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is anyone there ?
can the doubts be cleared here too ....
this is my first time trying the chat !
@user522003 welcome
@user522003 you can see who is in a room in the top right. The more opaque avatars are recently active. It gives you a good indication into how active the room is.
3 hours later…
hey anyone here?
i have a question about running a newsletter service
@Greg Judging by the indications, this room is dead.
Its not that bad :D
Hey, anyone here?
I'm looking for some help, do you have any experience with memcached or real-time web services?
@EdanMaor Sorry not 100% sure, what language?
Python/Django, although it's not necessarily about that.
I'm implementing a chat, and I'm trying to understand the best way to keep a list of online users.
It's probably not something I should be storing in a db...
@EdanMaor The guys in the JavaSCript room understand pretty well how to do that:


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
ok I'll check it out, thanks
7 hours later…
@user522003 This is a relatively new room. :P
Hi all, I need to ask a question in general, I need to change doctype html to xhtml. will it cause any alignment issues ..?
alignment as in margin and padding?
Is this good?
Hi! :)
| DOCTYPE                    |
| HTML                       |
| +------------------------+ |
| | HEAD                   | |
| | +--------------------+ | |
| | | META               | | |
| | | TITLE              | | |
| | | STYLESHEETS        | | |
| | | SCRIPTS            | | |
| | +--------------------+ | |
| | BODY                   | |
| | +--------------------+ | |
| | | SOME CONTENT       | | |
@Paul What do you mean by alignment?
Never gets old
@Paul Speaking of alignment, can we make align: chaotic-evil part of CSS4?
@Nathan what would that do?
| <!DOCTYPE html>                                  |
| <html lang='en'>                                 |
| +----------------------------------------------+ |
| | <head>                                       | |
| | +------------------------------------------+ | |
| | | <meta charset='utf-8' />                 | | |
| | | <title>...</title>                       | | |
| | | <link rel='stylesheet' href='…' />       | | |
| | | <script src='…'></script>                | | |
Not decided by the standard?
@DontCare4Free Rendering would be up to the user agent.
Look at my ASCII art :)
Ah I didn't close many things.
@Nathan I don't really see the use for it though
| <!DOCTYPE html>                                  |
| <html lang='en'>                                 |
| +----------------------------------------------+ |
| | <head>                                       | |
| | +------------------------------------------+ | |
| | | <meta charset='utf-8' />                 | | |
| | | <title>...</title>                       | | |
| | | <link rel='stylesheet' href='…' />       | | |
| | | <script src='…'></script>                | | |
2011-Mar-01: Felix Sasaki, W3C Germany and Austria Office, gives a talk entitled: "Internationalization with XML" http://ow.ly/1byeHN
Best practices for creating MMI Modality Components Note Published http://ow.ly/1byXoC
Web Notifications First Draft Published http://ow.ly/1bz4OX
W3C Launches HTML5 Chinese Interest Group http://ow.ly/1bzjjb
RT @karlpro: HTML5, a better documentation - http://bit.ly/gRqybb You can help #openweb
Fun with jQuery Templating and AJAX http://bit.ly/efowAa by @danwellman
RT @cowboy: jQuery snippet that simulates the DOM building: (function n(e){e.eq(0).fadeIn(99,function(){n(e.slice(1))})})($(":visible"). ...
Only about 10 early-bird tickets left for the upcoming SF jQuery Conference -- grab yours before the price goes up! http://bit.ly/gUMI95
@winglian Shame! We'll have to catch you next time :)
@spyrosl We actually just opened a few more... so still fast, but you can take time to breath ;)
night :)
@Nyuszika7H cya
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Wow feed spam.
Perhaps it just needs to do that once
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