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12:43 AM
2 hours later…
3:01 AM
Just got a message of serial voting reversed, the person downvoted 9 of my posts :P so i got an extra 18 points :P
4 hours later…
6:59 AM
That moment when the guy presenting before you does the same thing, has a worse product, but a nice web interface. :/
morning cbg
7:40 AM
@MisterMiyagi marketing drives sales more than quality
see theranos for a "fun" read, if you don't know that fascinating story yet
I'm losing my mind over here... can someone recommend me a media player that
1) Has a dark theme
2) Has an "Open directory" feature (i.e. plays files from the selected directory)
VLC doesn't count because all its dark themes are terrible and because it has some stupid bugs
7:56 AM
@Arne I didn't, and it's fascinating indeed.
@Aran-Fey spotify has a "local files" function
Huh, I had no idea spotify had an app
@MisterMiyagi right? really makes you wonder how some people will literally invest 100s of millions without making sure that the product even exists ^^
@Arne Perhaps they had a nice web interface. :P
8:02 AM
brb, gotta hand them my money...
@Aran-Fey and I'm 80% sure that it doesn't play ads when playing from folders =)
I'll add "doesn't play ads" to my ever-growing list of requirements, right after "must have a shuffle option" and "must have a (working) next-file button"
8:20 AM
You know, at some point it's going to be easier writing your own.
I'm considering it.
So far I'm pretty happy with Parole, but sadly it seems to be linux-only. I guess on windoze I can use windows media player...
2 hours later…
10:09 AM
before I reinvent the wheel, does anyone know of a library that allows printing of 2d (textual) "array" data in shell? Where each column is spaced to the width of the text?
this should definitely exist.
the term "pretty print" comes to mind
this theme is discussed here: stackoverflow.com/questions/40441391/…
I believe the technical term for this is a "table"
10:50 AM
yeah, if you search something along the lines of "pretty print a table" you should get some good results.
(bit preoccupied atm, i can't do the search for you but it should get you started)
Think this fits the bill: pypi.org/project/tabulate
there you go
2 hours later…
12:58 PM
I've been looking at the implementation of lru_cache and I've noticed some strange imports in functools. I'm not sure I actually know their utility here?
Imports starting with _ are usually C implementations
Those are usually for some faster C implementation.
get rekt, scrub
Oh. Ah, so it's overloading (is that the term here?)
I didn't realise that there were parts of CPython written in that way. I guess it's learnings from the pickle/cPickle days of old?
AFAIK those are fallbacks so the standard library still works without the C bits.
That makes it easier for new features to be available in alternative implementations, and for maintenance efforts to be simplfied.
1:04 PM
Pretty sure some modules were already written this way even when cPickle and cProfile and cWhatever were still a thing
(This confidence is based on my infinite optimism, not facts)
Whenever I guess the age of a Python feature, I'm always off by five years in one direction or another
List comprehensions, probably a 2.6ish thing? Nope, 2.0.
1:28 PM
@roganjosh side note, i dont think this can be called overloading. essentially there's always only one implementation of the function available, you're just overwriting the old one. afaik overloading wants multiple implementations to coexist and be delegated to
this is just overwriting really.
@Kevin yeah, python's development is a bit of a roller coaster
Yeah I think you're right, Paritosh
1:51 PM
I may be stepping into a minefield here, but why does Python still build by default using --std=c99?
Afaik that's what it's written in.
Right, but couldn't you potentially get speed or other advantages by using some of the newer features of the language?
i imagine its probably because someone didn't want to step into a minefield by changing things that work :P
I don't know enough C to point to any specific advantages using, say, C11 might confer, so maybe it's just a dumb question.
Interestingly, python.org/dev/peps/pep-0007 suggests that you shouldn't even be using all the new features of c99, just some of them
"Python versions greater than or equal to 3.6 use C89 with several select C99 features [... ] Future C99 features may be added to this list in the future depending on compiler support (mostly significantly MSVC)"
2:09 PM
okay, i started to read up on this, and now i get the impression these different standards primarily add new features to the C language.
if im not completely off base here, that would imply there won't really be any real benefit to moving the compiler up, if the code base itself stays as is
My own googling suggests that the standards are "mostly" backwards-compatible, so I agree that they probably won't improve an existing code base
If a C compiler design-person looks at the C17 standards and says "eureka! I can now make C99-compliant code more efficient", then he should just integrate that into his C99 branch
discuss.python.org/t/toolchain-upgrade-on-windows/6377/3 -- "The actual compiler version used for CPython increases whenever I remember to update my build machine, but it’ll stay on v14 for anything that’s already released. Last I heard the MSVC team have no plans to up their version, so the next one should be a while away."
So there's a trickle-down effect of blame for not having the latest cutting-edge C:
- Microsoft dragging its feet developing a compliant compiler
- The Visual Studio team dragging its feet integrating newer compilers into Visual Studio
- Steve Dower dragging his feet upgrading his copy of Visual Studio
The first and second bullet points may be the same group of people, I'm not sure
In any case, extensions are allowed to use cutting edge C, so it's not a big deal for any of us until we infiltrate the core dev ranks
You could theoretically have an extension in any language, as long as it can read from the core library, right?
Based on zero practical or theoretical experience, I'm going to guess "yes"
2:25 PM
I've seen C++ and I'm pretty sure I've seen Go...
Also Numpy integrates FORTRAN codes somehow, I know not what magic is involved ...
@holdenweb no, numpy is C only as far as I know
scipy has fortran bits
and the "what magic" is probably "f2py"
I sit corrected.
In fact gfortran, I believe.
Build instructions say that to build you need "... C and Fortran compilers (typically gcc and gfortran)."
2:42 PM
that page is refreshingly detailed and clear, I should probably read it
Relatedly, docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/dev/toolchain.html also lays blame at Microsoft's feet for their toolchain decisions: "Microsoft in particular has taken very long to achieve conformance to C99/C11/C17"
morning cabbage
2:57 PM
Unrelated but I keep seeing pythran popping up in documentation with increasing frequency. SciPy now uses it for OpenMP according to those docs. IIRC, it's effectively just one guy developing/maintaining this?
But he says it's likewise for numba and cython
Hi all, I have just 17 lines of Python code, but it's not working.
If anyone could help, that would be great.
This code was originally working just last week, but for some reason it doesn't work now.
I'm building a CNN, and the first step is to just import the training dataset, but an error comes up: Exception: URL fetch failure on https://**/TrainingSet.tar.gz: 406 -- Not Acceptable
The code itself is very simple:
import/pip install stuff
dataset_url = "https://barisciencelab.tech/TrainingSet.tar.gz"
data_dir = tf.keras.utils.get_file(origin = dataset_url, fname = "TrainingSet", untar = True)
data_dir = pathlib.Path(data_dir)
As you can see, literally 90% of the code is just pip install and importing stuff. The actual thing that's causing the problem is just 3 lines of code. But I don't understand what could possibly be wrong.
@rb3652 have you debugged your code at all?
@Code-Apprentice Of course, I tried different file types, removing the "untar" attribute, changing around the path to the directory, etc.
@rb3652 406 is a HTTP error code. It's unrelated to whatever CNN magic your were trying to sprinkle on the task.
TLDR: doublecheck the URL.
3:07 PM
@MisterMiyagi Here's an image of the error: i.imgur.com/hZN7Ly9.png
the url in dataset_url works when I paste it in my browser. I'd look up what 406 means to see if that gives any cluse.
The URL works fine, so either it's a temporary issue or the server is rejecting requests from non-browsers
@MisterMiyagi Yeah, but it worked just one week ago. Just a week ago, the data was downloading just fine. Super weird.
Or is it something wrong with Google Colab ... ?
You didn't just happen to have run this again and again, did you?
3:08 PM
@MisterMiyagi Nope, I just came back to my code after a few days to add PCA, and when I ran the first few lines, boom ERROR
@rb3652 are you using version control so you can undo your changes easily and check that the original code still works?
@Code-Apprentice Version-control comes with Google Colab
Wait a minute, let me try reverting to a previous version
Block 1 ✔️
Block 2 ✔️
Block 3 ❌
Nope, even the working version is now failing. Very strange.
For reference, this is how the working version's output looked like:
And here's the failing version:
Try it from a different IP
@Aran-Fey You mean from a different computer?
I mean this is all on the cloud, so it shouldn't make a difference, but I'll try.
3:17 PM
@rb3652 are you the same user as DarkRunner? Or just affiliated?
@AndrasDeak affiliated
OK, thanks
OK, I tried opening a completely new Colab Notebook, and it's still not working:
I'm going to try @Aran-Fey's suggestion, since I don't have any other ideas
@Aran-Fey Nope, IP doesn't make a difference.
Then the only explanation I have is that the server only lets you access the file through a browser (probably checks your User-Agent)
MDN tells me that 406 Not Acceptable usually indicates that the server didn't understand your request's "proactive content negotiation headers". Therefore, I suggest checking your headers for weirdness.
3:23 PM
So, HTTP 406 means your code is requesting the resource in a format not supported by the server.
So either your code (i.e. its dependencies) or the server did change. My money is on the later.
I don't feel like rate-limiting would be done via a 406 code. More likely, you've upgraded keras and it's not setting the expected header now
@MisterMiyagi OK ... any ideas as to formats that are supported? It's strange because this didn't happen previously -- perhaps there was an update to Colab.
boom, triple pincer attack combo
Also check the body of the server's response, which may contain useful information regarding supported formats
OK, let me check.
3:24 PM
@MisterMiyagi Whoa, for real? And the error message for that is "not acceptable"? What genius came up with that?
I honestly don't understand the full error code.
Does anyone have any ideas how to update my link's format or what I should change ...?
I'm confused.
"406 Not Acceptable client error response code indicates that the server cannot produce a response matching the list of acceptable values defined in the request's proactive content negotiation headers, and that the server is unwilling to supply a default representation"
90% of that error message screenshot is basically fluff that gives you a lot of unnecessary detail about how urllib handles HTTP errors in general
@Aran-Fey Sorry, the only thing I understand about the web is how to smugly point at the spec.
@Kevin So what exactly is the right format for my url?
The web has a spec?
3:29 PM
@rb3652 Good question :-)
... One that I don't know the answer to -_-
@Kevin I'm looking through the TF documentation.
@rb3652 It's not about the URL. 406 means the request header specifies some desired types of content (e.g. zip or tar) but the server only has other types for that content (e.g. text or pdf).
That should be handled entirely by TF.
Ah, interesting.
So it's not about the url itself, but about the extension, you're saying?
i.e., .tar instead of .tar.gz?
@Aran-Fey Probably a dozen. :P
Hello, how do I retrieve something in a list comp? For example: https://dpaste.com/FXDWE82W5

The commented code (working) was my attempt at converting the whole for loop into a comprehension. But then I realize that might reduce readability a lot. So I decided to leave the second for loop as it is. The problem is where I can't access `figure` in `if percent >= figure`.
3:37 PM
@RoyalFrog What do you mean by you "can't access figure"? Do you get an error?
@rb3652 It's something that TF does for you. Can't say whether it does that wrong or whether the server does handles it wrong.
@MisterMiyagi TF's documentation isn't exactly helping.
@rb3652 No. When you ask keras to download that file for you, keras sends out a carrier pigeon with a box strapped to its legs. The carrier pigeon flies to barisciencelab city, TrainingSet.tar.gz road, and waits for the person who lives there to put your file into the box. But the file doesn't fit in the box, so your carrier pigeon returns with an error message instead.
The source code for keras' get_file doesn't appear to do anything fancy related to proactive content negotiation headers, so I don't think it's Keras' fault
@Aran-Fey Thanks for the analogy. So my file size is too big?
No, it's just a weird shape.
3:40 PM
It's also a weird pigeon.
If the top priority is to get the code working again, rather than solving the mystery of why it's broken, perhaps you could rip out get_file and replace it with some other library's get-file-from-internet method.
The point is, you didn't do anything wrong. The fault lies with the carrier pigeon in some way or another
@Kevin Right, I really don't care about why this is happening. I just need a quick-fix so that I can download my training set.
@Aran-Fey I see
Extreme low tech solution: download the training set using an ordinary web browser, and make your code open it locally. No, I don't know whether this is possible when you're in the cloud.
@Kevin Yeah, my training set is pretty big and I can't even download it locally without some hassles (30,000 images!)
3:44 PM
@rb3652 stackoverflow.com/questions/22676/… has some suggestions, although it's quite possible that all of these will also give you a 406 error.
But maybe they'll also provide additional diagnostic information, so it's still worth trying
The "spec" says "the body of the message should contain the list of the available representations of the resources", so having access to the body might be helpful.
OK, let me open up the body.
Now I'm wondering: what's the equivalent of reaping zombie children on the web?
digesting headerless bodies?
I'm not sure if Keras gives you an easy way to access the response body, but if it does, that's definitely the first place we should be looking
3:49 PM
@MisterMiyagi No, not can't, I don't know how to access it. Is it by enumerate? There's no error by the way, the code is working fine
@Kevin What exactly is the response body? And how do I find it?
@Kevin I'd assume it's part of the HTTP error.
@RoyalFrog What's the problem, then?
Okay, so I have a for loop with another for loop within, I moved the first loop into a comprehension and join in together. But the second for loop requires the variable figure in the first loop in which I've moved it into a comp
@MisterMiyagi @Kevin Here is the full error code, as requested: i.imgur.com/0zyoWHJ.png
@rb3652 High level overview: during an HTTP transaction, the "response" is the data sent from the web server to the client. The "body" usually contains the information the client requested, i.e. the content of a web page, or the bytes of the file you want to download
4:01 PM
@Kevin OK. And is the right format also listed?
The body can also contain diagnostic error information, if the server couldn't process the client's request
MDN says that a well-behaved server should list the right format when it gives the client a 406 response, but not all servers are well-behaved
data_dir = tf.keras.utils.get_file(origin = dataset_url,
                                       fname = "TrainingSet",
                                       untar = True)
^ The error is definitely coming from that single line.
I'm going to check the keras get_file method.
I wish I could give more practical advice about accessing and inspecting the response object... But there's a few too many layers at work here and my attention is sliced thin
4:22 PM
Ok, it's definitely not Keras' fault, because I can replicate the 406 error by calling urlretrieve directly.
#where does site id carry over to the front end?

import urllib
from urllib.request import urlretrieve, Request
url = "[redacted]"

except urllib.error.HTTPError as e:
    body = e.read().decode()

#<head><title>Not Acceptable!</title></head><body><h1>Not Acceptable!</h1><p>An appropriate representation of the requested resource could not be found on this server. This error was generated by Mod_Security.</p></body></html>
MisterMiyagi wins the uranium kewpie doll for suggesting that the response body is accessible through the exception object
"This error was generated by Mod_Security" really? That does sound unusual to me
"security" perhaps implies "we can tell that the client is a bot, and we only work with humans"
Sure, I just find 406 a surprising code to be related to that
Yeah. I lowkey suspect that the server is intentionally returning a rare code in order to waste the time of the bot developer, and his world class troubleshooting team (i.e. us)
i suppose it's possible that all requests get proxied through a general security layer
4:32 PM
stackoverflow.com/questions/28090737/… gives many possible explanations. The top voted one is, your cookies and/or session are not perfect, which makes the server mad
Well, this ended up being a lot more informative than I had anticipated
OK, I've been trying the whole last half an hour, but to no avail
I'm just reading over @Kevin and @roganjosh comments
See the suggestions in the answer linked by Kevin. Judging by their diversity, you should budget another half hour :/
@roganjosh Haha, I've budgeted the whole day to this small thing
I think quite a few of those solutions can only be implemented by the owner of the web server, so we can skip those
We know from en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ModSecurity#Former_Lynx_browser_blocking that ModSecurity will return a 406 if the user agent string isn't one it expects. not too surprising, as user agent strings are frequently the culprit in problems like this one
4:41 PM
@Kevin I just ran the exact same code in a Jupyter Notebook, and I get the same error.
@Kevin @roganjosh Is there an alternative way to load .tar.gz data onto tensorflow? So I don't have to debug.
I'm contemplating that very question
@Kevin I'm looking through the docs again
@Kevin Wait a minute!
If you see anything in the keras/tensorflow docs mentioning "user agent string", that would probably be useful
@kevin No, no, that's not it -- in the docs, the file being imported used to be .tar.gz
Now it's .tgz!
4:50 PM
I'm having a hard time figuring out how to use new modules in python. Can anyone suggest any tips? For instance, I'm trying to figure out PyQWebEngine, and I have no idea how to use it even after reading the docs.
Hello? Anyone there?
If a module doesn't have friendly docs and/or tutorials, then it's certainly a challenge to get one's bearings
So how does everyone else figure out how to use the modules?
Well, thanks everyone @Kevin @roganjosh @MisterMiyagi @Aran-Fey for the help. I'll be working on this for the rest of the day.
Everyone else seems to be able to figure it out. So what am I missing?
Well, it gets easier with practice, if that's any consolation
4:55 PM
That's good to hear
Riverbank computing isn't doing a great job of documenting its library... riverbankcomputing.com/software/pyqtwebengine links to doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtwebengine-index.html, which 404s. And searching for "qtwebengine" from there gives "Search Results: undefined"
I was totally confused too. I'm not even sure where to start with that module.
@rb3652 It might be caused by a combination of "wrong file extension" and "unexpected user agent string". I will continue to poke around with the latter.
OK Thank you. I'll poke around with the former.
@KalyaniRajalingham Well, at least wiki.qt.io/QtWebEngine isn't a 404 page. It still looks quite technical though.
doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtwebengine-overview.html has example code but it's all in C++ :-/
This is a problem I've experienced myself -- when a library has bindings for multiple languages, sometimes the best documentation is for the language you aren't most familiar with. For example when I need to look up some obscure information about tkinter, I usually end up on the TCL website, where everything is in C and/or TCL.
5:06 PM
lol, yeah. How did you finally figure things out though cuz it's just not working for me just yet anyways
I learned just enough C and/or TCL that I could translate a function call into Python syntax
@Kevin oh...
C++ isn't so scary, if you skip all the scary parts
lol, I learned a bit of it, but it's definitely not as easy as python
python is so simple at times, i mean no var x, and int y
variable declaration is so last century B-)
5:11 PM
do you know if there are any FREE books out there on the various modules?
I'm not too plugged into the programming book community, but IIRC some popular libraries do have some nice books.
I see that Qt has a page of book recommendations. I can't vouch for whether any are free, and whether any have sections on QtWebEngine
well so long as it's normal to have a bit of a hard time figuring out undocumented modules...i'm not too worried now...
no they all cost money
I checked
Yeah, just glancing through, I see a lot of Amazon links, so they probably want money. But qmlbook.github.io says github, which usually means free :-)
:) Yeah you're right...
Darn! Zero hits for "webengine".
5:31 PM
Thanks Kevin. Have a good one!
You too :-)
6:19 PM
Hi everyone. @kevin @roganjosh @MisterMiyagi and a few others tried a lot to help me solve my 406 -- Not Acceptable error, but to no avail.
I've also been trying to solve the problem for the last few hours.
I ended up opening a SO question to see if anyone can answer.
Q: Tensorflow Keras URL fetch failure for Training Dataset

rb3652I'm trying to import my training dataset for my CNN (30,000 images), but there's something about this line that breaks the program. data_dir = tf.keras.utils.get_file(origin=dataset_url, fname='functionidentifier', untar=True...

Sorry, I think I misread something here. I thought you'd fixed it
2 hours ago, by rb3652
Now it's .tgz!
That's a prime candidate for the origin of the issue
@roganjosh Yup, tried that. I really hoped it would work.
But it didn't.
In fact, if you look at the documentation, their code and my code is word-for-word the exact same as mine.
Even the extension.
dataset_url = "https://storage.googleapis.com/download.tensorflow.org/example_images/flower_photos.tgz"
data_dir = tf.keras.utils.get_file(origin=dataset_url,
data_dir = pathlib.Path(data_dir)
My Code:
dataset_url = "https://barisciencelab.tech/functionidentifier.tgz"
data_dir = tf.keras.utils.get_file(origin = dataset_url,
                                   fname = "functionidentifier",
                                   untar = True)
data_dir = pathlib.Path(data_dir)
I'm relatively comfortable at this point to put it down to the server
@roganjosh Haha, I don't think you're the only one. But just asking for a second pair of eyes here -- the two code blocks are the exact same (except for the URL, of course), right?
the documentation version follows PEP 8
6:29 PM
@AndrasDeak Are you referring to my code?
Yes, but it's just a pedantic style remark. We've proved five times over that your code is fine and it's the server that's off.
or at best the server wants some special treatment that keras is refusing to provide
I think the only way to fix it will be to read the server logs. I suspect the research group might be able to help with that; we (not just chat, but SO) probably can't help any further. There's no way for us to know how that exception is being thrown on the backend
@AndrasDeak I understand. All I want is just for my CNN to get my training set. That's it. If there's an easy way to do that, I'm all for it.
The easy way is contacting the site owner and asking for help.
@AndrasDeak What exactly does the site owner have to do?
6:31 PM
Figure out what they set on the server that makes your code break :P
Hmm ... should I upload my files to some public server? Dropbox or google drive? But that seems weird.
Only a couple of weeks ago I made my own library throw 418, which is even more ridiculous, but at least my colleagues can easily trace that one down. Without seeing that code, nobody on this planet would have a sensible answer for what was happening because it's my deliberate silliness. I'm not saying this case is that, but the issue is the same
if you look at that long error message from earlier, you can probably piece together the web part from urlopen. That can give you an MCVE.
@AndrasDeak It says response = urlopen(url, data)
and /usr/lib/python3.7/urllib/request.py in urlopen(url, data, timeout, cafile, capath, cadefault, context)
@rb3652 good job
6:34 PM
@AndrasDeak For what? That doesn't fix my problem
Am I missing something?
@rb3652 you're hinting at that you are the server's owner. In which case, perhaps it's for the best if you just do !curl https://barisciencelab.tech/functionidentifier.tgz -o functionidentifier.tgz in the notebook
and then feed that local file into keras
@AndrasDeak OK, so this is what happens:
Still getting the error (unless I'm doing something wrong)
You didn't change your downloading code and it does the same thing? I'm shocked!
@rb3652 you're doing something wrong
As a wise man once said:
1 min ago, by Andras Deak
and then feed that local file into keras
Oh, wow.
Let me try that!
please do
6:38 PM
Unrelated but I've been reminded of a fix my colleague found today. So dry :P
concrete solution to an abstract problem
@AndrasDeak Probably doing something wrong again, but I'm pretty sure the file path is good.
@rb3652 does get_file work with local file paths?
@AndrasDeak It should ... hold on
If it does, if you're saving to ./functionblahblah.tgz then I suggest passing './functionblahblah.tgz' later
If it doesn't, well...
6:46 PM
My browser just crashed.
@rb3652 did you check if the function worked for local files? THAT is my suggestion.
anything else is just yamming around
How exactly can I do that?
Actually, localhost is gonna be hopeless anyway, you'd need ipconfig/ifconfig and grab the network etc. All of this leads me to believe that you think you are on the network hosting this, though
@rb3652 step 1: read the docs. Come back later for step 2.
OK, doing that right now.
6:56 PM
way too late
@roganjosh you may have missed that I suggested fetching the file with curl (which works, of course)
We're trying to surmount the challenge of "read a local file with keras". What happens next might shock you.
At least if this task is solved, the subsequent convolutional neural network will be a breeze
Haha ... you wish
Q: How can I load file from my local drive in keras using get_file?

Umme A. MuniraI am using google colab and I need to load data from my local drive. How I can do that using get_file? what should be the origin?

Good job
^ I believe that explains the issue, the only problem being that the file is not from my local drive, but instead from Google colab
Arguably that question focusses on get_file. Have you checked the docs of get_file to see if it suggests alternatives for local files?
@AndrasDeak Yes.
7:04 PM
I just find it very hard to believe that loading files NOT over the internet is this difficult.
^ Says nothing about loading local files. @AndrasDeak Exactly!
@rb3652 excellent. And have you searched for solutions that don't involve get_file?
@AndrasDeak Still looking.
I found stackoverflow.com/questions/36852500/… in 10 seconds of searching
And it says that you don't need get_file() for local files, because the sole purpose of get_file() is downloading them
OK I'll check the documentation
7:08 PM
Look at your code. What do you do with the return value of get_file()?
I can't paste it here because all you are showing are screenshots of code
@AndrasDeak OK, let me check

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