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@TehShrike Good morning ..
@BhavinChauhan good evening!
evening ??
@TehShrike from where you located ?
9 hours later…
i have a question
good morning!
2 hours later…
@BhavinChauhan Nebraska, USA!
@Teomanshipahi As the topic says, Ask your question, and then hang around a while to see if an expert looks back at their screen and answers it!
@JacobRaccuia Hello there!
2 hours later…
how is it going? @TehShrike
@JacobRaccuia Not too bad!
@TehShrike I'm working on a site in wordpress that i'll likely need to add some tables to, and i'm struggling with finding a balance between normalization and what would be best for the project
1 hour later…
@JacobRaccuia From what I heard, modern Wordpress is set up to minimize adding tables
But you can end up with some clunky storage of your data
I'd recommend normalizing unless you have a specific reason not to
@TehShrike lots of plugins do it and I've done it before without any issues!
@JacobRaccuia Added their own tables? Yes, I've done it too
If you need to target old versions of WP, it's probably necessary
But if you're using modern WP, you may not need to
Here are the four tables, in a completely ( or at least 2NF ) environment
artist, album, pressing, variant - each artist releases multiple albums ( vinyl ), which can be pressed multiple times, and each pressing has multiple variants
the question I have comes from how or whether it's worth trying to integrate with post_meta of custom post types
it would save me a bit of development, but I recently worked with a custom post type with over 30 fields and when dealing with more than 500 results it was incredibly slow. also ( listing all artists, for example., would be very clunky )
hi guys, I am looking for something like this for mysql. Any suggestions? dba.stackexchange.com/questions/48441/…
Hi guys, I have a product_translations table (id, name, locale, product_id). How should I create my table if I don't want to get two or more rows with the same locale for a product. For example: avoid getting two rows with product_id "15" and locale "en"
wouldn't that be a duplicate?
if you treat the primary key as productID_locale you'll never have duplicates
mmm yeah, but I need duplicates for product_id since I need them for product_id = 15 for locale=en, locale=es, and so on...
15_en is not the same as 15_es, so thats not a duplicate
your primary key would be a concatenation of the two
ohhh I got you, so I should create a primary key like productID_locale
gotcha, that's a good idea
yup! that should help prevent any duplicates
nice, thanks jacob :)
Hello :)
I'm hopping if anyone can answer me this question, it's about efficiency in a query
Which query run faster
SELECT * FROM table WHERE id = '$id' LIMIT 1
SELECT * FROM table WHERE id = '$id'
-- Where id is unique
I don't have any tests to prove it, but LIMIT 1 stops as soon as it finds the first record, so I can't imagine that taking longer
That's what I thought but I'm not an expert and I wanted to be sure. Thanks for your answer
@zengr I imagine something like
SET @v := 0;
SET @w := 0;

SELECT whatever_table.whatever, other_table.other_thing
	SELECT @v := @v + 1 AS v, RAND() AS whatever
	FROM some_table
	LIMIT 1000
) AS whatever_table
	SELECT @w := @w + 1 AS w, RAND() AS other_thing
	FROM some_other_table
	LIMIT 1000
) AS other_table ON other_table.w = whatever_table.v
@Mollo If you have a unique key on the id column, it shouldn't make any difference
@enzo I would recommend adding product_id,locale as a unique key, but not your primary key (leave the primary key the single-column auto_increment value)
Q: Calculate round(avg) from same table and join

SMLI have two tables, users userid fname usertype 1 Steve vendor 2 Peter vendor 3 John normaluser 4 Mark normaluser 5 Kevin vendor 6 Alan vendor 7 Sean vendor vendor_rating id userid rating 1 1 4 2 ...

@JacobRaccuia yeah, with Wordpress it can be pretty difficult to get it to not run a query for every result
If you're not hiding everything away behind a cache, like most people with consumer-facing content do, you'll likely need to add your own tables. It may be the better solution anyway
@SML You need to respond to those comments. In the question, give an example of the desired output you want to get, and explain the difference between the desired resultset and what your example query is returning.
A part of me wants to store the data for each release in a Post as well. Essentially, the custom post ID is the unique ID for each release. There will be an extra query or two on the admin to display the proper information, but the front end would rely solely on the extra tables. The only benefit to this is that I can use the custom post type admin screens to handle some of the screens. I can't decide if it's redundant or if I"m going to fall in a trap and have to redo
@TehShrike i have responded to comments and explained what i want
@SML You haven't updated the question, or given an example of the output data (another table, like you did for the example rows in the tables)
@JacobRaccuia That's a tough call. Being able to use pre-existing WP UI to manage the data is pretty tantalizing
@TehShrike tantalizing is definitely the right word and points to the right solution. Forget about that UI and recreate it yourself. ( which i've done before so it's not necessarily hard ). thanks for your help
@JacobRaccuia Not necessarily hard, but usually turns out that way at some point :-) Good luck, and may your queries be speedy
@TehShrike , now i have edited the ques.
1 hour later…
anyone here?
are u here?
@John Like the topic says, Ask your question, and then hang around a while to see if an expert looks back at their screen and answers it!

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