I bought it very cheap during the closing of the grocery market. The seller said that it was some kind of lettuce, but it tastes like upper leaves of cabbage.
Do we have a good dupe target for this: working of \n in python ? I've linked it to "Difference between __str__ and __repr__ in Python" and I guess the two links in Output string without quotes in the Canon collection are relevant, but I'm wondering if there's something more specific.
@JonClements yeah, I know disputed doesn't mean anything towards a flag ban, but there was absolutely no way that they should have been disputed, so I gave up.
Went to a beer tasting at 3pm right after work, got home, sleep.
I don't have much hope that this OP will clarify his question or post an MCVE, but I reckon we should give him 10 minutes or so. stackoverflow.com/q/31489121/4014959
@MartijnPieters as far as I can tell, no. Of the questions tagged jinja, most are either also tagged jinja2, or have "Jinja 2" in the title or body. The rest were all asked years after Jinja 1 was discontinued (2008).
Aaaarrrrgggghhhh. If I thought you meant that I would be surprised
I should perhaps also explain that it's currently 3:57 PST, and I woke up at around 6:57 BST. 31 hours and some thousands of miles later I can still find nothing better to do that witter in the SO Python room. Rhubarb, all (bugrit)
Millennium hand and shrimp (since @JonClements isn't here to write it)
So you have some "merge" tool that gets around this, or are you just referring to manually editing a bunch of the tags?
Should have put something like "Jinja 1 was last updated in 2008. If you have a question about it, use this tag and mention the version in the question."
Hmm, now that I look at it more, all the documentation refers to "jinja2", so that's probably the tag that should be kept. I think I'm making this way too complicated. :-/
"Doubt" implies skepticism. But you have no basis for being skeptical about never_cache. You're asking a question about its behavior without prior knowlege that would lead you to believe one thing over another.
Well I arranged for others to manage the Python meetup this weekend, so we could go to the beach with friends, but it's thundering and dark outside... so it looks like the day could be a bust...
Heh, I just woke up. I think I'll be working on some talk material today (about at the point to start coding so I can get to the 'how-to' example and profiling stuff).
A land mass where you can only really actually live around the edges with more creatures that can kill you than I can count... sounds like a great idea :p
I've written some code for this question, but I don't know if I should post it. The OP has responded to some requests, but the question is still rather unclear, and he's made no attempt to post any code.
I (mostly) wrote the code for my own education - I normally use GTK2+ for GUI work but I decided a week or so ago that I ought to learn a bit of Tkinter so I could answer Tkinter questions.
@PM2Ring yeah.. but at least in the UK if you see a spider in the bathroom, you can be relatively sure that if you just pick it up and throw it out the window, you're not in danger of it biting you and hoping the ambulance arrives in time
Think my mum travelled a bit around Oz... think she left home in her 20s to go there (so that'd be umm... early 1960s or something)
You can do that here, too, with most of them. The main spider to be cautious of that might be found indoors here is the redback, a rather small black widow spider, and it's quite easy to identify. And it's not aggressive unless cornered. You're not likely to find redbacks in a house that's cleaned regularly, but you may get them in sheds, woodpiles, etc.
@JonClements Cassowary. You have to go into the deep bush up north to meet those guys. But yeah, they're territorial and they can be very aggressive, especially around nesting season - the males protect the nest.
@JonClements An unlikely scenario, unless you like sleeping in cluttered old sheds. :) Redbacks are quite small & tend to run away when they encounter humans. You have to be pretty unlucky to accidentally grab one.
Several years ago, during a phase of not keeping my flat very tidy, I did find a redback inside. I picked it up with a stick and dropped it into a Daddy Long-Legs web. The redback was not happy. But the Daddy Long-Legs was - it captured & immobilised the redback in seconds.
@JonClements Another fun critter that lives in that part of the world is the crocodile. The fresh-water ones aren't too bad. You wouldn't go swimming in their territory, but you're safe enough in a small boat. OTOH, the salt-water crocs are mental. :)
OTOH, there are lots of un-scary critters. I get 6 different species of parrot visiting my birdbath. And there are kangaroos that live in the nearest big town - it's not unusual to see a few on the footy field.
I have some HTML content that I want to pass to the template to render. However, it escapes the tags to use HTML entities (<), - not like that's ever happened, hey @davidism :p
@overexchange "When dealing with lists like you are, though, the += operator is a shorthand for someListObject.extend(iterableObject)", this does not differ from what I said
what does it mean when my IDE tells me a function call can be replaced with a set literal? I'm doing return filter(None, list(set([self.funcOne(), self.funcTwo()])))
Hi guys, I want to understand a statement I encountered in a code. minW = min(width[x:(y+1)]) . I could see that its functional programming inside width list, but that is it doing, can anyone explain? I was thinking that its trying to find minimum between a range.
@mad_programmer There's no "lambda operation" or "functional programming" in the code you posted. All it's doing is taking a slice of the list from x to y and getting the min value from that sublist.
@mad_programmer There's no "lambda operation" or "functional programming" in the code you posted. All it's doing is taking a slice of the list from x to y and getting the min value from that sublist.
In a system with a bunch of CPU-bound stuff going on where you might multithread certain things, do you usually put all available threads in the pool for executing a given task or do you ever leave some unused? Sorry if that question doesn't make sense. New to threading.
guys, I have a list say l = [10, 15, 17, 18, 20] and I want to know if a sum of any two of the numbers in the list could produce 30, how could I achieve it?
In [2]: @testing.theShowMustGoOn ...: def f(a,b): return a,b
In [3]: f? Type: function String Form:<function f at 0x7f5422b3a378> File: /home/shulinye/.dotfiles/scripts/pythonutils/<ipython-input-2-ae60e95e813c> Definition: f(*args, **kwargs) Docstring: Wrapped with theShowMustGoOn