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07:00 - 20:0020:00 - 23:00

good morning :)
any body there...........
anybody there....
I am here
but there are no real big activity, maybe sometimes, but now it's not big
hi you two
2 hours later…
Some of you use Superfeedr or not ?
nobody know superfeedr ?
nobody be online. It's more probable
1 hour later…
a simple question: I have a site with multiple languages installed, say "/en" "/fr"
how do I redirect automatically the visitors of "/" to, say, "/en" (because in the "/") there is no index page...
You just need create a rewrite rules in your webserver
after it's depend what webserver you have
or even you can add a index.html file to return a redirect
so you have you index.html and you redirection :)
@shingara thank you. but as you can see after the question, if I knew what the "rewrite rules" are, I didn't ask questions here :)
what question ?
with this simplest search you can do with several webserver
your question is really to basic ( just need a readme ) or you understand really nothing about how works a webserver
@shingara I am novice, and now lost in httpd.apache.org/docs/1.3/misc/rewriteguide.html
what do you use like webserver ?
Apache 1 ?
if not you see a bad documentation
i believe
which version ?
I believe you have a computer too ?
I don't know, the latest one, I hope
we can't help you if you don't know what you are
I have a hosting
the latest version of apache
ask some SO question in severfault
it's a better way to understans
so, you don't know
which is the latest version of apache to you ?
oh, come on, this is not relevant at all
a basic redirect woks anywhere
i think
So you think how do too ?
how can I detect what version of apache i use?
@serhio Do you have PHP? It can tell you
<?php phpinfo() ?>
i have php
even the header can say that a lot of time
Apache/2.2.16 (Fedora)
it's the documentation
good reading
the real last stable version is 2.2.17 for your information
so, mister @shingara, isn't this the ... latest version, to you?
not completly
all change between your version and the last stable
So, what is the difference if I'd used the apache 1.0.0 and 2.2.16?
for my redirect
nothing, but it's not the same version
it's like you say what the difference between windows vista and windows Seven
so, why do you ask me about version
i need redirect
because you see the bad documentation
and see a bad documentation is a bad way to fix your problem
ok, now I go and kill myself
good luck
quel bd...
thanks everybody for help
Anyone here have read Effective C# and/or More Effective C#?
not me.
1 hour later…
hey all!
hoz your sunday going on?
hi @Richa
it's fine to me, I code, cook and see movie :)
@shingara ohh thts gud
I was planning for movie... but
but what ?
failed :(
it's always time to do
@Richa Going well thanks, and yourself?
b'cz of my friend .. he refused to go ..end time
@josh .. was sleepy ..and met with friends ans cousins
and did shopping a lot
b'cz diwali(biggest fest of India) jus on the way
@shingara wats time in france?
I'm enjoying a relaxing day coding XMPP integration for SO chat :-D
so I go to cinema now, see social network
it's 16h39 now
good day
see you later
@shingara Later!
bye cya
@josh ohh :D
btw you from?
@Richa Geographically? Near Raleigh, North Carolina
so you are one of coder of SO chat?
@Richa I am not -- just an avid fan!
A: Offer an XMPP method for chat

The Unhandled ExceptionUPDATE 2010-10-29: I now have very, very, very basic XMPP support working, written in Ruby as an XMPP component. The code can be checked out from http://trac.digitalfruition.com/soxmpp/browser/trunk and I am documenting the progress in the Trac wiki. At the moment there is no write support but I...

wow sounds interesting
It's been a very fun project
yeah I am just waiting .. for it
Best of luck
Thanks. Very very basic support is here, but it's read only and MSO chat at the moment
Although it's MSO chat only because I hard-coded MSO chat rooms into the script :-)
ohh just keep working on it
its really geting intresting
Thanks :-)
interesting *
so you giving your sunday to SO
thats really nice
@Richa Nice for the community and for me, LOL
This is fun stuff XD
I nvr wirk with this one
ever work*
@Richa You can use the up arrow to edit your last message. And you can edit older messages (up to 2 min ago) using the dropdown menu on the left hand side of each message
Just a little chat tip :-)
+1 no mouse method
-1 mouse method
@Josh am aware with this..
but m so lazy
@rchern hahaha :D
@rchern LOL. Does your userscript allow editing of older messages?
@Richa Your method of editing gets you closer to #1 chat user XD
No. It is still bound by the 2m limit
All my script does is perform .click() events for you, so it is still bound by the limits @balpha and @marc have put in
@josh ... agree but .. :P
@rchern No, sorry, I was unclear. Does your userscript have a keyboard-only way of editing a message older than your last message?
oh, yes.
you can do /edit <id>
I.E. using up arrow, I can only edit my last message
@rchern oh, sweet!
should be in the readme
@rchern You're polite :-)
No "RTFM" like I'm used to from ServerFault :-)
@rchern Thanks, that's more like it. (-:
I have some catching up to do -- I'm barely on the second page of SO chat users =o
A far cry from my #3 spo on MSO chat
/edit is very sweet
mine, with contributions from @YiJiang, @TimStone, and @MichaelMrozek
where is sed mytical "famous" readme @rchern ?
Thanks. Now I'm not going to get anything done :-)
> /me support Wraps <action text> in asterisks so that the output will be italic and sends to the room
You should roll in SoDoMe for forward support also
@Josh For editing, Ctrl + Up arrow + selecting correct message + Right arrow/E also performs an edit (if you're in the time limit, or a reply, if the message wasn't your own)
@TimStone WOAH!!!
Is that from the userscript or is that built-in?
That's so much better
No, it's from the userscript ;)
guesses @Josh hasn't read the whole readme yet...
Clearly he didn't RTFM :P
Height of boredom
@rchern I did not yet. Now I have
I am very impressed :-D
the keyboard navigation part was all @TimStone
Hi there, anyone can help me with a "simple" interpolation problem? :O
@rchern Well awesome job @TimStone!!
@rchern To be fair, the actual functional parts were all you guys ;)
@Josh Thanks :)
OK back to XMPP lest @rchern think I'm a slacker (again) ;-)
@rchern Your userscript is so much more polished than XMPP, I have my work cut out for me! XD
Hahah, she threatened whip cracking yesterday, you best get to it!
aye aye! ;-)
rolls her eyes
why hello!
@AnthonyForloney Hey there
Sorry, busy with code :-)
How are you?
haha no problems here.
doing good, this chat business is pretty sweet
just trying it out for the first time.
@AnthonyForloney Welcome. It is, indeed very sweet
Feel free to play around in the sandbox, and ask questions here!
kk will do, hf with coding.


Where you can play with regular chat features (except flagging...
You can onebox links to other chats, as well as SO questions/answers, Wikipedia articles, xkcd links, youtube videos, images, and more
haha thats sweet.
@AnthonyForloney And you can reply to specific messages by clicking on the little "reply" indicator to the right of any message in the list
Also, you can edit messages via the up arrow on your keyboard, or the dropdown menu to the left of any of your messages
edited the wrong thing
but thats sweet
The team did an amazing job
yeah they did
where is the "reply" button for the messages on the right?
The little |-> arrow
@AnthonyForloney Then when you hover over a message which is a reply (this one is), the chat highlights which message it was in response to
Very helpful when rooms get busy
@Josh like this ;o
@AnthonyForloney Exactly!
i mean.
@Josh yay!
ok, awesome
im starting to get the hang of this
OK, back to this for me:
A: Offer an XMPP method for chat

The Unhandled ExceptionUPDATE 2010-10-29: I now have very, very, very basic XMPP support working, written in Ruby as an XMPP component. The code can be checked out from http://trac.digitalfruition.com/soxmpp/browser/trunk and I am documenting the progress in the Trac wiki. At the moment there is no write support but I...

@AnthonyForloney If you have questions just @Josh me!
@Josh Will do, thanks for the help.
@AnthonyForloney Sure thing
@Josh Are you in the process of writing the XMPP interface?
@AnthonyForloney I am
I have very very basic read support working
@Josh Awesome! More power to you.
Thanks. I may need it ;-)
@Josh - lol twice the chat, twice the appreciation for XMPP :P
What would be the benefits of having an XMPP interface? I know very little of, but it seems like everyone is pushing for it.
they want to integrate it into their IM clients
@AnthonyForloney As @LasseVKarlsen said, it would allow me to monitor chat from my existing IM client
@AnthonyForloney - Awesome bot-driven chess
ahh so you wouldn't necessarily have to be on stackoverflow.com, but something like Pidgin, etc
For writing, nothing beats this chat. Write support will never be as good via XMPP as in here, in my opinion
@AnthonyForloney Exactly
Also, as was just mentioned on MSO chat...
in The Tavern (General) on Meta Stack Overflow Chat, 3 mins ago, by Aiden Bell
@TheUnhandledException - What I look forward to with XMPP is bots that can provide awesome stuff for us
seems pretty cool
@Josh - I know! Room mirroring ... what I say in MSO gets piped here via bot!
@AidenBell I AM NOT A BOT!
in The Tavern (General) on Meta Stack Overflow Chat, 33 secs ago, by Aiden Bell
in The SO Tavern (General) on Stack Overflow Chat, 25 secs ago, by Aiden Bell
@Josh - I know! Room mirroring ... what I say in MSO gets piped here via bot!
(this can't end well...)
Bots could also cause flooding attacks
any way to scroll up to earlier messages?
@IDWMaster Not very well. It would essentially just cause a DoS attack on the XMPP server, because the HAProxy would detect it and ratelimit the XMPP server
@AnthonyForloney Scroll all the way up and click "Load Older Messages"
Or, check the transcript
So XMPP doesn't use a direct connection to stackoverflow?
@IDWMaster related, sortof:
in XMPP on Meta Stack Overflow Chat, 2 hours ago, by balpha
@TheUnhandledException yeah, that's fine for that one poll -- but if 50 users trust you with their cookies, and you poll on behalf of all of them, all HAProxy sees is a whole bunch of requests from the same IP
@IDWMaster How it works is, an XMPP script is run which connects to the XMPP server and acts as an XMPP component, and the script polls the StackOverflow chat JSOn feed for events
how are the messages appearing from different rooms?
the script then converts those events to XMPP messages and sends them to the appropriate rooms
@AnthonyForloney My code sorts that out
the code for your XMPP interface?
@AnthonyForloney Yup. I'm actually rewriting that part of the code right now, the way it currently works is kinda hackish :-)
I'm making it OOP now
full code is at svn.smart-safe-secure.com/soxmpp/trunk but the relevant portion to your question is...
@Josh well again, good luck
  def poll
    puts "poll called for #{self}"

    @rooms_by_server.each do |server,rooms|
      messages = @feeds[server].get_new_messages_for_rooms rooms.values

      #puts "DEBUG: messages: #{messages.inspect}"

      rooms.each do |room_name,room|
        rid = "r"+"#{room.room_id}"
        #puts "DEBUG: Looing for messages for #{room_name} (ID #{rid})"
        if !messages[rid].nil?
          #puts "DEBUG: Found messages for room #{room_name}"
          messages[rid].each {|message| room.send_message(message[0], message[1]) }
but that's about to get much cleaner :-)
@AnthonyForloney Thanks :-)
@Josh No problem :D
@Josh Once this is fully stable and functioning, your project is only an XMPP component, so would I need to do anything from Pidgin's side? Note, I am not an user of Pidgin nor have I ever seen it in action.
@AnthonyForloney Being an XMPP component, it connects to an XMPP server and adds functionality to that server. So you'd either need to run your own server, or, use a server which someone is running the component on
I, for example, am currently running the component
so anyone using jabber (off any server) can connect to the XMPP room [email protected]
and read "The Tavern" from MSO chat
@rchern is there now, she has an @jabber.org account. @badp is there also, he's using a Gmail account
@Josh Thanks for the info! I'll let you get back to coding that awesomeness. If I had any knowledge of Ruby, I would offer my services in any way I could.
@Josh I am glad to how community members like yourself, make the website a better place
@AnthonyForloney Me too! That's what I love about this community
When you get more familiar with chat, check out @rchern et al's excellent work on the chat UserScript
Allows keyboard navigation/commands, shows better timestamps and message IDs, and more
who's rchen? (;
@rchern I'm doing too many things at once, brain dropping packets... ;-)
We talk so much you'd think I know your name by now, LOL
Q: Help us redesign the Stack Overflow homepage

Jeff AtwoodThe homepage for all Stack Exchange sites is intentionally simple: it's a list of the last (n) questions by activity date. Activity date means new questions, or questions with new answers or new edits. This has worked reasonably well for the last two years, but it is breaking down on Stack Ov...

feels like she just saw that (;
@Josh yes...I would think
@rchern And in the tavern, no less!
there isn't a way to give someone any reputation in chat is there?
@RyanGuill Nope. Just stars, which have no effect on rep. Just look puuurdy
yeah, that kinda stinks though, although I understand the reasoning
someone helped me in the java chat room the other night for a few a while and it saved me hours of time, its just a shame I couldn't give him any "credit" for it
@RyanGuill I've helped a number of people on chat, helping them is all the credit I ask for :-)
Those who care only about rep will probably avoid chat
But, I do understand what you're saying
Give them a nice "Thank You" and maybe upvote one or two of their answers
well yeah, but he wasn't asking for anything, it would just be nice too to see that this person was a helpful person in chat
And pay it forward to the community by helping the next person!
yeah, I actually offered to get him something from his amazon wish list
@RyanGuill Yup. I understand :-)
just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing some way that I could give him rep
Anyway I'm off to find some food. catch everyone later!
guys, anyone familiar with machine learning here?
asking the same question everyday :)
I'm sure if you just repeat it enough....oy.
I've been repeating this three times a day, every day. Like my meals. And just once i met a person who was able to give me some advice :)
yeah...I was being sarcastic.
'ello 'ello people
If you've got a question, why aren't you asking it on the site??
sooo, what happening?
is it just me, or does anyone else feel this chat is about 50% realtime chat?
or could it be that us developers social skills are so bad, it extends to online chatting too?
um ,what?
the chat is very slow
functionally slow or just quiet?
it is more active during the week
quieter on the weekends
@rchern my first question about machine learning achieved one comment for 2 days. The comment was "why not doing it urself?".
that's what I can't determine
@Anton, just saying, repeating yourself over and over in here without actually asking a question? It isn't going to go well for you.
All I can do. Is orgasmic screaming during successfull builds considered as "not well"?
Yeah...I have no idea what you're trying to say.
Your question pretty much seems like "send me teh codez" which isn't a good question by any means.
@Anton I don't understand -- you won't know until 9 months later if the build was successful.
@balpha, do you have very bad social skills?
@rchern my question is for people who ever worked with decision tree and can recommend me some. i dont want people to write trees for me, i just want them to share products they have been using.
@rchern My social skills are awesome. If you deny that, you're a troll.
@balpha i thougt right ambient, candles and music will do their best to make my "builds" successfull. isnt it enough?
@Anton, ok, StackOverflow works best with objective questions. You're asking for nothing more than opinions.
@rchern what about questions like "your favorite trick in <some language>"? or lots of similar questions that have awesome rating and lots of responses
Anyone know if the important tag is removed from line-height and buttons in firefox 4?
@Anton, have you read the blog post on subjective questions?
Heh ;)
shuddap ):
@rchern blog?..mm?
Posted by Robert Cartaino on September 29th, 2010

Stack Exchange is about questions with objective, factual answers. We’ve been crystal clear about this for as long as I can remember, even back to the earliest, pre-beta days of Stack Overflow. It’s right there in the standard Stack Exchange FAQ:

What kind of questions should I not ask here?

Avoid asking questions that are subjective, argumentative, or require extended discussion. This is not a discussion board, this is a place for questions that can be answered!

Thus, questions that are not answerable — discussions, debates, opinions — should be closed as subjective. It seems simple enough: Fact good; opinion and discussion bad. But why? …

@rchern I didn't say nothin'!
@balpha but we only have your word that your social skills are awesome
how does sir respond to such allegation?
@rchern oh right. All the subjective questions were stated before this post(2010, wow!). Well, i'll answer and close my own question with something popular in response, OpenCV, for example.
@Darknight easy:
aah money island?
# I’m bringing 'nerd' back
# Them other boys don’t know how to act
# I think you're special, what's behind your rack-back?
# So turn around and I'll pick up the slack.
# (Take 'em to the library)
as you can see boredoom does terrible things to a fragile mind..
What happens when I parse HTML with a regex?
@Chacha102 you die.
A: Finding everything but anchor tags within a <p> tag with regex

Mark EDon't use regex to parse HTML. Instead, use an HTML parser, then simply read the text (non-tag) content within the desired <p> block. jQuery is a pretty decent HTML parser, so you can get the desired text stored in a variable x using: var x = $('p').clone().find('a').remove().end().text(...

seriously, I can't figure out why this guy is still arguing about this.
@MarkE the "lol" was in response to what @Chacha102 saw after
3 mins ago, by Chacha102
07:00 - 20:0020:00 - 23:00

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