When I cook spaghetti with a sauce that includes meatballs or chopped vegetables, those stay in chunks and won't get uniformly mixed in the pasta.
Is there a simple reason for that?
Has it been studied? you know some people study piles of sand with various grain sizes?
Why am I getting this error (I've tried solving it by myself, but to no avail)?
void Samples::CopyTo(Samples& destinationSamples, int startWriteIndex)
char buffer[4];
destinationSamples.Stream.seekg(startWriteIndex * 4); // Error: left of '.seekg' must have class/struct/union.
That said, I've lost interest in moderating this site. It's almost a useless lost cause. I could spend my time better. For all those who are still motivated and still moderating, I'll say "good job and don't mind me"