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weekend cbg
3 hours later…
Wow, someone has backported f-strings. The impl is an ingenious hack, it registers a custom codec at interpreter start-time, which gets used to decode the source and thus you can handle the f-strings before the parser gets a chance to SyntaxError.
2 hours later…
@wim that is especially brilliant
3 hours later…
Woa panic SO is offline \O/
@Simon you sure?
Was that an attempt at humour or was that an actual question to answer?
@Simon latter
@AndyK Are you not affected?
@Simon nope
Yes I am definitely getting an error. As MartijnPieters remarked:
No, you got connected to a healthy part of the cluster. The problem is still there. It is currently a bit of a lottery. — Martijn Pieters ♦ 16 mins ago
It's going on and off for us
What does it say. I can't read it?
@Simon nothing actually
the fall of the cluster where you connect has not been mentionned
it usually does
Well I we are certainly getting it.
Maybe it's just in the UK. x_x
but it means nothing, not saying that this SO status is a must read
if you cannot connect, you cannot
3 hours later…
@AndyK better to follow Nick twitter.com/Nick_Craver cc @Simon
For the curious: I removed some async continuation configuration which could be an outer await in some code paths this AM. We're all green now but this issue very slowly builds from being so subtle, so I'll be checking in throughout the day.
I need some opinions. Is it OK to build a programming language in Python or is it better to go for something faster like C?
I am talking about a miniature one of course. :D
Depends. How well do you know C? How many bugs and memory leaks and security holes will your programming language have if you implement it in C? :P
Pretty basic but I could improve it massively if I spent a few weeks solid on it.
I'd not use Python, no.
It also depends on the language design. Compiled or interpreted?
And if interpreted, can the primitives easily be handled by native components in Python?
Probably both.
Prototyping the language design can perhaps be faster if you use a dynamic language like Python.
Then convert to C once complete?
But an interpreter loop is the critical point here, Python is probably not going to be fast enough for decent performance.
Yes, or CPython.
Or Rust.
IDK Rust so not that one.
Rust is quite close to Python in philosophy.
Might be worth learning. :-)
Especially when you are tinkering with programming languages. Broad programming language experience can really help understand what choices are being made.
and lots and lots of C and pain
@ByteCommander to build a parser, sure, but that's only part of the story.
@ByteCommander I could take it :p
@MartijnPieters I think Rust isn't an option for me (at least not this year). How about Perl?
Then again it would take years to build :/
Rust seems weird. "Macros are like functions, except their name ends with an exclamation mark" But why?
*claps* I almost missed the joke
@MartijnPieters Thanks. That's given me some basic starting blocks to think about. :-)
@MartijnPieters I've been playing with rust and golang recently... got some toy projects I could see golang being great for... haven't found much in my line of work for rust yet though...
Anything you'd have used C++ for in the past? Go Rust instead.
Hey, Ive trained a model with tensorflow to recognize the mnist dataset. However I cant seam to find any tutorial on how to input that model my own photos so it gives out the (correct) number. Does anyone know a good and short tutorial?
1 hour later…
@MartijnPieters any reason to prefer Rust over modern C++?
C++14 and newer is quite neat IMO
Did I almost miss the rust talk? I <3 rust
(sigh) Am I going to have to write a second Rust program, just to see if I can manage something more than ten lines long?
You don't sound very enthusiastic.
Given my complaints over the years about how bloated C++ is you'd think I'd be happy there's something saner which can fill the space, but I've never been one for cons a foolish consistency.
We have fans in the room, though, and several Important Python Figures like Rust, so I figure it's probably worth learning well enough to know when it'd be the right choice. (grumble)
Feel free to ask me for pointers any time.
That must be amongst the oldest programming jokes ever.
On the network questions sidebar, I saw one about (paraphrasing) "how do i get my dad not to keep telling the same joke?" I can see myself becoming That Guy with Rust and lifetime jokes.
I do brace myself for you to make that joke every time rust comes up
D'you know if the annotation syntax was influenced by, an influence of, or is descended from a common ancestor of Python's? I mean, fn plus_one(x: i32) -> i32 is practically Python already.
ML, I believe
Terminology question: Is "Copy" the word used to describe objects which are primitive enough that they're automatically copied on a let? And does that always happen for any object which supports the Copy trait?
Yep. But the primitive part is the important part: it's only if a bitwise copy is correct (e.g. memcpy)
Clone is for types that are copyable, but not necessarily byte-for-byte, and it's not implicit
K. So semantically, let a = b is vaguely like a = b._Copy() if hasattr(a, '_Copy') else b, and let a = b.Clone() is more like a = copy.deepcopy(b)?
More or less. But you rarely need to think about it past "primitives don't get moved"
String slices are neat. And it looks like bytestring syntax is familiar.
There's a lot of nice similarities that make me feel comfy in rust. String formatting is another.
What's the stdlib like?
Solid but not broad. Since the packaging story is so easy to use, they encourage community development of certain things. There's plenty of clear favorites in most categories, similar to how requests is regarded
I was hoping someone could help me with a crazy question I posted (I'm a pyth NOOB)
Hmm. Well, I've made it a third through TRPL v2, and it's gorgeous and windy outside, so I think I'll stop before learning about modules. Windy rhubarb for all!
1 hour later…
elllllo guys.
I need help w video streaming in flask, if anyone is interested to help!
3 hours later…
Noob question but I'm trying to validate if a time is valid by the following code: <code> def validate_datetime(date_time, date_time_format):
datetime_obj = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_time, date_time_format)
except ValueError:
return None

return datetime_obj</code>
The problem is that this code accepts time strings like this 9:9 AM(date_time_format = "%I:%M %p"). Adding an extra %M doesn't help. Any suggestions?

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