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@NordineLotfi Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 3.0...
....What Would Roald Dahl Do...
@roganjosh You should file/upvote a new/existing issue on polars
5 hours later…
@smci I certainly will once I understand it better. Right now I have no shareable MCVE or any further insight, so that's less than helpful for them to deal with. I won't have time to dig into it until weekend
4 hours later…
Lol, racing to put together a demo package for 3pm today and got to the point I need this from my website. Curse you, Divakar for your awesome but unintelligible SO contributions. I certainly hope nobody asks me to explain it
I forgot I had that code lurking in my solver. I think it's probably my biggest cargo-culting offence to date. Works, tho
2 hours later…
Spotted on Mastodon:
Is it possible to edit a variable using variable += 1 by putting local before it?
Why would you need local?
so I can edit a variable inside a function
isnt that a local variable?
That depends on where it's defined
its called inside the function
You can't call a variable. Do you mean that it's defined inside the function?
In which case, we loop back to "why would you need local?"
What happens if I use local?
I have never used it before
What happens if you don't use it? Are you trying to tackle an actual issue?
I talked to you before about the Quran browser
inside the function.
I am just wondering if using local would work when a variable is declared inside a function
There is no such keyword as "local"
All variables are local by default.
Could I use nonlocal?
@matszwecja Spoilsport :P There goes the Socratic method!
I don't think it was working in the first place
Good opportunity to learn about the XY problem
What is your issue, and why do you think nonlocal will solve it?
I am making a discord bot that prints out quran and it works by using two arguments for a chapter integer and a verse integer
and I included buttons to increment and decrement the variables
the only way it has worked so far is if i use a global variable but thats for EVERYONE.
I also gave you suggestions on this problem. Did you try them?
I am not really experienced with databases yet rogan, so I have been trying other solutions before trying yours.
I would hazard a guess that it would be more effective to learn them than invent python keywords
I am sorry I'm not experienced you do not have to be rude about it
I came here to help I didn't come here for the "socratic method"
Do you have any other solutions besides databases?
Noone is being rude, you were given advice and you are actively choosing to ignore it.
I am not ignoring it I am searching for other solutions before choosing his.
That's why people say they save the best for last.
I don't really know what to say at this point. What suggestions would you be willing to try? You have put mine to the side because it involves learning something new, so what's to say that you won't do the same to anyone else's suggestion?
And the Socratic method is to help someone learn and help them. I made you go in a circle, not for fun, but to try straighten out your thinking
FWIW I've just written more than half of a SQL approach but I cba finishing it because I don't think you'll take it on board anyway with your last messages. A hit-and-hope approach to find the easy route isn't going to work in programming
@zoomingspeed For getting help, it's too hard to do it from scratch as there are many ways to solve your problem. That's why to better help you and help yourself, we need an MRE: stackoverflow.com/help/minimal-reproducible-example
let me make a paste bin @NordineLotfi
Sure. also if there many files, just use github or gist.github
FWIW, I agree that a database is overkill at this point. Someone who's struggling with variables doesn't need to learn about databases yet. A dict should suffice for now
2 days ago, by roganjosh
Something like that at least. That's the kind of bare-bones example where you remove all the noise and just focus on the one bit of functionality you want to implement in a little test case. For all the rest of us, it doesn't matter how simple your 3rd party package it, we don't understand it and it just dominates the screen. We ALL know already that you can get a verse by number, so we don't need to see that machinery, just the bit that increments/decrements an integer
@Aran-Fey it won't because they're making it global in a webapp
Why's that a problem? Does the webserver start multiple python processes?
I think so. That's why it's incrementing/decrementing by multiple values. We never got an MCVE
I just want a variable declared inside of a function to be able to change constantly
Oh, sounds like there's more to this than I realized. I'll shut up then
Like how when you use a global variable you can constantly change it by using variable += 1
and calling global variable before it
but I am making an MRE right now so give me a second
could I do something like this?
@zoomingspeed wow, that is so much better than the previous code blocks, thank you! :) I'll have to leave it to the async guys to see whether it's enough to illustrate the issue, but it's so much more accessible
Thank you
sorry for not providing an MRe
Seemed like you guys were confused
@NordineLotfi I forgot to add this into the pastebin, but you need to add bot.run() underneath all the code at the very bottom, and between the parenthesis, you add a string of a discord bot token
I see. I don't dabble in async so I'll leave it to others then
Am I the only one online in this room that uses async lol
@Aran-Fey can you check this out
No, there are other people. But I also don't use async
@zoomingspeed please don't ping people unsolicited
I do, but without knowing discord module it doesn't help much
But rogan, pycord/discord.py is dependent on async functions and calling await
I use async, but I don't use discord
As I said in our previous discussion, I know next to nothing about discord
can I give you guys the API docs if that helps?
We can find them if we want them. You need some active user
Is your problem right now that global variables are shared between all the users?
My impression is that it will most likely update your local variable as you expect, but I'm rather unsure whether that will actually solve your problem
Aran my problem was I tried this with global variables
and it worked because I was able to constantly able to update the verse variable using +=
nonlocal is probably not gonna help with that, then. You need some object that stores separate value for each user.
But trying to do this without global variables causes an error
And using global variables makes the argument values irrelevant when you call the command because the chapter and verse variables are global, so the value will be the same for everyone
Instead of storing value directly in variable, you can store a container that keeps separate value for each user.
That isn't what I want
I want the user to be able to browse through the quran through the local variables
so like for example if I call it once and make the chapter 2 and the verse 30, from there I can go backwards or forwards within the scripture and read
You don't want a different value for each user?
It isnt about users
In Discord, when you make a command, you can assign local variables for things such as channel names
Different value for everytime the command is called
Ok. In that case, using a local variable might be alright. You definitely should avoid defining a class inside of your function though, that's messy
The discord module might provide some kind of mechanism for this, but since I'm not familiar with it, my first instinct would be to store all the relevant variables in the AddOne view. Something along these lines: pastebin.com/ZDm7K46K
@Aran-Fey the classes are specifically for the buttons, everything else you run inside of the function
The buttons can edit variables
Also, you do not make ctx and embeds into an object
the embed just displays your message in a fancy way. You HAVE to make it through a variable
And the "view" part of async def respond, that is what the class is for. The view adds all the buttons called within the class you put within the view= argument
ctx is already declared through the from discord.ext import commands
I would like to try your self.integer, though
could this work?
That makes no sense. There are syntax errors, logical errors, and AddOneInit isn't even used anywhere
@Aran-Fey I made that class to initiate the new object
should I remove that class and make it an object outside of a class
I don't know what that means, but I've already shown you how I'd do it anyway
(I know you've provided some feedback about that code, but... I still don't know a better way to do it)
@Aran-Fey I explained how some of them are wrong, because discord works differently
Maybe. But I don't believe it
@zoomingspeed The code didn't make ctx and embeds into an object? What do you mean?
Discord already initilazes ctx and embeds into objects
you don't have to do it
Yes, but it wasn't done in the code... at all?
Also you have to initialize an embed. You don't initialize context.
from discord.ext import commands is what makes it initiaze
It's already in the import you just have to import it
That is not how that works
Where is it? I don't see a ctx in that import
I don't know how to explain it exactly but I am saying you do not initialize it manually
When you import discord.py or pycord, they are already initialized when you install them
You do not initialize ctx. That is correct. But you have to initialize Embeds.
how so I never have done it and I can use embeds
Notably, my code doesn't "initialize" ctx either
ctx isn't initialized in the imports. They're initialized when you call the command. There is a difference
aran what is the self.ctx = ctx mean
what does it mean*
That is assigning the ctx to the button so that the button can get the ctx when responding
It stores ctx as an attribute of self
You should really go and learn about classes at this point
Why do we need to store it as an attribute of self
So that we have access to it in
async def respond(self):
    await self.ctx.respond(embed=self.embed, view=self)
I just said why. It is used to respond to the interaction from within the button
Oh sorry
That is what async def button_callback is for
I'm not going to continue this any longer. Please learn about classes
Do you use the discord import
button_callback is for the button click. But you have to create the button view first, which is what respond does.
So view=self makes the button show?
You have to add a class to view=
And you make the buttons in that class
so when you do view=ClassName() the buttons appear
and they do whatever you tell them to do in async button_callback
That almost works. It just won't update the embed.
There is also a error when you define the command add_one
how so?
you're naming an argument self.integer. That is not valid
could I make an argument that is equal to self.integer?
self.integer isn't even a valid variable at that point
Do you know how scoping works?
Not really
Please go look into that and classes
Then you need to learn
If you just tell me to learn how scopes work and classes then it will not help me
It will if you're willing
It's been fun but this is the end of the discussion. You've exhausted two members of the room
Nice correction
I have made constant pastebins and your "socratic" method and it made me feel a bit stupid and frustrated
and practically everyone I have spoken to does not work with discord.py or pycord
That's your problem, not ours.
discord bot development is not meant for beginners. You need to know how OOP works and more first.
socratic method?
It is argumentative dialoguebased on asking and answering questions
I have no idea what that means
Idk its what google gave me :P
@zoomingspeed And despite that, we still tried to help you. Don't make us regret it (more than we already do)
We're not trying to make you feel stupid. We're not really teachers. We can help you, but can't teach you something as big and important as OOP in a chat session in our free time.
@12944qwerty it starts here. (although there was a lengthy discussion 2 days before)
That's probably simpler than what I used to do with my team. I'd flag some warnings and they'd ignore it (not consciously), so I'd hack their dashboards with random messages and let them screw up, up to the point that I knew we could pull it back in time for deadlines. My true padawan then went on to completely bork my website he'd been using as a reference - man I miss working with those people
Sorry for causing trouble in the chat room
Just that I have been trying to do this quran thing for almost a MONTH
to no solution
so I will try arans code and if that does not work then I will use try to use a database
There is no trouble and if you get stuck with SQL I can try help with that. Have you considered that the fact you're stuck with this for a month is because you're just dismissing suggestions?
I don't know whether you can get a session ID out of discord. If you can, I might be able to help. We are actually a helpful bunch if you engage properly with us and accept you might need to learn some things along the way
I have been learning python for i think about a year now
and i took a break from programming for christmas and such
So I've been at it almost 9 years and I still can't follow some of the technical details in this chat properly
now it feels like i cannot program anything
or i can just that i dont feel like i wnat to
I can't help with that. The fact you find yourself here presumably means you have some passion for programming
@zoomingspeed I made more than 100 pastebin in less than a year, and whether or not this is for something that work or not, I wouldn't think it would be productive for anyone to feel bad about this.
Their problem is not with making pastebins, it's with me tying them up in logical knots
Albeit very loose ones in this case
@zoomingspeed I started programming when I was 13 and didn't grok classes for a while. Going, what seems like, far outside your depth and not being able to swim is always going to demoralize you.
@Aran-Fey have just seen this, thanks for the answer!
unrelated question: how much do you guys take from functional programming?
have begun doing a bit of Haskell, and I feel a lot of it is usable in Python
I find functional programming intriguing (especially the "nothing is mutable" part, since mutability does lead to additional complexity and problems with static typing), but... I don't know how to actually apply it in practice
The error handling with Maybe is also (in some ways) better than what we currently have in python, but I wouldn't use that in python. The whole python world uses try/except, and fitting in is more important than the upsides of statically typed errors (which is what Maybe gives you)
I've also seen plenty of FP bros drag their FP stuff into python, and it has always, without fail, turned into a mess
2 hours later…
@zoomingspeed it's easy to feel overwhelmed when you're still learning and facing a difficult challenge. And frankly you're way in over your head with your current project. You need classes and async and a whole framework for writing a discord bot, which is a lot of levels above "learn the basics of Python" which you often seem to be struggling with. At the same time the best way to learn is to try to build something you have a passion for. So I sympathize with your situation.
But you must start with learning the basics. Find a good basic tutorial and read it first. Not a "how to write a discord bot" tutorial. A "learn Python" tutorial. You seem to have been asking for help here for 4 hours straight (on and off probably). That's a lot of time and a lot of messages for someone in your situation. Patience is a non-renewable resource so I strongly suggest that you try to limit the amount of help you're asking for here, because people will grow tired of this fast.
Pull your own weight, learn from a good tutorial first, and come here with more specific questions. You can't yet make good use of the help people are willing to give here.
2 hours later…
@Aran-Fey hm I see. yeah, I think what makes most sense is to grab inspiration from the idea of trying to minimize side effects, or at least, compartmentalize side effects as much as possible
without necessarily forcing the python code into a functional form, using this as a guideline I think makes a lot of sense

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