last day (15 days later) » 

hello sir
Android = Parth
nice one
hi satya
Hi Guys, nice to mee you.
hello sir
how r u?
Hello sir
How r u?
su chale bhai @Android ? & @KalpeshSanganiSKP
i am fine thanks.
@Kalpen hu Hu Parth
saru chale 6e
@Sathya hello
ok parth, which company you are working ?
@Kalpen hu ane kalpesh jode j chia
& what about you @KalpeshSanganiSKP ?
ok good
@Kalpen tame sir tya j 6o haji..?
@Kalpen sir tame numbai ma cho ke Mumbai ma
so on which project you are working right now ?
Android Tablet
Android Project
Tablet And Phone both
are bhai Android ma kam kare chhe to android no j project banavto hoish ne.......
I am asking the defination .
hhm... sounds nice. & what new things you are learning in it ?
@Kalpen a project like to maintain the daily task and other functionality
ok good
any new API in it ?
@Kalpen Fragment also
hhm... ok fine \
its been more than 6 months you are working in openXcell right ? you met Utpal there ?
no he was left before
oh ok.
so what else is going on ?
lalit has also left the openxcell na
@Kalpen yes
due to some problem
ya, he is with mihir in ST now
@Kalpen sir what about about you..?
@Kalpen yes
I have just completed one of my big project of Torrent Power & went to Bhivandi for installation. now focusing on android
for another project of Krishidhan
@Kalpen android stated on company?
@Android hi
@Kalpen ok sir, Krishidhan android phone app?
sorry there was electricity problem
ok I am going for lunch now. see ya in evening.
@Android & @KalpeshSanganiSKP
@Kalpen ok sir have a nice lunch ,and meet afdter lunch
@Kalpen after*
after lunch I am going for DON - 2
ok bye
@Kalpen half day???
6 hours later…
@Kalpen sir kevu rahiyu movie????????
1 hour later…
Hi @Android, sorry I was in meeting. Movie was bekar yar..
bye for now , see ya tomorrow
@Kalpen ok sir

last day (15 days later) »