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Q: Calling two different Procedures with Transaction in another Procedure

Avidosthis is the Flow for the Procedure sp_test(in_var1, in_var2, in_var3) begin if(a record exists) then call sp_test_update(in_var1, in_var2, in_var3) else call sp_test_insert(in_var1, in_var2, in_var3) end sp_test_insert(in_var1, in_var2, in_var3) begin declare exit ha...

5 hours later…
@user1019144 I finished updating my answer with an explanation based on our conversation. Have a good night!
@TehShrike My first possibly decent mysql query answer =D
Q: mysql rank based on score

user1019144I've come across this great solution to rank users based on their score in mysql. SELECT d.*, c.ranks FROM ( SELECT Score, @rank:=@rank+1 Ranks FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT Score FROM tableName a ...

that subquery is some kind strange disaster. Too shorthanded for me to understand, I think.
2 hours later…
7 hours later…
@Markus howdy!
Today I had a question again :) but I solved it...
@m59 Nice :-D
@Markus excellent :-)
@TehShrike You don't happen to have any NHibernate knowledge?
@Markus nope, I avoid ORMs, sorry
ORMs are an attempt to fix a leaky abstraction (SQL) by piling on even leakier abstractions
well, for us it was a shortcut since we didn't have sufficient SQL knowledge, and we didn't want to spend the time learn it... however, the time it has took to learn NH is probably about the same...
still, our own implementation of some similar database layer with SQL to object mapping would be even worse
in a DB you can have association one-to-many, but can you have zero-or-one-to-many?

Can anybody help me with this
3 hours later…
@Markus how do you mean?
You mean, the rows in the "many" table wouldn't be associated with any single row?
That would be a nullable foreign key I suppose

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