it?i am begginer
@Rosalie Hello...wElcome..
@Rosalie ok
@Mike hi
@AamirPathan Rj Working on your Project..
Is there a Stackexchange chat for (general or Android) game development?
@mike k thanks
@Mike Open GLES? Never heard of it.
@Mike Looked it up. Unity3G uses OpenGL, I think.
Graphic Library for Embedded System...

FOr3d Development..
@Mike We won't have much 3D and I am not the graphics guy. I am worried about the tools at the moment.
@AamirPathan at which line you get table not fund exception in device?
First we were considering Delphi (because of FireMonkey), but the EULA is unacceptable. Then we were considering Mono (and individual GUIs). Then Unity came up.
Cross Room? o_0?
@Rosalie OMG
But the Open GLES is accepted for everyone to make 3d things..
@RobinHood then what.?
@RobinHood why?
@Rj it just shows error:NoSuchTableFound
After a long time.
@Rj same code working well in device
@RobinHood yes
working well in device means? so where it is creating problem?@AamirPathan
@RobinHood You solve your error..?
@Rosalie Where you were?
@Rj i mean my code working well in emualtor and not working in device
i think it doesn't able to find the path
in Android For Life, 49 mins ago, by RobinHood
Phase1# I have layout inside having button and one hidden listview.
in Android For Life, 48 mins ago, by RobinHood
Phase2#When I click on button listview slide from left and hold beside layout.
are you debugging it in device?@AamirPathan ,yes the error is because of path
@RobinHood where means busy with some things. now i have moved to chennai
ya i have tetsed apk
Not that ..Ur Server Side Error that .?@RobinHood
in device @Rj
not apk connect your device to pc and then bebug
how to do it?
@AndrewJBrehm Getting.?
connect your phone using datacable to pc.instead running your application in emulator run it in device(after successful connection eclipse will show you your device)
@Rj ok let me try
@Mike I mail to client, waiting for reply:)
@Rosalie You married, I heard?
@Rj where the device option /
in eclipse?
@RobinHood which stupid told you that? anyways you heard it wrong
@Mike ? Getting?
right click your project check manual run application (in run configuration)
@RobinHood what ever the rpy of client then please foreword to me also..
@AndrewJBrehm use of open GLES
@Rj and than?
run your application it will show available devices
check whether you are getting your actual device or not
if then run your app in it if not then try to connect your device successfully
@AamirPathan In the java file where you try to open the database
@Hardik4560 ok button click event
@AamirPathan Yup
@Rj ok
@Hardik4560 sorry not on click event at line :82
@AamirPathan See How many developer want to help you.?
@mike that's my pleasure
And our.?
@Mike kindness
@AamirPathan Wherever you try to access the database
@Rosalie avnaaaaa? nenu vinaledhu adugutha undu
@Abhi enti?
@Hardik4560 it's working in emulator but when i installed apk in device than it shows me error
paina edo chusa ley msg @Rosalie :) :)
@Abhi denkosam matladtnav?
@Rosalie abha mrg kosam
@AamirPathan Do you have any other device ?
@Abhi oh lite le
@Hardik4560 no
i don't have
@Rosalie ok
@AamirPathan What log is generated by the code i gave you in emulator
@Mike sure
@ShivKumarGanesh Hi..
@RobinHood and dude i m 110% sure i m right....
the problem in url..
like encryption ya decryption ....
@Rosalie You are android Dev.?
@Mike yes
You are android Developer..?
@Mike You have any doc for native heap assigning
@Rosalie You from INDIA ?
@Hardik4560 yes
@Hardik4560 Not Getting You.?
@Mike I want some information about Native Heap in android. Do you have anything that can help
@Hardik4560 it shows me error in device no such table while compiling select fname,lname from ttTB
@AamirPathan I know that but what about emulator. You said it worked in emulator. See the logs in DDMS and tell me the output
@Hardik4560 Sory idea..
@Mike ok
@Mike Where in Mumbai ?
@Mike Now look at my new issue.
@Hardik4560 Where in Mumbai.?
i m not form Mumbai..
@Mike Oh
@Hardik4560 can i send u my code?
hi is there any possibility to load xml in webview??
@Mike there?
ya say dude
unnra means .?
@Mike any idea about my problem/
Which one @RobinHood
@Mike: are you there --- unnara maning ?
@Mike: do you know droid con session in banglore?
@Praveena No..
ya i here only..
@Mike check the link.
@Abhi animation?
@Praveena tell me about seddion ..please..
@Praveena una, @RobinHood no :(
@RobinHood send me that link..on my mail..please..
i have no access skype right
@Mike Hi
@ingsaurabh Hello.
@Mike I wasnt on machine just saw ur message
@Mike hi dude,
@Mike: i didn't get you mike
@rizvan Hey
@Praveena what happend in Sesson in B'lore tell me
@Praveena enti?
If You want
@do u have idea on "KIRIN"
@MilanRaval Hi
@Mike: i don't know .i am just asking you..
@Praveena i also not attended that
ok np..ignore that..
@Mike: k
Where are from @Praveena
@Abhi hi abi
hi @Selva
@Mike:Hyd .you are from Mumbai right?
@Mike I have issue with animation.
I am applying animation to layout.
@Praveena I M form Gujarat .
@Abhi i want to apply zoom control for my imageview
@Mike: k
@Abhi my target version 1.6
@Selva dunno buddy, present in work sorry, i think pinch zoom will work i have seen many samples also
@Abhi i tried lot of example but not support 1.6 version.if there any ex for specificaly 1.6
@ingsaurabh Hello there?
@RobinHood Layout Animation.
for me no idea mate, hope anyone from here will help you @Selva
@Mike yes
what is the best resource site u guys have for andriod sample code is their any that show a full app using mysql database kinda like flikster
@DavidBuckley What you want that is not understand.?
just a good sample app that teaches me how to use lists and mysql on androiod
@RobinHood Hi
@Mike hi,
@IconApp Hello..
I tried youtube. i am given some code for video uploading. but am getting error i added libaries for gdata. its not uploading
this is my code:
YouTubeService service = new YouTubeService(clientID, developer_key);

VideoEntry newEntry = new VideoEntry();

YouTubeMediaGroup mg = newEntry.getOrCreateMediaGroup();
mg.setTitle(new MediaTitle());
mg.getTitle().setPlainTextContent("Custom title here");
mg.addCategory(new MediaCategory(YouTubeNamespace.CATEGORY_SCHEME,
mg.setKeywords(new MediaKeywords());
mg.setDescription(new MediaDescription());
mg.getDescription().setPlainTextContent("Custom description here");
my logcat is:
@DavidBuckley Please refer this link..
Dont Pase code.
@IconApp please dont tell ur code here..
delete it
how can i remove code?
I can't delete code dude
K Next time be aware of this ..
ya sure
use this site for ur code paste
and send link
which site?
do you see my code?
i tried by this code for uploading. but i am getting error.
not see
But Wait @IconApp
@ingsaurabh Did you work on animation?
i have the code for
you may be it helpful to you
@Mike this is the link. check it once
ya sure
Which error you get
refere this
failed to get gdata and some Exception errors am getting. I think i failed in authentication.
if i tried in browser i didn't get anything
Q: Animate listview from back of layout

Chirag PatelI am working on animation, I have one Layout and list-view and I am applying animation to list-view from left to right, Its working fine but list-view slide front of layout and I want to do from back of layout. On click of layout list-view will slide from left to right and it hold the place besi...

Nice Presentation @ChiragPatel
if i use the link i got this error on browser
User authentication required.
Error 401
ya that i see..
@ChiragPatel Hello.
@Mike you checked it?
room topic changed to Android Developer: Complete solution of Android (no tags)
ya i studied by this only i did. but in that document i tried the link before i sent u. but i didn't get
I didn't get authentication is succeed. so can you give me help for authentication for youtube. i have developer key and client id. dude...
Hello Every One
@AnshPatel Hello
@Frankenstein @user642953 Welcome
ya thanks
Why change name.?
it's look goods..
09:00 - 14:0014:00 - 16:00

  last day (387 days later) »