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Does anyone know if Pygame's event stack can see window resize events while they're happening (rather than only afterwards), or if it can see window move events at all? At the extreme risk of sounding like an idiot, "SDL events have something to do with it, right?"
I ask because pygame.event getters pause while window moves and resizes are in progress. There are a few questions about it, but none are conclusive[ in a way that I can comprehend].
2 hours later…
quick question -- if i want to remove a certain occurrence in a string plus a bunch of characters leading up to that occurrence, is there an easy way to do this using regex/python or do i need to manually come up with an algorithm
for example, if i have dir1/dir2/../dir3
i want dir1/dir3 as the result
so if i find /../ i want to remove it and also the directory before it
You could try using .split().
So if you want to remove `remdir` from `pathstring`, it'd look something like this:
chopped = pathstring.split('/')
chopped.remove(remdir) if remdir in chopped
newdir = '/'.join(chopped)
In Python, sorry.
i dont know remdir
it's all dynamic
Sorry, it's just a variable name
I was unclear.
split(delim) breaks strings into lists wherever the string contains delim.
i need /../ removed plus the directory before it too
remove(element) removes one instance of element from a list.
be careful because it throws and error if there is no element present.
That's fine, split deletes the deliminters.
You readd them using '/'.join(elements)
but it leaves me with the directory i need to remove still
so in
That's what remove is for :D
'dir1/dir2/../dir3' i get dir1/dir2 and dir3 right
i need dir2 removed then i add dir1/ with dir3
So it goes like this:
`split('/')` breaks your string into directory names and preserves the order.
`remove(dir2)` removes one item `dir2` from that list.
`'/'.join(elements)` reconstructs the list, which now lacks `dir2`, placing a '/' between each list element.
Aw come on backticks. ;-;
that makes sense
but i dont know dir2 at runtime
A word of warning
how do i figure it out dynamically
Assign dir2 to some variable and pass that to remove.
how do i figure out what dir2 is tho
So you know that the path is, but not what the second directory will be?
i dont know anything about the string
You could remove the second (well, first) element from the list instead of a specific one.
all i know is im getting a string
and i need to format it appropriately
So if you know that elements[1] is the wrong one, just use del elements[1]
not "wrong one", but "undesired"
Tell me a little more about this string.
It's a path name, yes? And you know you want to toss out the first directory from root, yes?
ok so
i have this
as an example
i want this: 'foo/bar/po/po/directory'
so /../ removed plus the directory before it
in that example it would be baz and cr
So you want to toss everything between "baz" and "directory", keeping "po/po", yes?
sorry, between "bar" and "directory" (keeping those things)
or i can have foo/bar/../baz
and i want foo/baz
see the pattern?
<str>/../ needs to be removed
Does the string '/../' appear, or is that shorthand for actual directories?
it appears
Okay then, you can probably use either strip, which removes substrings from your path, or you can use split and remove unwanted elements from the list.
i think i need a manual algorithm
((regex is probably a lot easier and faster to use but I don't know it very well.))
i need to find the positions of /../
then iterate backwards until the next / and remove everything in between
I don't think you do? If you use path.strip('/..') you'll get rid of all of them at once.
I mean, all instances of '/..'
Won't you?
i need the directories directly before /../ removed too
dir1/dir2/../dir3 needs to be dir1/dir3
get it?
Aa, yes.
when you navigate in unix
and you go ..
it negates the previous directory
so you're back at dir1
Okay, consider this, maybe:
` newpath = ""
oldpath = oldpath.split('/')
for n, step in enumerate(oldpath):
if oldpath[n+1] == '..': continue
if step == '..': continue
newpath =+ "/",step`
Formatting come on help me out... Just a sec.
WELL. I am new to chat and I still don't have the hang of formatting, but know that all of the steps following line 3 are indented one step. =_=;
what does that do
newpath is a blank string that will become the path you want.
oldpath is the path you're starting with, that you've told me.
the for.. loop enumerates each directory step in oldpath
if oldpath[n+1] == '..': continue tells the iterator to skip this step if the next entry is '..'
Oh, crumb. Also, there should be a thing in that that makes sure there is a next step.
Well! We've both learned something! :v
do you think that's an acceptable solution for a coding challenge?
probably not
Is the challenge simply, "make this wonky path into a normal one?"
write a method
that's a one line answer
I feel like a built-in is the obvious pick, but if they want you to be clever or obtuse, then it's way too plain.
I mean, you could use indices to find the locations of all of the '/'s, look at the string per index block, then convert all of the offending index values to "".
There are a million ways to do something badly. :y
It's tough to say what you ought to do without knowing the parameters of the challenge.
And also I don't want to do it for you. :I
no worries
i thought there might be an easy way in python
ty anyways
Looks like os.path.normpath is about as easy as you're going to get!
easy way to remove a substring chunk within a string?
like hello
i want to remove ell
keep ho
or hellohowareyou, remove howare
Yeah, I'd say re is the way to go.
hey, signed on to say goodnight!
Good night!
Oh, I hit the django meetup tonight... that was fun...
oh hey, who here likes version control? hyperpolyglot.org/version-control <- because yo dawg...
I got like 1 upvote today on my old stuff, what gives?
day before I got about 9.
It's Wednesday, devs should still be hard at work!
@tristan The Bubbly Professor
ok room, that's my contribution for the day.
Woot, I'm in the top 4000 of all time on SO!
ok, for real, going now
why does a string.replace('/./, '/') in po/cr/directory/././directory give me
i guess it replaces /./
with /
which leaves /./?
it's probably not recursive
It considers all instances of '/./' from the initial string only, not subsequent altered strings.
So yeah, it isn't recursive.
For instance, "dothisthis".replace("dothis", "do") -> "dothis", not "do".
You can chain on subsequent replace instructions, though, like "dothisthat".replace("dothis", "do").replace("dothat", "dunnit") -> "dunnit".
@foadster if all you're trying to do is get the absolute path from a path with relative components, just use os.path.abspath('/the/../path', would return /path
I have no idea why you've gone down a pages long conversation with @Augusta, but it looks pretty silly
A silly-looking but functional suggestion is better than silence. v( o_o )v
@Augusta actually, we discourage people from answering if they don't know what they're talking about
all I see is pretty bad advice all over
I appreciate that you've tried to help, but it looks like you've completely missed what they were actually trying to do.
Sure, guy. Duly noted.
FYI, I'm one of the owners here, not just some random person telling you off.
You know that you can be both at once, right?
Anyway, "knowing what you're talking about" and "knowing the best way" are different things, yes?
I'm saying that what I've said is policy, not opinion.
And if I didn't think it'd work and be useful, I wouldn't have said anything.
Listen, the last two pages of advice are terrible. Seriously. The entire conversation should have been "use os.path".
That has become an established fact.
Look, I get what you're reaching at. Really, I do.
Is there some other point you're pressing at?
Nope, just pointing out that there was a right way to do all that. Done.
You chose a terrible way of going about it.
Nah, I didn't.
Well. We'll just have to agree to disagree on that.
Well, you convinced me not to try and help.
Yeah, no, I'm pretty sure I won't be making any more suggestions either.
You might want to straighten that bit about not trying to help if you don't know "the best way" in the rules, though.
It's a bit of a gap.
Does anyone ever know the best way to do something?
Davidism did. Back there. With os.
Perhaps. Perhaps there is a better way
If you want to help, that's fine. If you go down a pages long conversation about splitting and working with paths with someone who's obviously new, and don't recognize that os.path exists, that's not fine.
Wait, what? Who recognized what now?
Explain that last part to me in detail, please.
that entire conversation was about manipulating paths
I was under the impression he was more interested in strings.
because he didn't know what he was talking about
Q: What is the XY problem?

GnomeWhat is the XY problem? When asking questions, how do I recognize when I'm falling into it? How do I avoid it? Return to FAQ index

Wait, so are you holding me accountable for what the person asking did or did not know?
I'll happily concede that I should have asked for more information before I thought on it, but I won't accept that it was this catastrophe you've made it into.
nvm. Didn't read back far enough
the third and fourth message from the user, right at the top were "I have /d1/d2/../d3" and "I want /d1/d3"
The week of great identicons!
I also still need you to explain to me what you meant when you said "don't recognize that os.path exists".
Rather than giving (less good) advice about str.split, str.remove, and regex, you could have just said "use the os.path module"
@vaultah just copy one of them and set it as your avatar, so it doesn't change :)
And what part of that tells you that I "don't recognize that" it exists again?
you didn't tell them to use it
This and that are different things.
Look, whatever.
I get you. This is turning into a schpiel, too.
2 hours ago, by Augusta
I feel like a built-in is the obvious pick, but if they want you to be clever or obtuse, then it's way too plain.
yeah, after >30 minutes of messages
@JanDvorak: That was after he found it for himself.
I was also still thinking of strings, rather than paths proper.
I'm very new to all of this- today I shared an experience (answered my own question) a good portion of my hard earned (tiny) rep was knocked down. How much rep can you lose on one question?
Okay, I think I'm missing something here. Are these messages hurting you somehow? I made a mistake in earnest, and missed a better solution. I didn't suggest anything that straight up didn't work, just objectively inferior options to this one thing that the asker himself found.
Because maybe they are.
The user was a mild help vampire. It's easy to get sucked into helping and not be able to see a bigger picture. What I've been trying to say is recognize something's fishy rather than indulging users. I don't blame you for trying to help, I'm just pointing out that it should have gone differently.
No, davidism. You absolutely did blame me there.
But regardless of whether you feel that way or not, point taken.
It did kinda sound like a blame
13 mins ago, by davidism
If you want to help, that's fine. If you go down a pages long conversation about splitting and working with paths with someone who's obviously new, and don't recognize that os.path exists, that's not fine.
"@Augusta actually, we discourage people from answering if they don't know what they're talking about"
Please stop. It's over.
Pretty intense.
Oh, of course.
I take "please stop" as an apology
@TimothyLombard you can lose an arbitrary amount of rep. link the question and maybe we can point out how to improve
at most 200 rep per day, though
But hey since you know the best ways, why don't you tell me how to format quotes? I'd love to know.
@JanDvorak I think you can lose more than 200, you just can't gain more than that
Q: Unable to connect to the Tableau TDE file.

Timothy LombardUsing python 2.7 with Tableau's dataextract module on Linux. Script runs, output file appears- I transfer to my Mac but when I use try to connect to the extract using Tableau Desktop I get the following error: Tableau Data Engine Error: 4: SimpleDatabase::SelectMetadataName: expected found...

@Augusta send the permalink to the message as the new message, chat does the rest
@JanDvorak I don't think there's a minimum to rep loss, but there's a practical limit in that, eventually, terrible questions generally stop circulating or get deleted.
can I delete my own question?
yeah, you can if you want
@TimothyLombard You can. It should be at the bottom of the post.
The rep cap only applies to upvotes/downvotes (separately), not on accepts. Let me look up about the negative rep cap, I'm pretty sure it's there
I'm sure I've seen a meta post about it.
If you do, it'll refund/deduct the change in rep that questions is responsible for to your total.
@JanDvorak Bounties aren't counted towards the cap, either.
the point I was trying to make is "the output file had size and appeared" I was puzzeled why the damn thing didn't connect.
Your question doesn't really read well. It could be better formatted. The actual problem description isn't clear either. What do you mean by "transfer to my mac" for instance?
the module doesn't run on mac so I run on a Linux VM. The tableau desktop doesn't run on Linux so I transfer the output file from my python script back to my Mac.
make sense?
then "I had to close the file" doesn't make sense, since the file on the mac is completely separate
Haven't found anything about the negative rep cap yet :-/
I had to go back to the linux machine. re-run the script with the expense_allo.close() at the end.
did you transfer the file before closing it? What I'm getting at is that the details aren't really clear
yes- I did't realize the file was still open.
I'll delete the question now.
Well, I'm out. This has all been super-unfriendly, but thanks for the quote thing, david. Best luck, Jan.
cbg @AnttiHaapala
what was that "write a wsgi server" article you were talking about earlier?
or wait, was that @JoranBeasley
10 hours ago, by Joran Beasley
have you guys seen the 3 part series on writing your own wsgi server in python ... its pretty awesome
never mind, it was :-]
@davidism ruslanspivak.com/lsbaws-part3 this one I guess
@JoranBeasley good otherwise but...
I guess some idiots will now think they should write a new wsgi server.
the latest new wsgi server I saw was falcon
Nothing found about negative rep cap :-/
I saw the path vs. manual string manipulation conversation after it was done, checked that something like normpath had been mentioned at some point so as not to have to do so myself, and then went happily back to watching TV.
Now after getting pinged by the new card in the RO Trello, I see that you've just spent over half an hour bawling someone out who was genuinely trying to help another user but didn't have an in-depth knowledge of the stdlib, @davidism ... not cool. Not cool at all.
can we take it to slack or trello?
Q: Convert the Django direct_to_template function to use class based view

Mr PurpleI am updating a Django project which used the direct_to_template as a function ie: return direct_to_template(request, 'bprofile/init.html', targs) As described a short way down this page I have seen the SO question here and read the documentation on this page which decribe the migration of st...

isn't this that they're using the wrong function? :D
@davidism Can I see the conclusion afterwards?
Q: Python Flask flash not working correctly

lakshmipathiI've simple 2 line code : @app.route('/contact/') def contact(): flash('We are reachable at ') return render_template('contact.html') I get the message 'We are reachable at' at /contact but it appears are normal text message. It doesn't background color(blue) or disappears after seconds. ...

"If I set timeout to cero, readline() returns empty"
@davidism Just seen this after writing something in Trello. Will open slack now ...
zalgo moment there
Goddamned caps lock :-/
@davidism @ZeroPiraeus AAARRGHH :D
@Augusta looking back over our messages, I want to apologize for how harsh I sounded. I think you understood what I was trying to say, but I definitely could have communicated better. Please consider visiting the room again, there are a lot of friendly people here. :)
Augusta: It's worth pointing out that we do sometimes see well-meaning but ill-informed advice here, and a lot of us as regulars feel quite protective of the quality of the help. Sometimes it's hard to get tone right in a text-only medium.
On a completely unrelated note, I came across this game through the soundtrack on Bandcamp. It looks pretty interesting.
@AnttiHaapala realpath? ;)
realpath calls abspath which calls normpath
I guess they do a little more to the path than just what was asked.
Anyway, rhubarb
Yeah, that looks quite fascinating. Might even persuade a non-gamer like me to give it a go.
Right, back to Silicon Valley for me ...
Hey up
@davidism abspath prepends the cwd to relative
if the task is to eliminate the '../' and './' then I'd use normpath
this is the stupidest method in the whole of python standard library
this should be an interesting thing to reimplement
actually, just fold the binary version, which is rather straightforward
@AnttiHaapala In fairness, it didn't take all that long to fix ;-)
still a better name than mysql_real_escape_string :-)
@ZeroPiraeus :D
@AnttiHaapala that is bizarre; it's not even path aware?
And cbg
@RobertGrant as Zero said, fixed in 3.5 already (quick action)
Oh I see :)
took only what, 25 years :D
Still, weird that they didn't just move it to be some sort of string tool, because it's got nothing to do with files, and make commonpath as well
that's the python standard library :D
Maybe they'll move it and deprecate os.path.commonprefix in Python 8
Argh come on D3
@foadster don't ping loads of people please
@Augusta @davidism guys, why so much fighting? I probably explained the question poorly, not Augusta's fault. canonical path is what I was looking for. you guys here are really nice! I appreciate it.
@Bob what you struggling with with D3?
Well Doctor Fizzy
I'm trying to combine the cool timeline thing from this with a stacked area chart
(Also, congratulations!)
And it almost works, except only the bottom area from the stack moves with the timeline :)
Ta chuck
I should point out, purely as an aside, that stacked area charts are the devil's work.
I personally find then worse than pie charts.
I promise I'm using them for a good reason :)
Cabbage guys :-)
Showing someone's total allocation over time, and which projects they're allocated to that make that up
Unless there's a better way to show it that I haven't thought of
The problem is that it's difficult to get the accurate structure of areas that aren't on the bottom
Because their baseline is data that is non trivial
Yeah, that makes sense
That y0, y thing

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