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@BlairMcMillan sorry i wouldnt know about that :p
@Richa hello
Using the old Redirect 301 /request http://www.fullpath.com/whatever works though. I want it case insensitive though. And I don't want to write that many lines.
@Wez Thanks anyway
@SriKumar hiee :)
@Richa From IND?
@BlairMcMillan Unfortunately that's all the help I can be :P I've not had to do url rewrites in Apache for quite sometime. The knowledge isn't in my head any more :P
@SriKumar yeah I m ]:)
Great! Where in IND? I got you from your profile
@Sekhat Yeh, it's something that you do once and then forget for the next 2 years until you come across something odd again
@Richa Great! Where in IND? I got you from your profile
@SriKumar there's a chance of 0,00000000000001% that you live next to each other
@SriKumar from rajasthan
@harmen ... lolz :D
@Harmen lol
world is too small who knwz
@Richa What do you doo
if we r neighbour :P
I like when I meet people from massive countries, they're all "You're from Norway? Do you know Nils Pedersen?"
@Kyle lol
@kyle lol so true!
@SriKumar Coding Coding and Coding
@KyleSevenoaks Do you know Nevland, the soccer player?
@KyleSevenoaks maybe Knut Yrvin?
@Kyle - same thing happens when a bunch of Jews get together - even has its own wikipedia entry: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_geography
@SriKumar what about you?
@Richa yeah i have been coding for almost 5 yrs
@All, yes, I know all of them, and they know me :)
@YaakovEllis HAHAHAHA
@SriKumar this is what SO want :P
@SriKumar Non stop?
@Richa LOL
Off topic but I just got the new Photoshop, it's so shiny! Gonna go play with the new features!
@KyleSevenoaks yes ofcourse even in dreamz :)
@KyleSevenoaks lol
try the [letmethinkhowit'scalled] feature
Content Aware Sclaing
@KyleSevenoaks Cool! All the best to succeded
It's really fun :]
@SriKumar Haha
@Harmen you can edit your messages.
@Harmen Ooh, haven't heard of this!
@KyleSevenoaks Just try it with random images of people and see what happens, it's really fun (and useful for some images)
@KyleSevenoaks :)
@Harmen I definitely will!
So my question on SF has had 4 views. I swear the same question on SO would have had at least 20 views and 3 answers by now...
Even though it's more to do with server configuration rather than programming
@Richa How long your into this coding coding coding?
@BlairMcMillan my first though was SF=SourceForge. Was trying to make any sense.
@jweyrich That emphasises my point really. ServerFault just isn't as popular.
@srikumar ... 1 and half year .. but 10-12 hour in day only .. not in dream :P
@Harmen I don't know where to start! Also, they still haven't re-introduced the extract filter.. grr.
@Richa Yes pl
@BlairMcMillan I asked a question on SuperUser last week, then mentioned it here. That got me an immediate answer ;)
@KyleSevenoaks Start here: 1) Open this image in CS5: perfectlytimedphotos.com/perfectly-timed-photo/popular/… 2) Edit->Content Aware Scale 3) Scale the image down ... lol
I asked my question on SF, then mentioned it here and got 4 views...
@BlairMcMillan can't say much. Personally, I hate to take care of infrastructure and server configs. I procrastinate to eternity when I need to do so. Don't know about others.
@jweyrich +1 me too
@Richa lol
Who say Google is perfact? can serach anything for us?
time for lunch then its dev meetings - laters!
@Harmen Thanks :)
@wez bye enjoy!
@KyleSevenoaks lol, I really had some fun with the Content Aware Scaling options, also try this image, hehe: perfectlytimedphotos.com/perfectly-timed-photo/popular/…
@Harmen HA, this is so fun! :D
I don't have CS5 I wanna see what you are doing :(
@BlairMcMillan Did you post the link?
@CiscoIPPhone I'll upload the best of what I do soon :)
@Benjol I did. Here it is again though
Q: Apache redirect old URls .htaccess issue

Blair McMillanI'm having trouble redirecting old site URLs to their new places with a .htaccess file. The conditions don't seem to be matching. I'm sure I'm just doing something stupid, but I can't work out what it is. I've included the whole rewrite section here in case some other part of it is causing the pr...

@KyleSevenoaks lol, try this: make a screenshot of the world via Google Maps on Satellite view and scale it down
I've worked out that it's not matching the ?pid stuff
the continents will almost melt together Ö
@BlairMcMillan, well, I've upped your views, but not your answers, sorry :(
Guess you could try here:
@Richa Which tech your ? I mean .net, java, etc
@Benjol Haha. THanks
@Harmen HA!
@SriKumar Its PHP+Zend+magento
@KyleSevenoaks it would be fun to submit a screencast of all this to Youtube :P
@Harmen It really would!
@KyleSevenoaks nice ;)
@Harmen :)
@Richa Ok! I am completely new to that
Hi Dudes and dudettes
@Aamir hi :]
@Aamir hiee :)
Woo. Sorted my own answer!
A: Apache redirect old URls .htaccess issue

Blair McMillanTurns out that %{REQUEST_URI} doesn't contain the query string as well. This meant that my check to match /Products\.aspx\?pid=812 was missing everything after (and including) the question mark. The correct rules are: ############################################ ## redirect old site URLs Re...

@srikumar so you also works in PHP ?
oh people are alive here... great
@BlairMcMillan O yeah, now you can accept your own answer in 24 hours :G
Yeah very rarely
Hi,everyone :)
@aAMIR .. WHY YOU SURPRISED? are you dead? or you met with dead person over here?
@myra hieee :)
@Myra hello
@Harmen Yeh. I just have to remember to do it tomorrow now!
@srikumar rarley means? what ? yes or no ?
@Richa and @Sri Kumar how are you ?
@Richa sometimes it means yes
I'm working on an extension for Google Chrome right now, that's pretty fun :]
I am not dead... I am undead :) as in Pirates of the Carribean, an Undead Monkey. In other words, I am bored, bored to death.
@Myra Doing Great ! How do u do?
for microformats
I made a chrome plugin that let you access windows console from the browser.
@ myra .. gud here
I'm really fine.Where are you from?
@CiscoIPPhone it's pretty fun working on extensions, isn't it? a lot easier than I thought it should be
@srikumar ... so which is main stream ?
@Myra IND coimbatore
Yep and googles tutorials are pretty nice
@Richa .Net
@aamir .. yeah it really soundz by ur post too
@myra you from?
I had to make an npapi plugin though, which was not nice!
Because the chrome plugin had to access native code
@CiscoIPPhone npapi?
Waww india,never met someone from there
@Richa I'm from Istanbul / Turkey
npapi is the technology the big plugins use, flash etc that lets them run dlls in browsers
@myra .... here I am also a indian girl :)
@Myra Just before we wished each other :)
@CiscoIPPhone ok, I see
you have good chance to talk with Indian :) @ myra
@Richa are you from India as well :)
Two indian people at once
this is a new record or something :D
@Myra record?
I mean "sum of all accomplishments"
@myra .. I think you didn't noticed before
what's your expertise ?
but usually you will get any of INDIAN
what about you?
@Richa ASP.NET
@Myra SO really have too many expert in ASP.NET
isn't it
Here's another thing I did! (2 pictures)
mostly I ever met
@kyle its one :o
The first is the original, second is my edit.
ohh teo now
Used the content aware fill, better selection defining and puppet warp!
@KyleSevenoaks how did you do that?
I like CS5!
@KyleSevenoaks both looks good :P
@Kyle it looks really good
This chat app is pretty funky.
@Richa what do you mean ?
@JoostSchuur b'cz its for fun :)
@myra.. I mean mostly asp.net expert are here
@Harmen I used the quick selection tool to get the flower, then used the define selection to clean the selection up, then copy?pasted to a new layer, used the puppet warp to move it arounda bit, made a copy of the flower shape, painted it black, blurred it and put it under hte flower layer, then use content aware fill on the blue background where the flower was :)
Also, Hai Guyz.
@all thanks :)
@kyle thats great !
@KyleSevenoaks lol, nice, you're a Photoshop Master :]
@JonoRR hiee :)
@Richa Thanks :)
@Harmen Haha, well yeah, I've been using Photoshop since before this CS crap. :)
puppet warp is nice feature :)
@Myra Yeah, I love it! First time I used it just there :)
Spanish music = win
@harmen hahahaha :D
is it so ?
yeah, really
is there a way to connect to this with a regular irc client?
Aventura for example, it makes you feel good :P
@Kyle I'm a designer like you as well
@Myra web designer?
Yeah some likely,photoshop,illustrator,css
making vector design for some project
after i develop the project
@Myra Cool, I actually do photoshop stuff as a secondary to web development, but it comes from my game dev days :)
might be
wawww :) game dev
@KyleSevenoaks you're into game development?
are you still a game dev ?
@Richa alive?
@KyleSevenoaks 3 in 1 :P
@Harmen I was.
@Myra Not anymore.
@SriKumar yeah still :P
I tried to set up an HTML5 game with an American recently, but I haven't enough time for it
@Richa some tiems not in chat
@Harmen Game dev takes forever. It's just far too much work unless you have a team of like, 20 people.
@Kyle Depends how big your thinkin
@SriKumar actually in office .. so have to work some time :P
Anyone got knowledge about SAML?
@KyleSevenoaks yeah, sure, but it's nice to experiment with very simple things, like: harmen.no-ip.org/javascripts
Flash stuff is pretty doable with coder/artist.
@Richa Great to know atleast you work some time ;)
@JonoRR That's true, I was working on an mmorpg
oh god
@Zolomon not me
thats silly
@Harmen wow, good collection!
@SriKumar what about you :P
i once watched Ubisoft game development,there were at least 100 people in one floor
@JonoRR You're telling me, I was just the graphic artist, other people were coding.
baah i hate openvpn
You imagine the rest of the building
@Myra Yeah, we were 3 haha. and the "leader" had delusions of being in competition with WoW...
@KyleSevenoaks there are just a couple cool things there :P 2D, 3D, spelletje, doolhof~ et cetera, not everything is good :P
@Richa You sure? :P
@myar how many floor does bulding have
@Richa I too in office but working side by side
@Zolomon not so :P
Yeah, the triple A titles get pretty insane. Apparently Starcraft2 cost $100mil in dev. costs.
i dont know just seen one of them :)
@SriKumar its really glad to know :D kidding
@myra hahahhaha :D
@JonoRR And it was worth it!
@Richa Never mind! I love kidding and making fun it part for programming
haha, if your company has WoW subscription fees to cover it :P
@Kyle 3 vs. WOW, nice result :)
@SriKumar yeah untill unless your boss or client is not shouting on you to do make it fast
Yeah, I left a year ago due to not being paid, it still hasn't gotten past the "in house alpha" phase.
Sounds like another failed project =/
@JonoRR for that I have to talked with my employer
Yeah, it actually was a great idea, but just far too much work. I'm NOT tooting my own horn, because I honestly don't want more to do with the project but here's the site (I made the original, they edited the crap out of it) www.dawn-world.com
@myra ... wht happ?
@MarcGravell So... banner time, again, huh? :)
@YiJiang hiee :)
Game dev. is annoying in that its more susceptible to naivety of 'man making a game'd be the awesome-sauce'
@Richa I dont like failed projects,that's all.
@YiJiang without the "let's push everyone in the tavern" this time... and please no-one introduce any funky regex-death today, folks. k?
@JonoRR Yeah, you come up with an idea, figure it'd be easy enough if you buy a prepackeged engine.. 3 years later you're wondering why you are pale, skinny and still working at 4am.
You lose your time for developing,but someone cames up and then all things you spent is gone for nothing :(
@Richa thats true
@KyleSevenoaks lmao!
@Myra .. ohh! its :( from my side also
but you see sometimes you can enjoy that toop
but may be you had learnt a lot with failed project too
@Harmen Heehee.
The disappointment is always a hard hit tho
@KyleSevenoaks what is you current job anyways? xD
@harmen A very very nice question for kyle :P
harmen.no-ip.org/javascripts/kamers <- I love it! Where can I read up on this? It would be perfect for monster generation for a tile based game. :))
@Richa Experience is learned more from failed projects than finalized ones
@srikumar ... yeah :(
@Richa It depends on the project actually
@Zolomon It's called flood fill I think
@myra yeah exactly ++++++
@Harmen I am currently the web developer for a Norwegian company, as well as the graphic designer. I just finished up designing the new newspaper, and am about to start creating another new website.. I manage 15 sites I think now.
@KyleSevenoaks cool :]
Kyle , you're like me then :)
@Harmen Thanks!
@Myra Yeah? I'm not the only "jack of some trades?"
@Harmen Thanks, it takes it toll sometimes, my boss actually gave me the option of a few days off since I had being "stretching myself too thin" the past few weeks.
@KyleSevenoaks +++
Why monday is alwayz too bore :o
@Zolomon what it basically does is simple backtracking from each unvisited tile, like: function checkTile(x, y){ tile[y][x].visited = true; if( !tile[y-1][x].visited ){ checkTile( x, y-1 ); } }
@Harmen is that code OpenLayers javascript?
@KyleSevenoaks I'm curious what your company website looks like :]
www.headset.no find out :)
@Myra it's just pseudo-sample-code
@KyleSevenoaks lol, Google Translate does the job for me, looks nice
Alright. Im out. Sleep is required. Ciao.
@Harmen :) thanks. The bosses usually just give me a design and I try to make it as best I can. They're very... minimalist.
I'm probably going to take those days off and work on my band's site haha, at least I can have artisitc freedom there! :D
@Harmen Huh! Sounds nifty, will read up on flood fill. :)
@KyleSevenoaks I'm (almost) employed at a small company of a class mate of mine :P
not only a class mate, also a good friend
@Richa Sorry off for a break
@Harmen That's a nice site :) I wish I had more control over the site I have to manage haha, they're all so white and minimal and boring :P
@Sri .. ohh its K ! I thought now you will do chat SIDE BY SIDE
rather thn work
@Richa I do chat side by side during work hours but certainly cannot take my sys to cafeteria :p
hahahahhaha :D
with which org you work?
@Richa Cannot reveal in here privacy hurts:(
is it possible for u?
aww its k
how about u ?
possible what?
which org do u work?
its a small scale company
of php
Cool! Hope then pay big scale for you ;)
only contract developers get big scale pay :P
@KyleSevenoaks Is it so?
@srikumar well no one on this earth happy with their pay
@SriKumar As far as my experience goes!
@kyle agree! ++++
spcly in PHP
@Richa Yeah!
@Richa Great wrods
Thats why I am looking for switch job and technology too
How the job security isn't good for contractors
@srikumar ... Thanks!
@Richa Tech? Heard PHP a good one
@Richa even in SO php stands 3rd
@SriKumar yeah it is good no doubt but there is no large scale company work on it
no top MNC
so you have less chances to grow up with it
@Richa May be! I am not really aware of PHP in so called MNC's
nah its true .. there is no MNC which uses PHP .. basically in india
I hate developing PHP.. Can never remember which code to use and where it should go haha,.
:D hahahaha really there are lots of things to play with the code
Suuuure is!
But I really like CMS which are developed in it
like magento I am using
I have noidea what that is. I've actually asked my boss if I can hire a PHP specialist as it takes me far too much time to develop anything.
I've seen PHP at the university,and never touched it since today :)
@Myra Keep it that way!
@Kyle you have to learn basics of programming PHP first
I always say,programming project is 30%,but the struggle the errors is 70% :S
@Myra Yeah, I learned it, but just can't keep itin my head :P and I agree with that!
Learning Syntax is another thing
I'm generally developing C#
when it comes to develop VB,I dont touch it
For example,in every line you use a semicolon ;
VB I've heard is a pain.
but in VB there is no ;
I got used to C# now,I never turn another language
unless I need it
ohhh so that is this ";" which make evrone to away from PHP :o
That game I was developing used C# as the language for its engine.
I dont think so,I have no comments on the matter
@myra hahahahha :D nah you have too
Yay, our very own chat. o:
Welcome to the tavern @Mike
Thanks. :)
@Kyle can we talk in private ?
This is the Tavern next to the cave, where the programmers lurk and despise the outside world...
@kyle ohhh.. PHP cann't ever do thaT
@Myra sure: we can start a new room :)
Thank you. o=
@kyle exactly
Oh no... StackOverflow has chat. How will I ever get anything done again?
@BrianMacKay I haven't for hours....
hey all
back again
Hey Harmen.
just fetched myself an egg + tosti :]
wait, that's not an English word, is it? It's cheese sandwich or so :P

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