I thought it was fine because writing a program to learn about operator precedence is a little more complex, so "just try it" wouldn't have worked as an advice.
maybe off topic and probably a design decision, but the reason for walrus having least precedence have to do with the fact it was implemented later? or its just it has to assign values for which it needs to evaluate it?
import urllib.parse
url = 'https://www.reddit.com/r/subreddits/comments/activity=get_this_String/?someotherstuff'
path = urllib.parse.urlparse(url).path
for i in path.split('/'):
if i.startswith('activity='):
print(i.replace('activity=', ''))
print('Not found')
Morning, I’ve been stuck in plotting bar plots using a for loop. My basic df consists of 33 columns and 2 rows. I basically want to plot the two data points as to bars in a bar plot. So I should have 33 plots at the end. I don’t need to use subplots as I only require one axis rather then two. Can help?
@zahid perhaps a minimal dataframe example (3 cols instead of 33), + a handdrawn pic how it should be would help, after which you might actually throw them on the main site :P
Morning. Would appreciate advice on doing multiple subplots with xgboost plot_tree() / graphviz (as above). Even something hacky in matplotlib. How can we cobble together subplots when those subplots were not generated by a native matplotlib function?
@zahid as I said above ^ perhaps a minimal dataframe example, that you will do in code, then you will have the code that does not work, and then in excel do draw a chart of how all plots should be drawn for that minimal example.
@mathematics Please go read the threads on Kaggle, reddit etc. You'll get much better more timely advice. Also consider how many CPU and GPU cores each have, and how much cache memory.
cv-pls Is this close-vote as simple error? Why is XGBRegressor prediction warning of feature mismatch?. User applied imputation to training-set but not test-set. The only thing that possibly might make this non-trivial is that xgboost's error messages aren't totally reliable. Opinions?
but the issue is its plotting only two plots with one plot showing all 33 columns for the first data point and the second showing all 33 columns for the second datapoint. I basically want 33 separate plots each showing the two datapoints contained within that column
I implemented the eight-queens problem with backtracking once, and it was painful to me. But I also find it hard to parse recursive code, so I'm not a very representative person. Most regulars here will probably find it easier.
@Permian I don't think this is related too backtracking. Instead, it's a convoluted (and possibly broken) way of passing nums[i] in the recursive step.
so when I just said "it wouldn't be the first time" I didn't realize it would be this literal :|
@stack They're likely going to interact over the same medium that any other web frameworks will. So they work as good together as {client web framework} and {server web framework}.
Perhaps you could check for the presence of the key before trying to access it, e.g. if "text" in d: data=raw_t['text']. Of course, you'll have to decide what should happen if "text" is not in d, and write the else: accordingly
A cursory glance at the tweepy docs didn't give me any useful information about the on_data method, but I would be very surprised if it received json data as input
docs.tweepy.org/en/latest/streaming_how_to.html#summary says " The on_data method of a stream listener receives all messages and calls functions according to the message type" which leads me to believe that the method receives many kinds of messages, potentially with different schemas, some potentially having no "text" key
It appears as though StreamListener has methods for more specific message types, for example on_status. I can't find any documentation on what other methods there are, but maybe there's one that triggers only for the kinds of messages that have text.
Hello, i am learning python. Now i have script which i want to use on Django website. But transfering it is not working for me :( maybe there is someone who is good in Django and would like to help me?
so i'm writing an integration test for a process that runs forever in a while loop
said process depends on python's signalling—but signalling can only be used in the main thread
that means that spinning up this process in a separate thread, doing run-forever, and checking if it's doing the right stuff is not possible—instead it has to be run in the main thread
but if it's run in the main thread, then there's no way to stop it from running
knee jerk reaction: the process inside the loop can be treated as a function and tested without issues i'd assume. the fact that it has to keep running in a loop should have no bearing on the actual work being done
So, if it isn't prepared like a function yet, i'd change that and then test the logic of this function
disclaimer: I've never really written tests though.
i'm testing via pytest, and if it's running in the main thread, then pytest will just "hang" (not really "hang", pytest will just never stop running)
so any commands i might otherwise enter to stop the process will be run after the process has started, which means never (since the process goes forever :D)
adding an exit condition shouldn't be difficult, no, but it seems weird to make that specific change just to accommodate a test (since there's no need for an exit condition outside of tests)
Anyone ever bump into an error where Windows isn't allowing python to write to a user directory eg Documents, Downloads, Pictures? Says it can't find the file specified...even though the part directory returns true with Path.exists.
@jacksonsmith no issues converting any excel into a dataframe. However, the 2nd half of your sentence worries me, iterally you shouldn't need to "iterate" through dataframes for anything. So i suppose to answer your question, yeah go for it, try reading your excel into a dataframe, and see what's what
remove=['test','dee','dur','xxx if applicable ( Value or xxx)- OPTIONAL): ']
data = [['tom'], ['nick dee'], ['juli dur']]
df_to_clean = pd.DataFrame(data, columns = ['Text'])
for i in remove:
df_to_clean['Text'] = df_to_clean['Text'].str.replace(i, '',regex='False')
error: unbalanced parenthesis at position 43
I can see that theres an unbalanced paranthesis but I dont really care about that, more that this is a regex issue when I disabled regex
@Skyler ah. it's funny i suppose my best guess, "False" != False. you never disabled it, and internally i bet it probably has a condition like if regex and "False" is Truthy :P
@Code-Apprentice I have read the documentation on inlinef ormset. As I understood, it can be use for multiple form on a page. What I want to do is like the SO survey, where the form is split on many templates and each form belongs to separate model. I have been able to do it will formwizard but I want to learn how to do it with fbv. What do you think?
@superv Your understanding of formset is correct. It is used to represent and render a single HTML <form> from multiple Django Form subclasses in a single page. It sounds like this isn't quite what you want. I'm unfamiliar with formwizard. Is this from core Django? Or is it a third-party library? Also, I don't know what fbv is.