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4 hours later…
hello guys
i have a small issue
i want to download mp3 n play it in my rails app
i can download mp3 using open -uri
but my problem is how to play it ?
3 hours later…
@madyrockss:- You can store that MP3 in public folder or any other folder and then give path in that MP3 player to play
you can also use MP3 player plugins provided by JQuery
2 hours later…
Anyone used Spree before ?
Sorry, no.
I am trying to understand REST and resources....learning Rails
Have you used devise ?
ok dude fine then
Do you understand REST?
REST- representational state transfer...that is using HTTP GET,POST,PUT,DELETE action to perform operations on the database
you have to map routes based on this
it is stored in the config/routes.rb
I get that part....or at least I remember it, but I don't understand what REST really is. Is it a pattern or what?
Do you know HTTP
It has methods such as GET POST
I know about the methods, content negotation and URL
basically other web technology mostly do not use these methods in the web applications
Rails provides the way to utilize these HTTP action map to the Actions in the Rails controller based on the routes defined
They are making many URLs for these actions?
such as create_user.something?name=Superman....
resources :users will provide the all GET,POST,PUT,DELETE routes for users model
that URL maps to the action suggested in the routes.rb file
the attributes like name =superman....is your choice
But is the pattern on making resources that leverage HTTP methods such as GET/PUT/POST/DELETE written somewhere
whether you want to send in with the url or not
rails use /users/1/edit for edit
/users if you want to create an user (POST)
But is this pattern written in the REST?
for updating user after edit use PUT
It is the pattern provided by rails..
Ok, so another framework could do this in another way right?
you can override it as
match 'cart/:action/:id' => 'cart'
and still use REST
Another framework can do this, no issues
its depends upon the Framework how they have implemented REST in their framework
So REST is just that you use HTTP methods and content negotiation instead of making a lot of URLs and parameters?
What would it mean to be "RESTful" then?
you can understand the call by seeing the URL pattern
the urls which are built using REST are restful
a RESTful resouce....does that just mean that the object/resouce is following the REST pattern that the framework use?
resource :model

will automatically define the new,create,edit,update,delete routes
no need to define separately
then the "model" is RESTful right?
it is a RESTful resource
I think I understand now :D
I am not that expert but tried to tell you the basics which I have understood
so resource is only the technical term used for something that is availble on the web
resource is the method in the routes
I think of "resource" as a name you hear when you read on REST
def resources(*entities, &block)
options = entities.extract_options!
entities.each { |entity| map_resource(entity, options.dup, &block) }
When you will go through the routes file you will understand it clearly
if you ant ot check how routes are generated
Thank you
I think I actually get it
then from the project directory fire command
rake routes
you will get the generated routes
Sorry for not being able to help you
Its not the case that everybody should help me...I can help people too
What are you using for developing?
IDE or text editors and command line?
Means ? Editor or Machine ?
Netbeans IDE
I used RubyMine for evaluation period
I am using that now
I read about sublime and command line....I might try that too
it was awesome
Which editor you are trying ?
At the moment I am using RubyMine. But I might try text editor Sublime and command line tools just to see. I read that many use that combo too
Yup you can try it too
as per your convenience
but use MAc machine or Linux machine.....any unix based OS
on windows its bit tough to do all the things
dude, you are from ?
Dude, what are the advantages of sublime ?
Have you used it ever ?
Is there autocomplete feature ?
I have never used it
I just saw that it was "more powerful" than TextMate
I have always used IDEs
I am working mostly with Java
I also worked on Android for sometime
Eclipse is the right option for it
RubyMine speedsup the development
but its not free
Have you tried IntelliJ?
not yet
is it good ?
but as you say, not free
the same company that makes RubyMine
oh ha ha
then it will not be free
Where is the official API for Rails?
is it taht on rubyonrails.org?
Which book did you learn Rails from?
3rd edition book
its nice book
and you can get the needed references from the web
I have that too
are you able to help a ROR noob?
@JamesMcL13 How are you
I am a noob myself but I can try
I'm trying to search a database using a start date
this is what the url looks like
Could you just paste the path?
so I have start date, end date and key words
I can search on keywords fine, but not on start and end date
they are getting sent it think since the text shows up in the url
I have not worked much with RoR, still learning
I do not think I am able to help
It's ok, I might just have to ask another question on stack overflow. Feel im asking to many though :/
There is no limit :)
Just ask
Ok will do, thanks for your help :)
Sorry for not being able to help
2 hours later…
Actually, in regards to @shailesh_srk's comment about a OS to develop on, I've found Windows to be very kind to Rails development. Much easier to set up than Linux and the limited Mac experience I've had. (Thanks to Engineyard's installer)
And there is a free version of IntelliJ that is open source (but it is only for Java development)
I use RubyMine for extended Ruby work and Sublime for quick edits.
@CharlesCaldwell Hi
Do you have any tips on what is best to learn Rails from?
Rails 3 in Action by Ryan Bigg and Yehuda Katz is a good book. They cover testing in the second chapter which most Rails books don't cover until later. I like that.
I feel that books on Rails miss so much
I also started reading "Learning Rails 3" which came out today. It's by Simon St. Laurent. I learned Rails from his previous edition of the book but I've gotten rusty since then.
they just skip over content
Books on Java is much better
And, even though everyone will say it, and I hate to "jump on the band wagon", but RailsCasts from Ryan Bates is a treasure of knowledge
Yeah, the books do skip details. I find myself stopping when they talk about something and go researching it. Like digging into the documentation of Bundler or Thor
Which would you recommend
the first or second book?
I can't say the second book because I've only started reading it today. I've only skimmed the introduction. I'll dig into it tonight once I get home from work.
Oh okey, I buy it
the in action book, is that good or does it skip a lot of details?
Though, I must say, Eloquent Ruby from Russ Olsen is the best Ruby book I've read (no Rails)
I have already read Ruby books, I want Rails
The Action book is pretty detailed. They cover app features you are more likely to use like sending email, authorization, making an API, deployment and such
I just hate books that can't explain the things they introduce
They just pop up from nowhere

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