If its bad enough, raise a custom mod flag anyways so they can suspend, delete, etc.
Its the internet, how would we even know which jurisdiction to call?
How would they find the guy?
And I doubt asking about such things is a crime
Honestly, Its probably just spam and they aren't forgers anyways
but if they spammed it here, they spammed it elsewhere
I'm sure the government has figured out how to search for such things
Like I said, its the internet
I doubt they care about passport forgeries though
I mean, they could alert the FBI or something
but for all we know, the guy doing it is on some island
I'd just let it go honestly. If you feel that strongly about it, I would send an email to SE with a link to the post
they are the only ones with remotely enough data to help law enforcement anyways
you removed them from chat :)
want anything blurred out?
@QPaysTaxes I'll upload once you post the link :)
using block quotes, aren't they clever
that was a code-block, not a block quote
honestly, the website is a dead give away
note to FBI agents: just google "Free fake documents" and you can catch all the bad guys!
I really hope they actually do that ocassionally