@stevether It doesn't have to be SVN specifically - git or Mercurial would be fine as well - but you need to pick and use SOME code repository, definitely
I have this query that almost get's me what I want
SELECT count(*) count, MAX(login_date) date, login_ip, login_email, account_type_id, login_lock, login_success
FROM `login_log`
GROUP BY login_email, login_success, login_email, account_type_id, login_lock
this yeilds
Take the 3rd and 4th row. Amee failed at logging in 3 times (4th row) before getting into her account successfully (3rd row). However, because of the grouping, it shows 4 successful logins (because of previous logins).
What I want it to say is 1
Something like GROUP BY login_email, login_success, login_email, account_type_id, login_lock but where login_date's don't overlap each other relative to the group
@stevether Instead of GROUP BY DATE(date) he meant that you should do GROUP BY login_email, login_success, login_email, account_type_id, login_lock, login_ip, DATE(date)
Can anybody help me out. My campus has SQL server management but i am at home and cannot use it. I just need a database created and a create script ran that i have and an update script ran!
@TroyLoberger You can use sqlfiddle.com, if you don't need to run anything but queries. They "host" a SQL server of many types, including Microsoft SQL, for you to do work in.
@TroyLoberger Just paste the SQL needed to create the tables and data and you can run scripts based on the data you provided.