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...also How can I make a time delay in Python? seems to be a dupe
1 hour later…
2 hours later…
@Aran-Fey yes script running in background. Means not in terminal . Script is scheduled through crontab
2 hours later…
import model x
import model y
import model z

This is giving unused import but I need x,y and z for `db.create_all()`. Any other alternative?
@RE60K if it's just the linter complaining I'm sure you can disarm it with a comment
@smci nice
Too bad there probably be no follow-up
does someone know a dupe target for "variable scoping" or "passing values versus variables" for this: stackoverflow.com/questions/57901314/…
@MisterMiyagi voting unclear.
@roganjosh of course you need to look and carefully write manually every callback yourself. a form in React is the exact same as in your example no diffrence...
@JonClements yes it does work.
@AndrasDeak guess I should have done the same...
I have a question which i have posted in code review a few days back(no answers yet), is it fair to post the same in SO main to try some luck ?
if it was suitable to code review, it's probably not suitable to SO
right :)
Anyone here familiar with Embedding layers in Keras? I have an input vector which is 1 dimensional, and I want to represent it as a 5 dimensional vector. From what I can tell, Keras embedding layers take a 2d input and extend to a 3d output. Giving what im trying to do, is an embedding layer right for me
Are you planning to continue using the output within a neural network perhaps?
Overall, i think embedding layer should be just fine
its helping form input a convnet yeah. I start with a 1D vector (120, 1) where 120 is a max sequence lenght, and the other dimension is of scalar values denoting distance. I want to use an embedding(?) to represent these scalar values in 5d space, therefore have an output of (120, 5)
Let me check the docs real quick, iirc you get batch, sequence lengh, n dims
so it should be 120, 1, 5 as output
Yeah you're right
Ok yeah cool. You can use that without issues, i'd say just continue using 3d vectors in the whole network, with sequence length as 1.
Can i transform that 3d back into 2d? Will be easier for my convnet
Hm, i personally don't know, but if i had to assume, id say there's probably a way to do that too
i think you'd want to use a flatten layer for that
I think a flatten layer will return 1D vector
goes on a googling spree
there seems 2 be a reshape layer
nifty, that should do the trick
cbg guys o/
Looks like Python 2.7 is going to die after Jan 2020.
yes, python 2 will be end of lifed in 2020.
@TheLittleNaruto before
So all the Linux related dependency packages which were built on 2.7; what will happen to those
I hope they are working on migration
Same thing that happens to all legacy code. Some is already phased out, some will take it's own sweet time, and some will stay forever (i hope this isn't the case for most of the core linux stuff)
Hmm Let's see.
BTW I started writing Unit test cases. As suggested by Arne; pytest I am using.
For every module(the folder one) I am keeping one test data file
Test cases are written in such a way that; it can take care of all type of expected data; so if one wants to test for a new data; all they would need is to add that data to to that testData.py module
Is that a good approach?
did you take a look at pytest fixtures?
Umm No!
I just searched on google; not able to find something relevant
sorry, autocorrect is not cooperating this morning
Oh boi! I should have checked this earlier
Arigatou Thank you @MisterMiyagi Sama Sir
@AnttiHaapala There is currently a discussion on python-dev, suggesting the final release is likely to come around April, but this will only implement changes committed before 2020-01-01. I think the devs want to use PyCon next year to see 2.0 off, but officially there's no support from the end of this year.
@holdenweb "sssh"
Does poetry often take > 2 min to resolve dependencies? Asking for a friend ...
I lied - 113 sec. Quite something. Wondering what pip would have done with the same specifications.
May have been something to do with a didgy train wifi connection.
how bad is this
>>> datetime.datetime.fromisoformat('1234-12-01210:02:03+03:00')
how can I avoid CORS errors when accessing a container from inside another container in docker?
frontend calls the API of the backend
@AnttiHaapala You're complaining about the absence of a fromisoformatclassmethod?
I think he has an issue with the fact that the separator character between date and time is brutally negotiable
>>> datetime.datetime.fromisoformat('1234-12-01💩10:02:03+03:00')
datetime.datetime(1234, 12, 1, 10, 2, 3, tzinfo=datetime.timezone(datetime.timedelta(seconds=10800)))
Ah, right.That would seem to be non-compliant. Now wondering why my 3.6.5 datetime.datetime has no fromisoformat method.
> New in version 3.7.
> Caution: This does not support parsing arbitrary ISO 8601 strings - it is only intended as the inverse operation of date.isoformat().
Yes, I remember seeing discussions about timezone parsing now you mention it.
another issue is that it doesn't support Z as the timezone
Is Z zulu is UTC?
"If the time is in UTC, add a Z directly after the time without a space."
the Z is more correct than +00:00
@Aurelius I'm not sure what you are referring to, since if the 2 containers are bridged under the same network, you usually wouldn't have to handle CORS at all (I think)
Code golf, ripped off from a main site post: a "hex char" is a string of length 1 containing a digit or a letter "a" through "f". A hex char's "cyclic successor" is the hex char whose numerical value is one greater, with the exception that "f"s cyclic successor is "0". Write an expression that finds the cyclic successor of a hex char named c. Test cases follow:
cyclic_successor("0") == "1"
cyclic_successor("1") == "2"
cyclic_successor("9") == "a"
cyclic_successor("a") == "b"
cyclic_successor("b") == "c"
cyclic_successor("f") == "0"
My current attempt is 23 characters long.
@shad0w_wa1k3r has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: Redirect is not allowed for a preflight request.
I am doing a fetch request from container docker compose service A
to service B using http://B/route
@Kevin I've got 20 I think
Looks good to me.
@Aurelius Well, if this isn't related to Django / Flask, I'm not sure if I can help you. And it would not be on topic for this chatroom.
service B is django rest framework
@AndrasDeak I came up with the exact same thing :/
great minds!
Video game chat. I've been playing a game called Recursed. It's a puzzle platformer where each room may contain a chest that itself contains another smaller room. Sometimes a chest takes you to a room that's higher up in the chain, and sometimes you can bring a chest into the room that the chest contains.
It's all very clever and I recommend it for anyone who's ever enjoyed debugging a stack trace that ended with "maximum recursion depth exceeded"
does it often make you (re)curse?
im silly and explicitly wrote base= :(
I think I'm near the end of the game (since the narrator said "I think I'm near the end") and I've only seen one puzzle that I considered unfair, because it depended on me guessing about the existence of a maneuver that there was no indication of being possible
I don't consider this much of a spoiler, so I'll let you know and save you the annoyance: you can throw items straight up.
I'm currently doing levels that are isomorphic to generator functions and I fear that my brain may leak out of my ears.
stateful portal games are the worst
On the other hand I enjoyed Braid a lot. On the gripping hand some of the levels were quite frustrating.
I'm trying to come up with a notation for representing the state of a level so I can search for solutions programmatically. Think of each room as a graph where each node represents a point in the room that you can occupy, and the directed edges are labeled to indicate which nodes can be traveled between, depending on whether you're encumbered, or if you're carrying a block or a key, or if the room is underwater...
Then store each graph as the node in a tree data structure representing the level as a whole. Or a linked list instead of a tree is fine for the first five worlds, but once pots are involved, you need the branching.
I reckon the average programmer can play through the first ninety minutes of the game without getting truly frustrated. I consider this a reasonable quantity of enjoyment for the price.
And since everyone in here is an above average programmer, that time estimate is a lowball
I'm above average in the category of "stubborn about strange and unimportant things" and finally I'm getting some use out of it
but you also played dark souls
If I was merely average in stubbornness, I probably would have gotten halfway through my first playthrough of Dark Souls before deciding to look up the strongest cheesiest build so I could steamroll through the game effortlessly.
I did steamroll through the game with a cheesy sorcerer, but only after completing the game with a Generic Fantasy Swordsman build. So my stubbornness won me one additional playthrough that I would not have otherwise had.
Hello guys.

I've made this question 10 days ago. Closed due to being too broad. Then it remained closed although I've edited it. I really want an answer. What could I do?
Q: How to get dynamic html code from webpage without opening browser

John[Edited question] This site has an "export as csv" button next to the "Power and Energy" text. This is the link of that button which can be found on browser's developer tools. My question is, is there any way to get that link using python without opening the browser?(aka without using selenium b...

I think the question is reasonably specific ("How do I simulate this specific process without using Selenium or a web browser?"), so I've voted to reopen. I don't think you're going to get many more answers, though. "Check the page's web requests and try to reverse-engineer the query you're interested in" is pretty much the standard approach here.
In a comment, you ask "But how could I get those requests using python without opening the browser?". If you're asking "how do I programmatically figure out which request is the one I want", there really isn't a way to do that... You've got to go through them manually and try to deduce the correct one. But luckily you only have to do that once. As soon as you identify the right query and its format, then you can automate sending it and receiving the response using requests or urllib etc.
If your question is actually "in general, how can I deduce what web requests a webpage makes, and choose the one that returns data I'm interested in?", then that question is too broad
It's more art than science, really
if it's helpful the query is:
I see that a deleted answer suggested the same query that piR has pointed out, and you didn't seem satisfied with it, so I'm becoming convinced that you really do want an automated generic query deducer, which is a challenging project that wouldn't fit into a single SO answer.
So.. in python.. can I simulate the button press and track network traffic to sniff the url?
In principle, although I don't know how you'd simulate a button press without Selenium, and I don't know how to sniff network traffic at all.
morning cabbages, everyone
And even if you can do those things it's tricky to determine the right packet, since the website might be the chatty kind that's periodically sending async requests unrelated to your action
maybe even intentionally so
And lord help you if you find the query and it turns out it requires an authentication key that the website acquired earlier in the page load process before you started sniffing
too bad wireshark doesn't have a hook for python to feed it data
I was just thinking "I wonder if wireshark has hooks for this kind of thing...". Same wavelength :-)
check out pyshark and scapy
@John I'd guess that the site doesn't want you to find out. So it's a cat and mouse game. They obfuscate and you dig. The best you've got is that you found out that sites query. manipulate it to your purposes and move on.
I know that scapy has a way to fire up wireshark to display packets - maybe it works both ways?
pyshark..... :D that name amuses me with the 'dududu shark song'
python shark, du du du du du. python shark, du du du du du.
for getting that song stuck in my head now, I hate you
I can't remember the Baby Shark melody. My brain only has two du du du songs on file, which are "take a walk on the wild side" and "Mahna Mahna"
@Kevin I guess this is what I want. I just want to automate the process of downloading those files, let's say every 1 hour
@Kevin add mmbop to the list
but in order to do that, I have to know the link that is generated by the site
which is different every 15 minutes
Ok, so it's the same kind of link, but its parameters are changing... That's a little easier than a fully generic query guesser.
and the only way to know that is to go through the web requests the website makes when it is loaded
You might be able to find the generated link by fetching the HTML with requests or similar, and searching through it for a link or piece of js that starts with "https://monitoringpublic.solaredge.com/solaredge-web/p/charts". That part of the link is unlikely to change, you just need the new parameters
I think fetching the HTML won't show any dynamic generated links
but I'm not sure if I understood you.
True. But if there's only one "layer" of generation, then when you fetch the HTML, you might be able to find the url embedded in the piece of js that's responsible for generating that link.
The trouble comes if there's more than one layer, and the js that generates the link is itself generated (or imported or requested or whatever) by another piece of js. Then it won't be visible in the HTML.
@Aurelius this may deserve a question post on main SO. Can't help without the dockerfile & your basic DRF / Django settings
I think it's more than one layer because, if I remember correctly I've already tried this in the pas
however, I'm going to try to figure out the pattern of every new generated link, as you suggested
So I guess that would be the only option, right?
Well it seems like every link has its own ID which I guess can't be known prior
3 ppl are Q'd for a job interview. The 1st is asked "How many D's in 'Indiana Jones'?" They respond "One". The interviewer says "Correct, can you send the next interviewee in on your way out?" The 2nd person is asked "How many D's in 'Indiana Jones'?" They respond "One". The interviewer says "Correct, can you send the next interviewee in on your way out?" The 3rd person is of a type that society has unfairly deemed as less intelligent? They are asked "How many D's in 'Indiana Jones'?

The 3rd person is seen humming to themselves and counting with their fingers. After some time they
Yeah, it may be possible to figure out the pattern of the links. Looking at the parameters that piRSquared pointed out, I'm guessing that st and et and fid are the important ones. st and et are almost certainly timestamps on the scale of milliseconds, so you can probably figure out what times those are supposed to represent. datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(1567296000000/1000) gives 8:00 PM August 31 2019, for instance.
fid is probably going to be the hard one, as you've already guessed
Seems a dead end then
anyway the question is open now
100% room effort :P
Go team!
It must be possible to determine the fid, since the web browser can do it. Whether it's easy to replicate that feat, is an open question.
@AndrasDeak Does the cluster you work on use FairShare scheduling?
@AndrasDeak Thank you. I really appreciate the help guys
@Dair I don't know the exact algorithm
This is the Python room @John, nothing really special to mention! ;)
@John sure thing
Poking around the page source to see if there's any obvious leads... Ew, the page's HTML uses mixed space&tab indentation.
Yeah but do the individual lines stick to just one? That's where my tolerance threshold lies.
Well the fid is actually in inspect element code
Now I need to figure out how to get it
@piRSquared Nope.
looks like a .doc written by most people
Hmm, I wonder if there's a way to export the contents of Firefox's network monitor tab to a single file... I'd like to grep through it all and see if I can find an fid
But if we were able to do that then we could find the link
Ah, there's a "save all as HAR" option in the right click menu. That might do it.
@John If you can figure out a way to automate Firefox's network monitor tab, then yeah maybe you could find the link that way. I'm doubtful that even Selenium could do that, though.
Well more or less this is what I'm trying to accomplish actually
But thank you for your efforts
@Kevin that breaks the sensibilities of my undrestanding of the space-tab continuum
Maybe it's just me, but I like to imagine tabs were invented for indentation, but then people found they were to unsuitable for micro-alignment and then just switched to spaces.
Because nobody ever enforced how tab should be expressed in all applications that "ingest" it. So, because I can't depend on someone else seeing my document the same way as I intended it, I'll use spaces because that is more reliable.
Oh good, .har files are just JSON, so I can skim through it with notepad. I see a request here with the url "https://monitoringpublic.solaredge.com/solaredge-web/p/site/public?name=128223&locale=en_US#/dashboard", whose response contains a bunch of HTML and javascript, which halfway through contains the string fieldId:274560, which is maybe possibly the fid we want?
But, hmm, that url is just the url of the page, and when I fetch the page with requests, there's no fieldId string. What gives?
*X-Files theme starts*
Maybe the url only returns the fieldId if the request contains the correct headers. I see some cookies here, some of which contain things like JSESSIONID and SPRING_SECURITY_REMEMBER_ME_COOKIE, followed by some very long base64-looking text streams... Eurgh.
@Kevin But to download the .har file, we need to use selenium again, right?
I think Selenium can retrieve the .har file, if octopus.com/blog/selenium/13-capturing-har-files/… is any indication
but John doesn't want to use selenium
Well at first the reason I didn't want to use Selenium is because it's time consuming
I've never used selenium. Is there also a lot of overhead from loading pages? Or mostly startup?
but now, even with selenium where I manually click on that download button, sometimes it doesn't find the element
although its name is static
there has to be some overhead from loading pages, because the whole problem is that making a raw request won't contain enough information
In any case I don't even know if baseline Selenium can run this particular page because 90% of the content returned from the initial http request is javascript that sets up a Flash applet. I don't think Selenium can run flash by itself
But maybe I'm wrong, if John has had some partial success in the past in locating the desired button with Selenium
yes my program works right now using selenium
but as I said above, it doesn't always locate the desired elements
and I don't know why
Yeah, that's concerning. If Selenium can't always find the button, that might indicate that any non-selenium solution we come up with might also fail to find the button.
The button is not only the problem. I also get other details as well
for example I get the name of the solar panel
nameText = WebDriverWait(driver, 20).until(EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.ID, "se-siteDetailsPanel-name"))).text
That might be worth making an entirely separate question about. "Why can't I always find this button with Selenium?". Making no mention of your desire for a Selenium-free solution
that ID there, never changes. Although I just got an error 10 minutes ago that it didn't locate the element
If I had to guess, I'd wager that your timeout is too short, and it doesn't always render the button within 20 seconds
@shad0w_wa1k3r I think I have solved it was due to the fact that the javscritp is being executed on in the broswer even in the app is dockerized
If so, it's very unfortunate that 20 seconds isn't long enough, and your frustration at Selenium's slowness is very understandable.
I think that's improbable given that download speeds are very high where I am
How can I get Django to set the session in a fetch request?
That might be unavoidable, though. When I access the page in Firefox, the flash applet takes like 10+ seconds to load, so it might just be slow no matter how you try to access it
if I am using fetch to do an AJAX request to a django rest framework API, how can I retrieve the session and set it the broswer?
Even with high download speeds on your end, maybe there's a bandwidth bottleneck at the website's end, perhaps because they're under heavy load or perhaps they're intentionally throttling requests, or who knows what
If there was a way to circumvent the flash app... Then we're back to trying to generate the button's url ourselves by daisy-chaining requests together until one finally gives us the fid. Not trivial.
Yeah that would make Selenium function faster
The bright side of "the website takes a very long time to respond" is that you may be able to make multiple slow requests in parallel, and get all of their responses faster than the sum of their response time. Either using threading or multiprocessing.
In other words, you might be able to make twenty simultaeous requests to servers that take ten seconds to respond, and get all the responses back in eleven seconds total.
Well I have to be sure first that increasing the timeout period will get rid of the errors
So even using the slow Selenium approach, your ultimate goal of "run this program on multiple sites" might not be unacceptably slow
yeah I get what you are saying
how come that when using docker, sessions don't work anymore in django!?
Hi everyone
Does anyone know about hamming distance?
Can it not be done also by finding the length of the input array post conversion to set?
hamming distance is just the distance. you can compute it with a simple sum.
just hamming distance in general, or specifically related to that problem of finding the maximum for a given input vector? Scipy has a whole list of distance: docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/…
Yeah specifically maximum hamming distance @ALollz
@RaphX did you also check the Levenshtein one?
I think I used that for fuzzy matching once @Aurelius
Not sure I understand what "conversion to set" means in this context, since the linked page doesn't appear to use sets
In general I'm suspicious of using sets to calculate hamming distance, since they're unordered, and hamming distance cares about order
"ab" and "ba" have a hamming distance of 2 despite the fact that set("ab") == set("ba")
Yeah but len(set('ab')) or len(set('ba')) is 2 right? @Kevin
Sure, both of those are equal to 2. But I don't think that tells you anything about hamming distance
heya guys, I need some push, what should I be looking at if I need some kind of persistent storage other than a db, a plain ol file or is pickle something I should look into, and second, if I know a certain webpage has buttons at a fixed position always, can I automate it without selenium?
set("abc") and set("abe") both have a length of 3 but the hamming distance of "abc" and "abe" is 1, not 3
@TheNamesAlc Pickle is a popular choice for non-db persistence, sure. You might also be interested in json and shelve.
I just want to download images and I want to put those path somewhere so when the next time I run it I want to do something like if newImage not in pickledObject then it means it is something I already downloaded
If I'm reading stackoverflow.com/questions/6775351/… correctly, then Selenium can only click an element at a fixed position if you already have a selector that locates the element. So there's no general "go to x,y on the page and click whatever is there" action.
not necessarily selenium, can it be manipulated using requests or something ?
If you have a selector that locates the button, then there's not much point in clicking on it at a particular offset - just click it regularly
someone here suggested I use a headless browser or something to avoid seeing those automated test windows
I guess I have to go with that else
I would suggest IMacros but I am not so sure whether it can be used in this context
requests definitely can't click an element at a coordinate, because requests does not understand the concepts of "click" or "coordinate". All it sees is HTTP packets.
can I like create a packet so I can mimic a click ?
if I know it won't change
@RaphX will look into this
seems like its windows only but it can definitely do what I want without the hassle I guess
There isn't a one-to-one relationship between clicks and packets, so not directly. But you may be able to inspect the page and see what happens when you click on the button. Maybe it opens a link, or maybe it fires off javascript that executes an AJAX request. You can use requests to mimic either of those.
something along those lines was what I wanted to hear, thanks for the help
Re: "someone here suggested I use a headless browser", Selenium can be run headlessly, so don't discount that as a possibility just yet
in a django rest framework API should I disable CSRF ?
it's really annoying
Knowing very little about web security, my gut instinct is that you should only disable it if you already have a very good idea about whether you should disable it.
In other, more flippant, words: if you have to ask, no.
okay but using django as a backend API for signup/ login and data retrival and React as a front end both in separate docker container is a huge pain in the ass already
AJAX + sessions + CSRF token really don't work well with each other
It sounds like you're more informed on the topic than I am :-) I guess my advice boils down to "don't take the decision lightly"
FetchError: request to localhost:8000/route failed, reason: connect ECONNREFUSED
without docker all this works, any idea of what this means?
I'm experimenting with a library which apparently uses an older version of pandas. In particular, it has pd.read_excel(settings_excel_file, sheetname = "settings") but the current version of pandas uses sheet_name for the kwarg. Unfortunately the library doesn't have a requirements.txt and setup.py doesn't specify a specific version of pandas. How do I determine what version uses sheetname instead of sheet_name?
    ... sheetname= ...
    ... sheet_name= ...
you can even run a test read to see if you get the right error... but hold on, let me try to actually answer your question
Doesn't pandas have, like... docs?
I guess I'm spoiled by the official python docs that meticulously document every API change
somewhere between version 0.20 and version 0.21
@piRSquared the code is from the library, not my own
@piRSquared cool thanks
@Aran-Fey yah, there's docs. My results all show versions that still use sheet_name. And I don't see an easy way to switch versions on the docs site.
url hacking with a manual bifurcation root finding exercise
@Code-Apprentice I was thinking they would've documented in which version the name of that argument changed - clearly I was wrong
Y'know, like the official docs have this "changed in 3.X:" thingy
that seems cheesy to me. I wonder if it slipped through
I think with pandas it's the fact that API went through very "violent" changes in just a few versions, and was probably a pain to get every detail right.
(even though one may argue that makes it all the more important to get it documented. and i would agree with that)
That reminds me of a quote from Silicon Valley: "I once saw a fight so violent, it almost came to blows."
@Aran-Fey yah, unfortunately I don't see that
Half serious suggestion: try pd.read_excel(settings_excel_file, sheetname = "settings", sheet_name = "settings"). Sometimes a function accepts a **kwargs dict and simply ignores any named argument it doesn't expect
I'd test it myself but pandas yelled at me and said it needed xlrd and pip install xlrd didn't work
>>> pandas.read_excel(settings_excel_file, sheetname = "settings", sheet_name = "settings")
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "C:\Programming\Python 3.7\lib\site-packages\pandas\util\_decorators.py", line 188, in wrapper
    return func(*args, **kwargs)
  File "C:\Programming\Python 3.7\lib\site-packages\pandas\util\_decorators.py", line 188, in wrapper
    return func(*args, **kwargs)
  File "C:\Programming\Python 3.7\lib\site-packages\pandas\io\excel.py", line 375, in read_excel
Can I set up requirements for a locally stored library to depend on another locally stored library? Such that if I pip install /path/to/mylib2 it will know to also install /path/to/mylib1?
Can pip install cause arbitrary code execution? Not a rhetorical question.
This is currently outside my knowledge base packaging.python.org/guides/hosting-your-own-index
but seems a likely candidate for what I want
Typo in the first sentence, confidence in document's technical precision fading
carp. what I want is a bare bones version controlled set of libraries that I can easily install for any user that has access to them
Hi can I post here some code? I need some help
As I am simpleton when it comes to packaging, all I can do for you is send good vibes
I'll take 'em
@Pijes Yeah. Consult sopython.com/wiki/… for code formatting advice, or use a text hosting site such as pastebin for longish code
@Kevin Thank you
@Kevin I'm considering making a PR against the library. But I'm still not even sure if it will work for my purposes.
PRs are good karma. Save the next guy from the problem you're facing now :-)
I don't know how to include limits = {'L': 5, 'N': 4} in my code.
from itertools import combinations_with_replacement
import collections

limits = {'L': 5, 'N': 4}

def combine(arr, s):
return [x for x in combinations_with_replacement(symbols, s) if max(collections.Counter(x).values()) <= limits.get(x, 2) ]

symbols = "LNhkPepm3684th"
max_length = 5
set = 5

print(combine(symbols, set))
@Pijes it's not clear what you're trying to apply the limit to?
I'm guessing this is a follow-up question to stackoverflow.com/questions/57897019/…, which is a little bit inside our solicitation restriction time window, but I'll allow it as long as the other ROs aren't watching
@JonClements I want to get all combinations from symbols but with some limit. For all symbols limit is 2 but for some I need to be fixed exactly to my limit L:5 for example.
Does the output have to have exactly five Ls and four Ns, or can the output have fewer Ls and Ns than that?
@Kevin the former would be hard with a max_length of 5 for each combo :)
I agree, but it wouldn't be the first time that we've been given logically contradictory requirements ;-)
@Kevin Yes I need exactly 5 Ls and 4 Ns always in every combination
Ok, so, that's a problem, because all of your combinations have only five characters.
@Kevin Sorry I set that for example if someone want's to try. I need for 17
Ok, that's fine then. We can just say that the function crashes if you give it a size that's too small to fit all the mandatory characters. Or it can yield no values, or signal an error some other way.
Hmm, what's a good way to do this... I don't want to use combinations_with_replacements because I suspect that would get very slow if you start discarding a lot of combinations that don't match the limits
@Kevin Yes that's huge. What can I use instead of combinations_with_replacements?
You could probably write a solution that doesn't use any outside functions at all. It's a bit like the change making problem, and I think similar DP techniques will be useful
@Kevin Thank you Kevin. Have a nice day
I might try to write up a solution. If I come up with something, I'll post an answer on your question.
Assuming I can find an algorithm that takes less than a hundred million years to run. No promises.
@Kevin Thank you for your advice and time. It would be great. Thanks again
Ah, heck. The approach I was working on only works if all of the symbols are unique, but LNhkPepm3684th contains "h" twice
Well, it might work anyway. Depends on whether "LLLLLNNNNhh3684hh" counts as a legal result. "h" appears four times, but each h appears only twice in its "cluster"
What is the purpose of having all these combinations?
Put another way, what is the context of the problem you are ultimately trying to solve?
Hmm, is there a nice recipe for memoizing generator functions? I don't mind if I consume a ton of memory.
Unless I'm misunderstanding the requirement, you might actually need a ton of memory
My non-memoized approach yields about 25k results, so memoizing it would only require a cache with 25k entries. Or so I assumed, but I'm feeling doubtful now.
Mmm, then I'm misunderstanding something here or I've missed a critical detail
Here is my answer, if that's at all useful
def gen_cache(gen_func):
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        return list(gen_func(*args, **kwargs))

    return wrapper
(it's a function decorator)
That might do it. Preliminary results: 0.5 seconds when using gen_cache, 1.5 seconds with no caching
probably definitely should've returned a tuple rather than a list to avoid accidental mutation of cached return values
Yeah, although it's not a practical concern in my case
Using gen_cache with tuples: 0.56 seconds
@Kevin Thanks. Ok, I guess I'm not thinking in terms of "Here's an approach that works if all symbols are individually restricted and "LLLLLNNNNhh3684hh" is a legal result."
@Kevin That's double h is just pure mistake. Sorry
Ok, cool
Hey guys, if I use loc to select rows from a dataframe (df2 = df1.loc[df1['Name'] == 'Alex']), is there a way to simultaneously remove those rows from the original df? (pastebin.com/VjqkJLY9)
I need to re-calibrate my eyeing of such problems. On the surface I guess I just evaluate them as permutations and immediately think "oh goodness"
Speaking of eyes: I just misread "regular expression" as "rectangular expression" and was very confused for a second
Assuming that every itertools-y question involves permutations is not a bad heuristic, since it's correct 90% of the time
I'm still partially clenched waiting for Pijes to come back in and say "this works pretty well, but I decided I want cartesian products instead of combinations..."
Separately, the voting on that Q/A has irked me a bit, so I did my little part to try balance it out vs the rest of the garbage that's being thrown up these days
nevermind, going to use left merge with indicator to drop rows in both
I'm worried that the questions I've been answering lately are all complicated to the point that I'm not clever enough to actually explain the working approach I bumbled into. So they all amount to "here, use this magic incantation"
FWIW I like your answer and it's what triggered my "I need to re-calibrate..." response, so I think it has value, whatever the intent of the OP if they don't match your assumptions
If I'm lucky, the readers will think "I don't understand this. He must be too smart for me" instead of the more correct "I don't understand this. He's got lousy communication skills. -1"
On the flip-side, Barmar was silly to put his one-liner in a function. He could probably have garnered a few more upvotes if he didn't use indentation and a function call overhead. Regardless of the fact it doesn't do what was requested.
I think there is a concise and correct one line solution to this problem that has some resemblance to Barmar's answer, but it would use generate-and-discard and thus probably be pretty slow
Ok, to be fair to Barmar, " I have problem with that because they first generate combination and than discard it." came as a comment 10 hours after his answer
I probably jumped the gun on the criticism
Ah, he just left a comment, so maybe he'll apply some shine to his post
ok, I don't have the time/gumption/patience to read through and understand everything. But, doesn't "But I want to have character "Q" 4 times in every combinations" imply "QQQQ" + any_combination_not_including_Q
Yeah. I made a bit of extra work for myself by generalizing the problem to "each of these letters must appear more than X times and fewer than Y times" rather than just "here are some letters that must appear exactly Z times, and everything else can be 0-3"
But the general solution has the same computational complexity as the specific solution, so meh
@Kevin he's not being helped by the reply
No, I made mistake. Still without solution — Pijes 3 mins ago
Hmm, I guess that implies that my answer is wrong, too
I think I parsed "characters can show 1 time, 2 times but not more than 3" to mean "0, 1, and 2 times are acceptable" when it actually means "0, 1, 2, and 3 times are acceptable", but that can be adjusted for by twiddling a single digit in my code
character_restrictions[c] = (0,2)
                               ^ this one
I'm amazed you can answer a question and then obsess about it for 2 hours. If I had to worry about an answer so much I couldn't even bring myself to write it in the first place
I think it would be useful for Pijes to see how this is all playing out in chat, but I deleted my ping before posting this.
I believe they asked and responded in good faith but now it's a confusing hodgepodge because we don't know what we're solving
2.5 hours after the first double-post here and still no outcome
I think it's unfortunate because I think there is an interesting problem hiding there somewhere
It's a casual kind of obsession so it's easy to sustain. I'm only obsessing while I wait for imgur to load.
@piRSquared The point of closure is to allow the interesting problem to emerge from its cocoon
A literary analyst can spend an indefinite amount of time making observations like "the blue curtains represent the author's melancholy", and I can indefinitely speculate about interpretations of requirements
Incidentally I've had a mild cold for almost a week and it's decided to level up
it must've gained a lot of xp from defeating antibodies
@AndrasDeak oooohhh what a positive thought.
@Aran-Fey I must have rolled a few ones today
Incidentally, did your pathogens have floating markers above their heads that faded away as they attacked the antibodies?
No grrr that I know of. Just a lot of yams.
Sometimes I post an answer, knowing fully well that it only solves one possible interpretation out of ten of the original question, and thus has only a 10% chance of being right. My hope is that my saying "here's what I think your output should be" will prompt the OP to say "no, I actually want my output to be this". It's the cart-before-horse system of requirements gathering.
Have you tried using a potion of healing (colloquially known as "tea")?
@Kevin Cunningham's law...
Oh, then your pathogens have no further use for me, you can get rid of them now
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