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cbg, if I have a class that is a context manager, should I also write it a way to also support cases where it is not used as a context manager?
class File:
    def __enter__(self):
        self.file_obj = open(__file__)
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.file_obj.close()

    def __del__(self): self.file_obj.close()

with File() as file: ...
must I implement __del__ so the file is closed when the user is done with the object (when not used with with)?
ignore the fact that open can be used with with, I just wanted to create an MCVE
if someone does file = File(); do stuff with file; I want file.file_obj to close when it is done, hope I made it clear
2 hours later…
@python_user cbg. Nice question. I think you're really just trying to fight the garbage collector so I don't think it makes any difference if the __del__ method closes the file. The file object probably just needs a .close() method
Now I'm curious about what __del__ actually does
from what I understood, it runs when the object has no reference count
The docs for __del__ are not for Sunday morning reading. Closing the file is not, I think, in line with what you think del is going to do. Actually, I don't really have a sense of what __del__ is for in this application
Correct, the garbage collector runs on reference counts
or if someone wants to use my context manager class without using with it is their responsibility to handle the closing of resources?
I don't think I've ever done del the_file_handler, though
@python_user I don't know if there's a stated principle about it, but at least IMO this is a totally reasonable stance to take with your API. The user really should be responsible for closing files
you mentioned it is your opinion but still but I take this as a reassurance :), as of now I will document this behavior and remove __del__, if someone else has better options then I will modify it
Oddly, the fact that you can close() file objects multiple times was one of my very early questions :P So, I don't think it'll break if you put it in every dunder, we just have to question the logic of doing that :P
@python_user That's a design choice that's entirely up to you. But keep in mind that you can't rely on __del__ being called. Python makes no guarantees about when or if __del__ is called at all.
@roganjosh I had this exact question a few hours back, I was hoping it to raise an exception when it was closed a second time, something like "operation on closed file" but it didnt, I will read what you linked to see why
My question was just around the general file handlers in Python. I'm starting to think from that last message that you might be over-engineering something...
@Aran-Fey I saw this warning also mentioned in the docs linked by roganjosh, atexit was also one of options but I am not sure if I am over complicating things
atexit is rarely the correct answer, so it sounds likely that you are indeed overcomplicating things. Maybe you should just force the user to close/finalize/whatever your object explicitly. If not with a with statement, then with a .close() or .finalize() or whatever method
ok, I will force the behavior then, thank you both of you
is there anything in the stdlib / 3rd party lib that is context manager only?
just curious, so far everything I have used supports both with and no with
Most context managers that are implemented as a class support both, but function-based things like contextlib.suppress can usually only be used with with
2 hours later…
@python_user I prefer to keep types either strictly contextˋish or not, but the context manager protocol makes that rather unwieldy. In your case, I would skip del since the file existing means enter must have been called. If someone misuses the CM protocol, that’s their fault.
Though you should ponder whether you are fine with the class being unusable when it has „only“ been initˋed.
Anyone knows how we can use tel hrefs in flask?
Hello. What are "tel hrefs"?
I don't see what that has to do with flask? Just put href="tel:whatever" into your HTML and you're done
It doesn't work. It appends tel:whatever with the url
Then you'll have to show us the code you used to create that
Ok, well TIL about tel hrefs. But I think you're gonna need to be more specific on the issue
<a href='tel:phone'>Call</a>
When I press call, it should take to calling that number.
Also, the code is just this only. I had static html css js site, was adding flask now
mailto hrefs still work, tel doesn't
@DeepakVerma Right. And how do you expect that to happen?
You said something is messing up your hrefs. So you have to show us some code or describe how your web server is serving this piece of HTML.
@roganjosh just like that, as it happens without the flask.
@Aran-Fey sure
@roganjosh The browser does that. It sends the URL to whichever app you've registered as being responsible for the tel protocol
Man, I'm well off-base, then. I'll back out. Thanks for the info though
<dd><a class="button-primary button" href="tel:phone">Phone</a></dd>
so it's a client side thing, am i understanding that correctly?
whenver I press phone, I get in the address bar: current_location/tel:phone
did you type "tel:phone" instead of actually typing the phone number?
no, I didn't
"tel:12345678" or whatever
I types the phone number, right
yes, tel:+91999999999, for example
Ok. This isn't an MCVE so I think we're going to struggle. You posted a single line of code that isn't (apparently) what you're running
@DeepakVerma Look, we've seen enough HTML. HTML can't magically rewrite itself to break your URLs. You need to show us something else. Like code. Or web server configuration.
<ul class="list-md">
<!-- <p class="address">Address</p> -->
<ul class="list-inline-0">
<dl class="list-terms-inline">
<dd><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a></dd>
<dl class="list-terms-inline">
<dd><a class="button-primary button" href="tel:+919898989898">+919898989898</a></dd>
So that's nothing to do with Flask
and I haven't done any web server configuration, just a standard flask app install @Aran-Fey
mailto seems to work though, that I can't understand why
If you insist on only posting HTML, then the only diagnosis I can offer is that you're using a browser that's too stupid to correctly handle tel URLs.
it's google chrome with the latest release, tried in mozilla as well
Well, good luck figuring it out then. I'm gonna go watch Youtube.
@Aran-Fey I don't think I know what the backend will do here? This seems purely front-end?
@Aran-Fey thanks for your time
@roganjosh The HTML is correct though. Clicking that link should do the right thing. So either 1) the browser has a bug or 2) something is rewriting the HTML
@roganjosh yes, purely frontend running on flask server
@DeepakVerma I don't think I see the link to Flask with this problem at all. You're talking about HTML and suggesting it doesn't work the way you want without being particularly clear. I suggest you re-think the question and come back with that
sure @roganjosh
@Aran-Fey will look into those
@Aran-Fey it's happening when I am running it in incognito mode, should it happen?
@DeepakVerma Then you're in the wrong place. Flask isn't a server, what you have is a template rendered by Flask and, at best, on the development server
No, no it should not happen
hmm, okay. working fine when not using the incognito.
Are you relying on the session?
okay development server then, rendered by flask.
i haven't got into sessions until now, so don't know much about that
That would be my first guess if things aren't working in incognito mode.
okay, thanks.
> Chrome incognito mode will no longer open links in native apps
It's dumb that it tries to open it as a web page instead, but I guess that explains that
that explains
No clue why it doesn't work in firefox though
thanks @roganjosh @Aran-Fey
will look into one
I have one more problem
running a sql query through python, using mysql-connector is slower, using mysqldb was fast
but anything like that we have for cx_oracle?
the time python takes to retrieve around 25 million of records, for a table having 3 columns, goes much more than a minute. Any ideas if how can I reduce that time
MySQL is one of the mainstream DBs that I don't really have experience with. You can run into things like psycopg2 having a terrible implementation of executemany which it retro-fixed with execute_values. Other than that, I don't know why a specific library would be slower
@roganjosh you've reminded me of my Chemistry teacher and the phrase she used to use... "Percy was a lab boy, but Percy is no more, what Percy thought was H20 was H2S04..."
@DeepakVerma That's not all python. Part of that is the DB execution, no?
yes, it is
@JonClements What are your thoughts on Hyaluronic acids? I guess I had an unconscious bias...
I didn't even know they existed but I apparently held strong opinions about them :(
I don't need to insert any data into the db, just need to retrieve and show some of it on the UI (around 20-50 records), but need the total count of rows and other checks, which is very slow
do they go nice in a glass of gin and tonic? :p
@DeepakVerma Yeah, which is why it's nothing to do with Python. That's your query running...
but if I am running the same query in database, it takes less time. Can it have to do anything with gpu or something like that?
I don't follow any of that, sorry
@DeepakVerma this should need no saying: if your MCVE is pure HTML then don't ask in the python room
sure @AndrasDeak
@roganjosh thanks
@DeepakVerma if you're running the same query, the result will get cached (depending on the DB). It's smart enough to know that you're asking for the same answer and nothing changed in the meantime
That would explain a query getting faster over multiple runs
The GPU aspect I just don't follow. Unless you're doing something funky with the result (and it'd have to be really funky, with numpy and CUDA), it doesn't make sense
the query will be changing, there are more than 100 tables, all those tables can have more 50s of columns, so selecting a few columns of a specific table, and then applying a different query on them every time, that's what I am trying to do
... hello
You don't need to keep pinging me. I am still here.
getting some issue in pysftp get command.. please help
You basically need to template out your query. It's impossibly difficult to answer without knowing the structure of the db.
@anil1890 Please see our room rules. If you're going to post your recent question then you instead need to wait 48 hours
Hello :)
CloudSim is in Java.
Is there anyone with a version of it in Python or not?
There are various simulation frameworks available, though none matching what CloudSim does.
@MisterMiyagi I changed my actual code so all the init stuff now happens in init and enter now just returns self, I have decided to let the user deal with closing if they use it without with, thanks for the suggestion
6 hours later…
I'm back again with more game questions.
I have some files I'm using for game. (Game specific files)
Some of these files would have to be updated.
We have a python downloader.
Is there any way I can tell my downloader that these files are up to date?
And others are not, so only download the ones that are not up to date.
Like how steam does it
"We have a python downloader." What's a python downloader? Does this mean "I wrote python code that updates the game"?
Yes. Basically, downloads the game files we need to mod the game.
a common approach is to have the server send game file hashes, and the downloader have the ability to check the hash of its local files
so, simply have the downloader ask for hashes first, and compare to see which files need updating
How do I go about giving a file a hash?
Where does it download them from? A web server? A github repo? How does it know which files exist? How does it know which files it needs to delete?
read up on some hashing algorithms, and then just pick one. SHA is pretty popular i think, but im not an authority on this subject
@Aran-Fey For now it's just downloading a big 5gb zip file from Mediafire everytime there's a new update. That's bad.
@ParitoshSingh Thanks
Hmm. How does it know that there is a new update?
i think Aran was a lot more precise with their questions than i was then. if there's literally just one zip file, then it's one file, no?
The problem with a smart updater is that it needs help from the server, and MediaFire won't help you
Why would the downloader have to check individual files in the first place? Usually, you just pull in patches to well-known versions.
@Aran-Fey The guy writing the C++ code wrote something that checks the game version number. If it does not match it then lanches the python downloader to download the big zip file. So even if the update is just a 1mb update, we still have to download the full 5gb zip file.
Okay, so you do have a server that can potentially help out
This is because we are not checking individual files at the moment
is the server and the server files under your control?
@ParitoshSingh Yes. I think the server is a godaddy one
not what i intended to ask, but i suppose that does answer the question
@MisterMiyagi You're making it sound easy! How do you create those diffs, and how do you apply them? In particular, how do you apply multiple of them efficiently?
so you have the freedom to freely reorganize your files and provide them in any structure you like, yes?
@ParitoshSingh Yes we do.
So as you said, we need to hash all the files and then compare them to see which ones need updating. Instead of a server, can we use a text file?
I think the easiest solution would be to create a json file containing a mapping of {file_path: hash} for every file. The updater can download this json file, compare the hashes of the local files, download the files where the hash doesn't match, and delete files that don't exist in the mapping
okay yeah. so, one big zip wont do for the hashing idea that i thought. essentially, if you want the capability to "selectively" download files, you should organize in a way that you have a mechanism to select the files, that the downloader can use. and you need a mechanism for hashes, that the downloader can ask for, so that it can do the selection
@ParitoshSingh We are thinking of just unpacking all the files and then downloading each one separately. Though that would be very inefficient and slow.
@Aran-Fey Why file_path though? Maybe file_name?
relative file paths atleast. i assume your files contain folders
so, a/readme.txt and b/readme.txt are two different things
If you only use the file name and you see foo.py, where do you put that file?
Of course you need the whole path :|
not from the hashes coming from server, surely. maybe im not seeing what you're imagining. a server's folder structure should simply be replicated "somewhere" on the host system, why does it care where the local folder is (in the hash..ie ofcourse the downloader should know the "root" place, but it shouldnt be in this json) or the full path of server are. (this will not be relevant to the client)
@Aran-Fey Simple case: Catalogue the files changed between versions. Advanced case: Diff the files changed between versions.
ive also seen multiple patches be "force applied" in order. slightly redundant perhaps, but still better than full downloads
Either way, if you are going for hashes I'd use something established like RSync. Decently sure there's a Python implementation available.
Wouldn't rsync need to hash every file on the server every time a client wants to update?
@Aran-Fey I'm still confused about the whole path thing because different users have different file paths. Except we try to say something os.join(folder name where the exe is located. )
Yes, it would be a relative file path. Relative to the game folder
I'll look into rsync, especially because of the folder structure and how to navigate around it.
I can see that being a real headache.
Don't forget to make the server read-only... otherwise it probably won't take long until some script kiddie rsync's some malware onto your server
Thanks for the advice
so, anyone ever run into the "my count variable isn't acting the right way?" kind of situation? for example:
import sys
from array import array
with open(sys.argv[1], 'rb') as f:
	d = array('B', f.read())
	count = 0
	for b in d:
		if chr(b) == '0':
			count += 1 # count occurences of specific byte
		elif chr(b) != '0':
			print(count) # print total occurences of specific byte
			count = 0 # reset the count variable
something like this, to me, look like it should work, but it seems to not actually do what's it's supposed to do and I can't pin down why...
based solely on the result, on a file with (as example) filled with some amount of zero byte ('\0') and some other byte/char mixed in, it mostly print 0 instead of the total number of occurrences like the comment in the code suggest
Did you check that the input matches your assumptions?
I did, it doesn't match it I'm afraid (I detailed it a bit more on my last sentence) :/
Note that chr(b) for the null byte is '\x00', not '0'.
Just do if b == 0:
By the way, f.read() will already give you an "array" of bytes, there is no need to use the array type.
@MisterMiyagi seems it kinda work now, thanks for the tip ^^
@Aran-Fey ah, yeah I did try that earlier, but since I'm dealing with zero bytes instead of zero ascii char (eg: x00 instead of 0) this didn't seem to work (not sure if strictly because of that reason however) :D
@MisterMiyagi I see, this is a good trick :o thanks
Probably worth pointing out that it's important whether you are working with bytes or ordinals. b"\x00" == 0 is false but b"\x00"[0] == 0 is true.
@MisterMiyagi but is it still relevant if I'm using chr() instead of what you used in your example? as in, when you used b for byte?
If you were using bytes from the get go, you could compare b == b"\x00" directly – without needing chr. Working with the native data type is usually less error prone than guessing its value two type conversions.
@MisterMiyagi that's a sound advice -- I'll be sure to remember it, thanks again :)
Or if you are working with plain ordinals, you can go for b == 0 (as Aran suggested) also without conversions. Just be sure not to mix and match.
yeah, for sure

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