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only on even days that are modulo 6 ==0
@JonClements Anyone come up with the idea of a shirt that just has cbg on the front and rbrb on the back (in FF DIN, obviously)?
I like that
so simple, and awesome all at the same time
anyway - better go to bed - rbrb for now
rbrb, sleep well :-)
1 hour later…
Looks like I'm here first :P
wa so cool
ever since I graduated I get so many emails :|
1 hour later…
Q: Proposal: Possibillity to start chat with low rep users

Philip GQuite often I find that new users of SO also are new as programmers. Which could lead to a bunch of trivial problems easily solved in chat. But since you can't chat with low rep users these kind of questions tend to end up in a very long comment section. Why isn't it possible for highrep users t...

I thought of Jon's post
No (at least, that's not my intention in posting it) - just think it's an interesting variation on Jon's proposal.
Wotcha @Reut :-)
I do not speak Wotcha
SC2 IEM Life vs forGG was so good
anyone watching? :)
I'm mildly interested in watching SC2 matches, but can never find where they're being streamed.
Well yeah, I more meant the tournament matches.
wow, I knew that :-|
there are two matches simultaneously if you want: twitch.tv/esltv_sc2b
livestreamer is so great, twitch's flash player is awful, especially for 60fps
livestreamer twitch.tv/esltv_sc2b best
never had problem with twitch
the interface is pretty slow and buggy for me, drops a lot more on the site than streaming directly
it's from pypi lol
Instinctively tried sudo apt get...
just use arch: yaourt -S livestreamer :)
cool, now I'm watching both on dual screen
and it is better, thanks
wow, nice connection
I have Ubuntu
should I move to arch?
It definitely requires more awareness of your installation and configuration, but it is so much more powerful. Install exactly what you want, the AUR contains every package imagineable (instead of adding a bunch of ppa sources in Ubuntu). And everything is up to date rather than 6 months behind.
You can install Unity if you really like Ubuntu's interface.
I converted @PeterVaro months ago.
@davidism I wonder how much is supported
I mean you can have a ton of packages, but none of which are useful, technically
The official repo is well maintained and very extensive on its own. Anyone can submit to the AUR, but there are comments, votes, and flags to indicate support there. I've never had a problem.
I may try it some time soon
Perhaps even tomorrow
Upvoted: that's not a typo, it's a genuine misunderstanding about how to do what OP wants.
(also downvoted the answer for being as unhelpful as a correct answer possibly can be)
What did I do for -2 points? I fixed the code? — Mehmet Mert Yidiran 3 mins ago
I think he'll add the explanation
@JonClements Thats strange.... We interacted two days back in comments... That's how I remember the name...
@vaultah I see you guys explained in the comments I don't have privilege for making comments to questions. And also you guys didn't post the answer so I post. I can not say more than your explanation. It is injustice. If you know the answer, answer the question why you are commenting. Topic should be closed. Am I right? — Mehmet Mert Yidiran 32 secs ago
Ohh, good guy
brief cbg
Hey hey hey :-)
yo yo yo!
I'm writing an automatic retagger, really nervous about trying it out since it's authenticated as me. The api docs docs for editing are not that great, no indication if all data needs to be passed or just the changed data, or whether it should be GET or POST.
Ummm.... I await your edit privs/account suspension :)
In light of the recent retag/burnination rage we've been on, I figured it might be useful to mess around with the write api. o7
@JonClements Puppy, do you know how much the cost of a T-Shirt would be?
@thefourtheye nope - we need to get an idea of numbers first - that'll be a factor as to cost
Hmmm, I am actually more worried about the mode of payment.
I don't have a Credit Card...
Anyone here use behave?
I only use misbehave, it's more interesting.
@thefourtheye well - we're not sure about who we'er going to use - what shipping costs might be involved.... exactly what the designs are... etc...
@davidism ;)
Hey guys, quick question. Does anyone know how to sort a pandas dataframe based on a list. I've seen this post: stackoverflow.com/questions/26707171/… but when I try it with my dataframe and properly sorted list I get a 'KeyError'
I'd want a T-Shirt, and payment is not a real problem, the real problem is shipping
Do you think the issue is that my list isn't created using pd.Categorical?
@thefourtheye anyway - if you're interested - just put your name down, and we can finesse the details later :p
@JonClements Sure Puppy :)
Oh yeah... :(
@thefourtheye whats up? Why you sad?
@vaultah again... we're not exactly sure of the logistics.. but obviously who's interested will influence how we go about getting it actually done... we'll worry about the details later :)
cbg @Games
@JonClements Hola! :D
@thefourtheye I know how you feel, getting a credit card is hard in Bangladesh.
You need to jump through a lot of loops to get your stuff.
@GamesBrainiac Hey bro... Long time... How is your health?
@thefourtheye Pretty good man!
Worse comes to worse, we'll just get stuff bulk shipped to me/fizzygood/martijn/whoever... and davidism/etc... and then re-distribute stuff
Still the shipping cost will be more Puppy...
I would like my shirt hand-delivered by helicopter please.
@thefourtheye So you're trying to buy a t-shirt?
@GamesBrainiac I follow your blog man, its pretty cool :)
@Jon I'm worried about the local delivery, there's a chance I won't get a T-Shirt, thanks to our mail service
@thefourtheye sopython has a budget - albeit a small one - I'm sure costs can be absorbed to a reasonable level... we'll worry about it later!
@thefourtheye Thanks :)
@GamesBrainiac Yup, I would be proud wearing that T-shirt :)
@vaultah yeah.... considered living in a less psychotic country at all?
@thefourtheye What T-Shirt?
20 hours ago, by Jon Clements
Register your interest for a sopython/zalgo-like T-shirt at http://sopython.com/wiki/sopython_T-shirts/
@JonClements Same here in Bangladesh bro.
bbias - tea and toast time
@JonClements Awesome, one last question. Shipping more than 1 T-Shirt (probably 2 or 3) will have same shipping charge as one?
I'd imagine so
@Jon hah, obviously. Not an option at the moment ;(
Dark Council needs to be able to order one shirt in white and one in black. :)
@davidism +1 :)
@davidism is that so the DC can wear one colour, and its followers another? :p
Anyway - hungry, brb
yes, or we can order one of both and attempt to blend in, infiltrate the commoners rebels
@Mehmet by the way, your answer got more critical attention than it otherwise might because it was mentioned in the Python chat room. Now that you have the > 20 rep required to participate, you're welcome to join us there :-) — Zero Piraeus 13 secs ago
ok, here it goes, going to try the retagger
Welcome @Mehmet :-)
@ZeroPiraeus thank you so much :-)
I feel like a superstar :)
such a great show
TIL agile is dead.
Hi, @Mehmet. Now that you're here I'll let you in on a little secret: if you complete the Help Tour you'll get a badge and some points. But the real reward is that you'll understand SO better. :)
@GamesBrainiac really? how can I inform upper management?
Oh really :)
I didn't know this
@thefourtheye Don't forget to make your mark on all the trees pup!
@davidism Tell them that agile dave said so ;)
Just like playing World of Warcraft :)
@JonClements Should you even say? ;)
@thefourtheye well - you might lose focus on doing that what with a dead body and all that
@JonClements When did @thefourtheye become a zombie?
Somebody please go & upvote Zero's answer; we don't want Mehmet's ego to get too big. :D
@PM2Ring hahahaa :)
@PM2Ring Yes, everyone upvote my answer: not only am I the best at everything, but also I have my ego completely under control.
@MehmetMertYidiran welcome to the room - you'll find us a friendly bunch - and we were all new to SO once as well :)
cbg @Martijn
@JonClements once
@JonClements Thank you. You guys are great :)
is that true real time output blog.endpoint.com/2015/01/…
@MehmetMertYidiran No we are not... Most of us are crazy...
@thefourtheye I like crazy people I think they are great :)
I'm not crazy - I'm bananas! (see what I did there with Salad!? :p)
@thefourtheye Shhh! We gotta let them get brainwashed acclimatised before letting them know we're all insane ..
@Mehmet also, if you ever wonder why we might mention fruit&veg a lot - check out: sopython.com/salad
I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every second of it!
@JonClements Bananas
If insanity is a disease, I don't want a cure...
@JonClements I thought, Salad is a programming language so I google it like an idiot :)
@Mehmet you green bean you :)
@JonClements great dictionary Peaches and Pears
@Mehmet avocado!
@JonClements Actually I think this is very creative work you should expand this list :)
It grows organically... (as all good Salad should do) :p
@Jon if things are growing on your salad, that's usually a problem ...
well... does save making a dressing
@ZeroPiraeus lol
The best thing I read this morning
cbg Robert
how do you guys share images and videos?
Paste a URL or upload it using the upload button
Upload button at the right of the textarea (for images)
Oh just like that. I can't see an upload button for images?
You need 200 rep to upload images, or 100, I don't want to look
Oh purefect :) I should wait until the end of my noobity
by the way this is Lindsey Stirling and I'm a big fan of this girl :)
@MehmetMertYidiran You are a member for 2 years and you started answering today. So, officially your noobity is over today ;)
actually I'm a third grade computer engineering student
@thefourtheye I think you just made "noobity" up :)
I signed up 2 years ago but my english was bad
and now I feel ready for answering some questions in Stack Overflow but I'm not sure :)
@JonClements lol
@MehmetMertYidiran Well, just spend time composing an answer with explanations of why it's useful to the OP and you'll be fine... you can always ask the crazy people here for suggestions if you're unsure about a post etc...
@JonClements Thanks for your advice
cbg @Antti
@MehmetMertYidiran We keep a list of answers to common questions here ... its mainly so we can quickly mark duplicate questions, but it might be a handy resource to get a feel for what constitutes a useful answer.
what is the easiest tag for finding easy questions for me :)
@ZeroPiraeus Good work it will be very useful for me.
If there's a subject you know more than averagely well, but not many others do (relatively speaking), that's obviously going to be fertile ground - quite a few of the regulars here have their own niche.
@davidism sounds about right :)
@davidism Holy crud this is life changing. I watch tons of streams on twitch and the quality from this is MASSIVELY better. Thanks!
frantically throws together Powerpoint slides for a conf call in 70 minutes
Well, I was just uploading it so I could use it in a post, but I'll leave it up.
@ZeroPiraeus I think CSS is good for start :)
@AdamSmith best of all you don't have to see the chat (even when I have it hidden I know it's there)
Checkout this question that I asked :)
but yeah, it's way sharper and frame-rate-ier than the twitch player
@MehmetMertYidiran To expand on what Jon said: put your energy into getting the core facts of your answer correct and don't worry too much if your English isn't perfect. Other SO users will be happy to help you turn a good answer into a great answer. Check out this blog post by Stack Exchange founder, Jeff Atwood. Optimizing For Pearls, Not Sand.
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please don't post recent or unrelated questions here
There was a funny gif in the question :D
And RTFM for the answer
@MehmetMertYidiran Here's a trick: let's say you know a fair bit about a subject closely related to CSS - for the sake of argument, responsive design. A search like this catches unanswered, unclosed questions that might fly under the radar of the hordes of people watching the tag.
@PM2Ring OK I will read thx!
@ZeroPiraeus Like Google Dorks perfect tip. Thank you!
by the way I had made a gif for asking question :)
Isn't that funny?
Funny isn't it (correct)
It's somewhat annoying - anyway - why were you asking about trying a simple DoS attack? :P
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Q: davidism's sandbox

davidismCome visit the Python chat room to see what we're up to.

Turns out you have to make a post on StackApps to get write API access.
@JonClements for learning :)
@davidism really? That seems odd - reference?
this was webserver and DoS attack was successful
but there were other targets that I picked so I failed
> Apps must have a registered Stack Apps post to write.
I think they have Intrusion detection systems
I'm creating 5 droplets in DigitalOcean and making a DDoS lol :)
it works in small bussineses
@davidism what's that got to do with making a post?
@Mehmet not cool. If it were your own webserver that you were attacking for the sake of learning more about security, fair enough ... very few IT professionals/enthusiasts, including those here, are going to be impressed to hear that you're making their colleagues lives more annoying.
You need to make a post and link it in the app settings. Otherwise the api just returns a message telling you to make a post.
ahhh.... got you
@ZeroPiraeus I'm a script kiddie actually I don't thing I'm a threat for network professionals :)
@MehmetMertYidiran we don't care who you are, don't talk about ddosing here, and preferably don't do it at all
end of conversation
The fact that you're a minor irritant doesn't excuse the fact that you're an irritant.
Okay I get it sorry
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end of conversation
Welcome @Ashraf ... If you're new here, please take a look at sopython.com/chatroom :-)
Thanks Zero
yes, I am new here, as well as python as well
yay, the retagger works on individual posts, now to set it to full auto
@davidism are you putting some kind of delay between requests?
(and where can I find code for the re-tagger!?)
I'll put it up on sopython github this weekend
I'm counting # requests per second, and there's a backoff response for individual actions.
What are you retagging?
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sorry @Antti, but I really don't want to keep talking about it
also, cbg @Antii :)
I thought I'd put a better end of discussion
@davidism it's good when you're about - room management is soooo much easier :p
@JonClements His wish is our command. :)
I only want to talk about Python and cats... and I mostly want to talk about cats:
Am I allowed to chase the cats?
Okay... is that an S&M cat on the landing page? :p
batcat... LOL
In all the times I've shown that page to people, I have never gotten that question.
omfg... who in their right mind (last animated gif) would allow their cat to attack their tablet like that!?
@davidism I recognised batcat - I just thought I'd try and come up with something different... slightly concerned how my mind works (or doesn't) now...
yesterday I got a tshirt by hacking, with python
The dogs in those gifs are so patient.
@BrockAdams I suppose you're here from Stack Apps? Thanks for editing, didn't know it needed to be in the title as well as the tags.
@davidism You see, basically we are the good guys...
(says the evil twin)
retagger is slow, backoff time for edits is pretty long, can do about 6 before having to wait about 18 seconds
working on this meta request: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/284685/…
well, the tagger says it's finished, looks like the cache takes a while to update the count on the tag page
Arrite, what would you guys like to know more about in Python?
Im thinking about my next blog post.
@davidism Yep, even had a post downvoted (Not by me) because it was missing.*
* (We don't really know why that post was downvoted but it was just a placeholder.)
The obvious answer is to win people over by putting Calvin and Hobbes in the post. :)
Got my upvote.
@davidism Who's Calvin?
Calvin and Hobbes is a daily comic strip by American cartoonist Bill Watterson that was syndicated from November 18, 1985 to December 31, 1995. It follows the humorous antics of Calvin, a precocious, mischievous, and adventurous six-year-old boy, and Hobbes, his sardonic stuffed tiger. The pair is named after John Calvin, a 16th-century French Reformation theologian, and Thomas Hobbes, a 17th-century English political philosopher. At the height of its popularity, Calvin and Hobbes was featured in over 2,400 newspapers worldwide. As of January 2015, reruns of the strip still appear in more than...
Ahh. Now it all makes sense.
cbg @Ffisegydd
You missed my adventures writing a retagging bot to handle meta requests. I'll post it on sopython github this weekend.
@davidism Interesting.
still needs a bunch of work, it doesn't seem to handle multiple pages of results correctly
Interesting. Do you write a blog or something? I'd definitely to read anything that you've written.
I've considered it. There's a bunch of topics I could write about, just never get around to it.
@davidism That'd be pretty cool dude. If you're interested in setting up a static blog, I'd be happy to help you out (not that you'd need it, but still).
Ummm... a feature of sopython could be "member blogs"
rhubarb all, I don't know why I stayed up this late
rbrb... sleep well
@davidism You're addicted to cute puppies?
@JonClements Yo! How ya been?
could be, you'll have to read my blog to find out
@davidism go to bed! :)
What happened there?
Oooooo.... someone didn't test their script properly :( ouch
@davidism: if you are using a script, stop it now.
@MartijnPieters he's gone to bed I think
Well that's a good idea
Use some script / tool to edit (break) a massive amount of posts, then leave..
How many got edited?
Let's see
11.5 pages on his activity tap
230-ish posts
It was done in good faith - but yeah - that's not a terrific outcome :(
It's horrible :P
Imo, releasing a bot like that on that amount of posts without proper testing... Baaaaad idea
Especially if you're planning on going to bed, afterwards
he will beat himself up over this as well
He's probably be like "Ooooooh shiiiit"
What happened? Or how can I see the post history?
"someone" wrote a bot to handle re-tag meta requests
Well... I imagine that's an edit ban for a bit and a nice email from a moderator for David to wake up to
That bot replaced quotes and <> with HTML entities
@Cerbrus sounds admirable
On 230-ish posts
recalls of when Andy made a bot to flag comments
I'm impressed with the bot, sure :P
Oh, sorry, I was looking at the wrong post
Edits do look terrible
@Jon: I imagine so, yea
@Cerbrus Real coders debug in production :)
or, debug a day after airing on production
Real coders don't write bugs :V
@Unihedro I'm obviously not a real programmer
@JonClements That's unfortunate.
Okay, so: cleanup? Anyone interested in helping out could take a page from 1 to 11 here, mention which one they're attacking here in the room, then carefully go through and rollback/retag as appropriate.
^ You can get some help from the MSO lurkers when there are more people in there
@ZeroPiraeus: I think it's easier to let the mods rollback his edits, and then re-apply the tag edits.
Ummm.... shouldn't we wait a bit, or post that idea on the related meta post... I get the feeling that things will just get confused further with even more editing
I'll help when I get to work if we don't decide to let the mods handle it
Yeah probably @Jon
That ^ ^
@Cerbrus okay, if that's what works ... point is I think it's a safe bet people in this room will want to help out if possible.
Or, we could wait for the mods to roll it back, then make david fix his bot, and use that bot :P

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