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The topic, which nobody ever reads, says Ask your question, and then hang around a while to see if an expert looks back at their screen and answers it!
5 hours later…
@TehShrike Sorry left the chat due to some technical reason
Is there any way to import CSV file without duplicating the record
I want to keep my mysql table update with the data I'm getting on CSV file
Now I'll import that CSV file on MySQL each time new records will be inserted on that CSV file
but it'll insert the same previous data too in that tabnle
So is there any way to import only new inserted data into mysql table
check with the parameter / ids of the new and previously inserted data while inserting
Hi George
I'm using LOAD inline
to import CSV file
How can I check parameter / ids
meanwhile that process
ok... import in a temporary table first and from that you can check and insert into your table
You mean to say to check by replicate the data from temporary table to main table?
It'll not a single table
What if I need to import for multiple tables
Do I need to make duplicate temporary tables of all that tables
It doesn't seems a good idea
no... you can create a table( which contains all the fields in the csv file)... from that table you can insert into the other tables
Let's say I do have users.csv & users table in my database
then as per you I should create temp_users table on database3
And then import users.csv on temp_users and after that replicate temp_users data to users table on databae
What if I do have register.csv, users.csv, records.csv
and same tables on database
Then do I need to create temp table for each table
is all the fields in the register.csv, users.csv, records.csv are distinct?
the data fields in the csv file
data fields in csv file what?
i mean columns
OK..you mean to say distinct command to get data once?
i cant get u
No fields are not distinct
If the columns were distinct then this issue would not rais
actually u r trying to insert three distinct csv files in a single table correct?
Is here any direct solution to check duplicate records?
Replication doesn't seems correct way
Oh hey!
A conversation!
@Dhaval So, I've done a lot of imports
Personally, I like to do LOAD DATA INFILE into an intermediate table, and then do an INSERT ... SELECT from that table into the destination table.
In your case, you would want to do an INSERT IGNORE or perhaps maybe an INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE
But I generally create a temporary table to pull in the data from the CSV, where I can do any data sanitizing, and then transfer to the final table however I like
Hi TechShrike
I don't want to ignore insret
I just want to keep my table updated with importing CSV and not inserting duplicate data into it
@Dhaval Then I imagine you want to use either INSERT IGNORE or INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE

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