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this may be old, but it's a nice guide for Emacs+Python users: pedrokroger.net/2010/07/configuring-emacs-as-a-python-ide-2
cabbage folks!
does bluetooth in cars reduce audio quality any significant amount?
@Tshepang did you see the big changes in pyoneer? it has if statements!
didn't, no
@PeterVaro what Python syntax is missing; am just surprised that if statements are a recent addition?
well actually there are two main "flow" controls in any code
looping and branching
and AFAIK these makes a system a turing machine
everything else is a piece of cake
so 'if' was the last big missing piece?
or should I say branching?
I started with loops, but later I found out that branching is harder to implement
hm, interesting
but before I move on with implementing new feature it was the time to try to implement it
I want to implement try/except also -- but that is an "extra" thing
I'm not 100% satisfied with the current if statement, but it is working, and you can extend it (if/elif/else), nest it
and it is working fine fine with loops
I never used a graphical lang before, so urs will likely be my first
hehe, that's kewl, since you don't have any expectation about how it should work..
luckily I'll experience my first time with something that looks gorgeous
hehe -- this is just the begining
once I finished with all the elemntary logic
I will polish the GUI
it will be so much better than the one I have now
half of my notebook is full with little drawings and notes about the details on how it should look and feel
@roippi hmmm I wonder what the conversion rate to dollars is...
You don't like the reference?
I couldn't find a better quality of that clip... =|
4 hours later…
2 hours later…
2 hours later…
"Unclear what you are asking"..
Is today a special day in the EU? Where has everyone gone to!
Talk of the devil and all that ;)
cbg @Jon!
cbg Wednesday to ya
Cabbage all
me in uni
@MartijnPieters yeah - it's very quiet isn't it
Im using pyzo to teach myself python ( and do some actual work with it ) - its fun to use
are there any programming jobs where you can work from home?
cabbage folks!
cbg @PeterVaro
@JonClements potato?
so so - you?
65%good 35%bad
but OK;)
so what's this whole 'cabbage' thing?
fancy stuff yo
@Crowz: Almost all Canonical employees I know work from home.
Avocado :)
@MartijnPieters the guys who created Ubuntu? Really?
Yeah, they are a distributed company.
Mozilla Europe employees work from home too.
hmm... that's interesting.. PSF?
Man I work in the city and it's just a painful commute tbh
@Crowz +1 mate
heya @ZeroPiraeus
Not specifically Python-related, but anyone with the appropriate privileges fancy voting up this tag synonym? stackoverflow.com/tags/element/synonyms
I thought there was a rule with tags where the only difference was +s?
Is there? I wasn't aware of that.
It would (mostly) make sense if so.
@ZeroPiraeus I think I recall seeing something about it...
There's this... but that's something else I think: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/187406/…
There's gotta be some human intervention, I'd have thought ... and spring to mind.
Exactly :)
@ZeroPiraeus and what's always confused me... is if you get to "trusted user" and can edit the tag wikis without approval - why they don't let you vote for tag synonyms regardless of whether you have the required score for the tag...
@JonClements I have a small code structuring problem. If I have something like this:
    if dictionary['key_A']:
        # do something
    elif dictionary['key_B']:
        # do other things
    elif <condition>:
        # do this
        # do that
except KeyError:
where 'key_A' and 'key_B' are optional keys in the dictionary
but if they are not there, I still want to go thru the if/elif/elif/else statement
do I have to copy everything again under the KeyError
or is there a nicer way to structure this?
use dictionary.get('key_A',False)
@JonClements The idea sort of makes sense ... someone at ~1k rep with a particular threshold in that tag probably knows enough about both SO and the tag to vote/suggest. I agree it's a silly restriction for 10k+ers.
@roippi -- of course.. nice catch! thanks
Morning everybody
@roippi the False is entirely optional, as the default is None and that is false in a boolean context too.
and since in Python 2, False and True are not keywords, Python cannot optimize those away as constants (they can be assigned to).
oh hey, I only have 6 courses left to graduate
so if you are in a tight loop somewhere, you want to use None and literals for immutables (integers) over True and False. Even reassigning them as locals can have an effect.
@Crowz WHOO!
aaaand then I'll go back to school to get a real degree YAY!
@MartijnPieters fair, I completely forgot that get() defaults to None and doesn't raise KeyError
though I think @PeterVaro's program is in 3
I may be misremembering
Wait, what are you working on now?
@roippi yes, I'm on 3.x and I did not used False or None, since get has a default value as @MartijnPieters says -- but that's OK, and this is absolutely what I was looking for, just completely forgot that a dict object has a get method:/
@PeterVaro what do you think of 3.x?
I think that is THE best release so far (3.3) :D:D:D
And about Python 3 in general: sooooo much better than 2.x! If you don't have any library dependencies that are work only under 2.x
Well then I guess I'll make the switch! I'm finding it more common to find the answer to my question in 3.x terms
I recommend you to work with 3.x
I hated the fact, that I have to write () after the print word, and always typed xrange everywhere
3 fixes a number of dumb things in 2
but after 2 weeks I can't imagine writing the print without () or why I had to write the x before range
friggin unicode man
@roippi yes it does and adds some pretty neat features to it
like unicode, yes
or advanced unpacking, or yield from
or function annotation
or that most of the stuffs are returns iterators instead of lists
so much better
Wait, you can use print without the () in 2.x? I've always used them b/c it seemed like good programming practice
OH and the documentation page's style (CSS) is much better;)
^^ one of the most important things;)
@ShannonStrutz in 2.x print is a keyowrd, you have to use it without ()
wait really?
in python 3.x it is a function, you have to use it with ()
I must be using 3.x without knowing it
it's not a mistake if you write () after print in 2.x
since () are also means grouping
but that is not the same
you can not unpack, or add sep keyword argument, etc.
also you can import this functionality from the __future__
Ohh ok, then I may still be using 2.x because I've only ever used just straight up text, I haven't used keywords and sich
I was being Dutch and too direct:
Why are you so rude? — GLES 11 mins ago
@ShannonStrutz for example in Python 3.x you can write:
print(*['a', 'b', 'c'], sep='\n')
yup, have never done that
@MartijnPieters And apparently I am too rude to accept my answers now: stackoverflow.com/posts/18210003/timeline
sensitive soul. Ah, well.
@MartijnPieters umm.... where you going to finish "Here the field width is adjusted to make space for the" ?
Where did I hang a sentence?
found it.
and corrected.
@MartijnPieters apparently you got an upvote from GLES... related to the post you linked to about custom implementation of dict-view objs
Yea thats what I saw
Hmmm. when you guys code, how do you keep your focus on the problem at hand rather than trying to fix another problem that is super annoying but isn't the one you need to be working on right now?
@ShannonStrutz like that? :)
@JonClements hahaha yea pretty much
@JonClements where did I get an upvote? He'd probably retract that too if he could..
@MartijnPieters well - he said he'd given you an upvote... whether he did or not ;)
Q: Subclassing datatypes that have views in Python2.7 and Python3

javexPython 3 introduced views (see this question). They were also backported to Python 2.7. I am currently in the process of subclassing dict in a Python 2.7 application (though with the goal to port it to Python 3 as well). I was wondering if - and how - I could subclass the .viewitems() and similar...

Ah yes, that was yesterday.
Today, he'd retract that I think..
Just no one edits it and you're fine ;)
I did receive an upvote on that answer that day.
Umm.... Do you reckon that stackoverflow.com/questions/18095736/… could do with some delete votes? :)
He's so going to hate me more..
In other words: yes, I voted to delete, and it could use some more such votes.
That question is not going to be improved such that it is worth reopening, I don't think.
It'll be auto-deleted, btw.
There's no point of logging in SO, much of the content is available without creating an account. But the reason why people create an account here, is to interact with the users and learn from them. In schools nobody liked rude teachers |||ly, no-one likes to learn from rude fellas. The reason why users prefer asking things here instead of going through docs is not because they are lazy asses, it's simply because they feel, interacting with the 'best' here will teach them something new and good... you are too 'direct' to realise that - don't worry, every dog has his day. — GLES 1 min ago
whats wrong with this GLES guy?
@ShannonStrutz I posted this on a question before:
> Why not read the docs on vars() and locals() first? You'd already have your answer then. The documentation for those functions is just a few lines each, you could have read that in the time you took to type this.
oh so he's just being super annoying
I've responded to his 'rude teachers' comment.
Can't SO block his ip
He'll be blocked automatically soon enough.
The question ban is not far away, judging by the questions still visible for him.
question ban?
@MartijnPieters I vtd... so hopefully 2 on it will get a 3rd soon
Q: What can I do when getting "We are no longer accepting questions/answers from this account"?

ArjanDo not repost the question you were about to ask until you have READ EVERYTHING WE ARE ABOUT TO TELL YOU. While trying to ask a question, one could get: We are no longer accepting questions from this account. See the Help Center to learn more. Likewise, for answers: We are no longe...

ohhh that happened to me before
I asked ONE question and the community was like, "SCREW YOU NOOOOBBBB"
He just posted: "I am better of just firing a toaster in your face"
before quickly deleting it again.
Fine, be that way, no more fatherly advice from me.
so does this guy just post questions and delete them all day?
You spend most of your time downvoting questions and answers. — GLES 45 secs ago
I was spending time in trying to talk some sense into him.
Uhh, I jsut got an e-mail from some russian person asking for help on stack overflow
That's err, interesting @ShannonStrutz ;P
I replied with, "did you submit a question on stack overflow?"
I'm not gonna help somebody who hasn't tried, if thhey are legit
they probably just want help because their vodka filled brain can't figure it out
(I doubt I'd be of any help though, haha)
Holy sketchy batman, forget helping them
I get such emails, tweets, whatevers all the time.
I just bin them.
SO! How is everybody?
@ShannonStrutz Fine. How are you?
@CCInc That's awesome! I'm doing pretty good. listening to rainy mood and owl city.
Ah, what type of music?
Well rainy mood is just straight up rain. and Owl City is....pop/electronica?
Ah, cool
Rain rocks
Well, I apparently re-earned my 'accept' mark.
Perhaps I am getting through somewhere..
I've never seen that before... thanks for the link. — GLES 2 mins ago
Apparently I am. :-)
This is shaping up to be a beautiful story of redemption and personal growth ...
At least the toaster throwing has stopped..
In the screenplay, GLES will be a headstrong rookie cop, and you'll be a week away from retirement.
adjusts the strap on his shoulder holster and leans back in his chair.
"Now look, buddy.."
So, how will I get shot?
By a nerf gun adapted to shoot toasters, probably :-)
Time for me to knock off..
cheers all
Hey @AnttiHaapala :-)
first time in SO chat, does not seem that lively here
It ebbs and flows ... can get busy sometimes.
Yea, its pretty boring right now
Usually we are a lot more chatty. The only room I know of that is always talking is the Javascript room
I assume it's because nobody understands Javascript
pretty much, that and the fact that you have to test it within a browser
Cabbage folks
No hablo cabbage
and what the yam are you doing in Cabbage land if you cannot speak the language
>>> sounds the intruder alarm
It's because I couldn't read all the signs that said, "do not enter unless you can speak our language".
Lunch time
with lots of cabbage
guess the guards are at lunch;
I wonder why the logo for the Python language isn't something resembling an actual python
It's symbolic. Looks like two pythons to me :-)
Hmmm, yea I kinda see it
but then why are there two?
Also, if you unfocus your brain just right, you can see the blue snake as an uppercase P and the yellow as a lowercase y: Py. — Russell Borogove Nov 18 '11 at 18:36
because two snakes are cooler than one snake, obv
Pick up line that only works at the zoo: excuse me, do you know the way to the reptile house? Because these pythons (flexes) must have escaped
Holy crap now I see it
That is very creative!
Wow - people are on the ball then ;)
Python programming meta challenge: using Python, download the PSF board meeting minutes for the last decade, and compile a list of all references to the logo, in order to determine when it was introduced.
Well, it's much better than the actual cartoon snake was
think it changed to roughly what it is now for the 2.5 release?
Interestingly, the logo was only registered as a trademark in the US a month ago
Um.... fair enough...
Insert joke about programmers and lazy loading here
We're "borrowing" the concept for sopython.com - so hope they don't mind too much
> stating accurately that software is written in the Python programming language, that it is compatible with the Python programming language, or that it contains the Python programming language, is always allowed. In those cases, you may use the word "Python" or the unaltered logos to indicate this, without our prior approval. This is true both for non-commercial and commercial uses.
Er, is a wiki "software"?
Well.... and it is unaltered in the sense that it's errr.... "borrowing" the idea :) So err, it's an unaltered new version.... ummm...
Well you're following the spirit of the rules as long you're not using it "in a way that is misleading or may imply association of unrelated modules, tools, documentation, or other resources with the Python programming language"
If anything, it implies an association with SO, not Python :-)
ahhh well... we're just borrowing the colours from SO :)
Ah, in fact I misread the july minutes, they only plan to trademark the logo.
Haven't gotten around to it yet. Good time to get all that infringement out of your system.
@Kevin ahh... it sounded like they might be advancing too quickly there... ;)
Or maybe it's trademarked but not registered... Law is confusing :-(
Reminds me of the law 101 class I took in college. It was surprisingly like programming. He who knows the rules and syntax, rules over all the rest.
Programmers may not be sharks, but they are at least starfish that dream of being sharks.
Well.... some quite interesting comparisons there... programmers/lawyers and starfish and sharks... errr.....
Would you prefer to be the noble sea cow? I admit I've seen many programmers with the manatee body type :-)
Coworker Alan on his trip to the beach
Um..... wonder what burgers would taste like from that
is that @JonClements?
@Kneel-Before-ZOD darn it... my disguise as a puppy has been blown! :(
look at that majestic creature
don't worry; you are a puppy wrapped in a manatee :)
@Kneel-Before-ZOD yup - it all matters how one feels inside ;)
inside, I'm a fun loving little puppy... on the outside... a giant really depressed looking sea creature...
Those flippers must give one quite the typing handicap
@Kevin the accuracy with which I type amazes myself sometimes ;)
You could get 500 WPM by generally smashing the keyboard. But the error rate would be dreadful.
@Kevin generally smashing the keyboard? Would I get a faster/lower rate if I was more specific in the "smashing"?
so I'm.. not supposed to wear boxing gloves while I type
@roippi well you can do... but to give you a tip - boxing gloves, have a fairly limited set of uses....
right, 1) typing ...
That Internet reference, I see what you did there
after importing a module
That picture is just really depressing... it's almost like it's going... "water everywhere.... I bloody hate water.... why couldn't I be a proper cow instead...."
after importing a module in the python interpreter, (import test), and then calling the module name >>> test, you get '<module 'test' from 'path to test.py'>
I interpret it more as a zen expression. the water flows around me and in me and I am the water.
how can i access 'path to test.py' ?
test.__file__, perhaps?
ah thats it thanks
See - that one's a bit happier
There is something just off screen that it wants to eat. Perhaps a fish or a small zoo patron.
Now I want to see that gif where the manatee smooshes up against the aquarium glass like it's made of play-doh
Well... there's no room for another little uppy in here.... so...
if you made me assign the noise "hurrrrrrrrr" to any animal in the animal kingdom, I'd go with manatee
Some of those are pretty "hurrrrrrrr"
Ah, the deep sea fangly fish. That's some top tier weirdness.
Think the top left one is a mole of some sort... think I've seen a picture of that elsewhere, where it looks more like a certain male body part that's really wrinkled with tiny teeth
And the bottom right is the ugliest dog in the world
dear god that's a dog
Ummm..... I thought it was that thing that if it pointed at you, it was supposed to a sign of death or something
and not an h.r. giger creation
That's what I was told the last time I saw the image
Wikipedia's article is unhelpfully imageless >:-(
Wow - I'm now googling ugly dogs... and thankfully Google is getting the right idea as to expected results... I won't onebox it here, but errr.... why was this picture taken!? awkwardfamilyphotos.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/…
Could be an aye-aye. Dear god, those fingers...
That's it - it's an aye-aye. Good job @Kevin!
It's that middle finger that's meant to be a bad sign or something
Imagine your bedroom door opening just a crack at night, and that hand sidles in...
(Although strangely - it to me, appears to be the least intimidating of 'em)
is there a good reason why python does not have multiple unpack options on function callings?
like: `func(*values1, *values2)`
It's a current PEP :)
will it be available in 3.4?
I'm guessing not
wonder if I have it bookmarked
He has the point:
> Current usage of the * iterable unpacking operator features unnecessary restrictions that can harm readability.
It would be so nice to see this feature in 3.4 .. but it seems you are right, no sign of it..
why is this PEP -> implementation is so damn slow?
There seems to be at least the intewntion to get it into 3.4:
hmm will this [*a, *b] and this {**a, **b} work in 3.4?
I'm not sure if I understand 100% the words of GvR
I really hope so. That would be awesome.
that would be awsome, yes.
Umm.... Tree Kangaroos are even more exotic than the normal Kangaroos.They only live in the rain forests of Australia, West Papua, and Papua New Guinea.They have been on the endangered species list since 2004.Like Koalas they love to climb tree, yet UNLIKE Koalas they often have a lot of trouble getting down from the trees.
I see you too have been aimlessly browsing through the animal kingdom on Wikipedia. I'm on Shrews now. Trying to figure out what mammals looked like when they first appeared.
The chinchilla was a good pit stop to wash the image of the Aye Aye out of my brain
But don't read the article, it's depressing. Hunted for fur and hard to care for as pets. Why do cute animals have hard lives :-(
@Kevin well - the internet has to be useful for something at some point, right/
@Kevin I want one of those...
A rare appearance of the sarlacc's face
I can see foreverrrrrr
Errrr... yes....
What's the name of the 20's celebrity with the big nose that would go "ha-cha-cha-cha". He made a bunch of cameos in Bugs Bunny cartoons
I know who you mean..... ummmm....
James Francis "Jimmy" Durante (February 10, 1893 – March 29, 1980) was an American singer, pianist, comedian, and actor. His distinctive clipped gravelly speech, comic language butchery, jazz-influenced songs, and large nose helped make him one of America's most familiar and popular personalities of the 1920s through the 1970s. His jokes about his nose included referring to it as a Schnozzola, and the word became his nickname. Early life Childhood Durante was born on the Lower East Side of New York City. He was the youngest of four children born to Bartolomeo and Rosa Durante, both of...
Nice choice of image :-(
Umm... yeah - that's not even the main image for the page? :)
:/ I didn't do that
@roippi what... Kill Jimmy in 1980 ?
I know, I'm criticizing the algorithm or whatever
@JonClements yes, you can't prove anything
@roippi I won't have to prove anything to anyone - if you know I mean - and you're paying some cash ;)
what did I come back to?
manatees -> derpy animals -> big nosed kangaroos -> Jimmy Durante
Oh okay
Seems pretty normal
Also a little bit of python throughout
Well of course, otherwise this wouldn't be the python room, but of course we all need our dosage of :11250062
aw it didin't work
Ahh yes... Good old :11250062 gotta love that
Its good stuff, right?
Yep - much better than that :11250061 rubbish
quite right
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