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hi ! just a fast stupid question ... i'm inserting values into a database with 2 fields id and then i update the second field based on the id which is a unique id 1 = baaaaaaab ... as i also search inside the second field should i add INDEX(where you can select primary unique & fulltext)?
or reconvert the uid to a number?
1 hour later…
@cocco So the unique id is a hash of the autoincrement number?
Is it a hash, or just an encoding? Do you really need to store the text version, or can you do the conversion in code?
Are you actually talking about a fulltext index or just an index on a string field?
@TehShrike baaaaaaab is <
Using some encoding?
A: How do I create unique IDs, like YouTube?

coccoThis is NOT PHP but can be converted to php or as it's Javascript & so clinetside without the need to slow down the server.. it can be used as you post whatever needs a unique id to your php. Here is a way to create unique ids limited to 9 007 199 254 740 992 unique id's it always returns 9 c...

the php version

$sql="INSERT INTO s (iid,uid,date,title,description)VALUES(NULL,'".mysqli_real_escape_string($d,"-".substr(strrev(microtime()),0,8))."',CURRENT_DATE(),'".$tit."','".$desc."')";

mysqli_query($d,"UPDATE s SET uid='".mysqli_real_escape_string($con,$uid)."' WHERE iid=".$iid);
this is my code so far... anyway i have a bigger problem now...
i have to many querys
Just use base62/base64 encoding
As that one smart guy suggested
Here's the key
You shouldn't store that encoded value in the database
Just pull the value from the url, convert it to a number with code, and do your lookup based on that number
One of those guys linked to this which would do the trick nicely
I used something similar for a url shortener I wrote
i want 9 letters
So start it at a big number
== at the end
i store the file with that string
In any case, no matter what encoding you use, you should do the lookup based on the autoincrement value, not the string
yeah i can do that
Assuming it's an encoding and not a hash
it converts up to 9007199254740992 into a 9 letter sting
using only abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
i can encode and decode
is there a way to remove all thoseextra querys?
basically i insert the data
get the last inserted id
convert the id to UID
update the DB with the UID
then i need to get the DATE
save the file to DATE/UID
and then if everything is ok return the array else
delete everything
i need to store the uid as when i display the data there is always a short link to that element which is the uid
and also the filename
@TehShrike Table is 160 mln rows, two cols - profile_id, interest_id. Have about 10mln interest_ids which i need to remove from the table. Which size of IN() would be optimal for mysql to handle?
@an1zhegorodov what's the cardinality of interest_id? I assume you have an index on just that column?
@cocco You should be able to get the last inserted id from the client, without running another query. Also, you shouldn't be storing that uid in the database, since you can encode/decode it in code instead.
@cocco I would also consider calculating the date in code, and inserting it with the first query.
@TehShrike | widget_profiles_interests | 0 | PRIMARY | 1 | profile_id | A | 3155353 | NULL | NULL | | BTREE | |
| widget_profiles_interests | 0 | PRIMARY | 2 | interest_id | A | 100971311 | NULL | NULL | | BTREE | |
| widget_profiles_interests | 1 | interest_id | 1 | interest_id | A | 523167 | NULL | NULL | | BTREE | |
Also, for the "if everything is not ok then delete everything" - I don't think you'll actually need that, but if you do, MySQL has that built in (if you use InnoDB storage engine) - it's called a transaction
You can start a transaction, commit it when it's done, or cancel it if you don't want any of the changes to take effect
@an1zhegorodov I'd probably just do a hundred or a thousand at a time - more important than that number would be to put all of those deletes inside of a single transaction.
@TehShrike i cannot get the insertid clientside it's the last inserted id
is there no way to convert that inside one query?
@cocco What API library are you using? Almost all of the client libs will give you the last inserted id without requiring you to make another query
i don't use libs
How are you connecting to MySQL?
yeah i'm using that
@cocco For future reference, you're using PHP's MySQLi client library
but i need to make a second query to upodate
ah ok yeah
@cocco Why?
You don't need to store the string value
i need.
when i get the info from db
so many items
i can't convert 1000 results
because i want performance
@cocco If you want performance, then don't run all these queries against the table.
Avoiding those queries by doing the work in code will increase your performance drastically.
this is just to insert
every row is a script.
saved with it's uid
if i want to create 1000 links to the file
i don't want to use php or javascript to calculate the uid 1000 times
i just want to get a json file with the relative title and uid
to the file.
thx you now i have just 3 query's insert, update uid, display last result
i probalby can't insert and display with one query?
the json file contains all the data i need...
so i don't even have to query the db later
@cocco That is so incredibly cheap compared to the cost of running queries
the db is here just for the tags
It will take less time to do that conversion on 1000 rows than to open a network connection to a remote database
can i add a custo function to mysql to do this

var UID={
N<=9007199254740992||(alert('OMG no more uid\'s'));
var M=Math,F=M.floor,L=M.log,P=M.pow,r='',I=UID.ix,l=I.length,i;
return UID.rev(new Array(10-r.length).join('a')+r)
var S=UID.rev(S),r=0,i,l=S.length,I=UID.ix,j=I.length,P=Math.pow;
with the mysqli_insert_id
btw i also output all my mysql data into a json file.
$a=mysqli_query($d,"SELECT * FROM scripts");
echo json_encode($c);
@cocco The insert id isn't known at the time of you calling MySQL functions
thats the problem
so there are no other solution than to do a sucessive query
I'm sorry, you're preoptimizing and it's going to hurt you quite a bit.
You may as well just use PHP's uniqid function and not tie your key to the autoincrement
If you're set on storing the value in the table
the uid function takes alot of time to process.
i timed the function ..it takes some seconds if i need to convert many numbers
thats why i want to store that uid
in some rare cases ppl add a new script
and in decided to use that rare cases to calculate the uid
to view the scripts.. i just load a json file with the uids i need
and display them
so by clicking i have a static link to a file
@cocco Running the uniqid function once on insert is going to be cheaper than running another query.
and when should i save the fileù'
Whenever you like?
Generate an id with uniqid, put that value into the insert, and use it when saving the files
If you're set on using string identifiers
i save the file when i add the script .. so when i insert
So there you go
let me expalain
Just use uniqid
i wrote this jsfiddle like editor
*works only in chrome
you create a code.
that code is stored in localstorage while you play with it
you can exit the page and go back
the code is there until you clear the chrome's cache
if you want to share the code.
as i don't have much mysql space
the code data is serialized into a json tdata
which i want to save on the server
to have a short link i decided to use this uid generator
which is always 9 letter
so basically the user has a static file with a uid as filename
now if i want to add comments or tags
i need to store that data somewhere (especially tags)
multiple tags to multiple scripts
so i decided to create a table with
(id, uid, title)
a table with the tags (tagid,tag)
and a relation table (tagid,scriptid)
as most of the time everything is static
as the user accesses the file with the uid
i just need mysql to load the tags if a button is clicked
or the comments
Why are you concerned about the performance of thousands of id conversions when you'll only ever care about one or two per page-load?
i always care about performance
You're inventing reasons to store these strings in the database
i do this for hobby, not for work
but if i do i don't wanna do it wrong
so i search for help here
I'm telling you how to do it not-wrong :-P
so you say i should calculate the uid everytime
that means if a user wants his file i should load the server to calculate a static file?
That would be much better than the direction you're currently going
@cocco You can store the file using the number or the string, either way
But there's no reason to store the string in the db
You just need to convert the string to a number before running queries - or after running queries, if you want to retrieve some rows and then find the string id for them
but then i have a file called 983489439849.json vs aaaaaaaaa.js
i also don't want to show id's
what about jsfiddle youtube imgur?
@cocco You don't have to
@cocco So store it with aaaaaa.js then, that's fine
@cocco what do you think they do in the backend?
I'm sure they don't store that string in ascii everywhere
you have an idea how that works?
They store it in binary everywhere, and convert it to base64 in the places where they must use ascii (such as urls)
Which is what I did for the url shortener I built with php/mysql
can you store binary in mysql?
Sure, but I just used int autoincrement keys, because that's what mysql likes
any suggestions to achieve what i want? without converting the uid everytime?
but having the filename named as the uid
1.filename must be uid
2.i don't want to recalculate the uid everytime

what would you do?
@cocco Yes, you could generate a string once, using uniqid, and then you could use that string everywhere.
thats what i'm tying to do
@cocco For pete's sake, click that link
Just add a unique index on the column where you store that string, and use that string instead of your calculated value
It has some disadvantages compared to using the pk everywhere, but they are quite minor, and are nothing compared to the solutions you're trying to come up with for your imagined performance issues
that is 13 chars & not incremet
@cocco Correct
can generate errors.
@cocco how?
my uid is incremental , 9 chars ,and supports numbers up to 9007199254740992
uniqid theoretically gets very slow / generates erros if you reach that type of numbers
+ its 13chars
it's like doing random()*9007199254740992
@cocco that is false.
@cocco That is also false.
how does it know which uid is stored in the mysql db?
I'm going to go focus on my work now, but if there's one thing you should remember it's this: you should write something that is simple first, and performant second. In this case, every single time that you are trying to decrease simplicity to increase performance, you are actually writing yourself into a position where your performance will be much much worse, by orders of magnitude.
But even if that were not the case, the odds of you (someone new to databases and certain areas of application design) guessing the performance issues that you would run into in real life are infinitesimal.
last question
you mad a url shortener
oyu store that in mysql?
Even if you were very experienced with databases and application design, it would be better to focus on simplicity first, and look into performance issues once they were testable.
how is the insert processs?
I inserted a new row with the URL, got the last insert id from mysqli, converted it to base64, and returned that to the client.
Whenever someone visited the url with that base64 string, I converted it to base 10, and looked up the url in the database with that number.
yeah converting back the base64 is faster than creating a uid
this functions is relatively slow
You miss the point terribly :-(
@cocco No, it's relatively fast
Compared to running a single query
Your guesses about performance are just stabs in the dark fueled by misinformation your mind has made up
ok i'm gonna try the conversion speed..
thank you very much
for your help
wait ..
i want to insert and then display the result
is that possible with one query?
i mean whats the output of INSERT ..
@cocco Mostly the last inserted id.
so no..
hello, i need to ask something... i doit here?
@Phoenix_uy Sure - like the topic says, Ask your question, and then hang around a while to see if an expert looks back at their screen and answers it!
ok... i have an sql server 2012 database and the transaction log was supposedly configured to unlimited maxsize but a weeks ago i have an error that says that the transaction log was full... how is this? (sorry for my bad english)
is this possible with the maxsize = unlimited?
@Phoenix_uy I'm sorry, I'm not really familiar with sql server :-( are the docs not helpful?
no so helpful for me :/
is it there some sql server chat here?
@Phoenix_uy I don't know if there's a SQL Server one - you could try #sql on efnet or freenode
i will try that, thanks :)

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