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cbg to you too, Rooday.
sprouts amigo
Im just spooked because this library makes this problem a lot easier but I'd rather not use it if the increasing the running time absurdly
Hey guys, please, do you have an idea how to check if a bunch of different rectangles fit inside a fixed rectangle ? (with no overlap)
wow, three answers that all say the exact same thing, on an obvious dupe, and none of them downvoted even once.
4 hours later…
Does anyone know how to write "(aba?)+" in Python's regex
The python docs say "Repetition qualifiers (*, +, ?, {m,n}, etc) cannot be directly nested."
I've tried ??, ?:, +?, and "(ab|aba)+", but I can't get anything to work.
This is one of the strings I'm testing on: "abaabaababab"
I can't get it to work with C# / Python / JS / Perl (ok, I haven't tried tons of reformulations of the regex in those other languages). but built-in bash regex works: regexraptor.net
By the way, I want to match the longest string possible.
1 hour later…
@MillieSmith Have you tried experimenting with regex101.com?
Yeah, I was in here. Guess I missed mentioning I tried golang then. I think I only tried "(aba?)+" and "(ab|aba)+" though
How is the regex supposed to match all of "abab"? The a? part matches the second a.
aba aba ab ab ab
Why not aba aba aba then doesn't match any more.
That's a valid match but I want it to take the longest strinh.
I'm not sure you can do that with regex.
but then I'm no regex guru
Is this for a homework assignment?
I think you can. And bash's builtin handles it fine. Technically it doesn't know when to stop, but usually when matching regular expressions you're accepting the input as a whole or rejecting. And in that situation, this is regular. Plus, all you have to do is keep track of the last accepting state / position and once you reach an invalid transition you just take that last acceptance.
Yeah it is. He wanted us to convert from an NFA to regex, and historically he's expected it to be in perl or python syntax. Oh. Maybe i should use ^ and $
^(aba?)+$ works
Thanks for the help!
(I mean that)
@MillieSmith Glad you figured it out
Regex isn't suited for finding the longest match. You can use $ to make it match the entire string, but if it's not possible to match the entire string then it won't help in finding the longest match.
Regular languages are pretty well suited to finding the longest match. Build the DFA. Run until you reach an invalid state. Take the last accept character. It only becomes difficult to do this because programming languages introduce a bunch of bells and whistles to their regex libs that aren't regular.
Flex takes the lexical token of longest length, for instance.
I think it depends on the engine, not the language. If all you do is run until you reach an invalid state, you won't necessarily get the longest match as the result. You have to backtrack and try different combinations. If the engine does that and gives you access to each match before backtracking, then it's easy. But regex engines usually don't do that, so regex isn't suited for it.
You don't have to do much of a backtrack. You just keep one pointer to the position of the last accept state. You don't have to try a bunch of different combinations. Real regular languages / regex are deterministic and only move through a directed graph that has a set of normal states and a set of accepting states.
Regular languages are a formal class of languages. But yes, each regex lib is different (and unfortunately usually not regular)
@user2357112 finally.
cbg all
@MillieSmith input_str = 'abbabababababbabb', longest match: 'ababababab', first match -> 'ab', last match -> 'ab'
the longest one won't be found, will it?
a regex can't keep memory of things like 'current longest match'
for the record, a NFA can't either
An NFA is equivalent to true regex. That's not what I meant by longest match, so maybe there was a misunderstanding earlier. For the record, it will find that. It takes ab, skips the b (no match) then finds ababababab. Given a starting point, a real regular language transcribed as a DFA can easily find the longest match by tracking the latest accept state.
how is it supposed to skip the b?
'abba' doesn't match
That's just how it generally works. Finds matches, moves on, dropping invalid input (and the b is invalid)
If we're just scanning left to right, taking longest matches as it finds them, it will find ab and then ba will not match at all.
i think i understand now
i thought you meant to apply a simple match function, but with finditer and maunally keeping track of the longest current match it should work
then again, it will skip overlapping matches. but I don't think they exist for this current regex
I think Millie is talking about classical grep-style regex engines, not the backtracking implementations Perl popularized. Here's a good article on the difference: swtch.com/~rsc/regexp/regexp1.html
I sort of did originally mean to apply a simple match. These are valid points. But starting from the 0th position, I would hope a regex library could match abaabaababab as one match taking the entire string when the regex is (aba?)+. I'm rather surprised I can't do it without using ^ and $ in most libraries.
Yeah. The formal class of them (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_language). This is quite a good article you found. Thanks for linking.
I love that article so far haha.
1 hour later…
anyone knows why this b'{"command":"INIT","payload":""}' string is giving me json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0) when i tried to decode it with json.loads(s.decode('utf-8'))
@rxw what version of python? 2?
1 hour later…
@roganjosh 3.6
@roganjosh i got it, the json i wanted to decode, is trasmitted through a socket, but the client was sending 2 strings, one with the json and one empty.
tmux or screen?
@user2357112 I'm not sure how I would feel using that package. :/
That regex article kind of buries the lede by opening with "perl should abandon its current implementation and use the clearly better Thompson NFA approach" and closing with "lol actually the Thompson NFA approach can't work on backreferences unless you solve P=NP so perl should keep its current implementation around and switch between it and Thompson as the need arises" which is less impactful
Not that it isn't a good idea
cbg all.
@Kevin Perl is famous for its regex, even Python uses a similar regex to that of Perl.
Mm hmm, the article mentions that it's not picking on perl specifically, but every language that replicates perl's engine
> (Perl is only the most conspicuous example of a large number of popular programs that use the same algorithm; the above graph could have been Python, or PHP, or Ruby, or many other languages. A more detailed graph later in this article presents data for other implementations.)
Let's lobby the devs with the argument "do we really want to be just like PHP in this regard?"
Hmm I got an upvote on a comment and then I deleted 90% of the comment and added some completely different information. Sorry, upvoter of comment version 1.
Hmm I posted an answer to a regex question and it was a little later than the two existing answers and I couldn't be bothered to analyze both deeply enough to determine if they were effectively the same solutions as mine (but with different literal regex patterns) so I just self-deleted rather than risk getting yelled at by readers with more time than me
cbg \o
@DSM :S :(
weekend cbg!
weekend?!?!?! It's Friday
(Friday == Middle East Sunday)
Ah forget it, I'll un-self-delete because one answer produces objectively wrong output and the other answer supplies a callable to sub which is kind of hacky
But maybe I should un-un-self-delete because now I'm worried that I missed a corner case because I don't really know how negative lookbehinds work
Welp now there are seven answers so anyone wanting to yell at me will only have 14% of their brainpower available to do so, so maybe I'm safe
@Kevin Upvoted for using a raw string literal for the replacement
The r"<br>" I just copied blindly from the OP, as it is my custom to leave in quirks that are not harmful
almost correct, the \\\\n need to stay intact but is replaced by \\n in your solution — Below the Radar 2 mins ago
Dang, that's the corner case that I was 40% sure wouldn't happen
Not a corner case, just a confusing question
Well anything involving backslashes and regex is automatically confusing, but the understanding of the requirements that I came away with does in fact require slash-slash-literal_n to not get replaced
I'm reading through the other 6 answers, and so far all of them have made the same mistake.
Hmm, I misread OP's comment, actually he didn't trip on the corner case.
He's just misunderstanding that when you print a string, it doesn't magically know whether you want the escape sequences to get displayed as escape sequences or not
And that misunderstanding historically requires about an hour of argument before the other person agrees, or stubbornly goes quiet and never rewards you with any points. With 10% and 90% chances respectively
So now I will self delete.
Hah, even Wiktor posted the same regex.
He can have the points. I wash my hands of the matter.
morning everyone
Oh yeah, I just realized I misunderstood what the problem was. Oops.
Too much confusion because of backslashes, regex, raw strings and print statements
The question involves both regex and html, and although it does not ask the forbidden question, it dallies about in the thin spaces between worlds where Zalgo can snatch at the unsuspecting
@MooingRawr: :'-(
Sad cabbage for all.
Based on flimsy evidence* I assume that your sadness is because Canada didn't place as well as expected in some olympic event. I want you to know that I consider you worthy of gold no matter what the committee says.
(*the evidence being: 80% of the correspondence between you and MooingRawr for the last couple of days has been about sport)
Sure, you can afford to be magnanimous today..
Cabbage. @Code-Apprentice :D
@Kevin like always your crystal ball is as shiny as ever :D
@DSM Yep, everyone else's problems seem so small from atop my glorious golden throne B-)
(I was not actually aware of this before your link)
I didn't do a bracket for this year's NCAA or Olympics, I would have lost both imo, so there's that
@MooingRawr You should do a bracket in for the tournament.
s/in/in March/
Thoughts on this one. Question Do we just ask them to post their answer or is it a close vote?
I'd be inclined to hold off on asking him to post an answer, until such time as the question is improved
That was also a thought. Asking him to improve indentation might be a good start.
So, VTC now, and prod him for a writeup if he decides to edit his Q into shape (a distant possibility)
@ZackTarr I CV'd
stackoverflow.com/q/38444480/2336654 Old question and behavior cannot be reproduced. And is now a target for down votes )-:
@Arne Not finally, we've had the pleasure of using this library since July of 2016.
anyone have some good resources for finding conferences?
@Code-Apprentice "Hey Siri; find me a conference"
@piRSquared close how? Your comment suggests you might be able to correct the issue, it's just a rogue down-vote?
@roganjosh bug and not reproducible. I'll delete comment
@piRSquared Who is Siri?
@Code-Apprentice ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
She's in the popular girls clique with Alexa and Cortana, they have like a billion friends between them
Alexa is fun. My housemate has one and I like to ask it how much very inappropriate things cost on Amazon. It will tell you, then ask if you want to buy them. I reply with no. Then it asks if it would like me to send push notifications to my housemates phone with more similar search results. Its a good time :D
Many enemies as well. Especially the Scottish: youtube.com/watch?v=SGxKhUuZ0Rc
I don't use either but google directions has some sass in her. Once, driving on roads I didn't know, I got the instruction to "use the left lane to keep right". I nearly crashed trying to work out what that meant and shouted WTF and got back, calmly, "I'm sorry, I didn't catch that". We've not been friends after that day.
I reserve all of my technology-oriented anger for google directions
The appropriate time to tell me that I'm supposed to be in the right lane is not 50 feet before my exit, google directions
Have you by chance checked out Waze? Still google but with some super cool features
I would shower countless quatloos on a directions app that tells me every step twice: first, immediately after the last step. Second, a short time before I need to execute the step.

Turn right. In five miles, take exit 49 from the right lane.
[4.8 miles later]
take exit 49 from the right lane. In 500 feet, take the left branch.
I dont think Waze will do that. But it will let you know about the speed trap in half a mile or that there is a pothole coming up.
As it is now I have to steal glances at my phone in the five mile stretch so I can figure out what lane to get into and how long I have to get into it, and hope I don't hit anything while I'm distracted
Then it take into account traffic to give you the best route. Also taking into affect all of the other user reported incidents.
I've heard lots of good things about Waze but it didn't come preinstalled on my phone so I just haven't bothered trying it ever
That was my take on it. Then once I learned about it showing me police traps I got it. It all is dependent on the community though. Some areas like outside of cities may have less users so you have less input on the incidents.
Google maps will give better real-time traffic. OSM works great from open-source data though and, in my last job, we considered layering Waze data on top for traffic
I'm more interested in pothole / traffic / construction warnings, than speed traps. I haven't ever been pulled over.
Well I sure have. And yes the traffic on Google does look a bit more updated when I compare them in the mornings but they typically do line up pretty close.
And yes the pothole and construction warnings are super handy.
I'm old school, I don't pull over and ask for directions at a gas station and I'm certainly not going to ask my phone.
I couldn't even imagine a pothole warning in the UK. My phone would never shut up!
How is the pothole info communicated? It would surely need to be pretty detailed "Pothole left side of second rightmost lane about 30 ft after xyz cross street"?
I think you can also request road side help now. Looking at my app there is an option for "Having car trouble? Easily request roadside help. Your fellow Wazers will see your request and location on the map." Seems dumb to me but maybe someone uses it.
Google maps traffic is uncannily good, down to whether I take the traffic lit or non-traffic lit exit out of an estate.
@toonarmycaptain That would be so slick. But sadly it only lets you know that one is coming. So yes on a three lane road there are a lot of places it could be. Plus factor in the inaccuracy of trying to hurry and input the pothole as you drive by.
Cletus the skin-eating vagrant absolutely loves the "make people pull over next to you on a deserted road" feature
@toonarmycaptain But that being said. You now at least have an idea to look for the pot hole coming up. Where as before you were driving blind.
Blind people probably shouldn't be driving
@ZackTarr That's fair. My personal concern would be too much info being distracting, if useful, and too little causing me to be distracted looking for the pothole. I miss Perth's unpotholed roads.
@roganjosh Elon Musk is working on this!
Blind people can drive, they just need a really long cane
@toonarmycaptain Thats the bigger issue. Lets find a way to just not have pot holes.
@Kevin Preston the people smuggler loves it when people need his "help."
@toonarmycaptain This needs to hurry up. Im ready to lay down on my way to work.
@toonarmycaptain Reminds me of that one comic where the lady is on the side of a road and the cabbie picks her up and it turns out the lady is a ghost that kills people that pick her up and the cabbie is a monster that eats people he picks up and they're both like, "uh, now what...?"
Wacky roommate sitcom seems like the next logical step, in my opinion
any help with nestable blueprints in flask ?
I'm 30 and wondering whether I'm already out-of-touch but I will resist a completely autonomous car until the end. Traffic James,ure,
Bleugh, stupid phone
Traffic jams, sure. But I actually like driving otherwise
30 is rapidly approaching for me and I would like to live in a society with self-driving cars but I'm not sure it's going to happen in my lifetime
@roganjosh I don't think I want a completely autonomous car, I want some choice over route, how far over the posted speeds one drives, where I'm going etc
I'm wildly out of touch with what the kids like these days so you can't use that as an excuse
"Traffic James" sounds like it could be the name of someone in a crew.
I like it.
"Yo, Traff! Where you at?"
Well if we're all resisting autonomous cars then that name is up grabs because we'll all be disrupting road utopia
Conflict brews within the crew as Traffic James and Trafalgar Claire argue over who gets the Traf abbreviation.
They eventually find the obvious common ground between them, get married, and Mr and Mrs Traf no longer have to squabble about that particular topic
@Kevin Don't Google and Tesla already essentially have them, consumer availability merely being a matter of legislation?
Somehow I know Claire wears a leather motorcycle jacket over a white shirt. I should be able to monetize this ability somehow.
@toonarmycaptain I think the legislation is going to take ten times longer than every technical limitation combined, is the problem.
I spoke with a dude in a Tesla store and thats what he said as well. Tesla is having to work with each state to get it to pass. So its a lot of work.
sick cbg
Go eat some hickenc oups. Good for you.
We need a billionaire to throw lobbying dollars at the problem until it goes away. But it probably won't be profitable to do so, so we need an eccentric billionaire.
Which is ridiculous, as it should be nation-wide. Different rules for different states is surely a recipe for problems, particularly if there are differing software requirements.
The kind of billionaire that fires cars into space.
i will get back to python this weekend
53 mins ago, by piRSquared
https://stackoverflow.com/q/38444480/2336654 Old question and behavior cannot be reproduced. And is now a target for down votes )-:
Still need 2 more
@Kevin I wonder where we'll find one of those.
@Kevin Or maybe a little F it money
I voted, but I'm on the fence if "can no longer be reproduced... Unless you download the still-publicly-available older version" is an intended use of that close reason
Hmm. I don't know I agree -- the question is outdated, but I could probably reproduce it by installing an old version of pandas. Starting from scratch I'd answer with the bug link, and then maybe your answer with the warning that you might lose information.
I'm still not satisfied with any explanation as to why a decent antenna and solar panels weren't included in that particular payload.
@Kevin Unless bug is already fixed in that version?
Then download the version before that.
@Kevin Did bug exist in that version?
If the bug never existed ever and the OP is just wrong about it being a bug, then yeah it should be closed as can't reproduce.
I just tried to answer a question, link to come. But want to check on how this would work. If you have:
from deepwalk import walks as serialized_walks
from walks import WalksCorpus

walks_corpus = serialized_walks.WalksCorpus(walk_files)
Does that cause an issue?
Or are you saying "what if the bug didn't occur in 1.1, and then did occur in 1.2, and then the devs quietly changed the code of 1.2 so that it doesn't occur, and now the bug is not reproducible in any version unless you happen to have the old version of 1.2 that the devs officially claim never existed?" well, I would hope that devs don't do that very often.
Im reviewing my answer here, which was a best guess. But am having doubts now.
Can you be more specific? There's not going to be a problem distinguishing sw.WC from WC, if that's what you mean.
@DSM Yeah sorry. Link posted. I think Im wrong and want to remove my answer if so, before it gets too much attention.
I wrote the answer and then noticed that they are importing WalksCorpus in that fashion and am unsure how that works.
I don't know the modules in question but I figure there's about a 90% chance you're right.
I like my odds then. I couldnt think of a library that I could test the import logic with. And I didnt want to install the ones they had.
@Kevin I don't know about claims of non-existence, but correcting a typo and not continuing to make the version with the bug available (why would you) doesn't seem crazy to me?
I've got a dead dove on our balcony. Carry on.
Isn't it pretty normal for developers to make every version available? I can still get Python 2.0.1, for example.
@AndrasDeak: are you sure you've got a fever and there isn't a gas leak of some kind?!
I'm only about 80% kidding.
perhaps I radiated death and decay through the walls...
no gas in our house, thanks :)
I could understand if the version was flat-out dangerous to use, like if it had glaring security flaws. But even then they might make it available and just have some glaring red warning signs on the download link
@AndrasDeak did it cry before going to a better world?
@AndrasDeak Let's all have a drink to peace.
and my wife didn't have any symptoms before she left for work so it probably isn't an environmental thing
@AndrasDeak [I don't know what I expected.png]
It's like Reynholm only larger
@ZackTarr I was going to suggest adding a link to the deepwalk documentation demonstrating that the serialized_walks module doesn't have a WalksCorpus, object, but oops, the library doesn't actually have any documentation.
deepwalk.readthedocs.io has some nice ASCII art I guess
@Kevin I don't know. I can imagine only major incremental releases being available. There are apps on my phone that update at least weekly, and I somehow doubt there are thousands (including different OS versions) of incremental versions available by the devs. When I've looked before they're almost always available from 3rd parties, not the devs themselves.
I suspect that phone apps in general are less interested in revealing their inner workings to their customers, compared to other kinds of software projects.
I'd expect the vast majority to be closed-source
Maybe I should move the goalpost: modules designed for use in programming languages are likely to have an easily accessed version repository.
"Easy" being ambiguously defined here, and which may or may not include "you have to clone the git repository and fetch all the changes up until the release date of the version you want"
that's quite easy if you ask me
If you know the secret ways and practices of Git, sure ;-)
Or know someone who does so they can say "it's easy, just do git fetch --cromulent=florby -rsni ^.*?$ 07_04_2013"
it's actually as simple as git clone URL_TO_REPO :P
then you'll have all the branches
Drawing the X is easy, knowing where to put it is hard.
OK, I really have to look up what boilerplate originally means
@AndrasDeak originally, plate metal used for making boilers/ships etc, right?
Why are you asking me? I just noted that I don't know :P
it has to be a difficult concept because google image search didn't enlighten me much, unless the boilerplate is that palm-sized piece of metal bolted on devices listing the manufacturer and other details
I would expect it to mean "plates of metal that are manufactured in the same dimensions for a wide number of purposes, including construction of boilers" since that would explain the slang meaning of "something frequently occurring but not having a novel or interesting design"
I thought this was helpful.
@MooingRawr: so far my best is [[next(k for k,v in zip(d, vs) if v) for vs in zip(*rows)] for rows in zip(*d.values())] which I don't like very much.
@Kevin That is much more eloquent than what I was coming up with.
@DSM rofl i just made an inefficient for loop
i dont have time to dwell to much on this question but here's my answer i do want to post it but I don't like answering low effort questions
I'm making a bit of a deductive leap with "wide number of purposes" since the only two I could find were boilers and ship hulls.
But programmers know that the only real numbers are zero, one, and infinity, so if there are at least two uses, there must be far more of them also.
I also admit you can do it in one liners but I'm not a fan of just one lining bigger functions if other have to read it... if it's my personal black box coding, one lining is fine and fun...
When I started I figured it wouldn't be as nested as it turned out to be.. in real code I'd probably remove a level or two.
sigh it seems OP doesn't want to provide effort oh well time to think of what i want for lunch
Hey, that's the same OP I tangled with the other day when he made a library request.
btw did you end up going to the mall and if so how was it ?
Actually went south rather than east.. Might head out your way to the mall I was thinking of going to yesterday this afternoon, though.
@ZackTarr Ah, now that OP has confirmed that your answer is on the mark, I feel safe in upvoting it. It's kind of an injustice that the upvote-worthiness of a question can depend on outside forces like that, but so it goes.
> rolled steel for making boilers.
according to google.com
hmmm if it's the place I'm thinking of they renovated it (the food court) is rather nice and they have a dim sum place which I thought was nice... I went to see Star Wars 8 and they had a festive-art-style-open-floor-for-people-who-got-permit-to-sell-their-goods thing (not sure what you call em kinda like an open bargain market)
@Kevin What do you mean by outside forces? Were there forces acting upon my answer without me knowing haha
If it's more North, then nothing really changed they opened a Japanese home style store which is pricey, and some Chinese Jewelry. (hope I'm not spoiling anything) :D
@MooingRawr I'm ready for Solo
I really liked the new star wars movies.
@ZackTarr Yeah, the force of the OP saying "this fixed my problem". An hour ago, I didn't upvote your answer. ten minutes ago, I did. the content of the answer itself didn't change at all, and yet its upvotability did.
Ahh I see I see. Sorry just didnt know what you were going for there. Thanks for the upvote!
If you wanted to check out another answer to look for tips or improvements. I just posted this one
@MooingRawr Rogue 1 was great. I quibble whether Last Jedi was actually a Star Wars movie, it broke from canon so much.
I thought the 8th was a bit slow at the start but half way through it was pretty gosh darn good. I thought the 7th was pretty solid too but I don't like Finn's character in the 7th..
@Code-Apprentice I hope they do Solo well. If the novels are in any way source material, it has great potential.
Rouge 1 was one of the better star wars movie
for me tt beat out the 3rd (chronologically) movie and the 5th, but that's just my opinion I guess
I can't wait for Obi's trilogy (if they make it)
Please sign my petition to have either "rogue" or "rouge" removed from existence so people stop mistaking one for the other
@toonarmycaptain You are probably aware that the novels written prior to Episode VII are no longer canon.
@MooingRawr Is that the one where all the XWing pilots have rosy cheeks?
@ZackTarr Hmm, what's this variable l in your list comprehension?
@Code-Apprentice hehe i can't tell if this is a serious question or a joke but I got a chuckle out of it
@Kevin Left over from testing :D Let me fix that. Thank you!
@Code-Apprentice I am. Apparently the original trilogy too, since now lightsabers have buttons, you can hear ships coming out of hyperspace from down on a planet, and the jump to hyperspace isn't instant and can be made from right next to a significant mass.
@MooingRawr It's a joke because "rouge" refers to a makeup product.
@MooingRawr Rouge is a type of makeup. Rogue is a scoundrel.
okie so I was correct in the chuckle :D
so yes, it was a joke
poking fun at your typo =p
@Code-Apprentice You hadn't heard of the upcoming porn parody of Rogue 1?
@Kevin Fixed it. It should have been. image_text
Ah, I thought it might be.
my fingers hit keys before other fingers hit their key... a bit of a rivalry going on
@toonarmycaptain original lightsabers didn't have a button?
@ZackTarr ok, one more thing... When I print q and a I get "W" and ["h"] respectively.. I think you're missing an assignment on that first split line.
I was under the impression they did not. Hence Luke's activating in mid-air in RotJ.
If light sabers don't have buttons, how do they know when to turn on? Magic? That's not sarcasm, "magic" might very well be the answer, I just want to know what is/was canon.
@Kevin fixed it. That was a rookie mistake on my part
@toonarmycaptain I thought he pressed the button with the force.
@ZackTarr Ok, cool. I have no further complaints :-)
Thanks! I broke 400 rep with that one!
@ZackTarr I see you found a way to contribute
@Code-Apprentice Sadly its been mostly edits and a few answers. Trying to step up my answer game. Getting use to moving fast on answers while still having the correct code is a skill I have yet to master.
Well, I did not quite expect a Star Wars discussion in a Python group ahaha
it was a French make-up discussion
Well this gets always more interesting
@toonarmycaptain If a Jedi can lift rocks with his mind, he should be able to move a button.
That's plausible, and means all bets are off with any of the other examples in the films. My memory from the novels was that most light sabers were activated by the force.
Although now looking back it appears when Luke first turns it on in ANH he's pressing a button. Can't imagine how that's great design when swinging it around and fighting.
@toonarmycaptain it has a safety...or what's the opposite of a safety...some mechanism that keeps it turned on.
I'm pretty sure they have buttons, and jedi know not to press it
starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Saber_throw#Saber_Throw suggests that you need to use the force to keep a lightsaber on while you throw it.
if you can safely swing a saber with crossguards, a button is trivial
Thats why when I bought Anakins Lightsaber as a Kid I thought "Why the hell do I have to press this thing to activate it"? Which was the big rectangle we all know on Anakins saber
I wonder how many kids threw their toy light sabers during their mock fights?
I would just kind of fascinatedly extend and retract the blade on mine
I didn't fight with the thing because then maybe it would bend and I wouldn't be able to fascinatedly extend and retract it any more
That was always my approach. If I bent it and it wouldnt retract, how could I make it look like I stabbed something with it?
I never had a light saber...nor any consoles... I'm wondering how I survived childhood :P
@AndrasDeak: sports discussion. Rouge
@DSM "Canadian football", heh
Guy who answers with something the OP said he'd already tried, and which wouldn't match the OP's output: +2. Yours truly, who tracks down the real problem in the comments, and then explains it: 0. Time to head out, looks like.
just passive aggressively post a link here :P
If we can't grumble about the main site here, what good are we? ;-) Anyhow, I really should go adventuring, because I don't have a fever, just wanderlust.
have fun :)
Friday rhubarb for all!
rbrb! DSM
@ZackTarr Y'all make it sound like you were playing with toys.
I wouldnt consider my $10 light saber a collectors item haha
@toonarmycaptain Oh, well, we couldn't afford a real lightsaber, so we just had toy versions.
The import tax on kyber crystals is insane
I am one with the force and the force is Kevin
@Kevin Well toys likely had buttons for non-force-adept users.
Mine had bits on the handle that looked like buttons but they were not actually buttons.
@Kevin You didn't know any Mandalorians ;)
Tried to get a crystal on sale on Black Friday and let me tell you, many bothans died that day
A68 wasn't so far from Detention Block AA-23.
Too board I know its quick on the cv. But this one isnt getting better.
@ZackTarr pine or oak?
Not sure what your getting at haha
.... Well I feel dumb haha
"What kind of coffin shall we bury this in?", perhaps
I even re read my comment a few times and still didnt see it.... But then it hit me.
Two men walked into a bar. The third man ducked.
@Code-Apprentice There's no flag to mark as bad-Dad-joke
That's what stars are for
Does anyone here use Sublime as favourite Python editor?
I don't write Python code I just think about it a lot
@Simon I do. I use sublime for pretty much everything.
import this
# do that
Thank you, I was just wondering if I was the only one to do so. I recently switched from the integrated IDLE.
It just looks a lot more modern. With autocomplete.
I use sublime for easy scripts
For bigger projects, it doesn't cut it. PyCharm.
IntelliJ/PyCharm's new(ish) "scratch file" feature is great for one-off MCVEs
@Simon Like wim, I use sublime for single file scripts.
import all_the_things
@wim @Code-Apprentice Is it better for big projects then?
Sorry I went rbrb on you all.
I don't think "is it better for..." can be answered except by you looking at the list of features and deciding whether they're something you'd find useful
No need to apologize. For large projects, I use IntelliJ because I have an Ultimate license. If I didn't have that, I would use PyCharm Community Edition instead, which is very close to the same thing.
Don't. I looked at IntelliJ, good features as you say but I can't really treat myself to the license.
Is there any one who is familiar with data structures ?
I'd say it's a matter of taste. I personally don't like to use an IDE because I use docker and much of the things I ultimately have to resort to the terminal.
I remember 90% of the data structures they told us about in freshman CS
Yeah, could I ask You something ? :)
@AshishNitinPatil I understand what you are saying. I cannot get on with Notepad++. I would rather use Vim.
Is there any private room or should I ask here, because i want to paste some kind of structure, do not want to flood the chat , it is like 15lines :)
Conventionally we use pastebin or an equivalent to relay largeish code blocks
Welcome to our chat room, please give our room rules a read, mostly use a paste service (which you can find a link to one we use in our room rule) if you have a large block of code.
Also for future references no need to ask if you can ask a question, we don't bite :D if people know the answer to your question (has time or want to help) most of us will give you an answer.
Also Kevin'd
@AshishNitinPatil IntelliJ recently added some docker integration. I haven't made any time to play with it so I can't give a recommendation other than it exists.
@Code-Apprentice what if it's a vertical bar? wait is that still a bar or is that a pole... hmmmmm
@Simon Use the free version of PyCharm then.
Here it is, this is how looks my tree
I hope You understand the task
Wayne, cbg \o (sorry long time no see, didnt mean to call you out like this or did I )
@MariusGrebliauskas There's no question attached to that. What is it that you want? How to structure the said menu?
Yup, how to structure this menu
@Code-Apprentice I'll give it a try thank you.
It looks quite good actually.
I'd probably just represent each category and item as a dictionary, storing their properties in key-value pairs
You could also make a class for both, if you're feeling OOP-y
how about a dictionary storing classes /jk
I guess I will need 2 tables in my db ?
That seems sensible, sure
But touching about trees for example these items could represent leaves, can leaves be stored in other table? If you know what I mean
can and should are two different questions, you can do almost anything, whether or not you should is a different question.
Yeah you can represent a heterogeneous tree across multiple tables in a db. The item table has a parent_category column storing category keys. The category table has one too. Voila, a tree with both items and categories.
Thanks man! I will look into that, much appreciated.
@MariusGrebliauskas This might be very specific, but might help as to how you can structure - stackoverflow.com/questions/9699539/…
@AshishNitinPatil Thanks! Will look into that aswell, much appreciated!
pastebin.com/m2Hg7Xqn is basically what I had in mind before we started talking about dbs
Oh I guess that top category is supposed to contain all the others, in which case it's pastebin.com/ps54a00R
@Kevin is that the technical term?
Science has not yet discovered the technical term for "feeling like OOP is necessary when it might not be"
Possible locations: in a flower that grows in a single grove in the deepest rainforest, encoded in the Voynich manuscript, buried underneath 20 feet of silt somewhere in the Mariana Trench
Dr. OOP-y
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