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@PaulMcG It's not too many job inquiries I am worried about.
@AndrasDeak or the telemarketers after scraping my contact info
they'd never do such a thing
Hello, good people.
Can anyone tell me why is it that in the challenge https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/matching-x-y-repetitions
My pattern r"^\d{1,2}[a-zA-Z]{3,}.*(?<!\.)\.{,3}$" fails?
there's that site that dissects regexen for you
did you try to use that?
No, I'll check.
why is there a lookahead (behind?) in your regex?
I don't think anything else is allowed to be in S, so your .* might be tripping it up
Look behind because it can't match "...." at the end. I need to allow for dots, but not immediately preceding \.{,3}. Is my rationale clear? Is it wrong?
I pasted my expression into https://regex101.com/ but it doesn't really help.
It just tells me what the regex does and it does what I think I want it to do.
regex101.com is the site
I know that in the tab "Discussion" in challenge link I'll find solutions, but I don't want to be spoiled. I just want a nudge in the right direction.
@AndrasDeak You were right, it was the .*
Really didn't expect that, instructions could be clearer.
no worries
3 hours later…
I'm completely confused. What is the return value of cv2.minAreaRect? There's every reason to think it's (center x center y), (width, height), angle
but it just isnt
somehow its switching under me
The Pizzle Python Room... Now you're talking... LOL
any golang guy here ?
A: What is the best book or payed resource for learning python?

Waleed IqbalThere you go. It is one of the best resources out there. https://learnpythonthehardway.org

Don't know if this was posted here already, but LPTHW 3 release along with a post by ZS : blog.learncodethehardway.com/2017/07/07/…
"ZS: I could do for art what I did for programming" -> "Learn Painting the Hard Way" - Bob Ross would be rolling in his grave
Chapter 1: Drawing a stick figure
Chapter 2: Drawing a realistic human
Chapter 15: How to hold a pen
2 hours later…
@idjaw it's good to see someone so confident in their superiority that they don't even have to fake being humble
My favourite bit: "All I saw in 2010 was the rise of predatory technologists taking advantage of people who couldn’t defend themselves because they didn’t know the basics of computing.". Yeah, quick, lest someone leads poor helpless noobs astray.
Oh it gets better
he could be a Hungarian politician with those strawmen
dang, strikethrough markup doesn't work in comments? TIL
it doesn't :(
h̶t̶t̶p̶:̶/̶/̶a̶d̶a̶m̶v̶a̶r̶g̶a̶.̶c̶o̶m̶/̶s̶t̶r̶i̶k̶e̶/̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶s̶t̶r̶i̶k̶e̶t̶h̶r̶o̶u̶g̶h̶ ̶v̶i̶a̶ ̶U̶n̶i̶c̶o̶d̶e̶ — rgettman Oct 16 '13 at 17:48
@AndrasDeak What is this sorcery!
Unicode. What else?™
the url doesn't work because it's unicode -.-'
no, it's because it's striked out
when have I last typed an url into the address bar manually? is this the stone age or something?
let's see if this works: 4̶4̶
hmm, even unicode can't save PPCG. Unicode strikethrough 44 is still pretty much regular 44.
only 4 is to blame for that
I know some intermediate level python3.Can I do someting to earn atleast my daily expenses?
>>> ''.join(c for c in ud.normalize('NFD','h̶t̶t̶p̶:̶/̶/̶a̶d̶a̶m̶v̶a̶r̶g̶a̶.̶c̶o̶m̶/̶s̶t̶r̶i̶k̶e̶/̶') if ud.category(c) != 'Mn')
@Rawing there you go, no URL typing needed ^
@NimishBansal I'm sure you can
@AndrasDeak literally saved my life.
Also, bonus points for using unicodedata instead of just 'h̶t̶t̶p̶:̶/̶/̶a̶d̶a̶m̶v̶a̶r̶g̶a̶.̶c̶o̶m̶/̶s̶t̶r̶i̶k̶e̶/̶'[::2]
you can never be sure
@AndrasDeak what can i do?
@NimishBansal Depends on what you want to do? If it's part-time or full-time, you need to search for a job. If it's freelance, you need to hunt projects. For freelance, Upwork.com is a good start.
Is any body in this room any good with selenium im stuck like chuck.
> You may ask your question without a preamble.
> Do not link your recent (< 1-2 days) questions in the room.
from that same page
I have been working on this for 14 hours straight
From a quick glance, it looks like you need to switch to the iframe first in order to edit anything inside it. Once done, switch back to the main html.
Google "selenium iframe" if you haven't already.
i can find the iframe with splinter but it wont let me fill out the editor.
oh ok
if you can select the content inside the iframe, then what I stated is not an issue
That is the editor on the left. It's in an iframe
@RickyWilson You should take a break if you can, and specially if you can't. Selenium drains the life out of you at times.
My client will be here today to see the POC
Hacking was funner when i wasn't getting paid :(
ah, yes, yes it is. But it's fun when you're getting paid too, especially when not under pressure :)
wow, I got rep for a documentation entry of mine; didn't remember that it was there to begin with
I'm not crazy, the answerer just dumped the answer from the dupe right?
just looking at your question the answer is probably "yup"
Yes, yes he did
and yup
flagged it
peer pressure badge
lemme look at their other answers real quick
If you're going to answer a question that technically should not be answered, at least do a good job at it.
I'm thinking of opening a JetBrains bug for yield inside a comprehension when attaching a 3.3+ interpreter. Anyone else can reproduce before I go ahead?
here is the code snippet I used
a = ['a', 'a_ind', 'b', 'b_ind', 'c', 'c_ind']
res = list([((yield x), (yield (x + '_ind'))) for x in a])
FYI. This was taken from a question yesterday that showed this. Don't have it on hand now. I can link it later for those interested.
ah here it is
why jetbrains though? That's a python bug, isn't it?
How can that be a Python bug? It's the Syntax highlighting in Pycharm that is reporting a syntax error, but the code works.
IDE will have "red lines" underneath the yield, but the code runs.
Definitely not a Python bug.
linting faux pas
If anyone happens to look in to that, feel free to ping me about it. I have to head out now
I had no idea we were talking about syntax highlighting, but it's technically still python that's wrong. It is a yield outside of a function. It's not supposed to run.
It is supposed to work. Read here and here
ok ok gotta go for real now
Martijn disagrees with you. And I can't find anything in that PEP that states "yield can be used in comprehensions"
yield inside genexp ~ return inside listcomp? The latter is ridiculous.
no, that's not a good comparison
yield inside genexp ~ yield inside lambda?
can you yield in a lambda?
Hmmm yea he my quick skimming was too lazy here. But something is strange in how it allows it
I guess technically we have to read the list/set/dict comprehension specification as well, but I doubt they're supposed to be considered function definitions
Also funny how at one point you will end up having a list of expressions
@Rawing genexp spec is right above what I linked, no yield there
@idjaw yeah that's much weirder to me
ugh why are things interesting when I have to leave
can't yield inside a lambda, much like you can't return in it
shooo, idjaw, away I tell you!
your own fault for making it interesting at a bad time :p
In [325]: next((lambda:(yield 1))())
Out[325]: 1
but (yield 1) is not an expression that can be assigned
In [326]: x = (yield 1)
  File "<ipython-input-326-69d0e6ac1e7b>", line 1
    x = (yield 1)
SyntaxError: 'yield' outside function
Does it work if you put another yield after yield 1
so there's definitely a bug somewhere
@idjaw Time after time yield after yield
lunch brb
go idjaw;)
@AndrasDeak Not necessarily. It makes sense if you think of it this way: yield is a statement, so lambda:yield is invalid. But (yield) is an expression, so lamda:(yield) works.
but then the bug is in the phrasing of the SyntaxError
hmm, no, you're right; lambda is still a function
but, a genexp is not
What the heck is this explanation of OOP: "If classes and instances therefore sound like modules, they should; however, the objects in class trees also have automatically searched links to other namespace objects, and classes correspond to statements, not entire files."
This is why people read and like LPTHW
^ what the yam?!
It's like he's trying to explain some internals that he clearly doesn't understand, and then foists his backwards mental model of classes, instances, and modules on the poor reader
Oh, I don't think the author doesn't understand. It's just very poorly phrased and because of that difficult to understand IMO.
And the comparison of classes to statements is... less than ideal.
Say what you will about LPTHW, but it's easy to follow, unlike that ^ thing.
@Rawing note that you never specified the source, and it's only suspicious by context that you're talking about the official tutorial
I actually don't know where it's from, I got it from a question on SO. The OP only mentioned the author's name, not the book's. (And I forgot who the author is)
I thought your point was that no wonder people read LPTHW if good tutorials explain things bad. Instead you're comparing it to a not-good tutorial, which...doesn't tell us much, does it?
I'm comparing it to a book that I know nothing about. No clue if the rest of it is good or bad. The point is that LPTHW is easier for beginners to follow than many other tutorials or books.
I thought you were quoting LPTHW
In hindsight, I guess I should've been more clear about that. I initially thought it's obvious that it's not from LPTHW.
Googling turns up that this comes from Mark Lutz' "Learning Python: Powerful Object-Oriented Programming".
3-1/2 stars on O'Reilly
It was obvious to me that you're comparing LPTHW to this other source, but the way you phrased it made me think that the quote was one of the suggested ones.
Oh no, I wasn't trying to compare it to "good" tutorials. Just brought attention to one of its good points.
@Rawing toilet paper is superior to stopping arterial bleeding than, say, a rubber duck.
@PM2Ring cbg
Hello I am getting this error
Obtaining file:///opt/stack/cinder
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pip/basecommand.py", line 215, in main
status = self.run(options, args)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pip/commands/install.py", line 335, in run
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pip/wheel.py", line 749, in build
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pip/req/req_set.py", line 380, in prepare_files
you should probably post the corresponding MCVE in a pastebin too
yield is a bit weird because you can do a = yield b, eg stackoverflow.com/a/43017606/4014959
but that's inside a function
that's how .send() works, right?
oh that's just what the answer is saying
I was talking about a vanilla assignment
@AndrasDeak I get your point. But learning a little bit from a fool is still "better" than learning nothing from a genius because you can't understand a word of his explanations.
yes, one should find a person of irrelevant intellect whose work is good whatever you're going to use it for:)
if smart people were automatically good teachers, the reputation of academia wouldn't be what it is
Actually the "fool" in that metaphor was LPTHW, not Zed
yeah, I know
my second statement stands though
And my actual point is that it doesn't matter much if there are some upsides to one book in case there are crippling deficiencies of the same work. "Doesn't suck as much as it could" is not enough.
what I would take away from your comparison is not that one is better, but that both are bad
May 3 '16 at 16:44, by PM 2Ring
@tristan What he said. It's not just the steep learning curve, or the gaps in explanation, or poor ordering of the material. So many LPTHW students seem to pick up weird misconceptio ns about Python and about how programming works. True, that could be simply due to them being poor students, except that there's a consistency to the weirdness. I reckon I can often pick a LPTHW "victim" from the vibe of the question, the OP doesn't need to mention it by name.
Sep 11 '15 at 17:57, by PM 2Ring
I guess LPTHW works fine for some people, and those people don't ask questions on SO. But there do seem to be quite a few who get the same (or very similar) wrong ideas about programing / Python that lead them to ask similar questions on SO. Maybe if they persisted with the LPTHW tutorials their misconceptions would be cleared up. It's hard to tell.
perhaps all those people who actually finish LPTHW become so advanced users that they never start to ask questions on SO
Let me put it this way: LPTHW is like learning the fundamentals quickly, but developing some bad habits that take time to fix; whereas a more "difficult" tutorial avoids giving you any bad habits, but in exchange takes longer or more effort to complete.
So what I'm getting at is that you can't say "X is strictly worse than Y", because it might work out better for some people
Wouldn't you say that if you're learning something it's a dreadful waste of resources to learn it wrong the first time only to relearn it right later?
it's not like you have to relearn everything. And I'm sure there are people who prefer it that way. People who'd lose motivation if they don't feel like they're making progress (even if that progress is a bit of an illusion)
@Rawing why not look for a third option: a tutorial that teaches the fundamentals correctly in a way that is understandable?
And a more recent one illustrating the weird knowledge gaps typical of LPTHW readers:
Jun 9 at 21:47, by PM 2Ring
LPTHW strikes again. The OP is up to exercise 46, and is attempting to use setuptools / distutils but doesn't know the difference between a list and a dict. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44466916/setup-py-giving-syntax-error-while-‌​installing-module#44466932
devil's advocate: we can't know if OP actually read the first 45, and I'm sure not going to check it
How do you work through a python tutorial and not know the difference between lists and dicts?
Rawing could perhaps provide insight; they made a point of reading it
or at least part of it?
Alright, I'm not gonna continue this discussion because I'm starving and I really need to eat (very late) lunch, so let's agree to disagree. It's just that you hear soooo many negative things about LPTHW, it gives you the impression that it's the literal devil. So I like to point out some of its strong (or less weak) points sometimes.
have a nice lunch :)
I only read a part of it
@AndrasDeak Fair comment; OTOH, you'd expect that someone who has learned enough Python to be able to write code worth putting into a package knows the basics of lists & dicts.
I sure wouldn't expect that :D
I didn't think much of it at the time, but in hindsight the order was really backwards
I mean, I'd also expect programming job applicants to know how to program
cbg, @AndyK
whew...making some progress here...slowly but surely
@Code-Apprentice who?
I sure would like to finish this project this week...but probably need two weeks
@AndyK ME!
@Code-Apprentice yeah!
when I get off my ass and away from the video games, I can be quite productive
@Code-Apprentice lmao
A pomodoro timer helps a lot. Keeps me focused for a chunk of time.
and lets me plan for a 5 min break every 30 mins.
How can I get grep to match across multiple lines?
Q: How to find patterns across multiple lines using grep?

SaobiI want to find files that have "abc" AND "efg" in that order, and those two strings are on different lines in that file. Eg: a file with content: blah blah.. blah blah.. blah abc blah blah blah.. blah blah.. blah blah.. blah efg blah blah blah blah.. blah blah.. Should be matched.

I think I have an XY problem...
I have two easily recognizeable lines in an output file. I want to get all lines in between them. Specifically, one line matches "BUY" and one line matches "-*". I want to filter out the lines in between each pair of lines that match these two regexes.
with grep? I don't think it can do that, but I'm not a command line guru
@Code-Apprentice - confused. "I want to get all ines between them" is often the opposite of "I want to filter out". Which is it?
I am new to python so I need some help. I want to find the variable type. So I used type function. But I am unable to do required task
please view my code pastebin.com/SEK9YLbW
@PaulMcG I want the lines between the two lines.
@RaghulM what version of python are you using?
python 3X
input will always give you a string
def get_lines_between_BUY_and_dash(fname):
    want_lines = False
    with open(fname) as infile:
        for line in infile:
            if line.startswith("BUY"):
                want_lines = True
            elif line.startswith('-'):
                want_lines = False
                if want_lines:
                    yield line
@idjaw oh thanks!!!! Let me see
yah...I guess I could have figured out some code to do it...I was looking for a one liner with a command-line tool. I am pretty sure awk or sed can do that. Just not familiar enough with them.
As I understand grep, it is pretty much line-by-line
Q: Bash, grep between two lines with specified string

user3162968Example: a43 test1 abc cvb bnm test2 kfo I need all lines between test1 and test2. Normal grep does not work in this case. Do you have any propositions?

@Rawing I saw that but couldn't get the answers to work for my particular case.
Q: Filtering lines of a text file

Code-ApprenticeI have a situation similar to Bash, grep between two lines with specified string. I have a text file with output in the following format: HEADER lines of output ---------------- There are two different headers and I want to filter all the blocks with the same header. grep does not seem suffici...

hmm...someone cv'd as "too broad"
not sure how it is too broad...I can definitely understand someone closing it as "unclear", though, as my explanation probably is not great.
does not seem too broad to me. However, I am having a hard time figuring out (also very tired) what you are extracting is it something like

The file is like this:
I can't even figure out where to put the file name in this accepted awk answer...
@Code-Apprentice Put that example in the question. That makes it much more clear
I just one `HEADER A.*------------/
Now I'm confused. Either sed -n '/HEADER/,/-/p' file.txt or sed -n '/HEADER A/,/-/p' file.txt should do what you want though.
@Rawing I didn't even notice that the answer does not have a file name. I just placed it at the end as is typical for most commands.
@Rawing that seems to work. Please post an answer.
...which one?
ah. I see you've updated the question. The 2nd one I guess.
@Rawing I tried the first one, but the second should work as well since it matches all of the header rather than just part of it.
note, the header isn't literally "HEADER". That is just a placeholder in my example.
as long as the first regex is sufficient to differentiate between the two headers
@Rawing The important part was that I was missing p.
...my answer is literally a copy of this except with HEADER and - instead of test1 and test2...
@Rawing either I didn't read that answer or I read it incorrectly...
@Code-Apprentice Are you going to be feeding that regex the different headers to look for?
@idjaw potentially, yes
use xargs to feed it to that answer
that appears to be more than necessary. I can easily edit the command line for my purposes.
oh ok
wasn't sure how you were going to be running this. Thought maybe you were reading a file that had header formats
so it would have been nice to feed that to xargs, and xargs would run the main command you want feeding each header one by one
@idjaw Now I learnt that input() will return as string. But how can I find what datatype the user as entered?
I want to find whether the user as entered string or int or float. Since the input() always return the user data as string , type() is not working
@RaghulM :38152442 You can check if it's a valid integer with input().isdigit() or try to convert it to other data types like so:
except ValueError:
@RaghulM I just googled your question and found this
was the first link in google
@RaghulM As vaultah just mentioned. Your question almost word for word gives you the answer. Don't be afraid to try things
Look things up, try it out. Nothing is going to melt your computer. 😀
that's the part of learning
and read the documentation and read the tutorials carefully
a lot of this is very well explained there
Sorry :(
@RaghulM you could also try import ast; ast.literal_eval(the_input)
that would recognize several of the python types
Yes I tried.
but the problem is I cant import things
I faintly remember a similar question from not too long ago...
ah. aaand it's gone.
@IccheGuri please read the room rules
thank you
I got it
@idjaw thanks for the suggestion. Will file that in the back of my head for future reference...and hopefully will remember when it is needed.
@idjaw except eval
closed and self-delete on the self-answer
@AndrasDeak At least the OP is being cooperative.
I was going to use the [edit] magic link on them, but then I saw that they had already edited their post
They still haven't fixed the indentation. I get the feeling they don't know how to... But anyway, I just linked them to Kevin's canonical about getting valid input, that might give them a few clues.
can someone help me out with this self error I'm getting pastebin.com/cVQE38F9
says self.function(url) is not defined I'm not sure why because it works exactly like that in another script of mine
well, what should self be?
look at line 5: self there is the first input argument of the method __init__
but on line 17 there's no self name in the namespace
you mean like function(self, url) then?
and what's wrong with line 5? should i change it to = none, i wanted to keep it to the digit string just for debugging since i'm going to be using my league profile until i finish it
line 5 is fine :|
line 17 is referring to the name self which doesn't exist
should i define requestUrl in init?
What do you think self.requestUrl would be?
idk thats why im here
i have it running like that perfectly in another file
I doubt that.
hold on ill post the other code
which line?
@oso9817 that compares to line 11 of your first pastebin
the definition of requestUrl, which is meant to be an instance method, is fine
but you're trying to call it from outside any instance methods, where "self" doesn't refer to anything
"self" isn't a magical thing, it's just the customary first parameter of instance methods, referring to the class instance
if none of this makes any sense to you, you should read a tutorial
so do i remove the self part if its not in a different function/class
because that doesnt work either
please read a tutorial
what wall of badness hit my face when I re-entered the room?!
Actually, it's in the 10-minute window. Actually actually, I don't think it will be any better.
this is one of those posts that's not hopeless but definitely needs a makeover from OP
what kind of post can't be saved by the OP?
the one that can be saved by others too
and now under makeover I mostly mean formatting changes
if there was a runnable block of code in the middle, it'd be easier to ignore all that horror around it
OK, OP edited and it's only a teeny bit better :/
Hey @AnttiHaapala I just linked your canonical exec answer here
@PM2Ring Hehe I only now realized that the title is "Dear python coders". This is so bad :(
@AndrasDeak That's the first thing I saw, so my expectations weren't high to start with. But I wasn't expecting it to be quite that bad.
now that the code is formatted it's become evident how bad it all is
I'm tempted to comment: "Is this supposed to be a Python program?"... I'm also tempted to cast the 3rd delete vote.
I'm afraid there's not much to salvage there :/
I feel sorry for OP but I have no idea how I could tell them nicely how none of what he's saying seems to make sense
It's pretty cryptic, but I assume they want to do some kind of substitution code.
But even if that's the case, the question's too broad, and their Python skills are too non-existent.
I have no idea how someone ends up with an assignment like that with literally no idea about the language, and probably programming in general
@PM2Ring the OP clearly is not fluent enough in English which is a barrier
it's much more than that
yes, definitely
the language barrier makes it difficult to determine what the real issues are and help point him in the right direction.
my guess would be that the real issue is a lack of python knowledge whatsoever
Since I only speak English, I have no idea what resources are available in other (natural) languages. I can't even begin to imagine the difficulties of learning programming using a different spoken/written language.
or the lack of difficulties, for that matter.
I'm learning Spanish and keep thinking I should participate on Stack Overflow en español to practice my skills, but haven't got to the point where I"m totally comfortable there.
@Code-Apprentice the de facto language of IT is English, but surely there are resources in every major and minor language. The only problem might arise if you're asking for help on an English-language site
@AndrasDeak exactly
And it isn't a matter of language, cause there are plenty of tutorials in spanish. The fact is when trying to learn a language/framework/etc that hasn't "spreaded" enough yet.
I've seen old Hungarian books teaching Turbo Pascal, I probably read part of one back in the day. I don't remember any difficulties arising from the fact that the keywords are in English. If you can think algorithmically, syntax is secondary.
Then again, nowadays it's much more natural that people speak English, so there's probably less pressure and demand to have programming books translated to Hungarian. Anybody who wants to be a decent programmer should speak English by default, at least that's my naive impression.
I've never worked at a company so I can only guess
That's what they just say here in Spain when learning to program. That and know how to search in the docs of something.
also note that you can probably get by with a very limited grasp of English if you want to make yourself understood; as long as your ideas are well-formed in any language, it's comparatively easy to convey your ideas in other languages
The problem arises when someone attempts to ask a question in English but cannot express what they need. I guess that happens even if the asker knows "every day" English well but not the technical terminology.
note that I am not disagreeing with anything that has been said. I'm just trying to formulate some ideas in my head...but I don't think I am doing so very well. And maybe this topic isn't nearly as deep as I'm trying to make it lol
I'm in one of those philosophical moods.

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