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A: Duplicated tiles on tile-based game

Paul HicksThe problem is in this chunk inside the render method: for (int y = (int) Math.max(yOffset / (tileSize + scale), 0); y < Math.min((MCVE.HEIGHT + yOffset) / (tileSize + scale) + 1, levelImage.getHeight()); y++) { for (int x = (int) Math.max(xOffset / (tileSize + scale), 0); x < Math.min((MCVE...

Well, what the for loop code does is just render tiles that are inside of the screen. But, I didn't understood, what should I do to my code? PS: Thanks for answering... +1
The contents of the loop renders the tiles. The guard works out the inside of the drawing area. But those are different concepts. If you were drawing pixels, your loop guard would be correct, but you're not; you're drawing tiles. So you loop needs to think in tiles. Otherwise the value of x and y will be (are!) wrong. Change the loop guard to for (y = 0 ; y < levelImage.getHeight(); ++y). You don't need to worry about the borders of the screen since your screen.drawImage() bit already avoids drawing outside the limits.
I tried that but it didn't work. I'm editing my question to show the updated code.
Did it change the screen at all? Is it identical to the first picture still?
Yes. Try to run the MCVE. :D
Would love to, not enough memory on this machine :( Already full of other work stuff, will try finishing up current work and closing apps soon. Meantime, next possible debug-like step: can you black-out the drawing area in your render method before drawing the tiles, so that artifacts from previous calls are cleared? I know it shouldn't be needed, but it may give us a hint.
No hints D:. I tried the black-out... There is one thing that I didn't tell, I'm doing collision with the array rect[][], and the contains method. However the collision is working fine, but the tiles that shouldn't be on the screen are like "invisible" to the collision, I can just pass through them. This is the best hint I could say...
Yes the collision part makes sense, since your tiles and rects are correct, it's only the rendering that is a problem. You'll have to debug a bit more. Try deleting the loop in render, then add back in bits at a time (e.g. draw just 1 tile; draw one line of tiles; draw one column of tiles; draw entire screen)
A more sophisticated solution would be to replace the level-based render method with a tile-based render method: tiles.each { x, y -> render() } (to use the java8 notation).
Hmm... I changed the bricks tiles to be dirt tiles and well, the number of bricks is now smaller, take a look:
How did you change them? Changed the sprite or the tilesBufferedImages
The level image.
Ok that's weird. Are you doing this with the mcve?
In the main Game and the MCVE.
Reviewing your comparison code.. onesec
In the main Game it looks different:
And there are no brick pixels in your levelImage?
Would it be a Java bug??? I don't know what to think right now...
Not in the updated one:
No it's not a java bug. If you put in enough tests you'll figure it out, or if you redesign so that the minimum amount of work is done by the maximum number of responsible entities, you'd get it. You're doing lots of work in a small number of responsible entities, and that makes bugs easy to hide.
The problem is that the same code works for other games...
I don't know what to think now...
What if your change your offsets? You've got 50, 400 in the MCVE.
They work fine... Tested x and y right now...
Yes but do the exta tiles change?
Also, is update called in MCVE? It's distracting me, I'll remove it in my editor I'm try
No. Update can be ignored.
Gah, too many programs running. My boss needs a bigger machine budget
I need to go now, we continue chatting later. Thanks for everything.
1 hour later…
Update: your level1.png is corrupt. When I dump its contents in generateLevel using c.getRGB(), there are a load of bricks that shouldn't be there.
This looks exactly the same to my eyes, but the contents are different. And your program works now. Or at least, my version of MCVE works with it. BTW, your MCVE was.. CVE. I deleted a lot and refactored it into a single file, 120 lines. And it could be smaller!

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