I just want to know how to make a cython extension that imports from a .pyd. I believe they are to be treated as libraires, but how do you work with pre-compiled libraries in cython?
In order to increase the efficiency with which poor quality questions are closed, it could make sense to have weighted close votes for a small subset of qualified users.
A very good way to measure the qualified users would be to leverage the tag badges. However, it needs to be rationally limite...
Hi all. I know that Python doesn't require that variables be declared before usage, and that's consistent with other scripting languages I've used. However, because I have some Java/C# training, I'm still pretty much in the habit of assigning "self.variable = None" at the top of a class for any classwide variables I use (or just "variable = None" if at the top level). It's a little bizarre becaue I don't see what object type they're eventually going to hold, but I put that in a comment...
Is this considered decent Pythonic practice, or am I shoehorning in ill-fitting ways of thinking from other languages?
@Kevin Kevin, This makes sense to me and was my original idea, and while it's true that I thought the idea of using a mutable class object with changed attributes could allow for a nice template for instantiations when referring to the same object was desirable, I now see that it makes things less flexible unless the class is designed explicitly for one and only one instantiation in every conceivable application; it also reduces clarity when objects are instantiated.
@AnttiHaapala I think I haven't fully wrapped my brain designing for Python modules yet; I've been so in the habit of writing self-contained Bash scripts or AppleScripts over the past few years that I once again need to get used to the idea of subdividing functionality across files.
I need to count the number of times recursion in a python program. So basically I need a static variable kind of thing (like in C) which can count the number of times the function is called.
Just wanted to vent about this question stackoverflow.com/q/23537510/553404 I mean how can you type out a load of code and not even check that it runs! aaaaagh
@IvanX I usually see variables declared only when they're needed, and no earlier. I can think of two reasons why this might be preferable. 1. It's less code. 2. It guards against a class of logic errors where you attempt to access a variable before it is declared.
doing should_preserve_file = None at the start of your script, if you mistakenly put if not should_preserve_file: delete_file() before the variable gets given a meaningful value, Python will cheerfully delete your valuable file; if you never did should_preserve_file = None, you would get a NameError or AttribtueError, informing you of your mistake, and your file would be safe.
Well, here's how it works now: it takes the if branch because "hello" has a length longer than one. It skips the second if because "h" doesn't equal "e". Then the program ends, printing nothing and returning nothing
@Kevin umm.... I think I could live with that approach... recursion as part of data structures actually makes sense and by that stage hopefully grasping more... and then at least you're not trying to work out why your recursive algorithm doesn't count characters currently and wondering why these function things made what should be simple so bloomin' difficult :)
import re
for word in ['hello', 'helllo', 'hellllo', 'helllllo', 'hellllllo']:
print word, len(re.findall(r'(.)\1', word))
hello 1
helllo 1
hellllo 2
helllllo 2
hellllllo 3