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12:25 AM
I guess the content doesn't really have anything to do with Python, but it was presented at PyCon so I'd like to share my friend's awesome talk he gave today (slides + script, video coming in a few weeks):
Slides from my talk, "Postgres, MVCC, and You (or, why COUNT(*) is slow)" at @PyConCA: https://speakerdeck.com/wolever/pycon-canada-2017-postgres-mvcc-and-you
It's nicely designed for a broad audience: starting assuming very little knowledge, building up to a conclusion that's probably interesting to most people who aren't database experts.
Rhubarb all.
2 hours later…
2:30 AM
@Calvin-Castle welcome, please read our room rules: sopython.com/chatroom
Sorry, did I break something?
don't ask to ask, and don't ping random people (you didn't manage to ping them, and they don't have chat privileges yet, but still)
Also, fix your post formatting. Indent each line by four spaces to format a block of code.
Sorry, I'm new to stack overflow. I thought it would auto do that.
for m in k:
        if m <0: raise Exception("positive number "+m)
        if m == 0: return '0'
        ret = ""
    while m !=0:
        ret = (basedigits[m%BASE])+ret
        m = int(m/BASE)
    shortcode = ret
   final_short_url = str(shortcode)
Throws me an error (TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting)
2:32 AM
m is a string, likely because k is a string. Fix your data.
so k is the problem?
I don't know, you didn't show an MCVE. Try debugging and checking what your data is at each step.
I'm trying to read in a url from my db and then convert it to a shorter URL.
I'm trying to convert someones sql into mongo.
2:36 AM
> Try debugging and checking what your data is at each step.
> m is a string
How do I do that? I'm using python flask and debug=True.
You use a debugger.
How? I'm writing this in notepad. I don't understand how to use a debugger within that...
I am pretty new to python, i want to create a temporary file with json object which downloaded from mongo db. ```doc = {
"name" : "kiriti",
"age" : 32

# Create a temp file to write to
with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as temp_file:

for line in temp_file.readlines():
print (line)```
2:41 AM
ipython plus Tracer()() is really nice @Calvin-Castle
you're going to have a really bad time if you try to code in notepad
It'll break out into ipdb i think
1 hour later…
3:58 AM
I must be going blind but I can't find my starred posts anymore
am I missing something or was the interface changed?
I'm an idiot
that's what happened.
nah I mean on the SO main site
it's the "favorites" tab
I was looking for "starred" for some stupid reason
4:15 AM
I really hate UML.
For school, we have to do a project, and I've opted to do it in python (we get to choose implementation details). For last weeks submission, my professor took 15% off the assignment because I didn't use getters and setters......
I told her that python, as a convention, doesn't use getters and setters. Her response: "Getters and setters are basic building blocks of proper OOP. They are language independent. No employer or client will accept software where you're directly accessing variables, as it is akin to building a car without doors."
but the doors are included with the kit
you just don't have to assemble them seperately and then put them on the car
@JeremyBanks too bad the content was not as useful as it could have been. The count * apps are rather silly anyway; instead he should've talked about transaction isolation levels :F
content would've been mostly the same anyway
4:36 AM
@AnttiHaapala That was the next bit I was wondering about. Maybe in the next revision of the talk.
Is there a possibility of a new Q&A being posted today that could someday garner 10k+ votes?
I guess if it went viral elsewhere, which some of those did. But 10k is a heck of a lot of votes.
Hmm, in that case, I would imagine not. If something needed to be asked, it would've been asked by now. There's always the hope of new tech or APIs down the road, but I doubt :p
I don't agree with you. :P
It's harder to find great new questions, but some exist.
Err, "find" in the discover/invent sense. ;)
I can imagine people could pour hours or days into making a better canonical version of an existing question, allowing the original to be closed as a duplicate of the new one.
But besides that, I can't really imagine. At least with python, almost everything has been mined (as @DSM once said (or was it Kevin?) )
4:54 AM
Hey, can someone explain some code to me? Thank you
Ask your question without preamble https://sopython.com/chatroom
But do it in moderation please, no one is going to break down a 1000 line source script
2 hours ago, by davidism
@Calvin-Castle welcome, please read our room rules: https://sopython.com/chatroom
5:39 AM
@Jon Almost everyone gave up on chat room.
6:15 AM
some entries in my pandas df have 1e+20. I want to filter those rows. data type for that column is shown as float64. like df[df.mycol==1e+20]
@pythonRcpp Not happening, float inaccuracies and whatnot. Use np.isclose.
df[np.isclose(df.mycol, 1e+20)]
1 hour later…
7:19 AM
thanks @cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ works fine. my orignal intent is to fill these values by the max of that group . like stackoverflow.com/questions/19966018/… df["value"] = df.groupby("name").transform(lambda x: x.fillna(x.max()) instead of fillna i need to fill on 1e+20 values
@pythonRcpp Better still, group, transform, and assign with a mask:
v = df.groupby("name").value.transform('max')
m = np.isclose(df['value'], 1e+20)
df.loc[m, 'values'] = v[m]
7:34 AM
wow .. you are pro man ..how is it making sure it only changes values that had 1e+20 . Like i want to do this max stuff only for values that had 1e+20 and leave others as is
@pythonRcpp The mask m finds those cells and makes sure those are what get reassigned.
hey guys, anybody here work with djangocms
ive been trying to figure out what some instructions on a github actually mean
@Skyler Please see room rules: sopython.com/chatroom
Just ask your question without preamble
@cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ ok i get that now, but my max is again taking 1e+20 (which obviously is the max but is a stale value) . is there a way to get second max and not max
7:42 AM
im confused once I've reached "usage" I guess given that I was working with django and no cms stuff til i now Im not too sure what those instructions actually mean
Oh... duh... 1e+20 would be the max value there, wouldn't it
somethig like v = df.groupby("name").value.transform.nthlargest(2)
Okay, need a minute.
m = np.isclose(df['value'], 1e+20)
df.loc[m, 'value'] = np.nan
df['value'] = df['value'].fillna(df.groupby("name").value.transform('max'))
Or i shoul first take max (ignoring 1e+20) and then go forreplace
A solution which replaces those values with NaNs, and then fills em.
7:45 AM
@cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ wow !! everytime i come to this chat i find amazing lightening fast people
8:21 AM
8:37 AM
8:50 AM
cbg folks
what's the definitive way to do authentication in django if you are making a website that is going to be used by people and you want it secure
it seems like theres a django authentication pipeline, and then there is oauth which is a little different, then there is setting up your own oauth provider in that as well. A bit hard to figure out which one is the one to really go for
First ask yourself how you want people to login and what constitutes "secure" ?
ultimately logging in with their own accounts hosted in an AWS instance, rather not have direct google or facebook authentication
What does "with their own accounts" mean ?
9:04 AM
no "login with google" buttons
theres going to be a lot of data generated relevant to accounts, so the idea is to make it so that the only way the user sees their data is if they log in with the password they've given me
Given you? :p
hashed, salted, and peppered
of course =P
Can users change their password/request a reset etc...?
so their email is a bit of a weak spot (I can only do so much about that though)
can they create accounts or are they assigned accounts?
9:06 AM
email address required
And are you validating that email address?
@JonClements via email confirmation
Right... so it sounds like you've got what you need then?
ugh, well this is what I am planning on doing
but the implementing part, primarily I'm stuck trying to figure out django authentication vs oauth
and which is more suitable given these design goals
They're to login with a username and password to your site? Are you planning on having a suite of sites share the same logins or want to give permissions based on tokens etc...?
9:10 AM
The goal is to leave it open to multiple front ends with potentially different urls.
But more or less the same backend (probably different apps within the overall django project)
(if possible)
Anyway - I generally start with something like social-app-django or django-allauth for the pipelines and email workflows (even if I don't enable anything else)...
Then if you want to extend it to using 3rd party auths, you can, and if one of those happens to be your own oauth based on your own user database so be it...
Keep it simple but flexible
so if i start with django-allauth it wouldn't be too hard to switch to oauth down the line if need be
Sure... If you've got something in place that supports oauth but you just don't use it yet...
Doing your own oauth service is somewhat more complicated but worry about it later... at least on the consumer side you've got the framework to do it...
@JonClements exactly, originally i had been thinking about doing oauth but the more i read i just had a sneaking suspicion that i would probably not give it the due dilligence it deserves
at least this far along
i figure its better to use a properly configured tool than a misconfigured better one
Good figuring :)
Just go the allauth route - only enable what you want... and put your own oauth service on the back burner...
9:18 AM
does all-auth use it's own systems for handling sessions as well?
Not that isn't handled by django's session system...
ok, good to know, just was trying to figure out now if I had to unlearn a few things
btw, since it seems I have someone here with a sense for web design down, what are some of the most visually appealing sites you've seen
You do - where?
u and i are right next to each other on the keyboard
oh wait
no my sentence made sense with i
i was saying it seems like you know a decent bit about django
was curious if you've seen any projects you'd think others should aspire to match in presentation =)
Oh... APIs, django internals and surrounding infrastructure I'm fairly okay with... design though... meh! :p
9:25 AM
cbg robert
Cbg, any neural network wizards about
@Daruchini please have a look at the room rules: sopython.com/chatroom
yo Bobby G!
9:27 AM
so far I've been using grammerly as my main design reference for the landing pages Jon
@Skyler umm... more than two colours and it has graphics... clearly over-designed :p
@JonClements haha
ooh ok sorry... Well I know this is probably better suited for stats but just in case any of you people are familiar with neural nets. I'm trying to configure my weight decay term optimised via AUC.. Is there a sensible way of choosing some bounds to sample because at the moment I'm just sampling a load of numbers with no real mathematical reasoning
i may be a noob as well on this, but what's your results so far without bounding
i feel like that'd probably inform your decision and anybody who can give advice
So i've chosen quite spread out ranges as a course search.. and i'm getting better resutls with a higher decay term 0.56... but when I look at other examples they are using terms such as 0.00001 which makes me think i'm doing something wrong
Plus I've read the more training examples = the lower the decay term... I have ~ 1 million training examples so I'd say that constitutes a fair amount
9:34 AM
able to outline more about what youre training? My background is mroe statistical physics than data science so i may be able to at least point a few useful intuitions you're way
So ive got a binary classification model and my training data is baseline patient data e.g. height, weight, bmi, with some other binary flag values
10:14 AM
Hello, in Django when I fill a form and I submit the form, if I click to back button in the browser, I can see the form filled, how can I prevent it? and show the form empty?
@MGE the browsers usually do that. Why'd you want it to be empty?
due to security protection
I'm encrypting the message send by the user
and if you go back you can see the message
any solution for that?
you should use javascript to send the form and empty it before sending.
i.e. you use xhr to send the form but only after you've already emptied the form :))
10:28 AM
@Daruchini Without knowing anything about your setup, that sounds like it might be due to not separating train and test data. Do you strictly split them before any testing takes place?
@ArneRecknagel Hey, yes the two sets are separate
The model is trained on the training set and the AUC is calculated using the validation set
Did you allready ask on stats.stackexchange.com ?
I havn't yet, this was my first attempt :) I prob should ask on there tho
Well at least I can't give an answer without knowing more about your problem, but a decay that big is .. suspicious
Hi. I have a webapp in Python that uses memcached. I have a lot of traffic and concurrency. Should I use a dedicated server for memcached?
10:40 AM
@ArneRecknagel can I explain in a private room?
better to just make a porper post
then everyone can chime in there.
Yeh that's a better idea actually. I'll write one out now
On a side note, I just stumbled upon SOM heat maps and they're really pretty
Trying to find some nice visualizations to explain some patterns which may have been found in my nn
11:05 AM
@MarcosAguayo Last time I checked, putting every service in its own container was all the hype. So you can start there, and if it grows too much moving it to a dedicated server should not be too hard.
@ArneRecknagel You checked out SOM maps before?
@ArneRecknagel I have a load balancer with 4 servers. But I'm affraid that it will be slower
In a dedicated server I mean
@Daruchini No, I didn't
But in each server I will need 4 hits to cache the page
@ArneRecknagel Any tips for visualizing 2 class classification network inferences? I wanna view how the network has separated the input classes
11:12 AM
@Daruchini It is very hard to visualize problems in my experience. Meaning, I can't possible give you a general answer on how to do it. Visualizing a ML problem is pretty much as hard as solving it.
I mean, general visualization will always aim to show data points, and them grouping them by colour, proximity, whatever. So the difficulty lies in "how can I reduce a data point with >50 dimensions down to 2-4 so that I can even draw it", and I never managed it in an even remotely satisfactory manner.
@MarcosAguayo Sorry, I really don't know a lot about webservices. I kinda hoped someone more knowledgeable would pick it up as soon as things get more specific.
@MarcosAguayo we don't know context, so here's some general advice: go with the simpler deployment that might not be quite as efficient or scalable if you're not sure which one to go with, and then measure and adjust accordingly.
If you know the load will be X, then size for X. If you don't know what the load will be, get something working and measure what X is.
@ArneRecknagel Yeah it is proving quite difficult. All I can really think of doing is showing the distribution of input values and compare it to the distribution of predicted and see if it satisfies intuition
11:33 AM
A: Whats the difference between a OneToOne, ManyToMany, and a ForeignKey Field in Django?

KotlinboyI will try to explain using marriage and love. OneToOne is like a normal marriage where relationship exists between one husband and one wife. There is no chance for polygamy on either side. ForeignKey or ManyToOne is polygamy where a man can marry multiple women, but the women have only one hus...

even after reading this stackoverflow.com/questions/27842613/… i am unable to understand how to do a simple task of doing a groupby apply sort on each group and make it a df
@Wally why are you linking to an answer and then pasting the answer in here?
It's funny
It's funny to link to something and then paste its contents here as well?
The answer was funny. Sorry if I shouldn't paste answer. I can't delete it anymore
11:56 AM
It's fine to (occasionally) paste a oneboxed answer if it's funny, but why then paste its contents as well?
Anyway, thanks for fixing it :-)
12:15 PM
@JonClements hey Jon, just wanted to ask, with allauth whats the most proper way to check if a user is authenticated, the docs are a tad obtuse on this. I have two version of the navbar, one for logged in users and one for general public. I don't mind if it's at the view.py level or in the template.
12:32 PM
@Skyler unless you want to do something such as check what backend they're using etc... just do it as you would normally in django :)
I sort using 2 columns and write df as csv, but order gets distorted. I am using df=df.sort_values(['A','B'],ascending=[False,True])
I realised it was due to column B being text and A being values , swapping the sort order works
1:06 PM
Bantering with someone on Quora (I know, I know) they said that Python variable name lookups are a "library call" rather than a "symbol table lookup". Is "library call" some alternative way of saying that, or are they just wrong and can I feed my superiority complex and correct them?
isn't it a dict lookup?
(for better or for worse)
Course, symbol table is probably wrong as well as I think that's static
libraries aren't even callable :P
and aren't any kind of lookups actually calls to __getitem__?
I mean, due to my lack of relevant education I have a hard time defining both "library call" and "symbol table lookup" which would be paramount to distinguishing between the two
tell them it's about references
I think you're entitled to ask your opponent for a source on a claim like that
He who makes claims should be prepared to back them up
1:11 PM
Symbol table internals <- interesting
So the symbol table in this case just does scoping, not typing
AFAIK there are cases where variables can be accessed without any sort of lookup, like local variables and closures.
Yes, the compiler makes use of a symbol table to generate the byte code, but no lookups take place at run time.
But something must do type checking, presumably at runtime
Or not. I actually don't know if there's a case where the bytecode can't know types
I want to live in a world where bytecode sees no type
Then you'll love the JVM's type erasure
Now I'm confused. What does a variable name lookup have to do with the type of the variable?
1:16 PM
Either way, 'library call' means something specific that is not the case for python, right? So even it is not wrong through a convoluted set of technical definitions, it is misdirecting to a person who reads it.
Whenever I look at the CPython source, I see a whole bunch of functions that operate on PyObject references. I assume that effectively all types of objects can be represented this way (modulo some number of layers of indirection, perhaps)
@Rawing sorry, good point. It makes sense in the context of the original conversation, but I didn't make the link in here
If anything cares about the type of the PyObject, it checks it explicitly within the body of the C function. The engine doesn't seem to try to help at all
The original point was more to do with when is a variable's type resolved, and my original question in here badly.
E.g. if I do print("A number: " + 3), is it a runtime error or a bytecode-generation error
Looks like a runtime error I guess
I'd think it's a runtime error, yes. Unless the compiler tries to optimize the concatenation away...
Today marks the first time I've made an account on a SE site just so I can upvote a comment
HNQs never fail to deliver
1:23 PM
Heh yeah I saw that question
If it was a bytecode error, I'd expect the code f = lambda: "1" + 2 to crash when run on its own, but it doesn't
yeah I was wondering about the importability of that print
but your example makes it much more obvious that it would work
The peephole optimizer "abandons the transformation if the folding fails (i.e. 1+'a')", so it's a runtime error
I could imagine there being an "unconditional crash" byte code instruction that exists only so that unparseable code can crash at run time instead of parse time, but I don't think that's something that actually happens
"I don't know how to add these two literals", thinks the parser, "so I'll just stick a HALT AND CATCH FIRE instruction here, for later"
Guys can you please help me with one of my silly doubt regarding ast.literal_eval()
1:37 PM
it's probably not silly but we'll never know until you ask
I am trying to convert a string to dictionary but keep getting this error
unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'dict' and 'str'
I think in our universe it's more like "I don't know how to add these two literals, so I'll just do an firstliteral.__add__(secondliteral) call and hope the runtime engine knows what to do"
@HarshDubey are you sure the problem is coming from ast.literal_eval and not from something you're doing with the result?
in other words, an MCVE would help a lot now
Yes coz without that it is running smoothly.
>>> import ast
>>> s = "{1:2}"
>>> ast.literal_eval(s)
{1: 2}
literal_eval works just fine on my machine
1:39 PM
@Kevin "perhaps the programmer used some ctypes magic to rewrite int.__add__"
This is the string {"100": "$8.14", "240": "$5.79", "480": "Quote"}
that's not a string
>>> s = '{"100": "$8.14", "240": "$5.79", "480": "Quote"}'
>>> ast.literal_eval(s)
{'100': '$8.14', '480': 'Quote', '240': '$5.79'}
as I said, MCVE
Yes an MCVE would be very nice
1:41 PM
three lines of runnable code (but you can spare the import and have 2: one that defines your object and one that calls literal_eval giving you that error)
No sorry but I have it like this '{"100": "$8.14", "240": "$5.79", "480": "Quote"}'
A link for the lazy: stackoverflow.com/help/mcve
give a man a link, he'll be running from chickens for a day
pricing = pricing.replace('\r', '')
pricing = pricing.replace("\n", "")
pricing = ast.literal_eval(pricing)
I did number of replace operations to make it in the correct format.
NameError: name 'pricing' is not defined
1:45 PM
>>> pricing = '{"100": "$8.14", "240": "$5.79", "480": "Quote"}'
>>> pricing = pricing.replace('\r', '')
>>> pricing = pricing.replace("\n", "")
>>> pricing = ast.literal_eval(pricing)
>>> pricing
{'100': '$8.14', '480': 'Quote', '240': '$5.79'}
Still works 100% perfectly on my machine.
The variable pricing comes from a websites data
I think that would be too much if I post it here
it would, hence the "M" in "MCVE"
reduce your problem to the smallest possible size that reproduces the issue
This game is quickly becoming less fun. Please provide input that actually generates an error. Drip-feeding us lines of code at a rate of one line per five minutes isn't a constructive approach for either of us.
we never said it's easy, but it's something you have to do to spare us the work
(but it's not actually hard)
So the funny thing is I tried writing the minimal code to show you guys and it worked that way.
1:52 PM
It's as if trying to create an MCVE actually helped. Now you need to put stuff back in and see where it breaks.
you might or might not be looking for a + someplace
Yup I will try hard this time.
If fails then ll ask you for help :P
Please do:) Good luck
Cbg all
Shouldn't really be in this room at the moment but never mind.
1:57 PM
you can always ask for a few kicks from the room owners; the corresponding ban time escalates with each kick ;)
Mm hmm, I will comply with any kick requests for the purposes of avoiding procrastination.
although explaining the "why are you hitting yourself?" scenario to moderators would probably be in order
Although a kickstorm may or may not ping the attention of the mod team. They tend to show up in times of chaos and I'm not sure whether that's an automated process or if one of their buddies is alerting them via a backchannel
In the case of the latter we merely need to not light the bat mod signal ourselves
yup, autoflag after a few kicks
I could see it happening.
2:01 PM
In that case, I will only do a few minus one kicks.
Questions seem to be off lately. I have not answered one in two days.
@Kevin hehe... "mod signal" - that so needs to be a thing :)
And it needs a theme tune
2:09 PM
A better name as well.
Fancy color @JonClements Didn't know you became a mod too
You've been hiding for the last 2 or so years then? :p
How's things?
Good good, you?
2:11 PM
question: is there anything like Flask in a LAMP-packaged way, a LAMF version if you like?
Uhh. Don't look at me, I have no idea :D
@Катерина It was for everyone and maybe you too
@Катерина same old - shouldn't complain :)
Not a clue.
@Andy surely you want a LNPF? :p
2:14 PM
user image
@JonClements what the N and P stands for...?
oh you just killed me with that one
@Kevin. Nearly exactly what I had in mind.
(credit to bleedingcool.com/2017/06/15/… for a nice easily-ms-paintable cityscape)
2:15 PM
Is that lamp post bowing in worship? :p
Or possibly bending away from the powerful rays of force being emitted
How is it bigger than the buildings.
The lamppost
welcome to the third dimension?
Alternate explanation: the city thought it would be cheaper to install a signal huge lamp post, instead of lots of little ones.
2:18 PM
“objects in mirror are closer than they appear”
Ma ma ma ma ma ma ma.... Martijn! :p
@Kevin That sounds like something, a project manager would do…
(IIRC there is at least one city up in the arctic that actually does have a huge light in the town square, as a replacement for the sun)
So now we just need to code name Room 6 "Gotham" and he'll come to our aid!
2:19 PM
It worked!
Our saviour!!!!
(I swear I was just switching tabs, don't really have time to actually help!)
It's fine, it was only a drill anyway
Gotta make sure the signal is in good operating order
Oh fine then - we'll ask another comic book character that takes their role seriously :p
I am trying to make a simple game in Python.
2:20 PM
I am swimming in errors :D
I'd volunteer - except 1) I need to grab myself a cup of tea and 2) I haven't thought of a theme tune for myself yet... :p
quick question: what will happen if i try to change a null value from database(psql) to a string str(myValue)
You'll probably get a string that says "None" - did you try it? :p
@JonClements That reminds me of a photoshop of my avatar that someone once did in the JS room… and no, I’m not going to dig that up.
2:21 PM
calling str on an object almost always gives you a string back. It's a pretty safe operation, if you're worried about crashes.
nah thats why i am asking :P
Whether it gives you a useful or descriptive string, is another matter.
@Proxy you can test with if value_from_database is None:
@Proxy I see 3 possibilities: 1) It'll become a string. 2) It'll crash because you did something wrong. 3) It'll throw an error because it violates some constraint.
\o cbg
2:23 PM
As you probably want to skip processing it if it's null
class ForKevin:
    def __str__(self):
        return 'ha' * 100
You should almost always put an "almost" before "always" statements, because people will almost always try to find a corner case :-P
yeah you are right, i should not be that lazy @RobertGrant
@Kevin I've already automated that! Output: "You should almost almost always put an "almost" before "almost always" statements, because people will almost almost always try to find a corner case :-P"
Aaaand I've reached semantic satiation and both "al-" words have stopped looking like words to me
2:32 PM
Already? Almost always alternate alphabets allowed...
almays alwost?
Cyrilic as well? :3
This conversation reminds me of how Alexander the Great introduced the name "Iskandar" into Arabic cultures because they thought the "al" in "alexander" was a definite article prefix and not part of the name proper
(I may be misrepresenting or oversimplifying here, as I am no historian, but that's the jist I got from Wikipedia)
that's amazing if so
2:54 PM
Morning cabbage
@Kevin did you read that jist in a jif?
@Kevin my philosophy professor taught us the difference between "none" "few" "some" "most" and "all"
I like mathematical properties that use "almost all" when describing something that's asymptotically close to 100%. Almost all positive integers are larger than 42.
with 1 measure, to be precise
almost all numbers are non-integers (or irrational, while we're at it)

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