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A: laravel move query function from routes to repository

Antonio Carlos RibeiroYou must first return only the related data from the repository: public function getClientsProjects($clientId) { $client = Client::find($clientId); ... return $response; } Then change your route to point to your controller: Route::get('task/clientsprojects', 'TaskController@cli...

ah ok, I've moved this into the places as you've advised but now I am getting errors in the console, I'll post an update @AntonioCarlosRibeiro
updated my quesiton
We need the full error message. Take a look at your server log /var/log/<webservername> it should tell you what's wrong. And, maybe Laravel too: /var/www/appdir/app/storage/log/laravel.log
updated my question with log and edited code with //line 42
You are missing a use Input at the top of your repository.
of course! thanks alot!
Edited to make it look better in terms of design. I removed the Input from the repository and transferred it to the controller, passing the client id to the controller via method parameter.
oh thanks! that works brilliantly
do you know how I can implement a placeholder on my select dropdown @if(count($client_options)>0) {{ Form::select('client', $client_options, Input::old('client'), array('data-placeholder' => 'Choose a Client...', 'id' => 'select_client', 'class' => 'chosen-select tempus_select', 'tabindex' => '2', )) }} @endif the placeholder here makes no difference
Try doing it in HTML first, if it works (not sure if it does), should be easy do do it in Laravel too. But usually people add a first element with value = 0.
how would I add a first element in blade? or would i would jQuery or something
do an array_merge([0 => 'first option'], $client_options) before passing it to your view
$client_options = array_merge([0 => 'first option'], $client_options)
Ahh cool that worked!
thanks for the help! much appreciated
theres a little problem with that
it loads the wrong projects for the clients its like its getting the id's confused
send the client id to log
\Log::info('client id = ' . $clientId);
and check it using
php artisan tail
#0 /media/sf_Sites/tempus/app/controllers/TaskController.php(74): Illuminate\Exception\Handler->handleError(8, 'Undefined varia...', '/media/sf_Sites...', 74, Array)
#1 [internal function]: TaskController->create()
#2 /media/sf_Sites/tempus/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php(231): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
#3 /media/sf_Sites/tempus/bootstrap/compiled.php(5784): Illuminate\Routing\Controller->callAction('create', Array)
#4 /media/sf_Sites/tempus/bootstrap/compiled.php(5772): Illuminate\Routing\ControllerDispatcher->call(Object(TaskController), Object(Illu
part of the erro is: 'Undefined varia...' variable? Which one?
[2014-09-03 21:41:51] production.INFO: client id = 1 [] []
[2014-09-03 21:41:53] production.INFO: client id = 2 [] []
[2014-09-03 21:41:55] production.INFO: client id = 1 [] []
[2014-09-03 21:41:58] production.INFO: client id = 0 [] []
[2014-09-03 21:41:58] production.ERROR: exception 'ErrorException' with message 'Trying to get property of non-object' in /media/sf_Sites/tempus/app/Acme/Repositories/DbProjectRepository.php:46
Stack trace:
#0 /media/sf_Sites/tempus/app/Acme/Repositories/DbProjectRepository.php(46): Illuminate\Exception\Handler->handleError(8, 'Trying to get p...', '/media/sf
$projects = $projects = Project::where('client_id', $client->id)
thats line 46
$client->id is null
you have to check if it found the client
if ( ! $client = Client::find($id)) { echo 'client not found'; }
[2014-09-03 21:49:08] production.ERROR: exception 'ErrorException' with message 'Undefined variable: id' in /media/sf_Sites/tempus/app/Acme/Repositories/DbProjectRepository.php:42
Yeah, I'm not looking at your code :)
Probaly I gave you a wrong variable name
	if ( ! $client = Client::find($id)) { echo 'client not found'; }
$client = Client::find($clientId);
if ( ! $client = Client::find($clientId)) { echo 'client not found'; }
$clientId and not $id
nope still not working [2014-09-03 21:53:03] production.INFO: client id = 1 [] []
this is it not working?
your client id is not 1 ?
There's some work to do with this snippet I gave you
the way it is it will only echo a 'client not found' message
is there a client id of 1 in your database?
<select placeholder="Choose a Client..." id="select_client" class=" tempus_select" tabindex="2" name="client"><option value="0">Select a client from the list</option><option value="1">IMF</option><option value="2">SJP</option></select> this is being loaded incorrectly into the select IMF should be value 2 and SJP should be value 1
yes there is
there is only 1 & 2
So you have a problem in the code which creates that select for you.
not so sure it works when i take out $client_options = array_merge([0 => 'Select a client from the list'], $client_options);
to make sure you have the correct data before that
$client_options = array_merge([0 => 'Select a client from the list'], $client_options);
it will plot two arrays, check if it was correct before that.
[2014-09-03 22:02:17] production.INFO: array (
2 => 'IMF',
1 => 'SJP',
) [] []
[2014-09-03 22:02:17] production.INFO: array (
2 => 'IMF',
1 => 'SJP',
) [] []
[2014-09-03 22:02:30] production.INFO: client id = 1 [] []
[2014-09-03 22:02:37] production.INFO: array (
2 => 'IMF',
1 => 'SJP',
) [] []
[2014-09-03 22:02:37] production.INFO: array (
2 => 'IMFs',
1 => 'SJP',
) [] []
that is output correct but when i make a selection
[2014-09-03 22:03:07] production.INFO: client id = 1 [] []
which is wrong it should be 2
so the problem is happening after that.
My shift is just over here, I have to go home.
ok cool thanks for the help so far anyway
I'll check this chat when I arrive there.
ok thanks :)
any progress?

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