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12:53 AM
@Skyler I liked SAS when I had to use it, its time series operations were good. Granted that was in the 90s and considering the other options we had for Unix it wasn't much of a competition.
I did drop it for Perl with PostgreSQL eventually (like in 2 or 3 years) so it wasn't that great (and I don't like TextMiner) but it was useful for a time
7 hours later…
7:41 AM
I have a package with a directory tree similar to this:

    |____ __init__.py
    |         |_____ __init__.py
    |         |_____module1.py
              |_____ __init__.py
              |_____ module2.py
I currently have tried to package it and upload it to pip and use it in a venv. The problem I'm currently having is that the python autocomplete doesn't understand the folder structure. Uopn typying `import mydummypackage.` I cannot get an autocomplete suggestion for either of subpackages. How can I fix this? My __init__.py s are empty as of now.
This is looking fine. Are you sure whatever IDE/completer you are using has the expected version of the package installed?
8:07 AM
You should see the same behaviour with a local install which is easier to test
What IDE are you using?
8:23 AM
Has anyone (looking in the direction of Sensei) seen Python Concurrency From the Ground Up: LIVE! by David Beazley? I watched it a couple of days ago and I'm a bit confused. The talk is great but I can't help but think the take-home message is that async didn't really solve anything. Is that the point?
If that's roughly the same as his slide-set on "this is a generator coroutine, let's build a basic OS", then it's great material (not that David Beazley has anything but).
It's just that he never really explicitly states my take-home message. He demos how he can trash threading performance, then implements what I assume is basically the async framework... and trashes that performance in potentially even worse ways
Usually, DBeaz has the message that async solves a very specific set of problems, and most people do not have these problems. With that I can wholeheartedly agree.
It is very easy to shoot your own foot with async, and it's not pretty then.
I wish he had had more time for the talk. I feel like I learned how concurrency is broken but there wasn't an example (unless I wasn't paying enough attention) where async had any wins over regular threading
Well, not broken, just not always intuitive
Especially with Python's GIL plus memory safety, Threads usually let you get away fine with Very Bad Things™. The chance of Opening the Gates to Hell™ is highly suppressed, and it is possible to recover locally without affecting other threads. With async, any error means everything is toast.
8:35 AM
Luckily I'd watched his talk on the GIL beforehand and I feel like I finally understand it :P
when you need to consider the GILL something's fishy
"With async, any error means everything is toast." Ok, so my interpretation of the message wasn't far off then :)
In return, when looking at all the problems the async world has to solve, you realise how many things threading/multiprocessing gets away with doing wrong because it doesn't matter in practice.
@AndrasDeak there's a time and a plaice for joking
had to read that three times :P
8:39 AM
I don't do cheap puns
yeah, you're on a whole different scale
Well, you can't just skate around and think that puns are easy
9:06 AM
@roganjosh Yeah, there are different ways to put it but that's basically it. The parts of adding ThreadPoolExecutor and later ProcessPoolExecutor are cool and impressive, but they are still basically just a painful way to put up a nice facade around the same old ugly. It is just shifting the problem into a nicer looking library.
The real problem is that in Python, it is still a leaky abstraction and you can easily do wrong (by not aggressively asyncing everything). That's one of the parts that I honestly think GoLang does it much, much, much better than Python.
Interestingly, Python could do something similar using greenlet/gevent/stackless. People seem to be really hung up on hyping user-facing async, alas.
@MisterMiyagi Go has a slight advantage of being written in the current era, though :) Through my internet wanderings, I got the sense that people are not quite so happy with the language as compared to when it burst onto the scene
You might find, erm, persons in room 6 that would agree with that statement.
years ago, one of the engineers I was working with set up a golang server for me to batter to build distance/time matrices. That's the sum-total of my exposure :)
sneakily puts away the holy water balloon
9:45 AM
@roganjosh David Beazley is, if anything, even more cynical about software re-invention and rebranding than I am, and he also has long experience.
I just wanted to be sure that the cynical vibe I picked up was deliberate and not just me misinterpreting the message. async was something on my list of things to try pin down but I think I'll be able to find other topics to read into first that might help improve my code
@holdenweb wonder what he thinks about python turning into Cjava ;)
Note: I wasn't just planning to throw async everywhere. It just seemed like there might be certain places where I could improve performance in my own work and it'd be worth getting my head around the fancypants magic
@MisterMiyagi You remind me I once had to work on a large-ish code base, with far too much reliance on inheritance, and where classes called X would be subclasses of classes from other modules, also called X. It used coroutines (the async precursor) but also used greenlets, which had their own scheduling system. The company still exists. It took them three years to escape from the dependencies. They still aren't making money AFAIK.
@AndrasDeak if it wasn't for that "j" in there... I imagine that'd be liveable with :)
9:49 AM
@AndrasDeak it's a bit early, but go on then, if you're offering
the only cava I (and wiktionary) know are vena cava inferior
ah, no
> Alternative letter-case form of Cava, a Catalan white sparkling wine
you lot drink too much
@holdenweb It's always a pleasure to bring back fond memories. ;)
Though now you have me wondering whether they failed due to that big ball of things, or any things individually.
@roganjosh It might be worth looking into the async topics still. There's a lot of groundwork material surrounding the async development, and motivation for dos and don'ts.
Are they as exact and well-followed as typing nuances such as variance and covariance?
nothing beats hitting a wall when the implementation doesn't follow the beautiful theory you know
@MisterMiyagi Oh for sure, I won't totally dismiss it. It was just a little underwhelming and I try to prioritise learning. That knocked it down a few pegs is all
9:55 AM
@MisterMiyagi Plus, aggressive use of threads made thread-local storage necessary; generators then forced the devs to make everything generator context-aware. Now everything has t be async-aware too. IMO it just adds unnecessary cognitive load most of the time.
like when you have homeomorphic endofunctors mapping submanifolds of a Hilbert space and people pretend it's meant to be used to track code changes
@roganjosh Just spend a few minutes reading stuff like that, nod in agreement how nice that would be, then pretend async doesn't exist until the ecosystem reaches the third or fourth iteration.
Vorpus... That's Nathaniel Smith's blog, right?
smart dude
good morning (from my part of the world)
@AndrasDeak It's still Python. Nothing follows through with the theory. The trick is only to use those parts where the dragons are lurking well beyond everything you want to do.
9:59 AM
actually its afternoon, but still...
@AndrasDeak Is this threatening to become a PEP 622-bashing session? Again much like me, David prefers to let the devs make their mistakes. Then we analyse the resulting language, and often conclude it's not much improved.
@holdenweb I'm still on 572 ;)
@AndrasDeak yeah, he's written a lot of good stuff. That article is a good entry point.
@MisterMiyagi The mess in their software was reflected by the mess in their business practices. They had a string of office managers, none of whom lasted more than six months. I think the record was a woman who didn't return for her third day. The boss was arrogant and opinionated. Happy times. Not.
@AndrasDeak I'm still waiting for: "CEP11 - sopython should have a poker page for regulars to play in between burning tags."
10:02 AM
@AndrasDeak Do I detect a whiff of Jonathan Hartley there?
@roganjosh I recommend PEP 533 as starting point for the "we messed up and async shows that but not how to fix it" journey.
The internet has something to say about (async) with+yield completely wrecking safety guarantees, but alas I don't know a good article on that.
@holdenweb dunno, probably not :)
@AndrasDeak Shades of @tartley - tartley.com/posts/2010/12/15/…
heh, I'll have to read that sometime
To be fair, Jonathan probably got the idea from the tweet to which you actually referred - I didn't check the dates.
10:29 AM
Hey peeps, [_ for _ in range(10)] will return a list with numbers 1 to 9 right? but what does _ mean?
Nothing special in this case. It's just a name
In general, it can mean a lot more things
@roganjosh oh thanks, so it means like a temperory variable?
No more so than x would in [x for x in range(10)] in this case. The actual meaning of _ depends on the context (since there are conventions)
@roganjosh oh okays, thanks mate
11:31 AM
@CoolCloud it might be more pythonic to write list(range(10)), which would get you the same result quicker, but often you don't need to instantiate the list and can just consume the generator (in this case, range(10)).
Also, the _ variable is used in interactive sessions to hold the value of the last-entered expression/statement. I believe statements always result in a value of None.
>>> 3/2
>>> print(_)
If you've just computed an expensive or one-time value, this gives you chance to assign it before it's lost.
[Just discovered: statements appear to leave its value unchanged].
11:54 AM
@holdenweb statements appear to leave its value unchanged ?
@holdenweb thanks for the explanation, kind of clear what _ means now :D
12:18 PM
Hey is there someone that can help me with Django-tinymce?
I am back... Same error as last time people.
@Liel, If you want to learn DJango, I would have a look at this: developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/Server-side
If you scroll down, It gives you a humongous tutorial on building a Django site. I did it once...
So I am getting this:
SystemError: <built-in function setup> returned NULL without setting an error
With this:
    for pin in (rs, en, d4, d5, d6, d7):
        gpio.setup(int(pin), GPIO.OUT)
def setup(self, pin, mode, pull_up_down=PUD_OFF):
    """Set the input or output mode for a specified pin.  Mode should be
    either OUTPUT or INPUT.
    self.rpi_gpio.setup(pin, self._dir_mapping[mode],
Anybody got any ideas..?
12:38 PM
@Linux4Life531 What are (rs, en, d4, d5, d6, d7)? You convert them to int but if they are strings that look like their respective variable names that would not work.
You might want these
lcd_rs        = 14  # Note this might need to be changed to 21 for older revision Pi's.
lcd_en        = 17
lcd_d4        = 27
lcd_d5        = 18
lcd_d6        = 23
lcd_d7        = 26
lcd_backlight = 24
lcd = LCD.Adafruit_CharLCD(lcd_rs, lcd_en, lcd_d4, lcd_d5, lcd_d6, lcd_d7,
                           lcd_columns, lcd_rows)
Why are you converting to int? Those variables have different names though... many unknowns here
@Dodge, I am converting to int to make sure it takes it as an int not something else. The variable names are passed int to LCD object. In the LCD ` __init__` is the for loop code
Wait, does anybody know how to update python3.7 -> python3.8 command line???
12:54 PM
@Linux4Life531 is there any reason why you use this? The repo has a big deprecation warning on it.
@MisterMiyagi, It was in the tutorial I was using and it looked the best way to do it.
I mean use the LCD
1:10 PM
@roganjosh Async is useful medicine for solving a problem but with many side-effects to account for
@Linux4Life531 Can you clarify what type you are passing in as rpi_gpio? I don't see any compiled code in that repo, but the error message implies there is.
^^ my takeaway at least
@MisterMiyagi, The GPIO library they are using is adafruits own.
Now, let's just for a moment pretend I don't know which GPIO library is adafruits'...
1:27 PM
question about FlaskForm what is the purpose of that class is it only for CSRF protection ?
the docs are quit missleading
I wouldn't say that the docs are misleading as such. It's a way of structuring forms in an OOP style that allows you to neatly add validation and pass errors back to the frontend
If I download the latest version of Python and run the exe, will it overwrite the former version on Windows?
Does anyone know?
Or do I have to make sure the former python version is completely removed before installing the new python version
1:46 PM
Apparently it is a python problem and I you would have to downgrade to 3.6, which I will not do.
Nvm, seems like it just overwrote the former version
You can download multiple versions of Python and they will all run fine
Your previous version was probably not overwritten unless you picked the same installation directory or something. More likely the new version's directory has priority in the PATH environment variable, so the system chooses that one when you type python on the command line
You can use the py command to run one version specifically, for example:
Python 3.8.0 (tags/v3.8.0:fa919fd, Oct 14 2019, 19:21:23) [MSC v.1916 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> ^Z

c:\>py -2
Python 2.7.11 (v2.7.11:6d1b6a68f775, Dec  5 2015, 20:32:19) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> ^Z

c:\>py -3.7
Python 3.7.3 (v3.7.3:ef4ec6ed12, Mar 25 2019, 21:26:53) [MSC v.1916 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
@Linux4Life531 Try altering the for loop to:
for pin in (rs, en, d4, d5, d6, d7):
        gpio.setup(int(pin), GPIO.OUT)
    except SystemError:
        print(f"Failed to setup pin #{pin}")
This will tell us if the problem is being caused by one pin specifically*
@MisterMiyagi Yesterday Andras found py_setup_channel as the possible endpoint of setup(). AFAICT the only line that can cause the error shown is if get_gpio_number fails.
(Small hiccup: that repo is for the BeagleBone, and Linux4Life5 is using a Raspberry Pi. I think. But I suspect the layout of the code would be the same for both, even if the specifics differ)
adafruit has over a thousand repos on github which has stymied my attempts to find the RPi lib
2:10 PM
@Kevin they are? Then why aren't they using RPi.GPIO?
I'm like 65% sure they're using an RPi.
@Linux4Life531, what board are you using, specifically?
I note that I didn't see their own code linked anywhere, only github links. I assumed this was an oversight on my part.
My biggest evidence that they're using an RPi is that they're using the RPi pin configuration as given by learn.adafruit.com/…
@AndrasDeak, I was working on my downloaded version of my adadfruit library
Incidentally I notice that tutorial page says its code is no longer supported
2:14 PM
UPDATE: Apparently it is a python problem and I you would have to downgrade to 3.6, which I will not do. I am now having a look at this: youtube.com/watch?v=zC3i3CbKZfw&t=487s
I'm skeptical. It's very rare that something would work in 3.6 and not 3.7 or higher.
Python's developers learned a painful lesson about backwards compatibility during the Python 2/3 schism
Same error, but for another project: github.com/kamakazikamikaze/easysnmp/issues/108
Interesting. But consider that lroellin is essentially saying "I expected my code to crash with EasySNMPError, but it crashed with SystemError instead". This implies that even if you did install 3.6, your code still wouldn't execute successfully; it would merely crash at the same point, but with a more descriptive error message.
Ah well. I guess it doesn't matter all that much if you're using a different tutorial now. I'll let this sleeping dog lie.
Does anyone here know as how to get range() from bigger number to smaller number like 5,4,3,2,1, and range(0,5,-1) seems to give no output
Try reversing the first two arguments: range(5, 0, -1)
2:28 PM
its official, im dumb, thanks @Kevin
It's a relatively common mistake.
its kind of crazy that python returns empty string, an error would be better :p
Strictly speaking it's not an empty string, it's a range object with length 0
oh yes, makes sense
Raising an error when the range is empty is a fairly sensible design... But I think there are a handful of common algorithms that run more efficiently if they don't have to do boundary checking beforehand, so the devs probably went with the less crash-prone approach for their sake
Consider this terrible toy example:
def contains_e(s):
    for i in range(len(s)):
        if s[i] == "e":
            return True
    return False
If range crashed instead of returning an empty range, then this function would crash if you tried calling contains_e(""). You'd have to add a if len(s) == 0: return False check at the beginning to prevent that
2:37 PM
that makes sense
Perhaps now you're thinking "Ok, how about this: return an empty range for ranges with a logical length of zero, but crash for ranges with a negative logical length. range(5, 0, -1) has a logical length of -5, so it should crash."
length of -5?
By "logical length" I mean the length that you get when you calculate it with ordinary arithmetic with no boundary checking. Of course, Python's len() will never return a negative number. Call the number returned by len() its "effective length".
Oops, I mistyped, I meant "range(0, 5, -1) has a logical length of -5"
@Kevin So range(0, 5, 3) should crash because it has a logical length of 2.5 as well? ;)
You can calculate logical length as (end - start) / step. range(0) has a logical length of (0-0)/1 = 0. range(5) has a logical length of (5-0)-1 = 5. range(0, 5, -1) has a logical length of (5-0)/-1 = -5.
2:44 PM
oh logical length and len() wer diff, i was gonna ask why print(len(range(5,0,-1))) prints 0
@MisterMiyagi I think I'll allow all rational numbers as long as they're non-negative.
Incidentally "logical length" is something I just made up, so don't concern yourself with memorizing it or anything
Off the top of my head I can't think of any use cases that would be harmed by a range implementation that crashes for negative logical lengths
But my imagination is infamously bad in such cases so I welcome anybody to educate me
i use something similar to range(5,0-1) for bubble sort though
range(5,0,-1) has a logical length of (0-5)/-1 == 5, so it's still safe
2:49 PM
hah yes
Interestingly the comment at github.com/python/cpython/blob/master/Objects/rangeobject.c#L70 seems to indicate that the devs at least considered crashing for negative logical length ranges
/* XXX(nnorwitz): should we error check if the user passes any empty ranges?
   range(0, -5)
   range(0, 5, -1)
oh i see, which language is it?
Yeah. CPython, the official Python implementation, is coded in C.
yepp, is C easy as compared to python?
(I'm not trying to sound sarcastic there, if my tone is ambiguous)
2:54 PM
@Kevin Empty ranges are usually desirable, because they turn up in slicing a lot. range is basically the extroverted twin of slice.
@CoolCloud For most people, Python is vastly easier than C.
@CoolCloud C is a relatively compact language so you can probably learn the syntax pretty quickly. On the other hand, it's a low-level language so it takes more lines of code to do things in it compared to Python
i was looking for a new language to jump into and was thinking about javascript or C or C++
@Kevin oh wow, its the base of most languages right?
I believe quite a lot of high level languages write their compilers or interpreters in C, yes.
any specific reason? is it the language of computer? lol
Assembly is the language of the computer. C is a step or two above that.
2:58 PM
wow thanks for clearing the doubts man <3
btw guys, what would be the proper/pythonic way to organize the following:
I have a set 30 or so markup operations that take a pandas dataframe with a text column that basically flags certain words/phrases/frequency

that text column is used as input
I perform one or more of several types of regex based operations for each of the individual flagging procedures (search for n occurrences of word, search for m combinations of words, etc.)
a new column for each of these flagging proocedures contains a boolean entry for each row of the dataframe if the flag is triggered or not
basically these doubts are too small to be asked in SO and + its kind of off topic too, so these chats are alot helpful
Chat's good at catching the crumbs that get sieved out by the main site :-)
(I wonder how many graybearded programmers are spinning in their graves because I called C a low level language... Sorry guys, the abstraction tower has gotten taller since your days, and C's closer to the bottom than the top now)
3:02 PM
If were being honest is there really much that's sittting at a lower level then C besides assembly?
the demand for C is less now right? + C++ and C# any similarties with C?
If you know C++ generally you should be proficient in C
Logically, B must be one level lower than C :-P
C++ is primarily an extension of C to allow object oriented design
C#, meanwhile, has very little to do with C. It's much more like Java than anything else.
3:04 PM
ooooo thats great
like C# is used for game developement
Microsoft trying to get in on the C branding mainly
Maybe they decided that the Java branding had already been diluted enough when JavaScript stole their thunder, so they decided to steal someone else's thunder
hah I see
idk, I think at the deeper layers most gaming libraries are still C/C++. Not a lot of devs are directly interacting at that layer these days I recon though
ya i guess there are blueprints to work with, if not coding
3:06 PM
you'll often find when performance is important people create the performant libraries in C++ and do the overhead in their higher level language of choice
or even just the bottlenecking steps
i kinda remember about something like a version of python to increase its perfomance, god, i forgot its name
nooo it has the name of someother language too
Cython probably?
Cython? We could be here a while :P
3:09 PM
@Skyler "1 object [...] as a collection of enums" seems like a decent approach to me.
@roganjosh yess cython😂
There's also the old C-like approach of defining each successive flag value as a power of two, and combining them all into one object with bitwise or
@Kevin oh, i see
Well, the C compiler is built by incrementally bootstrapping a compiler for C from Assembly so that you can compile new C code until you end up with something approximating the core C language. Python is similarly built, except with C(++?) being the initial "bootstrap" of choice
so it makes sense that many times going back to C should be "doable"
CPython is not self-hosted. There is no bootstrapping going on in the sense of compilation.
3:13 PM
@Skyler thats good to know
I thought parts of Python "compilation" (by that I meann the parts of Python core language) are written in python
i was actually thinking to start with competetive programming, but idk where to start
I'd love to write a self-hosted compiler one day. But learning assembly is such a pain in the butt ;_;
and that in order to get that initial instruction set of python working they started with C
cpython is, as the name implies, implemented in c
3:15 PM
@Skyler maybe you're thinking of Pypy?
63% of the CPython github is Python code though
> The PyPy interpreter itself is written in a restricted subset of Python called RPython (Restricted Python).[6] RPython puts some constraints on the Python language such that a variable's type can be inferred at compile time.[7]
30% C
@Kevin Use a different target language? Unless you run bare-metal, Assembly is as far away from the machine as any other language.
0% of the cpython interpreter is python
3:17 PM
@Skyler Those are libraries and utilities. They are not the interpreter itself.
If I had to single out one file as the "core" of CPython, I would nominate ceval.c. As you can guess from the name, it's implemented in C.
Other core-like files can be found in that directory, and they are C files as well
You're probably right that I'm thinking of PyPy, always thought that this happened in all implementations of Python at some level
for that matter, 0% of the pypy interpreter is python either, it's mostly a restricted sub-language callled rpython, which is compiled to binaries
@MisterMiyagi At one point I entertained the notion of writing machine code targeted exclusively towards my specific hardware and OS. I gave up around page 5 of the specification for Windows 10 compliant .exe file headers
Is there a linux chat?
3:20 PM
yea, but that's kind of like what I was saying about how C is built
where an initial restricted instruction compiler is written in assembly but then used to progressively build C compilers to build the C compiler
pypy is not bootstrapped. It's written in rpython, compiled, and the interpreter it produces doesn't interpret the language it's written in
@Linux4Life531 Consider also chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/26/dev-chat
I have a problem, I am coding a maze solver using DFS. The catch is I only know where I can move next. My DFS has an issue when it reaches an edge with no children and it needs to backtrack. Is DFS the way to do it?
3:22 PM
isnt RPython syntactically jjust a subset of python, though it produces binary files?
My player needs to physically move to traverse "the graph"
@davidism AFAIK, RPython is valid Python. PyPy can be compiled from a CPython interpretation of the PyPy compiler. The compilation process inspects the bytecode of the VM's objects, and compiles that.
i'll search for algorithms chat nvm
DFS is indeed compatible with backtracking
@Kevin Emitting LLVM-IR or C seems much more practical, unless your minions are very bored.
3:25 PM
Wrong Chat! @kevin, in that one now, thanks
tbh im happy that linux chat question came up cuz sometimes ive been looking for those rooms too, bookmarked now
@MisterMiyagi Yes, although practicality is pretty far down on my list of priorities :-P
KevinScript would not exist if I spent more than five seconds considering whether it had any actual use
I looked at KevinScript
I thought I might use it
The only downside is not having all of the extra python + js libraries
@Kevin Making a self-hosting language automatically gives it a use-case. :thumbsup:
3:29 PM
But I guess it was good fun building it so
Fun in the Dwarf Fortress sense, yes
(content warning: violence)
@Kevin god what was that 😂
What is the best IDE for python?
i use VCODE
VSCODE for me.
3:33 PM
and i enjoy it too, Pycharm is heavy
Yes, and to complicated for simple scripts
true, and creates a virtual env too
begineers should starts with vscode and move upto pycharm later on
if beginners are getting the impression that "creates a virtual env" isn't good, that's a problem regardless of ide
Cool VSCODE trick: type a line, then shift+enter and it will start a python command line thing and add that line in.
sublime is also lightweight, but its terminal seems, not that effective with userinputs
3:35 PM
@CoolCloud, I have been coding python for 3 years and I am never going to touch pycharm again.
@Linux4Life531 OHHH this is exactly why sometimes i code faster, the line gets entered into CLI and i have to rebooot the terminal
VSCODE + Nano for life
@Linux4Life531 lol whats Nano for
@Linux4Life531 atom is also used by alot of users
Command line stuff on servers
I code HTML, CSS, JS, PHP, MYSQL and Node aswell so I spend a lot of time on web servers
@davidism as a beginner when they try to pip libraries, its hard for them to understand whats going on, alot of questions pop up in SO about this
3:37 PM
@CoolCloud, Yes
and the first step in every answer to all those questions should be "make a virtual env, never install to the system"
i havent got into web servers yet, ive been in python - django so html and css abit and mysql too
to be honest, you have only been coding for a few months but I have been for 4 years so
@davidism is it recomended to not install it to the system? why is that?
@Linux4Life531 lol yes a long way to go😂
because the system package manager manages the system, installing with pip overwrites stuff that the system expects to be at a certain version
3:39 PM
For most testing libs and stuff like that I use repl.it
@Linux4Life531 yes i see, i also used it once with django
@davidism oh i see
@CoolCloud, do you use windows?
@Linux4Life531 ha yes windows ;)
@CoolCloud, You can probably tell, but I use linux for everything. Desktop, servers, robots... Everything. Any other linux users here???
yes, people use a popular operating system for programmers here
3:42 PM
I used to use manjaro, but moved to ubuntu for 20.04
I am so happy
Just got my LCD display working
Party time!
In my experience, the hardest part of any hardware-interfacing project is just getting the parts to acknowledge each other's existence
It's all smooth sailing from here I'm sure
Wait, python question time
It's not hardware, but I've been writing a github app and it's a similar experience. The hard problem has been getting all the parts in place to handle tokens and events, not writing the actual functionality for the app.
How do I do a on KeyboardInterrupt run this function?
I have two commits that are basic setup, then one giant commit with the message "the rest of the owl". That's all just to get github talking with the server and being able to send a response.
3:48 PM
@Linux4Life531 That's not really a question, is it?
@MisterMiyagi, Why
It's missing at least one word, by my reckoning
@Linux4Life531 please read our guidelines on asking questions: sopython.com/chatroom
How do I do a [jaunty dance] on KeyboardInterrupt? You put your right foot in, then put your right foot out...
How do I run a function on KeyboardInterupt?
3:49 PM
thats salsa ;)
you put your control character in, you take your control character out ...
Sorry, got my typing mixed up
@Linux4Life531 the same way you do so for any other exception
@Linux4Life531 You can add a new signal handler, to be precise with your question. That may or may not be what you actually want, though.
Notably, it will remove the KeyboardInterrupt exception from the rest of the application.
Yes. The problem was with my use of the library
Thanks so much guys
@davidism, I have got it working now, just forget about the question.
3:53 PM
Today's the last day of the MLH fellowship, and I still have like 15 PRs to review and merge. Both a good problem and bad problem to have.
After I merge 1 PR I must rest for at least 24 hours, so I admire your stamina
When you have people working on projects for 3 months and actually responding to comments in a timely manner, it's amazing how much more productive open source becomes.
whats PR
"Pull Request"
@CoolCloud Git terminolagy
3:55 PM
It's the thing you submit when you want to add code to someone's repository
hah thats a big job
I have only ever done 2 before
yes i understood, ive github repo but i dint know what PR mean :(
One is still pending! :D
@davidism Have they been working across Pallets or more focused?
3:56 PM
MLH Fellowship as a whole was fairly broad in terms of what projects they could focus on, but there was a group of about 8 who were actively contributing to Pallets.
how do one get accredited enough to merge a PR
Oh wow, that explains the 15 PRs then :) I was assuming it was just one person
It was way more than 15 total, I've merged a ton already.
@CoolCloud Being the person that created the repo in the first place is the easiest way :-)
3:58 PM
@CoolCloud, Just fix a bug in the software. They don't care who you are, just if you can fix the bugs
or the recomendations
@Kevin oh, so you need prople to pull your repo right? who would pull my repo :(
The current PR I'm reviewing completely redesigns Click's shell completion so it's extensible and works better with different shell's features.
@CoolCloud, Yes, but you can sign up to github with your stack acount
In an ideal world, you don't need accreditation or reputation or clout or anything to get someone to merge your proposed changes. If your code is good, then they'll merge it
Thats why I call my account a gitstack acount
3:59 PM
i guess, my account is linked
@CoolCloud find a project you're interested in that has an issue that you're interested in, fix the issue, make a pull request. Many projects have contributing guides that help you be successful.
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