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som1 der?
1 hour later…
GM, Please can u help me how to create a Database if the server is Windows based Server.
@NaveenProgrammer create a database?
You could install MySQL and then run a CREATE DATABASE command
Or you could install another database server I guess
9 hours later…
Hello @TehShrike are you awake? I have a short question about LIMIT (but in MS SQL)
  SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY name) as row FROM sys.databases
 ) a WHERE row > 5 and row <= 10
From what I understand that is what I should use, but I have a massive(!) expression, where do I put it?
For oracle it's like this:
select * from
( select a.*, ROWNUM rnum from
  ( <your_query_goes_here, with order by> ) a
where rnum  >= :MIN_ROW_TO_FETCH;
pretty much you want to limit how many rows you return on your outer query
if you do it on your inner query, your filtering won't take effect until AFTER you limit how many rows are returned, which will totally screw up your resultset
well I would like to avoid getting all records and then throwing some away, I would rather just get the one I ask for...
yeah, thats the downside of it
for sure
Hi, need some assistance with a query that is failing. <?php
$Server = "localserver";
$User = "localuser";
$Pass = "localpassword";
$DB = "localdb";

//connection to the database
$dbhandle = mssql_connect($Server, $User, $Pass)
or die("Couldn't connect to SQL Server on $Server");

//select a database to work with
$selected = mssql_select_db($DB, $dbhandle)
or die("Couldn't open database $DB");

//declare the SQL statement that will query the database
$query = "SELECT p.id, p.code, ps.onhand";
$query .= "FROM products p with(nolock)";
is there a better way where you have the best of both worlds? idk, you could try posting SO Proper question
I have tried the Oracle expression and that is faster than getting all the row's but I guess that this will be slower?
I don't know man, I'm not a SQL pro, I just know if you limit the rows returned in the nested query, you won't get what you're expecting on the outer query
well ok could you try to explain to me what the example I gave does?
specifically the inner
SELECT *[all rows], ROW_NUMBER()[and some rownumber function``] OVER[?] (ORDER BY name)[is this needed`] as row[name for outer] FROM sys.databases[?]
row_number takes the current row number of the returned resultset
you hvae to use it with OVER (order by)
so as an example a few weeks ago I had to migrate data from one database to another, but there would be duplicate primary keys if i did that
so i pulled the max() number (primary key) from the destination table, then used ROW_NUMBER() OVER (order by somePK)
if you pull back 2000 rows, it will return a number from 1-2000
depending on which row number you're on
and the name then?
is that the name of my table?
thats an alias
for the column
Sweet, I've earned the right to chat about mysql --
so select sum(someColumn) as sumOfSomecolumn from someTable
it just names the column in the returned result set
you can usually omit the "as"
select sum(someColumn) sumOfSomeColumn from someTable, some people do that, its the same thing, don't be confused
"as" is optional
ahaa I understand
your query above whose is that
same thing with tables..... select * from someTable a where a.colName > 10
the query above fails because there is no space before "FROM" word
hey @beiller
I'm buying a new laptop today :)
see my previous comment
But if I have a huge sql expression I can't just insert it instead of the inner SELECT * ?
I'm not sure what you mean (btw, you shouldnt use *, you should explicitely name the columns you're going to need)
You mean the line needs changed ---- $query .= " FROM products p with(nolock)";
^ yes
yeah but now that I expand your comment none of them have spaces
if you reconstruct that string you will see a query with no newline or spaces
ah the newline needs added
well the thing is that I have a huge SQL expression that takes about 3 minutes to execute on my MS SQL Compact and I would like to limit the result (now it gives 2900 records) and I would like let's say 50 at the time
or space
no whitespace there so syntax error I think thats your issue
thankyou i get no errors now :-)
I know!!! Is there a way to echo the query or result to see it's output?
I'm a total novice with php, coldfusion is my normal language..
@Markus I haven't seen the query, or the table schemas, so I'm not sure I can help. I wouldn't suggest posting all of that in chat either, It would be best if you posted that as a question -- it might get moved since its about optimization and not so much getting it to work
while ( $mssqlRow = mssql_fetch_array($mssqlResult) ) { print_r($mssqlRow); }
or: echo $query;
Thanks @beiller i might now have to check the query as it completes pretty quickly - I'm not sure it's working correctly...
Ok, so I'm trying to decipher my expression here :)
    TableB ON TableA.num_id = TableB.num_id
    TableC AS TableC_1
    ON TableB.lnk_num_id = TableC_1.num_id
This is one peace of it
so what does the TableC AS TableC_1 do?
what parts the TableC and TableC_1 now?
TableC AS TableC_1 is another alias, is the same thing as before
you're giving TableC the temporary name TableC_1 in your query
but, is there any reason at all to do this?
not really, most people shorten table names for quicker typing
maybe if they were joining on tablec multiple times
they might want to be able to differentiate between the two
Yeah, that's the only time I alias table names in joins
Some people go for short aliases to make query-writing easier, but I type quickly, and I like clear queries, so I usually don't
Do I have to have a alias on consecutive inner joins?
you don't have to have aliases on anything
the only time that somebody might is when joining to the same table multiple times, which you aren't doing
    TableC_1.num_id, TableC_1.name, TableC_1._comment, TableA.name
FROM    TableA
    ON TableA.num_id = TableB.num_func_id
    TableC AS TableC_1
    ON TableB.lnk_num_id = TableC_1.num_id
    TableB AS TableB_1
    ON TableC_1.num_id = TableB_1.lnk_num_id CROSS JOIN
WHERE   (TableC_1.name = TableC_1.name) AND
    (TableB_1.num_func_id = 114693) AND (TableB_1._type = 'IMPORTVAR') AND
    (TableB._type = 'EXPORTVAR') AND (TableA.name <> 'VcExtVar')
that's the whole of my expression
I have substituted the names (don't really know if _*) is a legual name...
okay, i'm looking at it, what is the issue
what isn't the issue :)
what error are you getting?
it's just that it's terrabley slow, and I'm trying to find out what it really does, so that I maybe can improve it
no error..
I don't know man, I don't know what you're attempting to do, or the schema, or any test tables, but everything looks synactically correct
a lot of writing SQL queries depends on the business rules that you must follow
But again :) this TableC AS TableC_1 do you understand why it's done?
are TableC the original table and TableC_1 a subset of TableC?
because you join twice as table c
twice? is that the CROSS JOIN you refer to?
yep, and TableB is joined on twice too
I still don't really get what's the difference between TableB and TableB_1? :) (Sorry...) I am seeing them as tables that you take some entries from (and get some sort of a new table), but maybe that's the wrong way to look at it? After the first INNER JOIN - for example - is TableB not the same as it was before the JOIN?
I don't know why YOUR query does it, I don't know anything about your schema or what its trying to achieve, but there are reasons for doing it..... sqlteam.com/article/multiple-joins-to-the-same-table-in-a-query
I'm sorry, of course I understand that you don't know what my stupid database are doing :) But let's say like this, what would be the difference if changing the first row from TableC_1.num_id to TableC.num_id?
well anyways... have a nice weekend!
2 hours later…
@Markus That query seems like it has some unnecessary complications in it - what are you trying to do? Also, are your tables really named TableB and TableC?

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