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@AndrasDeak bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-46835677 I only read the title because that's all I need to know that we'll soon be out of this nonsense
@roganjosh you mean put out of your misery under two meters of snow? Or have you been having real winter weather again?
You can keep your snow, we don't want to pay for it anymore
It's not snowed once here yet. I'm sure it's all related
Take the snow of the Brits and make them pay for it!
we've had plenty of snow which is a bit surprising, because in recent years we've been mostly lacking
We had mega snow last year. I honestly thought we'd be properly hammered this year after our unusually good summer but, so far, none
"mega snow" in relation to what the UK normally gets
go home weather, you're drunk
rbrb mate
(\' Д ')\
7 hours later…
morning guys
cbg all
I have a pandas column with a string type containing entries like "03:15" that represents minutes and seconds, how do I best convert this to a time typed column?
What I'm doing now seems not quite right:
column_list = start_time_cols + end_time_cols
convert_to_dt = lambda arg: pd.to_datetime(arg, format='M%:S%')
df[column_list] = df[column_list].apply(convert_to_dt)
@shuttle87 yeah, naming a lambda is bad
Yeah I figure there's some way to do this that doesn't involve apply like this?
is column_list a list of column names?
if so... it just becomes df[column_list].apply(pd.to_datetime, format='%M:%S')...
(so you're still applying pd.to_datetime with arguments - just without the intermediate lambda...)
yes it's just some names of columns that contain strings in the format minutes:seconds that are times
@shuttle87 my point was pandas agnostic. No: name = lambda .... Yes: def name(...)
@Andras although a recursive defaultdict tends to be defined using lambda :)
That's just laziness :P
@coldspeed umm... don't think we need Please try to do a less sloppy job of explaining what you want in that comment... there's much better ways of saying that without saying it exactly like that.
Okay sure, will revisit
Thanks... that post you requested is now non-wiki as well btw...
Got my shirt today \o/ \o/ \o/ curegear.com/collections/shirts/products/…
errr - okies... :)
wat? You haven't got a gold badge yet for Python... :(
No, half my rep is MATLAB. Numpy silver is nearing though ;) I'm too lazy to dupe hunt anyway
@JonClements I'm surprised too
don't embarrass the matlab guy :-p
TIL there's two "R"s in embarrass...
Weekend cbg
@shad0w_wa1k3r was the realization... embarrassing? :P
and cbg
not to me. I also only have a silver :D
"only silver" :/
look at this guy living in the bronze age nudges Andras :-p
<smashes rock on head> hurr durr
although, you're much more close to silver than we both are to gold.
It's pretty asymptotic for me, the number of questions that interest me drops slightly faster than my approach to silver
@roganjosh wowsers... they're not even providing decent answers to that hour/minutes question sighs
I'm kinda glad :)
Wonder when someone will suggest return divmod(h * 60 + m, 60)... :p
Can be legitimately downvoted so the question is eligible to be cleared away, and the OP didn't get their assignment done for them
That someone could be youuu (if you wanna break implied protocol) :P
Meh... it's just maths...
I mean in terms of a mod answering a basic question that's clearly an assignment :)
@JonClements you have your wish
Bit suspicious they've thrown in a whole load of extra formatting work though when it's clear the OP is trying to return a 2-tuple...
another similar answer closer to what I had :p
You're narrating reality into being
Haha... I should start thinking of a better story then :)
I was defeated 6 upvotes to 3 answers on not doing someone's assignment entirely for them
(maybe something about me eating a sausage roll... :p)
There's gotta be a plucky young character by the name of roganjosh that overcomes adversity and makes it big. Just sayin'
Did that plucky young character help the puppy's wish of a Gregg's sausage roll or two come true though? :p
... it is written...
Is there a reason people would need to use urllib? Note, v.1., not urllib2?
One reason could be that on Python 3.x, there's only urllib... it's Python 2.x that had two versions
They're saying there is no timeout parameter, so I'm guessing 2.7
normal response for questions like that is... use requests - save your sanity! :)
Hi, trying to automate read multiple txt files (no suffix), strip 1rowxncolums from each line and write it to a csv file with the same name.
Hi. Do you have some code that is not working?
import yaml
import os

dir_with_water = r"C:\Users\Documents\Test"
def find_water_filenames(path_to_dir, suffix=""): #files have no suffix, just name (ABC_201805221600)
filenames = os.listdir(path_to_dir)
return [ filename for filename in filenames if filename.endswith(suffix) ]
waterfiles = find_radar_filenames(dir_with_water)

for water in waterfiles:
for i in range (23):
a=(b[5 :])
uncommented the last few lines as showing error in f.write(c)
Please use something like pastebin for the code; it's quite long and not formatted properly
'utf8' codec can't decode byte #xc0: invalid start byte
in "<string>", position 4
how can i use pastebin?
there is no need, actually
In future, you can copy/paste your code here and give us the link
but, in this case, the error is line 4, so the rest of the code is currently irrelevant
Bleugh, not line 4 sorry, but it's a decoding issue
yay... default mutable argument and recursion - fun times
@JonClements I was just looking at that but my brain feels a bit too mushy for recursion :)
that's okay - we don't want you blowing your stack :)
I've spent the last week on building Bill of Materials trees where my principles of "never use recursion, it gets confuzzling" were snapped and all sorts of weirdness haunted me
Fixed a 20 year product spec issue. But, at what cost to my mind...?
Sorry @roganjosh, I didn't understand your reply
@user2153702 I was talking to Jon, but also just about to reply to you. Do you know the encoding of the files?
@roganjosh just let go... the padded rooms and cool jumpers are worth not worrying about your mind :)
No, but i can open it with notepad++ with no problem
when running the code on individual files, it works fine
@user2153702 on second thought, can you please use pastebin. There are a few lines I've spotted in your code that I'm not clear on
@JonClements I've linked to the canonical in a comment, but didn't hammer it. Should it be hammered, or does it deserve a new answer due to the recursive aspect?
@PM2Ring I personally wouldn't hammer it as without going through the canonical - I'm not sure how obvious it is that recursion's also going to have its own side effects...
@shad0w_wa1k3r I like that the urllib guy ignored my last comment and went on to re-state the question in an answer, then ignored your comment about editing. I could use that kinda mental fortitude to blank things out in my daily life :P
same here :D
I've flagged it though, gotta get closer (1 in 500) towards that Marshall gold badge :-p
It reminds me of the video to Sia - Unstoppable
@roganjosh, i created an account and wrote the code there, how can i provide you with the link?
@user2153702 you don't need an account, just paste it and get the link.
@user2153702 I don't use Windows, but I assume Notepad++ has some way to tell you what it thinks the encoding of the file is. Were the files produced by a Windows system? Does that system mainly use English? My guess is that the files are codepage 1252, a Microsoft variant of ISO-8859-1
@PM2Ring was thinking the same thing, you can use encoding='cp1252' with pandas if we can split the file
Gah, sorry @user2153702, now it's become a private post. Log out and make a post as an anon user
It's not UTF-8 because it's throwing a decode error
@JonClements Indeed, although with a single outermost call it's not an issue, since the inner recursive calls do want to append to the same list anyway. So you only notice the problem on subsequent top-level calls.
yeah... suppose it's still kind of the same check when you put it like that... it's just that both issues are hard enough for a green bean to grok individually... but combined... umm....
@user2153702 you can use any service you wish to link the code, btw (provided it doesn't come with dodgy ads). I suggested pastebin because you can literally just dump code and get a link to it and I know it doesn't have questionable ads
Maybe someone else should make a suggestion here because I think I've confused you
Awesome, thanks :)
There's a lot of mixing between radar/water in names
Is this a relic of half-changing your code for posting or is that your actual code? There's instances where it simply won't run, but also it might be a case that you're referring to other objects that actually exist
@user2153702 also... is the yaml you want really... at a certain position on a certain line? That whole range looping, reading a line, assignment to 2 names, then slicing [5:] just looks odd...
line 23 has the word Data at the beginning which i want to delete and keep the rest. I used yaml to get rid of the string
@user2153702 The indentation looks wrong in a couple of places. Are you using actual tabs for indentation?
errr... what do you mean by I used yaml to get rid of the string @user2153702?
read line 23, get rid of word Data at the beginning, save to temp file (test.csv), open temp file and convert 1rowxnColumns to nRowsx3Columns and save it as original file name.
I think you've tied yourself in knots here.
I use ipython (Jupyter)
It would be helpful if you could also show us several lines of the data, so we can see what you're trying to read.
Can we see a small snippet of input data and expected output?
when running the code on a single file, it works. I want to automate it
As you've said. But we don't know what mods you've made between the working part on a single file and getting it to work for multiple
And just because some code appears to work on 1 data file, that doesn't mean that it's actually behaving correctly. As many AoC coders will readily admit. ;)
Why are you writing it to a temp file, loading it again and then doing transformations... It looks like you want to take a step back, properly write down what you need to do...
original file
stackoverflow.com/questions/54159499/… unclear. OP not responding to comments and it's already gone through a review queue on the non-answer
Major Water Resource
ValidTime 201901081550
DataType GeoReferencedField
FieldType Grid
Projection LatitudeLongitudeGrid
LatitudeIncrement 0.008994
LongitudeIncrement 0.012899
Scale 1
Width 480
Height 480
Interpolation NearestNeighbour
SiteName DSESB
LatCentre 44.721478
LonCentre -82.65478
Level 27
Lenght 190
Uncertenity 89.67
ProductType Water
data_unit Water-Level,m
DataFormat Comma_Delim_Ascii,LatLonValue,Suppressed
Data 43.6432,-81.6804,8.5000,43.6432,-81.6675,8.5000,43.6432,-81.6546,8.5000,43.6432,-81.6417,7.5000,43.6432,-81.6030,-99
Wow... yamls definitely over kill for that line...
also - is it guaranteed that Data is always at the same line for each file?
that was the output
Right, so if I read between the lines, you're reading multiple individual records and want to collate all the fields into a single file?
As the overall objective
the 23 line is very long. When i convert it to nRowx3Columns, yields 2500 rows
We need to take a step back first
Am I missing something obvious here...?
i have multiple files. I read each file, strip line 23 convert it to multiple rows, 3 column and save it to csv
can i batch the process
don't worry if Lon, Lat or Lat Lon are different. That is not the issue
Right, I understand what you're trying to do, but the description has not been simple to get an actual objective
my fault, sorry
Give me a few minutes
thank you in advance
I used ymal because (a), the stripped line, is a string
and i need to get rid of the string to save it to csv
That may or may not be the issue, but this can be done much more cleanly. I'm building a local test case now
Hopefully that part was the source of the encoding issue
if you have a better way to get rid of the temp file (test.csv) please show me. but my main concern rgiht now is to batch the process
@JonClements Confused OP is confused...
@JonClements I used ymal because (a), the stripped line, is a string and i need to get rid of the string to save it to csv
@JonClements, yes. Data is always at that place
@JonClements, If i got rid of line 17 (c=yaml.load(a)) and change line 20 to f.write(a)
i would get error
string can't save to csv or something like that
Almost done
when converting line 23 from original file to csv, it yields 25000 rows (by 3 columns)
Re-stating the issue isn't helpful. I keep seeing something posted in chat and stopping working on an alternative approach. We've established that there is an issue.
Added to that, my laptop keeps freezing :P
Oh man, everything is conspiring against me, multiple things crashing on laptop
So much suspense for some simple code :P
hahaha, i sincerely appreciate your help. you would be making my day
Well, I also did something dumb which was to write the outputs to the same directory of the inputs, meaning that listdir went wonky on a second run
i did that once and was ready to go through the wall
Well, I need to work out the permission error on this but it's giving the outputs I expect, then throwing the error
But, while I work that out, you might have enough to test to see whether the encoding issue still exists
It's not clean code, but we can sort that part out if we determine whether it can work
send me your code please
I did in a previous message. "this" is a hyperlink
got it, thanks
Ok, listdir is giving the output directory too. Don't know what's going on with my brain. So I can fix the issue. It's now a case of whether the encoding issue still exists before I clean all that code up
Otherwise we have an issue elsewhere
error: line data=list(reader)
filed larger than filed limit (131072)
line 23 is very long
oh wow, then it deserves a question on main site IMO
But you need to make it clear about that point
what to do?
Please post the full traceback
The problem has become a lot more complex than you initially suggested, I wonder whether there is a column limit in the csv module
Error Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-52-bd5e8e930471> in <module>()
10 with open(dir_with_water + '/' + file) as infile:
11 reader = csv.reader(infile, delimiter=' ')
---> 12 data = list(reader)
13 last_line = data[-1] # Get the bottom row "line 23"
14 last_line = last_line[1].split(',') # Get rid of "Data"

Error: field larger than field limit (131072)
I managed to save that line to csv with no problem with my original code (one file at a time).
Q: _csv.Error: field larger than field limit (131072)

user1251007I have a script reading in a csv file with very huge fields: # example from http://docs.python.org/3.3/library/csv.html?highlight=csv%20dictreader#examples import csv with open('some.csv', newline='') as f: reader = csv.reader(f) for row in reader: print(row) However, this thro...

So, looks like I shouldn't have used the csv module here for convenience
added csv.field_size_limit(100000000) after the import lines and error is gone. Now I have a new error
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-56-49536c012eac> in <module>()
16 last_line = last_line[1].split(',') # Get rid of "Data"
---> 18 with open(dir_with_water + '/outputs/' + file.replace('.txt', '') + '.csv', 'w', newline='') as outfile:
19 writer = csv.writer(outfile)
20 writer.writerow(last_line)

TypeError: 'newline' is an invalid keyword argument for this function
@user2153702 Are you using Python 3?
Ok. The Python 2 open doesn't have a newline arg. But in Python 2 when using the csv module you must open CSV files in binary mode.
ok, changed the 'w', newline=') TO 'wb')
now i have new error. saying that IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or dicrectory: 'C:\ etc\originalfilename.csv'
the problem is in the '/outputs/'
got it
this is the change i did
with open(dir_with_water + '\outputs' + file.replace('.txt', '') + '.csv', 'wb') as outfile:
now i get my csv files as 1 row and nColumns
how can i paste my code to convert each csv to nRowsx3Columns?
Sorry, I've been sidetracked by a phonecall for something deal with, I'll have to leave it as-is for now. Sorry for going silent.
You've phoned Gregg's to arrange delivery to the puppy three dozen sausage rolls!? Woo hoo... you're awesome @roganjosh :)
"It's not working"

"working as coded" is too specific as a CV request :D
"Yes it is."
Is eating sausage rolls the equivalent of taking a W?
@coldspeed errr... a "wombat" ?
A win :P
that's fairly close...
Guys, someone online? Could I ask a question with a code?
@roganjosh, no worries, thanks for your effort.
elif condition is never found.. but it is true, infact if I split condition it'll be considered true
It's clearly not an indentation error.. I'm stuck on that.
@Shred There's nothing obviously wrong with that code. But it's hard to know what the problem is without knowing what your data looks like. A MCVE would be helpful... What's gene.qualifiers['product'] ?
OTOH python is taking a big L with today's questions
@roganjosh I know... kind a good bit of marketing :) I'm not happy though that I clearly should have bought some shares in July :p
But it shares and being a junkie of your own company does little in the way of profits
Buying* mobile view now refuses to let me edit, even if I exit chat and re-enter. Great
I demand my right to fat finger my opinions and correct them later!
What do you mean "refuses to let me edit" - were you outside the 2 minute period you can maybe?
When you click on a comment, there's a dropdown bar of options to edit, link, reply, or one other I don't remember. That bar immediately collapses after expanding now
Umm... think it's done that for ages... you just need to remember to scroll up a tiny bit to bring it back into view?
I used to be able to go back to Google and re-enter chat - that bought me 1 consistent dropdown per trip out and back in. Now even that doesn't work
(eg... I don't think it actually collapses... it's just "off the top" of the screen a bit)
I am leaving all public forums for a bit before I make myself look any more silly than I already have:P
been there done that. Don't blame yourself for some bad UI.
blame the stack gods
@PM2Ring it's a value, alphanumeric. Inside there's "16S" or "23S"
more cleanup needed after vaultah's joke please one, two, three, four, five
Truly a joke that keeps on giving
@roganjosh heres what my little tests for HDF5 gave me:

original json: 140 KB
CSV with garbage removed: 40 KB
HDF5: 2 KB

same data 1000 times:

HDF5: 34 KB
HDF5 with lzf compression: 29 KB
HDF5 with gzip(6) compr: 24 KB
HDF5 with gzip(9) compr: 24 KB
HDF5 with szip compr: 30 KB
Ummm... what am I missing? @vaultah/@wim ?
Haha, okay that is pretty funny
Ill probably go with lzf since my cpu ressources are limited and its faster in all cases
i just went through the links. check comments on Q. apparently vaultah opened a bounty on what was a clearly well answered question
So, thats what that was about. apparently it attracted a fresh batch of new answers. @JonClements
oh... yeah... that rings a bell now you mention it :)
Hm. Question, though not sure if it belongs here exactly.
I answered a question here
more cleanup of repeated content stackoverflow.com/a/54159860/4909087
And the guy proceeded to take the answer and delete the question.
@vaultah also curious why did you bounty that question but not award it? same joke, or something else?
i didnt think much of it at the time. i guessed just a "take the answer and run" type of deal
however, he just undeleted it to ask me for further modification. And now im conflicted
Should i be doing something specific in a case like this? talking to OP about not deleting questions? suggesting asking a diff question? or just making the modification where they will probably delete it again?
oh, looks like its gone again.
@ParitoshSingh yeah... looks like a hit'n'run... it's been handled
the benevolent pup strikes back
@ParitoshSingh although - generally better to just go the flagging with "other" and explaining what's happened (as the link @wim provided)... a mod will almost certainly undelete and rollback changes - especially given the deleted comments there confirm it worked etc...
Ah, ok got it. i'll keep that in mind
@wim all done. Bring on the next batch, @vaultah :P
The next batch are at page 2 and 3 of stackoverflow.com/questions/38987/…
redundant content: one, two, three
@Shred Do you mean it's a string? In that case, why are you doing gene.qualifiers['product'][0]? That'll just give you the 1st char of the string.
Hey @roganjosh, made a mistake on the first one, heres the actual results (I hope):
original json: 140 KB
CSV with garbage removed: 40 KB
HDF5: 2 KB

same data 1000 times:
CSV: 46 232 KB
HDF5: 31 284 KB
HDF5 with lzf compression: 23 417 KB
HDF5 with gzip(6) compr: 29 861 KB
HDF5 with gzip(9) compr: 10 120 KB
HDF5 with szip compr: 29 861 KB
1 hour later…
3 hours later…
Oh that's good
I can't suspend disbelief when obviously venomous snakes are claimed to be pythons for the sake of the joke
I guess the joke wasn't very pythonic

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