A: Why can't load image from this Url in Android

tmalseedTry this instead: http://cub.com/content/dam/B2C/enterprisebannerwebsites/Cub/CUB_WK25_HP_BackToSchool.jpg For me, the https:// link did not work, but the http:// did. Security certificate issues.

Did you try loading that url before posting this?
Uh, yes. I couldn't load OP's, but my url loaded fine (omitting the 's')
It redirects to https...
Yet it works. And loading OP's link doesn't. So the answer is valid.
And, "security issues or some shit" isn't terribly helpful.
The solution is valid. It solves the problem OP is having. "Is there anything I can do to remedy this?" - Yes, omit the s in https, so that you don't have to worry about the certificate. I don't think there's anything wrong with my answer at all.
Both links do exactly the same thing. Your browser must be caching it strangely or something.
Possibly. In any case loading the http:// would not allow me access, due to issues with the certificate, but loading https:// redirects to https:// but somehow with a valid certificate. It worked for me so it'll probably work for OP. I'm here to try and help OP resolve his issue, not worry about semantics.
Programming is all about semantics. 100%. Almost guaranteed, that https is required
Look man, it worked for me
If I go back and paste in OP's url, it does not work
I get a certificate problem and can't see the image. If I omit the 's', it works fine
Fuck me for throwing in my 2 cents huh?
And what about me, for pointing out what I think is incorrect in your answer. As verified by the op now.
Oh, well you win a prize
But you didn't have to be a dick about it.
You do know your original answer text is viewable in the history, right?
I threw in an answer that OP could try in a matter of seconds. Anecdotally, it seemed like it would solve the issue, seeing as http lead me to an image and https did not (nothing to do with browser caching, I can recreate this issue).
I'm not worried that I wrote 'security issues or some shit'
I don't know why this is such a problem for you
Then read the Help Center some time.
I rolled the dice. Maybe OP comes back and says "Oh it fixed it, and I don't care what was wrong I can move on now"
Don't be a cunt.
Besides being profane, you flippantly ignored the most important part of the question, imo.
And you have repeatedly used profanity since
Mate, you're tripping on ego
You need a kitkat
a hot chocolate
Maybe a massage?
Read the Help Center before posting any thing else here. At all.
"I did try. It didn't work. I said so. You flipped out in response."
I have no idea what that even means
I tried your solution. It didn't work. I said so. You flipped out in response
I didn't flip out, for starters, and secondly I'm only interested in whether or not OP tried the solution
I'll note OP's quote (how this could have been handled) "Thanks for trying. I was really hoping it would be as simple as that as well. "
I think you'e mostly annoyed at the line 'security issues or some shit'
If this is how you react when someone points out what they think is a shortcoming in your answers...
No man, I'm welcome to anyone expanding on my point
I was giving OP a potential quick fix
Something to try, that from what I could tell, may have resolved the issue
Then you must respond politely.And without profanity
Short of me running volley in a test project of my own
OK, my response was not impolite
And be open to being told you are wrong
I'm more than open to that
You have cursed at me three times.
You were being a dick
And been repeatedly condescending
Now four
You've been very condescending yourself
I asked you a question: did you try it
I tried it in browser
And you're wrong about browser caching
None of which requires being rude
Again, I think you're mostly upset about me using the word 'shit' in my extremely basic answer. I was trying to give OP a solution first, before explaining the problem.
I apologise if I offended you, or anyone else for that matter. I'll have you note I amended the answer to no longer contain the word 'shit'
Read the history here in chat. We went from discussing it, to you suddenly cursing at me out of nowhere
But I will not be berated for trying to help out. In my experience, sometimes a simple answer is all you need.
"you didn't have to be a dick about it." is this the moment for you?
I apologise.
And repeatedly cursing.
I'm sorry for cursing. I will use less profane language in future.
Now can we stop pretending that the issue here is about profanity, and refocus on the validity of the answer I gave?
Sure. It's wrong.
It doesn't fix the issue, and avoids the real problem
See, this is the part where I feel like you're being very condescending
"It's wrong"
You're being more unhelpful here than I was in my answer
And ignores that https is probably a requirement
Well apparently not, anecdotally, in my browser
And yet, my browser and the OPs browser...
Short of setting up volley in a test project, - I quickly tested OP's URL and got a certificate error
So when I omitted the 's', it worked fine.
Right, so that led me to believe that this is a potential solution for OP
Yet, that didn't fix it.
And I stand by that. As it turns out, we now know that is the case
You're right, it didn't. But it was a worthy answer with the knowledge I had at the time.
(Short of setting up a volley project and testing it myself)
Perhaps a potential one, but I thought you said you wanted to talk about the correctness of the answer now.
Not the comments about it.
No Andrew, you're saying 'it's wrong'
You only know that based on the comments
So stop being a hypocrite.
It is. We know it is wrong.
We know it's wrong... because?
Because the op said so.
But prior to OP commenting on my answer, we didn't know it was wrong. And it was at that point that you started dishing downvotes and commenting that it was a terrible answer.
Yes. So if we are talking about the factual correctness of the answer now...
I'm talking about the validity of the answer, at the time it was posted
That is what you first took issue with
Took issue?
I asked you a simple question. Did you try it
Oh how I'd love to go and review the comments
I suspected exactly what happened: you tried it and got a different result
They are right above in this chat log. Go look
I suspected exactly what happened: you tried it and got a different result
Can you explain what you mean ^^
I tried the http and got forwarded. So when you said that was the answer, I wanted to know if you had tried it and saw something different than what I did
I just want to tell you now exactly what happened, so you can see things from my perspective
We were talking aboit that exact topic when you started with the "f me for trying to help..."
I know what happened. You told me
When I did so, I did not see the image, I got a certificate problem.
That's not in dispute
When I tried "http://cub.com/content/dam/B2C/enterprisebannerwebsites/Cub/CUB_WK25_HP_BackToS‌​chool.jpg", I was taken straight to the image
This led me to believe that there was an issue with the certificate (certificate issues or some sh*t), and that omitting the 's' would solve OP's problem.
At the time I wrote that answer, it wasn't a bad one.
You saw something different than what I did, so when your answer showed something different than what I saw, I asked about it
Not a bad guess, no. And I engaged in discussion about it.
I don't think you acknowledge that "Both links do exactly the same thing. Your browser must be caching it strangely or something." isn't a fair statement from you wither
Maybe your browser is doing something strange? At the time, who knew?
Not fair? Huh?
I found your comments to be disparaging and reacted to that. And in turn you reacted to mine.
Disparaging? Huh?
You need to not assume things like that
Maybe you need to review your own approach
As much offensive language you've hurled at me here, you can't take a frank and direct discussion of your post?
Are you serious?
What would you call the discussion we've just had this last 10 minutes?
Get off your high horse mate
I'm having other moderators review everything I've said here just so I have another set of eyes, but I was never rude
And you continually insult me, like there.
I have not accused you of being rude
Condescending and disparaging are rude
So you can say "you can't take a frank and direct discussion of your post", yet I can't say "get off your high horse"
Neither of which I have been
Oh you've definitely been condescending
But look, maybe you don't see it that way. And you know what? I'm gonna forgive you for it.
So, moving on.... I found it interesting that OP thanked me for attempting to answer his question
We're done here. I recommend reading the Help Center, and feel free to put in a flag our contact the community team if you have any problems with me.
I don't have any problem with you at all, I appreciate you taking the time to talk this out
I assume you're pointing me to the help centre due to my offensive language. I've been there before. Generally the quality of my answers is much better, but in this case I thought I'd stumbled on an easy fix.
I apologise for insulting you, and I'll refrain from profanity in the future.
Andrew Barber has frozen this room.