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spent all this time trying to understand the code. Then I just copy and pasted it and it works fine :| mreh.
@Crow what code? mine?
nah, my professors
he does weird things. I think we're from very different backgrounds so I don't really get what he's doing and he doesn't get what I am doing
I am getting this errror: # RuntimeError: Maya command error // but the output is what I want, I guess I can safely igrnoe that then
@Vader : chunks = lambda l,k : itertools.takewhile(bool, (l[i*k:(i+1)*k] for i in itertools.count()))
@ddelemeny that's a one-liner
also I am trying to solve it on my own
There's a few lesser known python features in that one-liner :D
maybe, but I do not look one liners
not becuase they are one line
@poke Got a doubt
a, b = 1, 1.0
print type(a), type(b)
print a == b
but becuase there is too much info in one line
How do we explain this? Python is strongly typed, right?
The alternative is that 1 != 1.0, and that's rather untenable, right?
@thefourtheye python has implicit conversion for numbers
Actually, we shouldn't be able to compare them, as Python is strongly typed.
@ddelemeny Oh, can you please point me to some doc reference, where I can read more about it?
searchin it
Thank you :) I searched briefly and I couldn't get anything :(
"Python fully supports mixed arithmetic: when a binary arithmetic operator has operands of different numeric types, the operand with the “narrower” type is widened to that of the other, where plain integer is narrower than long integer is narrower than floating point is narrower than complex. Comparisons between numbers of mixed type use the same rule."
> Rich comparisons (implemented by methods __eq__() and so on) never use coercion. Three-way comparison (implemented by __cmp__()) does use coercion under the same conditions as other binary operations use it.
Mainly PEP 207 and the implementation of long’s richcompare I guess.
@ddelemeny Thanks @ddelemeny :)
So this behaviour is applicable only to numeric types. :)
Because rich comparison are what happens under the hood and PyObject’s rich compare does type casting for compatible types before going down to the actual implementation.
In py2, there is also a total arbitrary order on types, you can do None <= object(), it will not raise an error. This changed in py3 iirc
Nice, but that breaks some code I put up here before.
darn it.
In [29]: class A(): pass

In [30]: A() > A()
Out[30]: True

In [31]: A() < A()
Out[31]: True

In [32]: A() > A()
Out[32]: False
There's gotta be a better way
@AaronHall I'd store computed key values
To do both max and min on a generator without materializing it.
Good call
I was trying to keep it simple...
and :
In [33]: max([])
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-33-8d2766aecf92> in <module>()
----> 1 max([])

ValueError: max() arg is an empty sequence
so 2 extra lines just for that.
Does Python optimize lambda x: x?
Is that my gold badge question?
@AaronHall Thanks, that’s where I had seen the max min thing before.
In [36]: import dis

In [37]: dis.dis(lambda x:x)
1 0 LOAD_FAST 0 (x)

In [38]: dis.dis(lambda x:x+1)
1 0 LOAD_FAST 0 (x)
3 LOAD_CONST 1 (1)

In [39]: dis.dis(lambda x:len(x))
1 0 LOAD_GLOBAL 0 (len)
3 LOAD_FAST 0 (x)
@AaronHall Because I had this question today.
Sweet, the bugger used my code and didn't even accept it. :)
It’s not exactly your code though
it uses sequences instead..
But see the second part of my answer for some possible improvements
Oh, sure, let's assume we're getting a sliceable iterable. Gosh, why write such limited code?
In [42]: def foo():
....: f = lambda x : x
....: return f(3)

In [43]: dis.dis(foo)
2 0 LOAD_CONST 1 (<code object <lambda> at 0x16c5cb0, file "<ipython-input-42-85eb4d9b698b>", line 2>)
6 STORE_FAST 0 (f)

3 9 LOAD_FAST 0 (f)
12 LOAD_CONST 2 (3)

Looks like it's not optimized :/
Yeah, I'm doing the single call:
def max_min(iterable, key=None):
        returns a tuple of the max, min of iterable, optional function key
        tuple items are None if iterable is of length 0
        if key is None:
            key = lambda x: x
        it = iter(iterable)
        _max = _min = next(it, None)
        _max_key = _min_key = key(_max)
        for i in it:
            key_i = key(i)
            if key_i > _max_key:
                 _max, _max_key = i, key_i
            elif key_i < _min_key:
I'll ask the question based on this code, and you answer it?
on optimization ?
Why would it be optimized?
lambda x: x creates a function.
So at the point where it is created, a function is requested.
Only later, when that function is used somewhere, optimization would be technically possible.
But that that point, there is nothing that tells that it was a lambda before and that it actually was an identity lambda.
optimized as in skip the code line that uses it and assigns it to the same variable
foo = lambda foo: foo might as well not run, right?
why not?
It’s a function
yeah, an identity though
If you skip it foo would be None
After the line foo(x) is x must be true.
ok, so see how my max_min function takes a key function?
That's language semantics, not optimization. an optimizer could see that foo might be an identity function under certain predictable conditions and create an alternative path to replace it's invocation by it's known result
that's what I'm saying
But I didn't truly expect CPython to go this nasty. That's for gcc compilers :P
I'm about to pull the trigger on the specific ask.
I'll paste the opcodes :P
Adjusted my answer here with some more details on some tests I did btw: stackoverflow.com/questions/22283331/…
tl;dr: You can’t optimize max_min because it will almost always be slower than using min and max separately.
Posted it
Q: Does Python optimize lambda x: x

Aaron HallSo I wrote some code for a max/min that assumes a bottleneck on generating the data (else I'd just use max and min): def max_min(iterable, key=None): ''' returns a tuple of the max, min of iterable, optional function key tuple items are None if iterable is of length 0 ''' i...

I don’t think you should use the max_min as an example there. Just make it more basic or people will comment on the implementation itself.
Linking to your answer is fine for those who are interested in the origins, but the question should stay on-topic of the lamba only
Ok, I'll whittle it
Maybe you can come up with some other concise example instead
Just skimming the problem, but if you want to avoid calling the identity function, what about it = iter(iterable) if key is None else (key(x) for x in iterable) or something? It'd probably be slower, but would (1) avoid calling the key function and (2) avoid code duplication.
@DSM Good idea; you’d probably want a (x, key(x)) tuple though.
Well, whatever. I'm not a details guy. :^) And I'd be surprised if this were a bottleneck in real code anyway.
Is there a backstory here on why we're not just using min and max?
> If you are writing your own min/max combo function to be faster than the builtins I would suggest Cython or C.
Knew it @AaronHall ;D
experience is a teacher. :)
@DSM See also this
Ah, okay. I see how we've arrived here now.
I intend to go back and upvote everybody that made it good after a bit, and poke, I did see your edit at the end of your answer. :)
that's what I was thinking would double my line count
I also thought of using tuples like poke said above
but I think the optimal code means two nearly identical branches.
I have a feeling people create new accounts just to ask a single question and then abandon the account immediately.
Decided to post a prosa answer.
Btw. I ran a timeit on a 100000000 range now (timeit number=100), and these are the results:
optimized min_max in Python: 321.8259302787483
separate built-in min and max: 343.2594433063641
So, it’s really not worth it.
-- I probably have done too much optimization lately…
Oh, cool, it's faster!
Be sure to include that, it makes me look good!
Yes, very slightly with removed key support.
that's about 7% improvement!
> Premature optimization is the root of all evil
But it's a handy procrastination tool
In computer science, program optimization or software optimization is the process of modifying a software system to make some aspect of it work more efficiently or use fewer resources. In general, a computer program may be optimized so that it executes more rapidly, or is capable of operating with less memory storage or other resources, or draw less power. General Although the word "optimization" shares the same root as "optimal", it is rare for the process of optimization to produce a truly optimal system. The optimized system will typically only be optimal in one application or for one ...
Oh noes, I was wrong.
339.2598032755777 vs. 444.18993883393705
So it’s a bit more, but likely still not worth the effort to implement it…
@ddelemeny dis.dis(lambda x:x) won’t check the dis of the lambda function, but just of “take x, return x”
@poke : i get the same opcodes for
dis.dis(lambda x : x)

def f(x):return x

What do I miss ?
dis.dis takes a function and gets the opcodes for that function body (the function’s code object to be precise)
Or wait
I just understood what your point is.
You thought I was checking the creation of the lambda ?
Yeah :P
Ok :)
Note though that the actual execution of the function isn’t what’s expensive about those function calls, but rather the whole stuff around it, i.e. the stack allocation and stuff.
I can believe that
Oh gosh, it's late.
Indeed, I’m out. Rhubarb! :)
Well, bye... or rhubarb as you say here
Performance check:
A: get minimum and maximum values from a 'for in' loop

Aaron HallIn the case that you only want to go through your iterable once, (say it's an expensive operation to do, and really that's the only reason you should do this, instead of doing max or min separately): def max_min(iterable, key=None): ''' returns a tuple of the max, min of iterable, optio...

do i need this inside a class?>> if name == 'main':
I found a 9% improvement with no lambda over max and min, and a 40% improvement with a lambda.
argh! it's hard to explain
post more code
Why are you wanting to see if the class is in the main module you're running?
why would that matter?
I don't think you need that "inside a class"
A: Does Python optimize lambda x: x

Aaron HallPerformance Check No one's done a performance check here yet, so here's what I think is likely to be the better alternatives: use a ternary operation or separate control flow (I'm pretty sure separating control flow will be the best solution). To test them, in Python 3: import timeit setup =...

Posted my own answer that does the performance check.
how to paste code here? :p
@KrisEdison Ctrl+V, Ctrl+A, Ctrl+K
thanks @Bibhas
i dont know how to do this properly
class Connection:
	def __init__(self, dbms, server, port, uid, pwd, dsn):

	if self.dbms=='ORACLE':
		cs="user= '" + uid + "', password= '" + pwd + "', dsn= '" + dsn + "'"
		cs="dsn= '" + dsn + "', UID= '" + pwd + "', PWD= '" + dsn + "'"

oops! got it
@KrisEdison Umm, why isn't the if block inside a method? When would it execute?
I already put it inside.. :)
@KrisEdison cool, this is another way of doing it -
In [9]: %paste
class Connection:
    def __init__(self, dbms, server, port, uid, pwd, dsn):

    def connectionstring(self):
        if self.dbms=='ORACLE':
            cs="user= '" + self.uid + "', password= '" + self.pwd + "', dsn= '" + self.dsn + "'"
            cs="dsn= '" + self.dsn + "', UID= '" + self.pwd + "', PWD= '" + self.dsn + "'"
ow thanks!
sorry.. just a noob.. :)
hey cabbage all
if i'm supposed to condition on an expression where if"near" or"behind" comes after the word "phase" , the regex should extract the word before "phase" .. it isn't working with my regex exprssn
@Sword try
actually, the non capturing group is not being used
yeah..1st one dint work
523 , 8th cross , j p nagar 3rd phase near old
returns "phase near"
def phase_st(str):
    regex = re.compile(r'''
               (?:\d{1,2}\s)(phase\s\w+) # rule 1
                 |   # or
               (?:(road|apartment|building|layout|nagar|block).*?)(phase\s\w+)# rule 2
                 ''', re.X)

    match = regex.search(str)
    if not match:
        p = re.compile(r'(phase\s\d{1,3})|(\w+\s\w?\s?phase)')
        results = p.search(str)
        if results is None:
           return ''
my entire regex code
i have 3 conditions
@Sword you can simply remove the phase after getting the relevant part, or use a slightly different regex: (\w+)\s+phase\s+(?:near|behind).*
i have a question again
what is the advantage of calling import before all codes vs calling it when needed?
@KrisEdison shouldnt be any i guess . importing in parts is a pain when u suddenly see a piece of code not executing due to undefined statements..
i see
thanks @Sword
@Jerry this thing gives me the entire sequence
stri = "523 , 8th cross , j p nagar 3rd phase near old"
p= re.compile('(\w+)\s+phase\s+(?:near|behind).*')

q = re.search(p,stri)
'3rd phase near old'
or .groups I tend to forget
that gives only 3rd
isn't that what you're looking for?
i want 3rd phase
the word before phase
my bad again
i think i should jump from a rooftop
.. well, put it back (\w+\s+phase)\s+(?:near|behind).* and use q.group(1)
will this be applicable to any other string too?
in any case, you could also return the match, plus ' phase'
yeah it works.. this is 1 condition out of 3
so that's one down already ;)
yeah.. but have a look here first
def phase_st(str):
    regex = re.compile(r'''
               (?:\d{1,2}\s)(phase\s\w+) # rule 1
                 |   # or
               (?:(road|apartment|building|layout|nagar|block).*?)(phase\s\w+)# rule 2
                 ''', re.X)

    match = regex.search(str)
    if not match:
        p = re.compile(r'(phase\s\d{1,3})|(\w+\s\w?\s?phase)')
        results = p.search(str)
        if results is None:
           return ''
doesnt seem to work here
ok, I would like to get a bigger picture here. What are you trying to do with the 3 rules exactly?
1st rule -- if a single or double digit come before "phase" , extract "phase" and word after it.

2nd rule -- if those words in Or come before phase, extract phase along with word after it

3rd rule-- if near behind follow phase , extract phase with word before it..

and if none satisfies, use p=re.compile for general extraction.
@Jerry is the problem with return match.group??
@JonClements wb
ty @sword
am i the only one who think she's irritating
@terfin cbg!
@JonClements Potato?
@terfin well, it's monday... so banana rather than bananas I guess... potato?
@JonClements bananas, I guess. I had a lot of fun with AngularJS in the weekend and also, going to have a whole day of knockoutJS ahead of me... I guess it is not too bad, I somehow like javascript.
heya @radomaj
@Terfin each to their own I guess :)
@JonClements I wish I could do more Python at work tho :(
@Terfin well, if you can't do Python - the next best thing is obviously hanging out in the Python room where they talk about cabbages :p
Hello, @JonClements. Just got my privilages and decided to check out the chat. Don't worry, I'm not going to say anything and disrupt you. I finally decided to get some SO rep and here I am.
@JonClements Workplace is all Microsoft oriented, so Python is not very much welcome there... they prefer .NET
@radomaj congrats and welcome - you're not disrupting anything - feel free to chip in whenever you want...
@Terfin you can't convince them that IronPython is .NET? :p
@Jerry i tried it on individual string and its because of match.group(1). is there a way to make the matching homogenous? 2 statements match correctly with group.1 and one needs group(2)
@JonClements Well, if it was up to me, I would soon throw ASP.NET out of the window at any time and replace it with Pyramid or Turbogears, or quite possibly Flask or Bottle....
@Terfin or someone that can type HTML really quickly? :p
@JonClements Hehe, I don't think that this is the right definition of dynamic HTML :P
@Sword Sorry, I got caught up in other things. I would advise taking 3 separate regex to do this. If rule 1 doesn't match, try rule 2, if that doesn't match, try rule 3. You're less likely to make mistakes then
u mean if else from start to end?
@Sword you can loop instead, something like:
for rx in [re1, re2, r3]:
    m = rx.match(text)
    if m: break
But put the what to do in the if m... otherwise you'll end up with another if check
@JonClements return the matched exprssn
if it matches , return that portion
have u read the 3 rules that i mentioned above?
1st rule -- if a single or double digit come before "phase" , extract "phase" and word after it.

2nd rule -- if those words in Or come before phase, extract phase along with word after it

3rd rule-- if near behind follow phase , extract phase with word before it..

and if none satisfies, use p=re.compile for general extraction
Right... well it makes no difference... just do the regex's, and try them in order of precedence
@JonClements' loop should do it
ohk..thanks man
i owe u a cup of tea
for rx in [re1, re2, r3]:
    m = rx.match(text)
    if m:
        return m # or m.group(1) or whatever
return None # do whatever if none matched
and yes, tha general exprrsion will also require an if-else . if none , return '' else p.search(str).group()
@Sword whatever makes sense for you, you've got a concept of how you can do it :)
It was nice of @Kevin to rot13 one of his posts :)
@Ffisegydd STEWIE!!!!!!!
yes.. will be back once i work it out
@JonClements stewie seems to be ur source of attraction ...
@Sword "source of attraction" - errr... that has strange connotations
do u know each other personally?
ohk..fingers crossed
for rx in [re1, re2, r3] , in this, re1 has higher priority than re2 and re3?
Err.... yup, loops work left to right :)
guys, is it possible to have 2 methods with different parameters in python3? i forgot the term for that in other language. :p something like these:
db(dbms, server, port, uid, pwd)
db(dbms, dsn, uid, pwd)
@Kris no, Python doesn't have method overloading
overloading is the term.. that's it
Looks like you'd be better off using keyword arguments
Or, from your post earlier, an ORM to do the db connection for you :)
cabbage Monday good Sir @Inbar
have no time to study ORM for now.. maybe for the next update of my project, i will implement ORM for db connections.. thanks @JonClements
Fair enough, it'd take about 5 minutes to be able to connect to any database using an already established api... how long have you spent on this? :p
hmmmm.. can you suggest ORM for python? can't find one that fully supports sybase. :(
Well, not sure how comprehensive the support for sybase is, but sqlalchemy is a kind of de-facto ORM
It should at least be able to create the connection strings for you :)
let me see that
thanks btw
No probs... should only take a few minutes to decide if it's of any use... if it is, you save time and gain flexibility, if not, you just have to crack on as you were anyway :)
yeah.. will read about sqlalchemy now.. :p
@JonClements Good morning.
@Inbar ahhh... only a 15 minute delay today then :p
It's getting better.
@Inbar so it is... if it improves to the point you respond before I've posted, you've gone too far in the other direction... :)
cbg @Martijn
cbg all!
@JonClements: sorry to confuse you, it'll be a reopening request.
Just got Hawaii 5O on in the background... and someone just said, "It's encrypted using NSA Level firewalls".... facepalm
I've had a surprising number of upvotes on my answer for this one:
Q: reading and parsing a TSV file, then manipulating it for saving as CSV (*efficiently*)

CJHMy source data is in a TSV file, 6 columns and greater than 2 million rows. Here's what I'm trying to accomplish: I need to read the data in 3 of the columns (3, 4, 5) in this source file The fifth column is an integer. I need to use this integer value to duplicate a row entry with using the d...

I've cleaned up the question some more; it was closed before as too vague before the last improvements by the OP.
As it has gained a lot of attention, I've focussed it some more, but my reopen vote from before has long since expired.
@JonClements Well - if you could encrypt thing with firewalls - then NSA level firewall encryption would be pretty rad....
What do you guys think, is it clear enough now to be a real question?
@MartijnPieters Sorry - really busy can't look at it right now.
@Martijn Ahhh... okies... I'd prefer csvout.writerows(repeat(row[2:4], count)) - saves the repeated slice operation, the implicit loop and the xrange object... (plus it reads obviously as to its intent)
@JonClements Then reopen and post an answer. :-P
looks at his answer again to see what Jon means.
It's been a while..
@JonClements Better? I added the repeat() option.
Okay, I've vto'd that post... seems fine to me...
It was in first draft indeed a rotten question.
@Martijn the repeat might shave a few ms off, and the OP wanted efficient :p
It was edited by the OP and I tweaked it at the time, but it was closed anyway. I voted to reopen and it never made it through.
@Martijn yeah... saw the first draft... not surprised it got closed... more rambling and no substance... but it's good now
But the votes keep on trickling in.
Well, if you don't want the votes, feel free to share them :)
Looking at the timeline, the score on the question went from -1 to +8 over time.
Is it weird that I'm thinking about calling out sick today so I can code something I want vs. something I'm getting paid to do?
@tristan I hope your employer doesn't frequent this room :p
Surely not.
I mean, it's 0420 here and I've been up since 0200, so I probably won't be "killing it" today all the same.
Do you get duvet days?
I don't know what that is, one second
Haha, duvet days are awesome. No, I work for MegaCorp(tm), so we have our vacation and sick days rolled into the same package.
Morning :)
ey tristan :)
hvítkál! -- in today's episode of "cabbage around the world" we introduce: icelandic
everybody is cool in iceland :º)
haha, awesome
also, true in the other way. i love iceland
sure thing @markcial, sure thing man
@PeterVaro And it still surprises me when I actually can recognize old Norse.
last time that i went, some massive guy at a bar lifted me up to his shoulder level and screamed "dude, i love you, i'm your biggest fan"
In modern Norwegian it's hvitkål
did he know about you?
i'm 2 meters tall. i'm not famous and i don't have a unique look. i have no idea why he did it, but it was amazing.
@MartijnPieters it is also amazing, that how many words are phrases are still in english from this old language
haha, no, not at all. to this day, my friends and i have no idea who he thought i am. at the time, i went with it though
@PeterVaro Yup, the Vikings sure got about a lot.
I like icelandic, however I don't have time now, to continue learning it
I live in a town whose name ends in -y.
people in iceland this days, walk into bars lifts someone and say they are fans of him
And indeed, it was an island once, in a marshland
From øy, meaning island.
Is bcrypt still the go-to for storing passwords in DB?
Umm... why did my chat tab close
because u closed the chat tab
You drooled on the keyboard.
afk for an hour
@tristan rbrb
@Martijn I'm a puppy... I do tend to drool a lot...

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