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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

Where have all the programmers gone?
It's 7:20 on the Eastern seaboard, more just that there aren't any questions to tender at the moment.
everyone stayed up until midnight last night, maybe they all went to bed at 7?
Since when do programmers maintain regular sleeping schedules?
@ResMar since whenever they put a time.sleep(...) inside a loop
Ha. +1.
Why is the chat room called a cabbage?
3 hours later…
@BatScream Cabbage :)
@thefourtheye - What's Cabbage?
> Salad is a miniature language used in place of English in the Python room. It consists of words which happen to be English names for vegetables, fruit, fungi or seeds.
@thefourtheye Melon. Avocado. Laurel ;-)
1 hour later…
2 hours later…
Do you guys remember everything about python ?
So much so that you never do have to use google or a manual book to check out the functions and properties ?
Cbg :)
hallo all, this is the first time I join the chat and happy new year to you all!
@tilaprimera not that I'm very good at Python, but for say Java, which I'm paid to do, there's no way I could remember it all, or even most of it. I have a terrible memory. What is important however is knowing the principles behind how things work - this is a good example for Python.
@tilaprimera So I'd say don't worry so much about memorising all but the most useful functions, but do make sure you understand how the language works
Isn't this broad?
I have a problem (doesn't involve robots)
I have a class for .csv files
In my __init__ I open the file and save it to a variable
I have another method to read and print the entire .csv file
However when I call this method. I get an error
ValueError: I/O operation on closed file
I understand what the error is telling me, the file has already been closed
This is the __init__
with open(file, 'rb') as csv_file:
    csv_file = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=delimiter, quotechar=quotechar)
    self.csv_file = csv_file
shouldn't I NOT be getting an error since I saved the .csv file locally in the class?
class csv_file(object):
    A class that allows the user to read data from a csv file. Can read columns, rows, specific fields
    def __init__(self, file, delimiter="'", quotechar='"'):
        file: A string. The full path to the file and the file. /home/user/Documents/classes.csv
        delimter & quotechar: Strings that define how the table's rows and columns are constructed
        return: the file in a way use-able to other functions
        Initializes the csv file
is it a problem the the class and the the local csv file have the same name?
I'm confused. Are you calling the variable the same name as the class? Or is it just too early? Either way, best not to paste SO questions in here; they belong in the main portion of the site :)
I post on SO, thanks
@thefourtheye probably should ideally be on programmers
@thefourtheye but very cool, so I'm going to read it :)
can I post my question here before I post it, so I fix things if need be?
No, best to just post to SO I think.
@ComradeVader Yeah, the problem is that the file gets closed as soon as you leave the with context. So as an alternative to the code Benjamin Combourieu posted, you could open the file the old-fashioned way (not using with) if you want to save the file handle for later access. But if you do that, don't forget to close the file at some stage... However, it's probably cleaner to just open the file, read it into an appropriate data structure & close it ASAP.
but how would I know when to close the file?
b/c I could call one method on it or 52.
When you know you've finished reading from it. :) And that's (partly) why it's simpler to just read the damn thing in one hit, when practical. Of course, if it's a ginormous file that's too big to fit into memory you don't have that luxury.
@PM2Ring yeah but I am not worried
I don't think I wil be reading 1gb csv files into memory
You're just loading the whole CSV into a simple 1-D list, right? You don't need to preserve column structure or anything fancy?
And as Benjamin's says in his updated answer you can just re-open the file if you do want to re-read from it. And if the file isn't huge, it'll probably still be sitting in the cache (in a sane OS), so re-reading will be almost instantaneous.
no, I need 2d strucutre
That should still be ok. Generally, it is better design if you can organize your code so that you don't need to load the whole thing into memory, just in case you do want to work on very large files. But if you want to be able to do column-oriented stuff, loading the whole thing is simplest. OTOH, you can just re-read it each time you need a new column, and only store the data for the column you're currently interested in.
That sounds like a good solution to start with. Profile first and all that.
If it becomes a problem, maybe add a Redis cache or something to speed things up
Disclaimer: without knowing more, I have no idea if that last bit is a stupid suggestion :)
@abc done
I cannot speak
in android root
could give me permission
I'd really like a one-click "educate the user" button for Stack Overflow questions which say "but it's not working" or "there is an error".
@MiguelAnguloMartínez please don't bother us in here looking for access elsewhere.
another poor fellow
everyone should know english though
Also google translate is getting better.
Am I being too kind in this answer? stackoverflow.com/a/27741418/4014959
Sigh. User deleted his question after getting a (crap) answer.
@Ffisegydd I hate that.
I was part way through writing up an okayish answer too.
But it's not worth getting it undeleted really.
That sort of thing makes me nervous about answering borderline questions. I try to refrain from answering truly crap questions, but sometimes there's a kernel of worthiness there that deserves answering for future reference, if not for the sake of the OP. :)
@Ffisegydd Do you speak Welsh?
A bit
Ok. I've recently discovered the group 9Bach . I love their sound, but I get the feeling that their lyrics are rather bleak.
@RobertGrant thanks mate! cbg
Hi there!
Anyone has used scrapy.org ? or any other web crawler ?
Is there anything us lesser mortal can do for those cv-pls questions? Eg, is there any point in downvoting, commenting or flagging?
Downvote if it's downvote worthy. Flag for closing if you think it should be closed.
Flagging will put it into the Close Vote queue.
@Ffisegydd Ok. I've flagged it as Too Broad. But downvoting seems a bit mean. OTOH, the OP has been an SO user for a couple of years, so they should know better...
How should I flag that question - or should I even bother?
I don't think you need to flag it
Wonders will never cease: kasra posts a clear & correct answer: stackoverflow.com/a/27742170/4014959
Even a broken clock is wrong twice a day.
At least :)
Ps. cbg
Good Christmas @Robert?
PS. Cbg.
Yes thanks - very busy and not at all relaxing, but saw lots of people and fixed my house a bit :)
And yours?
Did absolutely nothing. It was perfect.
@Ffisegydd that sounds amazing
@Robert it truly was. I think I left the house 3 times over 2 weeks. I've literally just slouched out with my Mac in pyjamas.
Playing FF VI on my phone.
Going to get an early night and veg tomorrow; that's about the best I can do with the time I have :)
You still in the UK? I'm heading back to Bath tomorrow.
Nah, came back on the 30th
Or 29th. I forget now
We were stuck at Gatwick for hours because of that downed VA flight, and then stuck circling Dubai for 2 hours because there was fog (?), so those days are a haze of no legroom and endless movies
Urgh. Yeah screw that.
4 hours on an Arriva Trains Wales is bad, but probably not that bad.
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'packaging'
@foo/venv/lib/python3.4/site-packages/setuptools/dist.py", line 21, in <module>
packaging = pkg_resources.packaging
grr what happen
this is really strange
some % of time it includes dist-packages before my site
some % of time then not...
@AnttiHaapala cbg
Happy new cbg, even
happy new cbg to U2.
Does anybody here know anything about setting up flask on a Webhost? I'm getting a 500 error
And cbg too!
I have set up Flask before now. Are you sure your app is working in local when debug=True?
I intentionally removed all my code and setup the hello world example whichg works fine locally
How are you deploying it?
What are you using to serve it?
Weirdly, one SO question has two answers that both recommend Flask on Azure, but I won't mention that here
why does that pop there in the middle?!
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)

def hello_world():
    return 'Hello World!'

if __name__ == '__main__':
And in the .htaccess file
@Wally I dunno sorry, I don't know enough about it to help.
If you can get all the details together, might be worth a question on SO.
I guess that is worth a try
stupid dist-packages ended up in easyinstall.pth
@Wally dunno much about the setup, but Waitress is nice because then you don't need Apache/nginx (to start with), you can just serve stuff directly. That's what I use on Heroku with Django.
Just removes one possible source of error
@RobertGrant Can you point me to a tutorial on how to set it up
I only did it on Heroku, so it's probably different for your one. Where is your hosting?
Yeah I did it. I searched everywhere for spelling mistakes and finally found one.
Does anybody have any very cheap web host recommendations?

WebFaction Evangelism

Jun 25 '14 at 14:44, 21 minutes total – 23 messages, 10 users, 4 stars

Bookmarked Jun 26 '14 at 15:02 by davidism

Well now I have another problem. numbersindia.com is not loading any static dependencies like CSS files or other static files.
Wait that may be due to permission errors
I don't get that python hasn't -1**2 right even it's according the spec
Which is ridiculous
It's consistent though. Google, WolframAlpha, R, and Python all return the same thing.
I don't have any other REPL like things to hand.
And by BIDMAS it makes sense. Brackets, Indices, Division, Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction.
It's 1**2 multiplied by -1.
@Ffisegydd It's unary change sign it is not substraction
Ah touche. I always thought of it as multiplying by -1.
Yeah I'm sure negation is the stickiest. Perhaps Bidmas starts with a silent N?
It'd end with a silent N surely?
Otherwise you'd get 1 rather than -1
Or maybe BINDMAS
Happy Bindmas!
Btw do we have a canonical question for "What should print (-2 ** 2) return? According to my calculations it should be 4, but interpreter returns -4."?
(or similar)
It's actually ridiculous; why on earth is that the result?
@abc uhhh well I just found a question answered by you :P
I thought about finding a good dupe-target and closing it
And I'm happy to put it in the canon list.
Rbrb :)
You've explained why it is.
Added it to the canon list sopython.com/canon/60/…
Simple question. I want to replace a number at the beginning of a string (using re.sub and backreference) with a differ 10*3ent value. For e.g x = '10_abc' I want to replace 10 with 10+20.
>>> re.sub('^(\d+)', '{}'.format(int(\1)+20), x)
File "<stdin>", line 1
re.sub('^(\d+)', '{}'.format(int(\1)+20), x)
SyntaxError: unexpected character after line continuation character
@Ffisegydd Oh. Feel free to edit it (if needed) :)
how can i fix my re.sub?
@linuxfan you need to check whether you can use re.sub with matching groups.
@Ffisegydd ok I assumed that it works automatically
@linuxfan You'll need a lambda function
One problem is that you've got \1 but it's not inside a string, so it needs to be '\1'. But then the issue is that it's not taking \1 to be the first group.
I need to look it up again. I never remember how to use those
@linuxfan re.sub('^(\d+)',lambda r:str(int(r.group(1))+20), x)
yes that
@Xavier thanks a lot
cbg dude
what's the fastest way of checking is something other than x is inside of a list?
e.g. list = ['', '', '', '', '', 'd']
I could use a foor loop but that might not be the best way
So you just want what? A non-empty string?
So ['d']?
for item in list:
    if item != '':  # something other than an empty string is in the list
I want anything other than an empty string
Ah ok.
In [19]: a = ['', '', '', '', '', 'd']

In [20]: b = [s for s in a if s != '']

In [21]: b
Out[21]: ['d']
I only want to know is there is something other, not modifiy the list
I was hoping that this might work but it doesn't.
if '' not in list:
Ah ok.
any(i == '' for i in a)
So if any of the elements is equal to '' it'll return True, you just need to do not any(...)
Cool, didn't knwo about the any() thing
There's also all if you need to check all elements of an iterable.
nope, I only need one :D
Yeah dude :P just for the future though.
@PeterVaro hmmm, it wants me to partition manually and I am already nervous :(
>>> print x, c
['', '', '', '', '', '', 'd'] ['', '', '', '', '', '']
>>> any(x), any(c)
(True, False)
cool, it works
also what python shell are you using @Ffisegydd?
IPython afaict
@abc Thank You.
Yeah IPython is the boss.
@ComradeVader note that any(x) will test any values of x for Truthiness.
There're also bipython and bpython :)
So the number 0 would be Falsey,
@Ffisegydd Oh I see
Same for an empty dict or list.
but if it was zero it would still be '0'
it would all be strings
Ah ok, as long as you're absolutely sure it will always be strings.
Generally I'd use the =='' anyway just because it's more explicit and obvious.
I am 100% sure
plus, it's always fun to use new stuff
@thefourtheye unfortunatelly I'm on mobile but you can aleays download the gparted live CD and format your drives with that
It has GUI and it is very easy to use.. However i you are following the instructions of the beginner's guide of the wiki there are several options there explained already
And don't be scared -- CLI is not just another "view" of the same ol' thing;)
@PeterVaro I just parked that for the moment now...
Its night here and I don't want to screw up anything at night
anyone wants to try Lotv ?
what is Lotv @Walle ?
@thefourtheye aren't you testing it inside a VM?
IIRC you said you would do that..
Yes, I am.
Ah, okay then :) (Just checkig => I think in that case, you really can't destroy your currently running system :))
@PeterVaro :) I 'll try that in my morning time. I would be ready to face problems then ;)
All righty -- btw I found a pretty nice article on lifehacker about installing arch
It is a step-by-step guide, with images, etc
I hear the arch docs are great as well
also manjaro is arch with the beginner in mind
Based on the wiki -- you should search for that too!
@PeterVaro Sure, I ll do little bit of reading before doing anything with Arch
Manjaro is Arch-based and IMHO it misses the point -- Arch's philosophy is that you should build your own distro with the thing you need
@thefourtheye is this your first linux install?
If something @ComradeVader there is a distro called Antergos or something like that
@PeterVaro I tired arch
didn't get past the installation
It is way closer to Arch -- but I recommend at least one full installation of Arch before switching to a derivative
(Although I still prefer bare Arch)
I prefer a debian based distro b/c I can ask on AskUbuntu
@ComradeVader it took me a day for the first time, now I can install Arch in like an hour or so
I already wrote N installation script in python (not finished yet) which will install an set everything for me
but aren't the software repositories even scarcer on arch then they are on ubuntu?
@PeterVaro why would you need that?
Arch only has to be installed once AFAIK
Definitely not. Arch has the best package manager of all distros, with a huge amount of updated packages (actually I couldn't find a thing which is not in the "standard" or at least in the AUR yet)
I guess I should install arch
In a perfect world you don't have to reinstall anything..but 1) we are not living in one 2) I created it, so I could maintain the exact same installation in a VM as well (for testing purposes)
You definitely should => even if you are not going to use it, you will learn a lot about GNU/Linux
Just came across a triage item that was too broad, primarily opinion-based, off-topic (tutorial request) and if it had been narrowed down to eliminate those problems, would have been a duplicate.
We still need "unclear" for the big 5. ;)
If only it had included one more question that was "unclear" we could have awoken Skynet
Well I already have Linux Mint installed
is arch lighter than deb?
Little did they know that the AI they had designed to destroy low-quality posts on StackOverflow would one day turn its sights on the destruction of the entire human race
"I'll be back, as soon as I register a sockpuppet through a proxy server" –The Overflowminator
@ComradeVader Nope, I am using Ubuntu now
@thefourtheye why do you want to switch to arch?
I recently faced a problem with Python 3.4's ensurepip module, which is not patched yet in Ubuntu.
So Peter suggested Arch
is it just ubuntu, or also ubuntu derivatives
Is Debian affected?
As for as I know Ubuntu 14.04 is affected
My best guess would be, yes, debian would also be affected.
I just found out that there is a fully functional terminal inside of pycharm, cool
Actually I described how I fixed it, in this blog post
@ComradeVader I just found out that it still installs even if you cancel out of the administrator password request, and supports version control integration. Very cool. Spyder, I'm breaking up with you.
@AirThomas yeah the admin password bug has been in there forever :D. I am sure they know about it as well.
I have a question
I have a Class A
class A had method b and method c
I would like to in method c call method b
How do I do this?
It is a lot harder than I though
problem is that method b expects be called on an instance of class A
pseudo code
class CsvFile(object):

    def __init__(self, path_to_file):
        self.csv_table = path_to_file

    def read_column_of_table(self, col_num):
        return content_of_that_column

    def remove_empty_columns_from_table(self)
        for columns in number_of_columns:
            # how do I access the read_column function?
            if read_column_of_table(colunms) == empty:
                # do something (not important)
Cabbage, all.
Cbg dude.
Cabbage @DSM :-)
I think you want @classmethod, @Comrade
self is an instance of class A
read_column would be b and remove_empty_columns_from_table would be c
@abc care to expand a tad?
Sorry, why doesn't self.read_column_of_table suffice?
b/c I actually want to call it on a new table I created in method c
Is this table an instance of CsvFile?
maybe my class hierachy needs to be changed
no, it would be more like self.csv_table
Let me try again. Of what type is self.csv_table?
@Vader: so path_to_file is a list? Okay, I'm out -- your naming conventions are too confusing for me. :-)
path_to_file is a string
.. you just said that self.csv_table is a list of rows, and your code contains the line self.csv_table = path_to_file
I'll tap in. Vader can you give us actual code, not pseudocode, in a dpaste.com.
I have a quick question related to WTForms: How can one set whenever checkbox should be checked by default if using MultiCheckboxField from FAQ?
@Fizzy: the field is yours!
Vader okay. Now how would you use this? And where is it failing?
I would like to use this python script to eventually plot me some data from the csv file. Now, I am quite far from that atm.
Yeah okay. But how would you use it? What code would you use? When is it failing?
This is an example csv file
When I export the csv file it export until the last field, in this case G:10
between that there are empty rows and columns
As these contain no useful data I would like to erase them
I am able to erase the rows
I am having trouble with the columns
not so much algorithm wise but more python wise
@thefourtheye (now I'm back on desktop again)
What's not working? Come on man, help me to help you. At the moment I'm pulling teeth :P
def clean_file():

    new_file = []

    # code to clean rows

    for nth_column in range(len(new_file)_:
        new_file.read_col(nth_column)  # how do I do this?
the last line doesn't work in python
because new_file is a list not an instance of the class
So clean_file is a method of the class?
It needs to be passed self then, yes?
I would like to re-use code I already wrote
00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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