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I've been doing some goofing off as well, but I finished writing my checker for my most recent board. 1200 lines of the ugliest uncommented python you've ever seen (that uses a semi-reusable 1600 line custom library).
sounds like fun!
Yeah, in a tedious sort of way. It forces me to examine the schematic carefully which is good for several reasons (one of which is the guy who does the schematic entry for me is dyslexic). It's essentially one big assert statement, so if I get a new version of the schematic, I can figure out all the invariants I care about that wobbled.
How can people put all that effort into writing a question and not bother to google the error message first?
hey guys! I am still stuck with plotting a simple linear regression on symlog plot. Linking the question since it is old now. stackoverflow.com/questions/32536226/… Please have a look if possible.
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32555988/python-threading-vs-mult‌​iprocessing-cpu-usage-and-time and a 4K user to boot.
When I have a script with the content header part and run script cgi everything is outputted but as soon as the html is there a internal server error pops up
print("Content-Type: text/html")
doesn't work when it gets the <title> tags
500 internal server
@june1992 You need a blank line between your headers and the HTML data. The headers (including the blank line at the end) should be terminated with CRLF '\r\n', not just LF '\n'. Modern browsers will cope with a simple '\n', but that's not technically correct. Also, it's better to send proper HTML with a valid !DOCTYPE line so the browser doesn't interpret your HTML in quirks mode. And <html>, <head> & <body> tags would be nice, too. :)
CRLF = '\r\n'

#Build a simple HTML page. Data MUST be properly escaped.
def simple_page(title='', head='', body=''):
    s = 'Content-type: text/html' + 2 * CRLF

    s += '<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n'
    if title:
        title = '<title>%s</title>\n' % title
        head = title + head
    if head:
        s += '<head>%s</head>\n' % head
    if body:
        s += '<body>\n%s\n</body>\n' % body
    s += '</html>'
    return s
it worked and I will look into that right now
That is bad script
@june1992 Oh, good.
@june1992 What do you mean? Sure, it uses the old-fashioned %-style formatting, and builds strings by concatenation, which is less efficient than using .join on a list of strings, but I don't think that justifies it being called bad.
I meant really bad as in cool
Like cool script
Phew! :)
sorry my mistake
1 hour later…
@AnttiHaapala That looks pretty powerful & elegant.
95 % says it is awful because it "is like jsp" and they'd rather use django/jinja2 because django/jinja2 force one to write more most of the time
@AnttiHaapala that looks exactly like jsp
i personally love jsp but people keep telling me it's deprecated... #feelsbadman
Does anynoe know why I keep getting this error -> sqlite command prompt
Error: unable to open database "test.db": unable to open database file
@AnttiHaapala You need to configure your git to use github account :D
@thefourtheye howso
Your commits are actually not attributed to your account.
shit I hate git/github mess
my problem is I have several roles and in each I need to use different role address :d
roles cannot be done without having a role...
@thefourtheye lol :D
@thefourtheye the ast.NodeVisitor works like that:
it calls automatically getattr(self, 'visit_' + node.__class__.__name__)
Oh... It makes sense then :-)
... and since ast nodes are classes with CamelCaseNaming, that's what you get
Got it :-) I was simply reading the source and found that inconsistent. That is why left a comment :D
hahaa :D
and NameX is because Name is a class actually, but this is a shorthand constructor for it...
I often do that, when something is a ClassFactory then I write it in camelcase
similarly class a_decorator, or class a_callable.
Mmmm, odd. Let's see if PEP-008 has anything specific to say about this.
@thefourtheye for example: Class names should normally use the CapWords convention.

The naming convention for functions may be used instead in cases where the interface is documented and used primarily as a callable.
Okay, then my comment is valid :-) It has to be documented, I suppose?
rbrb for a bit. Friends are calling me to play badminton.
@thefourtheye the usage is internal to that module only
can anyone help me with the default postgres password i am locked out of super user
troll move
@june1992 not really the place to ask.
Ooh, so do I upgrade to 3.5 now?
@Robert you mean you haven't upgraded yet!?
Q: How to find the letter 'a' in a string and the length of the words containing 'a'

i cant do pythonI've been tasked with writing a list comprehension that finds words in the list with the letter 'a' in them then displays how long those words are. -all in one line of code.

Le sigh.
How do you upgrade your virtual envs? Do you have to recreate them?
I believe so yes.
I've never tried/had to.
Guess it doesn't take too long
unless you have some large C-extensions there... :P
If you've got a well set up requirements.txt and no strange libraries then it's what? 3 commands?
rm the old one, venv the new one, pip install your requirements.
Yeah I know, I'm just wondering :)
Use the ceiling division operator, --0--! For example, --0-- 3//2 gives the ceiling of 3//2. Try it if you don't believe me! (Okay, so you could spell it without the leading --, but it looks better with it.) — Mark Dickinson 44 secs ago
is that documented somewhere? o.o it's the first time I see that and it looks to be working
I think it's some sort of a joke :]
(-- 0) is zero, (-- 3//2) is -(-3//2)
3.5 seems fine so far, in my incredibly not complicated use case :)
@vaultah oh oops xD
Stuck this question. Trying to plot a symlog with linear regression
@AbhishekBhatia you already linked this very question yesterday.
@AbhishekBhatia are you trying to find the linear regression?
Which method - gradient descent or moore-penrose (the only two that I know so far)
(Apologies for saying "use case")
I think it uses gradient desecent
You might want to have a look at my question, the method may not much imp. to my case.
Nah it's moore-penrose pseudo-inverse
gradient descent gets stuck at local maximums, I think this function uses linear algebra
@AbhishekBhatia the reason you're not getting much help it's because what you're trying to do is unclear. I think the reason it is unclear it's because it doesn't make mathematical sense as fizzy hinted yesterday morning. Symlog it's a 'trick' to display certain types of data, not a well recognised math function
Err yeah I'm kind of confused
If you use the polyfit function using deg=1 it should give you the linear regression equation
then all you gotta do is plot the line with the matrix of thetas
say your equation is theta0*x00 + theta1*x01 + theta2*x02... = y1
the function returns the thetas, and all you have to do to plot the equation is plotting the x's with thetas
Yes, I think the confusion is regressing vs displaying. If what you really want is a straight line through a scatter on a symlog plot. A) say that B) it probably doesn't make much sense
say you have a univariate linear regression - you just need to plot theta0*x0 = y
@JRichardSnape yeah A) is exactly the need.
but yeah, I don't do regression in python(I totally should though), so I can't really help you with it, but reading the docs it seems really simple - just plug and chug the values
@OneRaynyDay I am doing a log-log plot . log(0)=-inf, thus use symlog.
gotta sleep now, night!
I see that
using the answer right now in the question doesn't work due to this reason.
J Richard Snape Can you show example of sample code which achieves this. In my code, it doesn't display it right.
Apparently my insurance no longer covers acts of terrorism. What the heck does that mean?
@AbhishekBhatia see B)
@RobertGrant Well, Bobby. There are some naughty people who sometimes try to frighten lots of people by hurting some other people. This is known as terrorism....
J Richard Snape I didn't quite get you. Does the question make sense now?
@JRichardSnape sure, but is a kid throwing a stone through a window terrorism?
Mathematically. What you're trying to do doesn't make sense mathematically
@RobertGrant :D
I admire your cynicism
I'm just wondering where the line is :)
Are saying I should exclude the zero values while plotting regression curve?
Mornin' cabbage
@AbhishekBhatia I'm saying I can't possibly know given the information you have provided. There are so many possibilities. I'm also wary of getting into this discussion. I've helped you across a number of issues (you seem to use similar tools to me) and whenever you get help, there is almost immediately a follow up implying that you have an XY question and you are not doing follow up research based on received help (an example of this not involving me is the answer on the question you keep linking)
@IntrepidBrit suppety sup
@RobertGrant It should definitely have a definition - either in the policy or as a commonly understood contractual term (like Acts of God - although I'm not sure that's still used)
morning @intrepid
How was everyone's weekend?
Very social. So I'm tired now :)
I was sick yesterday, so bad. I always feel like I should take a sick day for equity if I'm sick over the weekend. It doesn't seem right: sickness should occur only on working days.
J Richard Snape I want to make the question clearer, but I am not quite what extra info to add. Que- Plot a linear regression line on symlog. Problem- Different from normal case as symlog plots differently for log(0).
@RobertGrant - That's good. Catching everyone before you scarper?
@IntrepidBrit Swimmingly good. Played HotS while GF was busy writing thesis :P
Yeah trying to :) Also deploying massive application changes to pythonanywhere, but I fitted that in around other stuff!
@JRichardSnape - I completely agree - except if I'm your boss. Then you're a reprehensible reprobate...
@JRichardSnape you could probably get that added to Corbynonimcs
@Ffisegydd How's HotS? Not given it a shot yet.
@IntrepidBrit it's amazing. It's so good. I've not played LoL or DOTA but I've heard fantastic things.
Yeah, they can be fun - but lane games tend not to be for the casual gamer. You have to play and perfect, or get yelled at for hours
@RobertGrant I shall mail him to add it to the manifesto. Disclaimer - I am fairly pro-Corbyn, so shan't be partaking in a "isn't he a 1970s communist" discussion
Apparently HotS has mixed things up to prevent that sort of thing
@IntrepidBrit exactly. LoL/DOTA players call it "MOBA for babies" but 1) I can play a game in 15 minutes rather than 45, so I don't care, and 2) there's still plenty of depth.
If you decide to try it out, let me know and we can play some up.
I can easily lose a DOTA game against the AI in 15 minutes
Plus the characters are awesome. There's nothing like watching the Lich King and Diablo fight it out.
@JRichardSnape (I'll never vote for Corbyn, but I respect his stance. Time to judge him on action :) )
@Ffisegydd Will do mate. I've got my work laptop back so I have something more powerful that can play something other than minecraft/don't starve
I heard that Corbyn's touch can cure baldness, and that his breath is sweet like a field of lillies.
@IntrepidBrit Agreed - let's see what he does. The other three options were reheated Blair, Brown or Milliband (someone else's description, but it sums up why I thought they were useless). And they've already proved themselves incapable of capturing popular imagination.
JRichardSnape I am really confused. That answer on my question wasn't much help. It even gives an error on running it. I don't know how he got the plot.
@AbhishekBhatia your help vampirism is starting to get excessive now.
Don't be sorry, just don't do it.
You're abusing the good will of the members here and it's going to stop.
You've been warned before, multiple times, so consider this the final warning - next time you start up, you'll be kicked out.
@IntrepidBrit Awesome. It's Free2Play* so quite easy to get going quickly.
@JRichardSnape I'm not ashamed to say it, but I was (relatively) pro-Blair at the time (as opposed to John Major). His shift to the right managed to get people to stop thinking the left were all commie loonies, which has lead us to here, today.
Then when Bobby gets on decent internet we can make a nice 3s team.
Yeah I will definitely be up for that
@IntrepidBrit I was too. Only the total ignoring of the Iraq march really put me off him to be honest. The arsing around with the 10p rate of tax was silly too - they should have left that in IMHO
We could even Skype and I could lull you both with my dulcet Northern accent.
Sounds dangerous for my free time ;)
Don't forget: heroes are only one letter away from herpes
One doesn't often hear that sage warning :p
@JRichardSnape I was in the Iraq war protests in Edinburgh. It pisses me off when I hear all the SNPers come out in droves saying that they "were against the war from the start". Were you yam, the majority of the people didn't care, and were more annoyed that we were blocking the bus routes.
Bobby, did you initially mistype heroes and turned it into a joke?
Yeah - I was at the one in London. Huge, huge numbers.
@IntrepidBrit sort of, yeah :)
Mouse pointer was over the o
Although, the simplicity of the pro war propaganda was brilliant. They have weapons of mass destruction within range of us! My thoughts: "So do the French..."
Well - more accurately - no, they don't, but the French do. It was so weird. A great example of telling a big enough lie and keep repeating it.
Monday morning cabbage all
Hey up
@JRichardSnape if we carry on for long enough, perhaps it'll abruptly switch to "Let's invade because they don't have WMDs in range of us!"
@JRichardSnape: nice bounty catch there!
Round here, some people say "hey up, me duck", which is rather endearing.
@MartijnPieters Thanks!
Oooo - what has JRS done? :p
@JonClements I returned to the Dark Side (Dark coffee, that is)
Well - everyone deserves a change of scenery now and then I guess...
It's a dalliance that I struggle with ;)
To be honest, although tagged Java - the question was really about the Windows Registry and reading a bit of C++. Stretching my polyglot skills... I'm guessing Martijn removed my naughty "thank you" comment (wrists duly slapped ;) )
Where should I post a Python 3 answer to this?
@vaultah You mean - post on the other Q and close as dup vs on that Q?
Hmm good question. Personally - I'd be tempted to edit the Q to make it obviously Python 3 specific, reference the old one and answer on the new one. Only because a new answer on the old one is likely to stay "buried" within the other 7 answers. You could tag them Python-3 and Python-2 respectively. OTOH - I'd defer to more experienced heads if anyone chimes in.
Even though I enjoy Bash scripting to a degree, and am somewhat fond of sed & bc, this is positively painful: stackoverflow.com/q/32561203/4014959
I don't want to WRITE this if-else a thousand time. I care more about simplification of my code than performance, get it? — Michael Kim 28 secs ago
@PM2Ring :)
(Talking about few milliseconds vs. seconds here)
> Writing another method to encapsulate the difference upon invocation is no-go in my case
I don’t get people.
@PM2Ring paraphrased "I'm quite familiar with bash and linux tools, but know only how to copy and paste a Python script. Heeeeelllllppppp"
@JRichardSnape And his Bash skills are somewhat questionable. echo $(some|command|pipeline) Really?
mmm, fair point
(although my bash skills are somewhat questionable too, so I shouldn't stand in judgement)
As are my English skills today, if my need to edit everything I write is anything to go by.
@PM2Ring boke
@JRichardSnape thank you
@poke People are strange. That person in particular seems inexplicably cross with you for trying to help him.
Yeah, I just give up now…
@Robert I don’t think it’s worth it :/
I know, I just got annoyed :)
I know that feeling
I don’t think I should answer any more questions today.
It’s that kind of a Monday.
@JRichardSnape The comment? That was flagged as Too chatty and got a quick mod delete from the flag queue.
Further proof that JRS is a terrible human being that should spend more time on his thesis vs being "chatty" on SO.
(Just kidding, please don't leave ;_;)
What does this do MRExtractPhoneNumbers.run() does it run the entire MRExtractPhoneNumbers class .It is used in a map reduce programm to match phone numbers .If you need full code here is the link
@VigneshKalai Looks like a classmethod. You should be able to find details of how they work online.
@AnttiHaapala Then its okay, I guess :-)
@Ffisegydd You don't get rid of me that easily
@Ffisegydd <snark> I love the fact that if you google either "polar bar chart python" or "polar histogram python" you get almost a ready made example in matplotlib. It must be hard for these unfortunates who have no access to popular search engines </snark>
@vaultah No problem - P.S. I think the edit to the answer is good - I just tried your original on os.makedirs and was going to chat about the issue with the bare raise.
polar bar: like a grizzly bar, but paler.
@PM2Ring what, did they use a lighter wood? Better lighting of the bar? Can you get the same beers there?
Or only Pale Ale?
And on that note, do a search for "cartesian bear".
@JRichardSnape that code produces [] even for
def f():
    def _(): raise Exception
I wonder if I should remove the if name in vars: yield vars[name] check and yield name...
The latter seems to work better (with the minimal testing I've done, i.e. plugging it in for 1 minute and testing against os.makedirs, your original f and the f in message above)
@MartijnPieters :) I guess that pun requires the use of a hillbilly accent. :) But speaking of polar bars,
I give up; can't find one image combining all the puns into one. A polar bear sitting at an ice bar being served by the cartesian bear.
It pleases me that you spent the time looking, though :)
I ended up writing an answer for that guy with the Sense HAT. Hopefully, he's now motivated to learn Python...
@PM2Ring how exciting for you :)
It's a bit of a shock. But probably an improvement.
"Tony Abbott unseated by new PM 2Ring. 2Ring has stated that his goals for the Australian future include: forcing a national upgrade to Python 3.5 immediately and re-printing the currency to include images of obscure mathematical proofs based on his maths.SE answers."
Who wanted vote for that!?
The name "PM 2Ring" was too perfect for this joke.
Speaking of which... I just got an accept on this, but no upvote, even though the OP's got enough rep to vote: math.stackexchange.com/a/1434776/207316
@vaultah On top of that - you could check through your vars from isclosurevars for anything with a value that issubclass of Exception. But it would still only yield OSError for makedirs and it would repeat names for some functions. It's a fairly tough problem, I think - your warning on your answer seems fair.
A few years back, our Treasurer (& effectively 2nd in command) was Peter Costello, and Tony Abbott was showing that he was a power to be reckoned with. But I guess he had to wait until Peter Costello moved on, because there was no way that the team of Abbott & Costello was going to win an election.
@JRichardSnape The warning is longer than the code :/
@PM2Ring I always wonder how to interpret that. Is it - "yeah, you're right, but I'm sore I didn't work that out", or "You're right but your prose does not flow to the degree needed to get an upvote from me", or what.
I'm trying to make get_exceptions retrieve sources of called functions recursively , but I don't know how to get the object of a function like _ (from the example above)
It's a mystery. Another possibility is that they just don't think about voting. But you'd think that a low rep user would be very vote-conscious.
@vaultah I was musing along the same lines. As I say, I think it's a tough one. You'd have to do something in the visitor, I guess.
@PM2Ring it's a nice method by the way - I've commented on what I think is a typo, though.
@JRichardSnape Thanks! Fixed!
Is there some nice non-django equivalent of django-activity-stream?
Trying do decide whether I should give this guy a "if you want a mutable collection, you probably shouldn't be using a tuple" speech
@Kevin Immutable state though
@JRichardSnape I let the OP figure out why it gives all solutions, though. And how to find actual solutions. Which he should know if he's doing a number theory course & getting questions like that. I mean, the extended Euclidean algorithm is one of the first things you learn in an intro Number Theory course!
Hm, just found this for immutable clojure-like structures github.com/zhemao/funktown
'4 years ago' looks a bit suspicious
Anyone ever add an int and a bool in non-joke code? Trying to decide whether to do x + 1 if bool_expr else x, or x + bool_expr
Those abandoned GitHub projects remind me that moth from The Silence of the Lambs. "Somebody grew this guy. Fed him honey and nightshade, kept him warm. Somebody loved him."
@Kevin I occasionally do it. I figure if it was bad Guido wouldn't have made it possible. :)
This is true.
And the x + bool_expr results in less bytecode.
def f0(x, y):
    b = y > 0
    return x + b

def f1(x, y):
    b = y > 0
    return x + 1 if b else x
  9           0 LOAD_FAST                1 (y)
              3 LOAD_CONST               1 (0)
              6 COMPARE_OP               4 (>)
              9 STORE_FAST               2 (b)

 10          12 LOAD_FAST                0 (x)
             15 LOAD_FAST                2 (b)
             18 BINARY_ADD
             19 RETURN_VALUE
 13           0 LOAD_FAST                1 (y)
              3 LOAD_CONST               1 (0)
              6 COMPARE_OP               4 (>)
              9 STORE_FAST               2 (b)

 14          12 LOAD_FAST                2 (b)
             15 JUMP_IF_FALSE            9 (to 27)
             18 POP_TOP
             19 LOAD_FAST                0 (x)
             22 LOAD_CONST               2 (1)
             25 BINARY_ADD
             26 RETURN_VALUE
        >>   27 POP_TOP
             28 LOAD_FAST                0 (x)
I really need to learn how to read that
I just skim over the bits I can't understand. :)
@PM2Ring That seems like a very constructed use case to me…
@poke Sure. I was just trying to come up with a minimal example that corresponds to the code in Kevin's question.
(minimal example that is in your favor *cough*)
The best kind of minimal example.
@poke Feel free to come up with a counter-example. :)
may the SSCCE be always in your favor
@PM2Ring yeah - I think that's reasonable. All I would have done is italicize the "all" as you did. I absolutely agree that it's something they should be able to figure out.
cbg @antti
I could also do return x + (1 if b else 0), which is more bytecode than f0, but less than f1.
@PM2Ring Decrement if false.
@bereal When I go through my old projects, I just think "oh sweet child, what the world has done to you..."
I occasionally even use a bool to index into a tuple or list, but I tend to write a comment for those. And these days I'd probably just use a conditional expression for clarity.
f2(x, True) == x +1
f2(x, False) == x - 1
Does anyone know how can I make nosetests to show logging messages when tests pass?
def f0(x, y):
    b = y > 0
    return x + b
there is no CSE,
so return x + (y > 0)
@poke f2(x, b) = x + (-1)**(1-b)
@bereal Good, now do the dis.dis
I'm trying to edit python files in python but it's not happening..
x - 1 + (b << 1)
  1           0 LOAD_FAST                0 (x)
              3 LOAD_CONST               1 (-1)
              6 LOAD_CONST               2 (1)
              9 LOAD_FAST                1 (b)
             12 BINARY_SUBTRACT
             13 BINARY_POWER
             14 BINARY_ADD
             15 RETURN_VALUE
@AnttiHaapala that's better
or + 1 - shift, depending on which sign you want
I have also tried with "a" mode
@d-coder 1) Format your code properly. 2) Give the error message. You've been here far too many times to not know to do that.
@d-coder 'w+' means you overwrite the file :D
@Fenikso beyond verbosity of 2?
Don't be sorry, just edit the message and fix it.
Wild guess: settings_path doesn't end with a slash, so it's writing to "C:\programming\Pythonsettings.py" instead of "C:\programming\Python\settings.py" (or whatever your path actually is)
@d-coder what's your question?
Consider using os.path.join to form file paths.
@Ilja cbg
with open(settings_path+"settings.py", "w+") as write_file:
      write_file.write("INSTALLED_APPS = ")
@tristan Verbosity 2 does not show anything from logging to me. Only if test fails.
I'm getting no error
but the string is not getting appended at all
Whelp. That's my 5 minutes of caring over.
patiently waits to see if his wild guess is confirmed or denied
Sorry, but unless you're willing to work with us, we can't help you.
@AnttiHaapala Sure, but I don't know how complicated Kevin's boolean expression was, so I thought it fair to isolate that part. Of course, inlining the boolean in both versions makes f0 look even better than f1, if you just take the ratio of the number of lines of bytecode. :)
My actual boolean expression was idx == 2, btw
@d-coder Are you sure you are looking at the correct file? Print out settings_path+"settings.py" to see which file is written to.
I'm writing script to automate creation of django project
@Fenikso Oh, sorry, still waking up. I meant verbosity 3, but I think that will be only on failure too. I typically just wrap the assertion error to include logging if the test passes, but I realize this is ugly. I'd be interested if you find a better way
Because I expect settings_path to not end in a slash, so you have a file /path/to/settingssettings.py instead of /path/to/settings/settings.py.
I want to add apps name to INSTALLED_APPS in settings.py file
@Kevin :D
Also use the a mode to append, and be a good citizen and add a new line to the end.
Someone has a Chicken Korma in the office and it smells glorious
I have a feeling that d-coder only reads messages that directly ping him
with open(os.path.join(settings_path, "settings.py"), "a") as write_file:
      write_file.write("INSTALLED_APPS = \n")
Or come from a user that directly pinged him in the recent past
@d-coder XY problem alert. There's probably a better (safer, saner) way to do what you want. Automatic editing of scripts is rarely required. And if you stuff something up things can get very messy.
The wait, long will it be.
I wish SO allowed picking your privileges like it was shopping -- I'd happily sell approve tag wiki, create tag synonyms, create tags, create gallery for access to mod tools
If d-coder says "poke, that was the problem, thanks", I'm going to have a minor fit
@tristan maybe you should stop being such a productive member of your company and instead spend your time answering questions, like me and @davidism did, hmmm?
django settings.py is rather idiotic in that it is pretty much impossible to automatically edit it
@Ffisegydd you just called me "maybe" :D
you'd rather find the existing INSTALLED_APPS
path was wrong
@Kevin Why?
Hey I just met you, so call me maybe.
I win. \o/
or you'd do: INSTALLED_APPS += ('foo',)
9 mins ago, by Kevin
Wild guess: settings_path doesn't end with a slash, so it's writing to "C:\programming\Pythonsettings.py" instead of "C:\programming\Python\settings.py" (or whatever your path actually is)
@d-coder Great. Well done for wasting several peoples time when you could have solved this yourself.
@Ffisegydd Ear-worm. Thanks.
@Kevin oh lol
Not even I read that
darn it!
Thanks guys
Also, false dichotomy @Ffisegydd. I believe I'm seen as "hyperchaotic good" aligned
@Kevin "you feel like you just got better in clairvoyance"
But in my defense, all this message moving confuses the hell out of my “what did I read yet” status.
Oh god things is bad, things is real bad lately in here, culture wise
I align with hyperchaotic goat
@tristan ?
I'll be in the angry dome if anyone needs me.
@JRichardSnape I used to, but have you had lamb vindaloo? Delicious. In about a week, there were no more goat aligned coworkers
@tristan :D
@AnttiHaapala :D excellent.
@AnttiHaapala Well that looks familiar
Also guys come on, Lawful Evil is clearly the best.
@JRichardSnape This room typically gets along with just a few of us being hyperbolic (myself included) to sprinkle some chaos into the conversation. Lately, the more tempered users have been pushed towards the "oh god I give up" end of the spectrum, which is rough because we're still fresh into the new school year
Well, the Guild of Assassins is Lawful Evil, and they have the best uniforms, so...
@tristan I KNEW you'd do that :) I still need to watch it.
i'm wearing sweatpants because i'm Apathetic Worksfromhome aligned
Nice Visual Studio. If you have a file open and you delete the folder in which it exists, the file editor stays open (so far good). And as soon as you modify the file, the filename in the tab disappears and you can no longer close the tab…
@RobertGrant it's quite good. it's a bit loaded at points. i think i took notes in case you're like me and prefer reading over watching

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