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This user has been suggesting minor edits. 1 2 3. Please do not approve them.
I disagree that a retag is a minor edit. Tags are very important organizationally. If a question is tagged incorrectly, it won't be seen.
The plm tag has only 15 posts currently, it appears the editor is attempting to create and populate a tag. It doesn't appear to be very useful.
I think tags are necessary, but it isn't useful if a user below 2k retags all 141 [r] which mention plm and related. Agreed!
That's right. If searching for body or title text is enough, there is no need for a tag as it creates no catagorizational value.
@bjb568 It appears that the user has stopped. Did you flag for moderator attention or commented on one of the edited posts?
@ArtjomB. No.
nevermind there we go again
If the tag isn't useful then request that it be burninated. While the tag exists I don't see any reason to view requests to add them as necessarily inappropriate.
hmmm...from a read over it seemed like a valid tag add. Will have to watch in the future
I approved couple of those tag. Retagging is important in my opinion - but I did not check any more details about that tag. Will do next time, thanx.
I also approved a few of those retags. They seemed valid as the question was pertaining to it. I will be more vigilant in the future.
stackoverflow.com/users/1227009/matthias -- just did a large amount of retag edits from eclipse to eclipse-scout. Those invalid too?
And another. 4sha is changing all links to 'example.com' instead of mysite.com or whatever else someone has used.
I've also seen quite a few instances of people just correcting single easy to identify typos, like "Micrsoft" and "eclpse". I generally approve the first two but reject the rest as too minor. Should I just reject from the start?

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