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sorry for showing up so late, I left my computer for a bit
its cool sorry i just noticed you got in haha
what server are you using and what PHP mods are enabled?
haha well hello there
Im using MySQL on an iPage hosted server.
ipage wtf
I'm really new to PHP, been working on it for a couple days now so my knowledge is limited
PHP has a cache module that may be the source
but your ipage may also lemme research that
lol I started using ipage last year just to play around with, and now I'm using it because I already had it paid for
well you arent the first to have the issue apparently
if you have access to your .htaccess file, add
Header set Cache-Control: “private, pre-check=0, post-check=0, max-age=0?
Header set Expires: 0
Header set Pragma: no-cache
to it
wow thanks, ima go try that out.
if that works, make sure NOT to use it if you publish a live site
that cache is a big performance gain when used
it didn't work anyway lol
you'll need to change the file name again like before and restart apache
Maybe the best solution is to change hosting services
What I'm working on eventually will go live
I don't want to lose the advantages of caching is my favorite by far
cheap (not $1.68 but still) and great performance
plus they upgrade you like every quarter for free as the site improves its awesome
I'm at like 3TB bandwidth and 2GB ram and started with 1TB and 512MB
hmm. I'll have check it out. I never had an issue with Ipage but then again I never was using php
depending on the files your server caches, you could probably load the CSS through PHP instead
that keeps your server from thinking its CSS and caching it while allowing browsers to cache it still when it hasn't changed
interesting. Seems like a little more work, but might be the only option if I stick with iPage
The page I'm working on is very simple, but I have a small portion of PHP that I'm using for gaining user information. Sucks that the little bit of PHP is going to jack this up.
it's not the PHP
the iPage service caches frequent files (like most other shared web hosting) like JS, CSS and HTML to reduce disk reads
so you could server just html files and have the same issue
hmm. I wonder if this is something that will work itself out tomorrow lol. or if this will always give me consistent issues now. iPage is starting to annoy me lol
Well thanks for the help man. At least I know i'm not crazy haha
haha good luck i hope you get it figured out

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