SELECT ST_GeomFromText(data) FROM (SELECT replace(concat(concat('''POINT',concat(trim(TRAILING ')' FROM concat('(',trim(LEADING '(' FROM ea.region::TEXT)::TEXT) ),')')),''''),',',' ') as data from "erpAssets" as ea where )as foo;
Could someone shed some light on a difficult question?
At the moment, what I am trying to achieve is control of the data, therefore allowing the user to change the position of each item and its according rank
@TheSunny Would the subrank be dependent on the rank? Or would an item of rank 2 ever appear above an item of rank 1, if this other position column was set to something?
@TheSunny It sounds like you need another "position" column, no matter what. Then I think it's just a question of whether or not you'll do ORDER BY position or ORDER BY rank, position
For example, i have 7 items and all ranked 0 to 7, respectively. Therefore, item 1 is rank 0 and item 2 is rank 1, so on and so forth.
What I am looking for is allowing the user to modify an items rank to be lowered or raised
I have been able to do this, but each item if added, will be inserted to the bottom of that specific rank. At some point I would like to insert items at the top of a specific rank, however, this would mean re-organising the entire table to shuffle down.
Yes the subrank will be dependant of the rank, so If I have 3 items all with the same rank, there has to be an order, defined from the user interface, to allow data to be stored and recalled in an orderly fashion
@TheSunny However you like - you can specify the order for each column, i.e. ORDER BY rank ASC, subrank DESC
If you want to make sure that no two items ever share the same rank and subrank (you want to make sure that ordering is always deterministic), you should add a unique key on rank,subrank
I would like multiple items to have the same rank, but not the same subrank.
Say for example, I have an item I would like to swap at the top of a subrank, how would this happen? Would it be update first (update to be swapped item) then insert (new item at top)?
In my mind, i keep thinking I will have to reshuffle every element within the subrank table?
I just realized, after days of pain, that its way faster to duplicate the table structure to a new table, partition it while its empty, and then just insert everything into it