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@TehShrike Hello migth i ask another question
@Kuraiinazuma As the topic says, Ask your question, and then hang around a while to see if an expert looks back at their screen and answers it!
Would it be fine to include all id of my ierarchical table into products
Like Table products
name, prise,....., caterogy_1_id, category_2_id, category_3_id
where category_3 is sublevel of category 2 which is sublevel of category 1
to make search more faster
when someone like to search all cars i can just search directly for category_1_id and no doing any joints
or it would not be correct
select from products.*
INNER JOIN categories cat3 ON product.category_id = ca3.id
INNER JOIN categories cat2 ON cat3.parent_id = ca2.id
INNER JOIN categories cat1 ON cat2.parent_id = ca1.id
where cat1.id = 100 --100 is for cars
Instead of all that i can just make
select from products.* where caterogy_1_id = 100
@Kuraiinazuma That seems like a bad idea to me
Because there's nothing keeping different products from describing different hierarchies
Besides, you could do that anyway
How many categories can a product belong to?
same goes for categories
but i see your point
i think i see :p
its just there gonna be alot of products, im going to delete old entries, but still make join for every product until it match seems like a little overkill
i dont know how fast mysql is so im a little worry
i already removed joint from users, gonna gather that data after i complete my product search
3 hours later…
Anybody here?
Question: Is MIN() more efficient than ORDER BY <column> ASC LIMIT 1?
@Raccha Heh, just as you are
I am using mysql database 5.5, with master replication bin log format is "mixed". As of now, the indexes on master and slave databases are same. Would there be any problem, if I create new indexes on slave database?

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