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A: WordPress AJAX request returns 0

MindasticIt seems that you are missing the "action" attribute in the params you are sending on the ajax call. Your params object should be: var params = { action: "ajax-call", cat: category }; Hope this helps, Regards, Marcelo

Still returning a single 0. I feel like it is a simple thing I'm overlooking, though.
Sorry, i wrote the wrong "action" in my answer above. It should be "ajax-callback". Did you try with that one too? Also, did you debug the code and you are sure it is getting to your function "ajax-callback"?
It is getting to my function. That part works correctly. Now the function isn't returning any results - just [], leaving my code to look like : <option>[</option><option>]</option>
What about using this workaround, instead of the "correct way": > echo json_encode($query); die(); Instead of > header('Content-Type: application/json'); > wp_send_json( json_encode( $query ) );
Same result: [] is all that's returned. The problem must be with my db query, I'd guess.
I was not checking the query. As you say, you are right. THat query is not ok. You are asking for the field "post_category" and that is not a field from that DB. In postmeta, the fields you have are "meta_key" and "meta_value". So, i guess your query should say "WHERE meta_key = 'post_vategory' and meta_value=%s".
Well I'm trying to draw out the post meta key values - custom field values - from posts with the selected category, then list those custom field values into a select box. I can't even get it to return post titles for the given category. If I build out a dummy json array, it works (sort of - it displays every character in its own option box), but I can't get it to work with a db query.
So I've got it to return a bunch of post data in json format
Hi Remy,
I think you are missing a join in your query. You need to get the info for every posts. So, you will need a query similar to this one:

$query = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare(
"Select * from $wpdb->posts p INNER JOIN $wpdb->postmeta pm ON = pm.post_id WHERE pm.meta_key = 'post_category' and pm.meta_value = %s", $cat
) );
I have
$query = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT p.meta_value
FROM $wpdb->postmeta
JOIN $wpdb->term_relationships tr ON (p.ID = tr.object_id)
JOIN $wpdb->term_taxonomy tt ON (tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id)
JOIN $wpdb->terms t ON (tt.term_id = t.term_id)
WHERE tt.taxonomy = 'category'
AND t.term_id = $cat");
Okay, so check this out
$wpdb->get_results("SELECT p.post_title
FROM $wpdb->posts p
JOIN $wpdb->term_relationships tr ON (p.ID = tr.object_id)
JOIN $wpdb->term_taxonomy tt ON (tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id)
JOIN $wpdb->terms t ON (tt.term_id = t.term_id)
WHERE p.post_type='post'
AND p.post_status = 'publish'
AND tt.taxonomy = 'category'
AND t.term_id = $cat");
That returns a json encoded array
with all the posts titles
From the specific category. But it every single value is returned in its own <option> box
So, it is returning everything correctly. Right?
I don't understand what you mention about <option>
okay each post as 4 custom values that I created. I'm trying to get those values, but only from posts in the selected category. I that want to return those values in a select drop-down menu.
While it isn't returning the data I want, I'm getting to to return SOME data, which means I can work on the query to get the right data.
But is it returning data now?
The data being returned in json is like [{"datatype":"value"},{"datatype":"value"}]

And it's being parsed into html as <select><option>[</option><option>{</option><option>"</option><option>d</option><option> - so on and so on.

Instead of:

And yes, it's returning data now, just not the data I need. But that's workable.
Ok, so, in that case, the problem is not happening on the js side. Let me check your js function again.
var category_callback = function(data) {
var category_callback = function(data) {
data = JSON.parse(data);

And check the output in your console
Now it is returning "OJBECT, OBJECT, OBJECT, OBJECT" so on
Ok, that is fine
and how is each object composed?
can you show me?
No I mean
console just shows the word OBJECT
I'm stupid
-0: object
-- post_title: "post title"
you, somehow, need to get the id for the posts also
then in your js function
you need to do
for (var k in data) {
var option = $('<option />').val(data[k].id).html(data[k].post_title);
you have to replace the old code by that one (you can use both times post_title, at least to try if it works)
doesn't quite work. Thank you for your help, I think I'm going to step away from this for a bit.
The "backend" changes were done in your live site? Because may be i can check the javascript there. It is easier than just guessing what to do with the code.

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